Chapter 225 Group Destruction
Gao Zhuo hurriedly ended the conversation with Xu Tong, and ran to Shangqing Palace without caring too much.

He was not worried about Chang Miao and Mr. Xue, but worried that the beggar gang would leave, and he might not even want to see the sun tomorrow.

It was not easy for him to get acquainted with the group of old guys from the Beggars' Gang, and he had done seven or eight side missions alone. All the efforts of the beggar gang were in vain.

Before leaving, Xu Tong called him to stop, and handed him the [Spirit Card], and if necessary, took out the card to the master, and the master would know that he was his friend when he saw the card.

In fact, it is also unlucky for the gang of beggars.

Speaking of which, last time, Lai Da led a group of masters to snatch Chang Miao halfway. He thought that Chang Miao had hidden all the treasures in the Town God's Temple in the dung truck, so he beat Chang Miao and pushed the dung truck happily Ran.

On the way, Lai Da had already begun to think that when the treasures were pulled out, everyone would get a share, and he would get one or two unremarkable treasures and sell them, so that he would be able to escape from the beggar gang, go back to the countryside and build a two-story mansion, and then Marry a big ass wife and live.

As a result, he talked wildly all the way. After pulling the dung truck back to the temporary stronghold of the Beggars' Clan, everyone took great pains to push the dung truck down, and the dung inside spilled all over the ground.

That scene was full of people, all the flags and drums... Oh, wrong, again, it should be so dizzy and dizzy from vomiting, even the old beggar who has been begging for decades was almost killed on the spot after taking a sip. send away.

Why is it so stinky?Because Chang Miao hid the iron box that Taoist Zhuzhu hid in the dung truck, so he was reluctant to empty the dung in the truck, worried that he would not lose Taoist Zhuzhu.

And dung water is not the poop in the latrine. There is an essential difference between these things. Dung mostly refers to a kind of thing formed after a certain period of time and environmental fermentation. This thing has been stuffy in the car for a few days.!
Good guy, the entire beggar gang stronghold was blown up on the spot.

Lai Da was also dumbfounded. What he was dumbfounded was that when the dung truck was opened, it was full of dung and there was no treasure. He rummaged inside for a while and found an iron box. He immediately regarded it as a treasure and hurriedly opened it to have a look.

I saw that there was only a pig made of yellow paper inside, and it was only half! !

Lai Da was so angry that he threw the pig into the dung water, and he didn't forget to step on it a few times. He didn't notice the pig's trotters that Taoist Zhuzhu was struggling at that time. (The magnitude is too small only when the wind blows)

Because of this incident, Lai Da was beaten up so badly by a group of beggar gang members that he almost couldn't take care of himself.

Even the old leader of the beggar gang almost picked up the dog-beating stick to kill the grandson.

Lai Da was beaten up and raised for two days. Instead of feeling remorseful, he began to encourage the old leader of the beggar gang to go to the door to snatch it. It happened that a beggar came back and said that the antique city is now passing on the pile of antiques, all of which are of great value. matter.

When the old beggar heard this, he began to ponder in his heart.

Can you not think about it? ?The actions of Master Chu Zhao and the others did not involve the Beggars' Gang, the meaning is already obvious, that Xue Gui has formed a relationship with their Beggars' Gang again.

Last time in Hanzhong, several elders all died violently, and his precious young son also died in the hands of Xue Gui, so that the strength of the beggar gang is now greatly weakened. It is still another matter whether they can participate in the Beimang meeting in a month's time .

If not, wouldn't their beggar gang be at a loss this time? After thinking about it for a while, the so-called thousand birds in the forest are not as good as a bird in hand. Why don't they take this opportunity to snatch things over, at least not at the expense of people and money? null.

So this time I took people straight to the Shangqing Palace. Today's Shangqing Palace only has those few dirt roads, full of barren mountains and fields. This group of beggars is not afraid of being noticed by the police. I walked up the mountain with a stick. If I didn't know it, I'm afraid I thought I was going up the mountain for an outing.

"Lai Da!"

The old beggar yelled and called Lai over. He looked him up and down with two pairs of triangular eyes, which made Lai very uncomfortable. He hurried forward and said, "You order."

The old beggar kicked Lai Da away a few steps, and asked with disgust on his face, "Are you sure that guy is an ordinary person?"

He always felt uncomfortable along the way, especially his brows were always twitching uncontrollably, and he always had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

This is not a good sign, so he has to confirm with Lai Da again and again.

"Don't worry, the last time we beat that kid, he didn't know any kung fu, let alone a stranger in the world, and our people have been watching him for a while, he is just a big shit."

Lai Da patted his chest and reassured him again and again. In order to reassure the old gang leader, Lai Da specially called the people who beat Chang Miao last time to testify.

Seeing that these people had confirmed that Chang Miao had no special abilities, the old beggar finally felt relieved.

He just said with embarrassment on his face: "For so many years in our Beggar Clan, the rule has never been to steal or rob. Now this time I am afraid that the rules will be broken."

Lai Da on the side heard the words and hurriedly explained: "Old leader, it is said that the treasures of the world are virtuous. Besides, we are borrowing them, and we will pay them back later. At worst, we will give him an elder of the beggar gang, and he will treat you like that." Your filial piety."

After Lai finished talking, the old beggar squinted: "You bastard, if you rob it, you rob it. Why do you lie like this? Don't be so hypocritical."

Lai Da was severely reprimanded and nodded in agreement.

However, the old beggar changed his voice, touched his snow-white beard and frowned and said: "But what you said is also reasonable. Let's go in first and then fight. You will bring the Eight Great Vajras in later. Remember not to do anything, but to tell him in a friendly manner." Understand, we are borrowing this."

Good guy, are you more hypocritical than me?Is it worthwhile for you to send out all the Eight King Kongs?Make it clear that I am a villain.

Lai Da's heart was like a bright mirror, and he scolded the street for a while. It's a good thing that this matter went well. If something happened in the future, he would be the first to be thrown out and blamed.

But he didn't dare to say these words, he could only bite the bullet and go up when things came to an end, otherwise... Lai Da looked around, the Beimang Mountain in the wilderness was probably the place where he was buried up.

Fortunately, when he thought of Chang Miao's timid appearance, he felt a little more at ease.

So he patted his chest and reassured the old beggar that there was no problem, then turned around and walked straight to the gate of Shangqing Palace with the so-called Eight Great Vajras.

I saw eight beggars, all of whom were strong and strong, with shining eyes and bulging temples. They were all apprentices of the old beggar, and they were well taught by the old beggar, so they were called the Eight Great Vajras.

With these eight people supporting him, Lai Da was naturally confident in his heart, and led his men to kick open the door of the Shangqing Palace: "You fucking man, come out for me!!"

As they spoke, the nine people stepped into the Guanmen, and they did not forget to close the door behind them.

As for the old beggar and others, they sat under the shade of a tree and waited for Lai Da to carry the treasure out for him.

After about ten minutes, the door of Shangqing Palace was pushed open, and Lai Da came out of the door with a blushing face. When everyone looked carefully, Lai Da's face was beaten like a monkey's butt.

Suddenly everyone was startled, even the old beggar stood up, looked at Lai Da's face and said in surprise: "Who beat you like this, where is the Eight King Kong?"

Lai Da burst into tears on the spot when he heard it, and he cried indistinctly: "I... woo...Old gang leader, you don't know, that guy doesn't talk about martial arts, and he kills us before we finish talking." They were all called, and they said they wanted you to go in to redeem someone, and he also said..."

"What else to say??" The old beggar's expression turned uneasy.

"I also said that you...have lost the face of eighteen generations of ancestors. You are...a maggot in a cesspit."

The latter sentence was added by Lai Da himself.

The corner of the old beggar's mouth twitched, but he was not stupid. Hearing the words, he asked back: "Nine of you, you can't beat him alone?? Didn't you say that he is an ordinary person??"

"It's not that manure, it's a stranger, we don't recognize him." Lai Da complained bitterly.


The old beggar was heartbroken, he had never seen such a big storm at such a young age, and said sharply, "Go and have a look."

As he spoke, he grabbed Lai Da and walked inside with a group of people.

Pushing open the gate of the Taoist temple, he saw his eight apprentices standing there motionless. The old beggar squinted his eyes and looked forward, and saw a man in a coat standing in front of the gate of Laojun Temple. Stand there and wait for them.

On the side of the pool, there was another man sticking his head out to watch the excitement, thinking that it should be the Chang Miao that Lai Dakou was talking about.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face, and he cupped his hands towards the man in front of the Laojun Hall in front of him and said: "Your Excellency is so skilled, my eight apprentices are actually invincible, but I don't know what kind of sect your Excellency is, can you give me a hand?" thread."

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand, the old beggar has also let go of his posture.

Unexpectedly, the man just sneered: "Hehe, he is tall and short-legged, so it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, it's just the rules of the Beggars' Clan. You don't steal and don't rob. You'd rather be a starving ghost than a heartless person. In the early days of the Republic of China, you Beggars' Clan The rules set in Hankou have been completely corrupted by you."

The smile on the old beggar's face suddenly froze in place. The phrase "a tall man with short legs" is the jargon of their beggars' gang, and only beggars who don't know each other will say this when they meet, meaning they can't afford to climb high.

And the so-called rules are the ten rules of the Beggar Gang in Hankou in the early Republic of China. Few people know about this. How did he know? ?

The old beggar suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Xue Gui laughed loudly, squinting his eyes: "There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to come in from hell, old guy, you let someone kill me in Hanzhong, we should also settle the score never mind."


Speaking of this, if the old beggar didn't know who the person in front of him was, he would be called a ghost. Suddenly, a chill came over him, and he felt like a big centipede crawled along his spine to the top of his head on his back, and his whole body Goosebumps stood up.

What happened yesterday has already been spread all over the place. The old beggar didn't know how powerful Xue Gui was. His heart sank, and he scolded Lai Da, an idiot. He sent them all to the gate of the Palace of the King of Hell.

Shouting badly, he turned around and was about to run, but it was too late at this time, Xue Gui bowed his hands down, and all the beggars suddenly felt dizzy...

(End of this chapter)

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