Infinite script kill

Chapter 223 You are destined to die!

Chapter 223 You are destined to die!
Fenglai Tower is a famous place in the Jianghu. Every stranger from the Jianghu comes here, more or less can get some strange news.

The weirdest thing is the opera storytelling that is performed on stage every day. It seems that it has nothing to do with me, but if you taste it carefully, you can always find that it seems to be inextricably related to me.

Xu Tong has long wanted to mess things up, but he never had a chance, so he brought his thigh today, just to see what kind of mysteries are hidden in this Fenglai building.

Xue Gui, who was standing beside him, could not help but brighten his eyes when Xu Tong talked about all kinds of Fenglailou and what Gao Zhuo heard from the leader of the beggar gang, and became more interested in this Fenglailou. .

"It's a new idea to use others to divination and replace your own karma."

The master just listened to what Xu Tong said, and he already understood in his heart where the wonderful place of Fenglai Tower is.

At this time, the closed door was opened slowly by himself first, and a person came out from the door, it was the shopkeeper of Fenglailou.

"Two distinguished guests are coming. My boss has prepared tea and has been waiting for you for a long time."

The shopkeeper clasped his hands and invited the two to enter with a polite look, but Xue Gui pressed Xu Tong's shoulders: "Son, we are customers. Since we are customers, should we talk about the dust on our bodies before entering the door?"

I saw Xue Gui pinching his fingers as he talked, and he didn't know when he pinched a stone on his fingertips. When he flicked his fingers, the stone flew out with a bang. The mirror fell from the beam and smashed to pieces.

Seeing that the mirror was broken, the shopkeeper's expression changed, and he looked up at Xue Gui, but Xue Gui pointed to the beam top at the door to Xu Tong with a smile on his face: "You look at 33 beams making columns, each one There is a Chongtian Gate carved on the crossbeam, which is exactly the 33rd Heaven, and whoever enters will be crushed."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the mirror on the ground: "It is rumored that the King of Qin has a treasure called the Mirror of the King of Qin. Regardless of whether it is true or not, Maoshan's numerology and physiognomy happens to have a technique called looking at the bone through the mirror, which uses two faces. Mother mirror, as soon as you enter the door, your fate will be clearly illuminated by others."

"Oh!" Xu Tong took a look. There were indeed 33 beams, going up layer by layer, like a pagoda shape. Come.

He thought to himself: "No wonder people already knew the reason for me as soon as they entered the door. It turns out that the problem lies here."

Seeing the master finished speaking and looking around, he couldn't help smiling and said: "Good Fengshui, Luoshui is on the front, Chenghe is on the back, and the three roads lead directly to the main road. What a pity for the teahouse, what do you think of the shopkeeper?"

The big shopkeeper couldn't answer for a while, and he played some tricks in front of his house, which was not so unpredictable, but after so many years, it can be seen that there is only one person in front of him, with cold sweat on his forehead.

It's a pity that there is no drone, otherwise if you look down from the top, you will see that the pattern of the teahouse is like a toad lying on the ground, holding two streets in the left hand, the gate faces the main road, and the buttocks face the moat.

This is the notorious water and land golden cicada in Feng Shui. Xue Gui joked with a smile that such a good fortune should not be used as a teahouse. fortune sucked away.

It's like drinking tea, leaving behind the tea dregs, and finally throwing it into the moat from behind Jin Chan's butt.

In short, this Feng Shui bureau is the most shady, the boss's design is very ingenious, even some strangers in the rivers and lakes have not noticed it, I don't want Xue Gui to take a look at it, and he can see the layout of his teahouse clearly.

Seeing the embarrassment on the shopkeeper's face, Xue Gui smiled and patted the non-existent dust on his hands, lifted his coat and led Xu Tong into the door.

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Tong felt that the temperature inside the building was at least five or six degrees lower than outside, and then he saw six or seven large ice cubes placed under the table of the teahouse.

Don't look at the inconspicuousness of five or six large ice cubes, but you may not be able to buy these things even if you spend money in this era.

The tables and benches in front of the stage were all emptied, leaving only two grand chairs and a small tea table.

The tea and fruit plate above has been placed, obviously for the two of them.

Xue Gui sat on the chair generously, but Xu Tong didn't dare to sit, and the rules with Mr. Song were not lost at all, and he obediently stood behind the master.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper couldn't help but secretly relieved: "Sure enough, this kid is really Xue Gui's apprentice."

The shopkeeper didn't know the inside story and only thought that Xu Tong was Xue Gui's apprentice. If he wanted to blame him, he could only blame the master Xue Gui's appearance for being too young.

"Senior, my boss has a chronic illness and it is inconvenient to see customers. I will pass on the news today. Do you see if it is possible?" The shopkeeper stepped forward and asked cautiously.

Xue Gui picked up the tea bowl, ignored the shopkeeper, just took a look at the tea and said with a smile: "Bitan Piaoxue, the tea is really good, don't stand up, sit down and drink some tea, just in time for digestion."

The second half of Xue Gui's sentence was naturally addressed to Xu Tong, and the master asked him to sit down, so of course he would not stand up again.

Sitting down generously, he took a look at the tea, and saw that the tea was clear and moist, exuding a faint fragrance of jasmine, and a few white jasmine flowers floating on it were really beautiful.

Just like the name of this tea, Bitan Piaoxue.

After taking a sip, the aroma immediately hits the nostrils, and the aroma of tea lingers around the jaws for a long time.

After taking a sip, I feel refreshed, but after just a few sips, I suddenly feel a little hungry.

"This tea is good, and the dim sum is also well made. It looks like it was made by a famous teacher. Eat it quickly."

Xue Gui pushed a stack of mung bean cakes in front of him with a doting face.

I saw that this plate of mung bean cake was very exquisitely made, with peonies carved on it, and the skin color on the outside was plump and delicate. When Xu Tong touched it with his fingers, it was still hot, as if it had just come out of the pot.

When I opened it, I saw that the bean paste inside was as fine as sand grains, with a faint fragrance of osmanthus, but the fragrance was ingeniously combined with the taste of the mung bean cake itself, ensuring that it would not overwhelm the host.

Take another sip, and you will feel that the taste is delicate and compact, the taste is fragrant and soft and not sticky to the teeth, the more you eat, the more delicious it becomes, and paired with the cup of snowy, fragrant tea at hand, it really has a special taste.

The master and apprentice ate with gusto, and the face of the shopkeeper at the side became more and more ugly, as if being ignored by being left there.

At this moment, a note fell from the bay window on the third floor.

The big shopkeeper hurriedly reached out to catch it, and was stunned for a moment, then quickly whispered a few words into the ear of the waiter, and soon saw the waiter carrying a box in.

The box was opened, and there were antique calligraphy and paintings inside, and any of the things inside would be priceless treasures.

It's a pity that the master doesn't like this thing, and Xu Tong doesn't care much.

Seeing that the two of them ignored it, the big shopkeeper could only look at the small window on the third floor.

After a while, another note floated down from the small window on the third floor. After seeing it, the shopkeeper twitched the corner of his mouth a few times, put the note away, and said respectfully to Xue Gui: "Senior, my boss knows that you are here today to Ask for an explanation, since this is the case, what should seniors do, please draw a path."

Xue Gui glanced at the shopkeeper, picked up the teacup and took two sips without haste, glanced at Xu Tong who was eating deliciously, and stretched out two fingers without haste: "Close the door!"

The shopkeeper stared blankly at Xue Gui's hand, and asked with disbelief, "You want us to close the door of Fenglailou?"

Now the guys on the side were annoyed: "Why do you want us to close the door!!"

As soon as the words fell, Xue Gui finally smiled. He picked up the tea bowl and stood up from the chair, handed the tea bowl in front of the shopkeeper, and loosened his fingers.


The fine blue and white porcelain bowl immediately fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

"If you don't close it, I will help you close it."

After the master's words fell, he squinted at the small window on the third floor, his eyes seemed to penetrate the darkness inside the window, and he locked on the vague figure with one glance: "Do you want me to help you, or close it yourself."

In the shadow behind the small window, a black figure swayed a few times, and casually dropped a piece of paper with only one word on it: "Close!"


Seeing the word "closed" written in black and white on it, the big shopkeeper's eyes turned red. He has been in Fenglailou for so many years, and this place is like his home. If he says close, he will close it. This is like digging his flesh.

" are deceiving people too much!"

The clerk was about to rush forward, but was dragged by the shopkeeper. He knew that although these clerks had some skills, they were looking for death if they rushed forward.

Pulling the clerk's arm and looking up at the small window, I saw a hand sticking out of the small window. The hand was very slender, but the skin gave off a sickly paleness. A piece of paper in the hand was not dropped. There are only two words written on it: "Hurry up!"


Looking at these two words, the shopkeeper's eyes turned red, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

Seeing this, the other guys knelt down one after another. They have been greatly favored by Fenglailou all these years, and this is their home. If they are allowed to leave, they will all be homeless again from now on.

"Boss, if you don't leave, we won't either."


Seeing the shopkeepers kneeling on the ground, the hand in the small window was finally retracted, but after a while, a flash of fluorescent lightning flew out of the small window.

With a pinch of Xue Gui's fingertips, he clamped the piece of fluorescent object in his hand, it was nothing but another piece of immortal jade.

Xu Tong watched from the side, but he didn't expect the second piece of jade to be in the hands of the owner of Fenglailou.

Looking at the jade piece, Xue Gui reluctantly nodded, and said to the shopkeeper, "Come make a pot of tea, and I'll give you another half an hour. If you don't leave after half an hour, don't leave."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Xue Gui's words, then looked towards the small window, then looked at the jade piece in his hand, and finally the shopkeeper suddenly got up and said angrily: "Your Excellency, what do you mean, you have collected the things, and you have to kill them all!" , it's too much."

Seeing how excited they were, Xu Tong stood up silently, took out the pistol and put it in his hand to play with. Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, the shopkeepers frowned, and finally remembered that they were still sitting on the side. With a big killer star.

What happened last night has already been spread. So many people died, but this kid has not yet been killed. The last explosion caused heavy casualties to the people in the Lower Jiuliu. This is a lunatic.

And Xue Gui is an old lunatic. It is obviously impossible to reason with these two lunatics sitting here.

At this moment, the closed door on the third floor finally opened, a man in his fifties came out, stood on the corridor and looked down at Xue Gui, slowly opened his mouth, and saw the man The upper and lower lips seem to be glued together.

As the mouth opened, the blood flowed out immediately, making people feel pain when looking at it with the naked eye, and after this man opened his mouth, he uttered the first sentence in 40 years: "Old thief, you are destined to die badly... "

ps: there are more in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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