Chapter 226 Exchange meeting (ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets!!)

"Boss Wang! Long time no see, what are you talking about recently?"

"Picking up trash, I heard that you have made a big move recently, Boss Zhang, please help me."

"Zhongzhongzhongzhong...drink soup, drink soup."

It was only ten o'clock in the evening, and the beef offal soup restaurant was already full of people at two or three tables. Wang Gong's father was not in a hurry to go home when the business was finished, and stayed to take care of the business with Wang Gong.

Perhaps it was because there were so many living people in the soup restaurant during this period that the occasional 'guests' appeared less and less.

This made Xu Tong very upset, because after seeing Xue Lao's Baishankou, he had an unprecedented desire for Baishankou's unique trick.

At best, his mountain worship buckle is not as good as the skin. If it really comes to Mr. Xue, sending people to the underworld with his hands is simply an unpredictable method.

If he can master such a skill, why don't he worry about not having script points? ?Just selling special products is enough to realize the freedom of script sharing.

He was thinking of a sweet dream, when Chen Jian elbowed him: "Your friend is back."

Xu Tong half-opened his eyelids and saw Gao Zhuo walking in covered in mud. He looked around, and when he saw Xu Tong, he sat in front of him with a sad face: "Here you are!"

Seeing Gao Zhuo put the spirit tablet on the table, Xu Tong looked at it and asked with a smile, "Why didn't you catch up?"

This is which pot is not open and which pot is being lifted, Gao Zhuo's nose is almost crooked when he heard it, if it weren't for the crowds in the soup restaurant, he might have jumped up and cursed the street.

After he got the news from Xu Tong, he ran like a dog in Sahuan, wishing he could grow two more legs. From Drum Tower to Beimang Mountain, which was an hour and a half away, he ran there in 10 minutes.

As a result, he rushed over to see that the group of beggars had already run away. He grabbed a beggar to ask about the situation and found out that since the old leader went in, there was no news.

Gao Zhuo's heart skipped a beat at that moment, he knew something bad happened.

But unwilling to give up, he still bit the bullet and knocked on the door. It was Chang Miao who opened the door. Gao Zhuo handed him the sign and asked him to go in to inform Mr. Xue. Chang Miao came out within 2 minutes after entering, and returned the sign. Give it to him, just say that you are late, everyone is cold, and ask him if you want to dig a hole in the back together and bury it.

Gao Zhuo's eyes were darkened, and he was about to vomit in depression. Everyone is finished, so why should he bury himself, bury himself in loneliness? ?
Seeing that he was about to leave, Chang Miao hurriedly changed her voice, saying that there was still one alive, who was digging a hole in the back to work, and she would only let him in if he agreed to help with the work.

Gao Zhuo thought for a while, thinking that saving one is only one, he nodded and agreed, but when he went in and took a look, there was indeed a living one, but he only found out that the living person was actually Lai Da.

That guy was so angry with Gao Zhuo, he swung his fist and beat him fiercely. It was this pitfall, he just single-handedly messed up the current No. [-] gang.

If it wasn't for Chang Miao who was pulling him aside, he would have wanted to bury this guy alive.

"So you've been digging holes with that guy in the backyard until now?"

Xu Tong asked with a suppressed smile.

"No, Jindu went in, there is always an explanation." Gao Zhuo sighed, the eight King Kongs plus an old gang leader and two elders were wiped out.

I don't know whether to say that Mr. Xue is ruthless and unscrupulous in killing, or that the old gang leader is old and his brain is not working well. Hearing the slander of Lai Da, an idiot, he insisted on hitting the gun himself.

In short, after being massacred by Xue Gui, this beggar gang that has grown up since the beginning of the Republic of China is afraid that it will fall apart from now on, and it will never form a climate again.

"Then did you see the master?" Xu Tong was holding the hookah pipe. The huge hookah pipe seemed out of place in the soup restaurant, but the bosses sitting at the table looked at the hookah pipe with two eyes. hair straight.

As long as the jade-like patina has been coiled on the hookah, one can imagine the age of this thing, and then look at the unremarkable cigarette holder, it is a high-quality red agate.

If it wasn't for Chen Jian, a vajra man, sitting next to Xu Tong, staring at them, someone would have been eager to ask the price.

"No!" Gao Zhuo shook his head, he was also very regretful when it came to this matter, he worked in the Shangqing Palace for a day, in fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to take a look at this rumored master.

After all, I have learned about this master's ability from my father since I was a child, and I have already felt admiration for him since I was young.

As a result, after finishing the work, I learned from Chang Miao that the master had already left the house.

Gao Zhuo was so angry that he swung Lai Da aside and beat him up.

"Hey, it's over, I've been busy for nothing. My poor two big brothers and second brothers are gone now. I've been busy wasting my feelings. I should have known that when I was in the hotel..."

Gao Zhuoyue was getting more and more angry, but it was a pity that Lai Da had already been beaten so badly that he threw him out of the Shangqing Palace to fend for himself, otherwise he really wanted to beat him up now.

Xu Tong smiled and asked Wang Gong to have another bowl of soup and two cakes: "Don't be angry, this is not a bad thing."

Xu Tong didn't feel sorry for the end of the beggar gang. After getting along for a day, he could already feel that the master had killed all the way here, and it seemed that he didn't intend to make these strangers feel comfortable.

It can even be said that he came here for these strangers, and there is a tendency to sweep the world with one sleeve.

Furthermore, today's beggar gang has long since lost the old rules. They are cheating, abducting and stealing, and all of them are talents. I learned from the master that there are even some beggar heads who don't go begging for food themselves. They were crippled and forced to beg on the street.

If they hadn't gone too far, the master probably wouldn't have done anything to them.

"Don't tell me, Mr. Xue first swept up the building and the gang of beggars today. Is this something that a person can do in a day? I guess by tomorrow morning, all those strangers in the world will be killed." It's fried."

Gao Zhuo stood up and took the offal soup and two pancakes that Wang Gong handed over, sat down again, and said while eating.

What Gao Zhuo meant was that he was worried that Mr. Xue would act resolutely, and he would definitely push the strangers in the world to the opposite side. At that time, just like in reality, one person boarded Beimang, one person took on everything, and the last person left the curtain sadly.

Xu Tong didn't speak, and the smoke came out from his mouth and nose. This was exactly what he was worried about. In reality, he didn't want to see the end of the master.

Since the reality cannot be changed, at least in this script world, can I give the master a satisfactory result?

Now the main mission [-] [Undercurrent] has already reminded me to complete it when I was at the train station, but the main mission [-] has not been reminded so far.

What if the second task is to sing against the master?
As for the side mission [Wait for the wind to come] I haven't reminded myself to complete the mission until now.

At first he thought that this wind was referring to the master, but now it is not the case, so what is this wind referring to? ?
Right now they are like people who got the script and don't know how to change the course of the script.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Jian's eyes suddenly brightened: "Here we come!!"

I saw a car parked in front of the door. After the door opened, Sun Ding in a white suit got out of the car. His handsome face matched with the high-end clothes on his body. He was like the prince charming in the hearts of all girls.

He opened the car door, and a delicate bare hand protruded out. With black high-heeled shoes stepping on the muddy stone bricks, a woman in a cheongsam came out from behind the car door.

Immediately, the eyes of the bosses who were sitting at the table drinking soup were fixed on the young woman as if they had been magnetized.

"Hey, I'm a good boy, she's really pretty, if I marry this wife, I'll go home on time every day." Zhang San said with a smack of his mouth.

"Come on, don't you look at that fat shadow of yours, whose face looks like that of a big wolf dog, look at the bracelet on her left hand, even if you sell all the broken bottles in your hand, it won't be worth it."

The bosses took a look, and they realized that, the bracelet on the woman's wrist glowed with a translucent fluorescence under the dim light, high ice green, and the floating flowers on it were like ink, without any flaws.

It is said that swords are given to heroes, and this bracelet is a perfect fit on a woman's wrist, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Che, no matter how good-looking she is, she is still old."

As expected of a straight man of steel, Chen Jian's first thought when facing a woman was, old!
Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo sat aside and laughed without saying a word.

The woman glanced around the soup restaurant. When the mother and son saw Xu Tong with a handsome appearance, their expressions couldn't help but change. After looking at each other for a while, the mother and son carefully sat on the empty table and chairs beside him. .

It was still early, and Xu Tong wasn't in a hurry. They weren't fishing, and the batch of antiques in their hands were indeed ready to be sold. But Xu Tong thought he was okay in terms of versatility, but in terms of appraising treasures, he was blind in this regard.

After all, among the old guys I have been in contact with since I was a child, apart from no cooks, I have never seen such a lunatic with a special profession. I have seen a few tomb robbers pretending to be crazy and being dragged to the hospital for appraisal.

So if you want to sell it at a good price and get the mother and son hooked, you still need to wait for that mysterious 'guest' to come to your door.

At about two in the morning, the bell on the door frame finally rang.

Everyone cheered up and looked towards the door. It was the same man, dressed in simple black. After walking in from the door, he glanced at Xu Tong and the others, nodded kindly, and sat down at the door again. superior.

Seeing that the rightful lord had arrived, Xu Tong frowned slightly, and kicked Chen Jian beside him with his toe.

Wang Gong, a clever little ghost, put away the chopsticks basket and the salt box on the table swiftly, and spread a thick layer of sackcloth on it.

When Chen Jian placed all those things on the table from under the chair, everyone's eyes were fixed on the white bowl, and their hearts began to beat faster.

"Let's quote once per person." Xu Tong glanced at the mother and child from the corner of his eye as he spoke, and said calmly, "This is an exchange meeting, and we exchange things for things. Everyone trades hands, and cash transactions are not accepted."

(End of this chapter)

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