Infinite script kill

Chapter 227 I Can Repair

Chapter 227 I Can Repair

"Cash transactions are not accepted, you are playing die!!"

Upon hearing Xu Tong's words, some people couldn't take it anymore and were ready to leave. These people came with money after hearing the news, and the briefcases in their hands were full of brand new ten-yuan bills.

Just to collect money, I don't know how many accounts were split up and down, and the result is that they don't accept cash transactions, who can stand it.

Immediately left cursing, but some stayed, like that fat Zhang San, who took a sip of soup unhurriedly, smashed his mouth, closed his eyes and looked slightly drunk, not knowing what to do. I thought I was drinking tea.

After a group of people left, the chubby face joked with a half-smile: "A bunch of idiots, reselling cultural relics is against the law. This is an exchange meeting, the emphasis is on communication, and we play around with each other."

Zhang San exchanged glances with each other, and everyone immediately nodded frantically in tacit understanding: "That's right, what Boss Zhang said is right, let's follow Boss Zhang's way of thinking, the little days are getting more and more hopeful, hahaha. "

Everyone laughed and praised Boss Zhang.

But after the likes, the big guy still had a problem. If there were other things, it was okay to say, but the treasures on the table were all worth a lot of money, especially the upside-down awn stubble, which was authentic Xing kiln white porcelain.

It is valuable in itself. If you can take it back and find an old craftsman to inlay the white porcelain with gold edges, the price will not be as simple as doubled.

It is really difficult for them to exchange things for things and want to come up with something that makes people's heart beat.

Seeing everyone's embarrassed expressions, Xu Tong added without haste: "Antiques, antiques, after all, I'm still playing. I'm more interested in those folk items. For example, this kind of thing, as long as it's good, you can exchange it."

Xu Tong smiled and took out the money model with the hole on it and put it on the table as a reference. Gao Zhuo was stunned when he heard the words, and thought: "Hey, you are not investigating cases?? After a long time, are you here to cash in??"

However, after Gao Zhuo complained briefly in his heart, his heart skipped a beat. He used his brains and thought about it carefully. It's not cashing out. Too many things are buried in this era.

Many treasures are regarded as garbage. If you can really find one or two treasures, what are these antiques?


As soon as he thought of this, Gao Zhuo hurriedly searched through the item book, took out some weird-looking items and put them on the table, as a reference for those antique dealers.

Now Zhang San and the others were overjoyed on the spot, headed closer and began to watch.

After looking around for a long time, they immediately hid aside and whispered to each other to discuss.

When they stood up, they saw Sun Ding's mother and son coming up. The two first looked at Xu Tong, and the woman first bowed her hands towards Xu Tong: "It turns out that the senior is interested in folk customs. My side There is one thing that seniors might as well take a look at."

The woman took out a small red cloth bag from the small bag at hand and handed it to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong looked at it pretendingly, buckled the cloth bag in the palm of his hand, quickly threw it into the item book, and then took it out in the blink of an eye. The whole process was so fast that people were surprised. It's just a flip of the palm.

At that moment just now, Xu Tong only saw an entry in the item book that needs to be identified. Obviously, this item does have some value.

But what it was he was not sure.

"Passing bags, things from Luzhou." At this time, the man sitting at the door glanced at Xu Tong's hand, and then said: "The wedding customs in Luzhou, when the wedding is celebrated, the bride walks slowly into the door of her husband's house. A red bag is passed forward in turn with the bride's footsteps, so it is called a pass bag."

After the man finished speaking, he glanced at the stitches on the bag again, and seeing that the bag hadn't been opened, he couldn't help asking, "Did you open this bag?"

The woman was startled, and turned to look at the man sitting at the door, but she didn't expect a tall man to sit here, and nodded, "We collected this thing from an old man's house when we passed by Hefei. What's inside the old man I didn’t say anything, I just sold it to us at a cheap price, and I didn’t want to open it when I saw that the bag was in good shape.”

"Good thing, it's a first-class embroiderer. In the past, there will be some gold and silver treasures in the bag, implying that the wealth of the family will be passed down from generation to generation. Ordinary people will pack some copper coins, and the worst thing is to stuff them with some nuts and the like. things, but this bag is so well embroidered, the materials used are Shu brocade, Suzhou embroidery, no matter how bad it is, there are golden melon seeds inside."

"So, didn't we make a profit?"

The woman's eyes lit up, looking at the passing bag in her hand, her eyes couldn't help but look forward.

Even Zhang San and the others looked at the small passing bag in the woman's hand, and their eyes suddenly became hot.

"That's the way it should be, but there's another way of saying it." However, at this time the man suddenly changed his voice, staring at the bag and said, "If this family's luck is very bad recently, and the old man in the family is about to die of illness, we will hold a The happy event is full of joy, at this time, someone with a heart will spread out the pass bag to everyone, there will be some bad things inside, and whoever opens it may be in bad luck."

Hearing this, when everyone looked at the small passing bag again, their expressions became unnatural.

The man's implication is clearly to remind the woman that of the two possibilities, the latter is very likely. After all, if you think about it, you should know that since you are a local, you must know the custom of passing bags. Why? If you sell it without opening it to see what's inside, isn't it clear that there is a problem, and it's a scam for outsiders.

Suddenly the woman's face changed, as if she was taken aback, and as soon as she let go, the bag slipped from her hand, and Xu Tong reached out and grabbed it in the palm of her hand.

Taking advantage of the woman's confusion, he threw the bag into the item book, and this time the item book immediately showed an entry about the bag.


Don't open, don't open, don't open...

After opening the bag, you will be attacked by the resentful spirit inside, but if you can eliminate the resentful spirit, there may be surprises.


Looking at the entries given in the item book, Xu Tong was immediately delighted, feeling that this is a folk blind box, so he took out the bag again, put it in his hand and said: "It's interesting, I want this thing, this You can choose one of several paintings, oh! You can’t open it to see, the one you choose is the one.”

The woman's eyes lit up, and her son, Sun Ding, clenched his fists excitedly. He looked at the paintings on the table, hesitated for a moment, and grabbed one of the scrolls. Everyone gathered around and opened it for a look.

"Lying in the snow and looking for plum pictures!!"

Zhang San was about to pounce on this painting when he saw it. It was a painting by Zhao Mengfu, a master of the Yuan Dynasty, and his signature, Taoist Songxue, was written on it.

Zhang San was so excited that he was about to jump up. This thing is called a national treasure, but it was replaced by a small bag? ?
Now people like Zhang San feel uncomfortable, it's almost like being pricked by a needle.

As the audience, Zhang San was so excited, let alone Sun Ding's mother and son, their hands were shaking with excitement.


Unexpectedly, the man standing at the door glanced at it and immediately concluded that it was a fake.


Zhang San raised his voice: "I've been playing with antiques for most of my life. I can tell if it's real or not. As far as the color of this piece of paper is concerned, it can't be fake."

"The paper is real, but the painting is fake. Take out twelve copies of a piece of paper, take out the upper three layers and sell them separately, add another layer of rice paper, and put the fake one in. This is not what you often play. Is it?"

As soon as the man said this, Zhang San and his party were stunned for a moment, and they really saw some clues when they crawled carefully on the painting: "It's fake!!"

For a while Zhang San's face was completely red, it didn't matter if he was slapped in the eye, the feeling of being slapped in the face in public made him very unhappy.

"Fake? Since it's fake, why put it here??"

Sun Ding's face was a bit uneasy, but the woman immediately put away the painting. Even if it was fake, the painting was worth a lot, and it was better than her passing bag as a means of deception.

It's just that Sun Ding looked at the white porcelain on the table unwillingly.

Xu Tong sat aside and watched, seeing that Sun Ding's eyeballs had never left the piece of white porcelain, he coughed lightly twice and said to the woman, "I heard that there was a murder case of a Buddha head some time ago, but the Buddha statue It disappeared in the evidence room, and if anyone can find the Buddha statue, I will give him this bowl."

Chen Jian sat on the side, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Xu Tong when he heard the words, thinking, shouldn't it be to provide clues, should we find it ourselves? ?

When mentioning the stone Buddha, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and the eyes of Sun Ding's mother and son became strange. Sun Ding hesitated for a while and wanted to speak, but the woman quietly held her hand.

Seeing that there was no movement between the mother and child, Xu Tong didn't plan to talk nonsense anymore: "Today's exchange meeting is a bit rushed, everyone is definitely not ready yet, let's come back tomorrow night."

After finishing speaking, he asked Chen Jian and Gao Zhuo to put away their things, and planned to go back to the master to learn how to worship the mountain. It's important, a side mission is not worth his effort.

If Sun Ding's mother and son really want these treasures, then help him figure out the matter of Shifo, otherwise he would rather smash all these things than give them to their mother and son.

Walking to the door, Wang Gong had already handed over the prepared soup pot, and Xu Tong was about to leave with the soup pot, when suddenly there was a shout from behind.

"and many more!!"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the appraiser coming up, which surprised Xu Tong. This 'guest' could open his mouth when appraising antiques, and he was usually taciturn.

He actually took the initiative to find himself today, could it be that he was thinking about it? ?Ready to reincarnate? ?

The man walked up to Xu Tong, gestured a few times and said, "That money mold is the one with a hole in it. I can fix it!"


The man's voice fell, and Wang Gong didn't understand what was going on, he saw the soup pot in Xu Tong's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and when he looked at Xu Tong again, he saw his eyes shining, staring straight at him. Looking at this master appraiser, his expression was as fiery as a hundred-year-old pervert seeing a peerless beauty.

PS: It has been changed after posting
 Hungry Ghost Festival...Er, go to bed early and get up early!
(End of this chapter)

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