Infinite script kill

Chapter 228 Pickled Pickles

Chapter 228 Pickled Pickled Vegetables
"You said you can fix this thing!"

It's no wonder that Xu Tong was so surprised when he heard this. You must know that the money model in his hand is not wood, but money, and the ability to make money.

If this thing can be repaired, don't do anything, just bury your head in collecting money, and wait until the meeting in Beimang, then you still need to take action from the master.

"Can and can't."

The man looked at the sky and saw that the golden rooster was about to announce the dawn, so he said bluntly without going around in circles: "I can help you fix it, but you also have to help me, help me find someone... Maybe it's not a person, she is here, and she is here. If I’m not here, I’ll almost lose my memory of her appearance, but I only remember her name, Wanrong, if you find her, I’ll fix it for you.”

Xu Tong was dumbfounded: "You have been talking about your feelings for a long time, are you performing tongue twisters with me??"

Don't say he was dumbfounded, even Wang Gong beside him was dizzy.

What does it mean that she is human and not human?She is here and not here, I can hardly remember her appearance, only one name is given, where can I find it? ?
It's just that after the man finished speaking, Xu Tong also received a task reminder from the item book at the same time.

[You have received a special mission, the watcher of time and space]

"You have received a special mission. Since this mission is an advanced mission, you need to become a certified player before you can activate it. You can view the mission information."

Hearing the mission prompt, Xu Tong immediately became clear. It seemed that the woman named Wanrong that the man said was not in this era.

This made him feel very disappointed. It seemed that it would be a long process to repair Qian Mo, and he definitely couldn't help him right now.

However, one yard counts for one yard. Although there is no way to repair the money model immediately, at least there is a direction to repair it, which is much better than wandering blindly like a headless chicken.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong no longer struggled with this question, he looked at the man: "What's your name?"


The man scratched his head with his hands and thought about it, but he couldn't think of anything: "What's my name?? My name is... Li... No... Zhao... Not right? Who am I? ??"

When the man said this, his eyes became dazed, and he seemed to be trapped in a silly mystery. He raised his head and walked in the direction of the Drum Tower, talking nonsense as if talking to himself, until Disappeared in the line of sight of the two.


Seeing the man's disappearing back, Wang Gong remembered that this man was not a living person, couldn't help but shiver, quickly picked up the pot, ran back to make another soup and brought it.

Xu Tong took the soup pot and turned around to leave. He was thinking about his master so he walked very fast. When he returned to Shangqing Palace with the soup, it was still dark.

After entering the door, he didn't see Master Xue Gui, apparently he hadn't come back yet, then he found that Chang Miao was sleeping soundly on the bed, snoring loudly, normally at this point, Chang Miao was already sleeping soundly. Got to get up to poop.

But today Chang Miao unexpectedly fell asleep for the first time, this legend finally surprised him.

In fact, the reason why Chang Miao sleeps in late is because she was scared yesterday.

Even if the people from the Beggar Gang came for him, they were still real people. How exciting would it be for Zhang Miao to be sent to meet the King of Hades by Xue Gui? ?
He didn't go crazy on the spot, which is considered mental toughness, but it was indeed a bit too stimulating, so that he peed his pants at that time.

This is also the reason why the master didn't kill Lai Da. On the one hand, he felt that Lai Da's fun was not worthy of him.

On the other hand, it was because Chang Miao was so frightened that he was trembling all over, so he could only leave a coolie to work for Chang Miao.

"Hey, sir, you're awake."

As soon as Xu Tong put down the soup pot, a figure sprang out from the corner. Xu Tong looked back, and he really said that Cao Cao had arrived, but it was Lai Da who came.

Seeing Lai Da, Xu Tong couldn't help being a little surprised to see his enthusiastic expression, and immediately understood that Lai Da regarded himself as Zhang Miao.

But he never thought about explaining this problem to Lai Da, and asked directly: "Why are you here?"

"Hey, sir, I... can't do anything. If you have something to eat, reward me with a star and I'll just treat you like a cow or a horse."

As Lai Da said, his eyes were fixed on the pot of broth, and the aroma of the broth wafted over, making his mouth water with greed.

Xu Tong originally wanted to drive this guy away, but on second thought, it happened that Chang Miao worked hard all day pooping alone, so it would be fine to leave someone to help him.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered something, and glanced at Lai Da from the corner of his eye, and saw Lai Da standing there with a humble expression on his face, Xu Tong put his hands behind his back calmly, and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Okay, I'll warm up the soup, and you go outside and get some firewood."


As soon as Xu Tong agreed, Lai Da's voice became three points louder, and he turned around and was about to go out.

But just as he turned around, suddenly a strong wind came from behind him, and Lai Da's body paused, followed by his body making an inhuman movement like rubber clay, sideways avoiding Xu Tong's attack Feet, followed by a cloud of blood mist and counterattacked.

"Go away!"

As the blood mist came, Xu Tong seemed to have been prepared for a long time, activating the magic power and a deep blue flame instantly illuminated the air in front of him.

The blood mist is not afraid of this magic flame, but who knows that there seems to be an extraordinary aura on the magic flame. Under this aura, its power seems to be suppressed in an instant, and it is caught off guard by the magic flame. Most of it evaporates .

The blood mist let out a scream and rolled on the ground, rolled out of the kitchen, spun around on the ground, and then turned into a human form again.

It's just that this person has only a shape, but he doesn't even have skin, his whole body is bloody, and even his facial features are a mess, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose are twisted together, and he screamed at Xu Tong: "How did you find me? of!"

Xu Tong looked at the bloody man in front of him and asked, "What are you? You are neither human nor ghost?"

"I kill you!!"

Hearing this, the blood man rushed up again as if he was dying. Seeing this, Xu Tong took a step back and kicked the soup pot into the air. The man yelled, and when he looked up again, he saw that Xu Tongren was no longer in the kitchen.

The two asymmetrical eyes looked left and right, and when he was about to find Xu Tong, a whistle came from the top of his head. When he looked up, he saw Xu Tong squatting on the roof, looking at him with a smile.

"Give you!"

Xu Tong waved his hand and sprinkled the snow-white sand on his head, the bloody man hurriedly raised his hand to stop it, but he didn't know that it melted away immediately when it was sprinkled on his body, followed by his whole body like a fire.


The blood man screamed and fell to the ground. His body was twisting and turning like mud. In an instant, his body turned into a ball of meat. I don't know if it was a problem with the salt. The size of the ball became smaller and smaller.

"Does it really work?"

Xu Tong was just trying it out, but he didn't expect the salt to be really useful. Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to the kitchen...

After finally waiting for the burning sensation to disappear, Rouqiu was about to recover his human form when he suddenly found Xu Tong standing in front of him, stretching out his hand to grab him.

"Good job!!"

Seeing Xu Tong stretch out his hand to grab it, Rouqiu was secretly happy. Just as he was about to take this opportunity to make this guy unable to eat, Rouqiu suddenly realized that his strength had disappeared.

Strictly speaking, he was suppressed by a special aura, just like the magic flame just now, with an irresistible power that made him unable to move, and he could only watch helplessly. Pick it up like a lump of mud, and hold yourself in the palm of your hand.

"What's going on, why is this happening??"

In doubt, Xu Tong did not hurt him further, but walked to a water tank and threw him directly into the tank.

"What are you going to do??"

Looking at Xu Tong's disappearing figure, Rouqiu felt a bad feeling in his heart. After a while, when Xu Tong reappeared, he saw a big clay pot in his hand.

When the clay pot was opened, Rouqiu immediately became vigilant, for fear that this guy would sprinkle salt on himself again, but this time it was not salt, but bright red chili oil.

"do not!!!"

Seeing that this guy was about to spill the chili oil, the round meat ball immediately trembled and screamed, but Xu Tong didn't care about this, and just poured all the jars down.

I thought there would be another scream in the water tank, but after falling down, it was very quiet. Xu Tong poked his head out and looked down, only to find that the meat ball actually had a big mouth and ate all the peppers into his stomach.

Sticking out his tongue while eating, he cursed viciously at Xu Tong: "Come on, is this what you are capable of?? The uncle is not afraid of you!!"


Looking at the big mouth full of red oil, Xu Tong tilted his neck, looked at the meat balls in the vat with glowing eyes, as if he had discovered a new world, and then silently took out the vinegar bottle...

"Ah~ha~" As the sky gradually brightened, Chang Miao walked out of the room with a big yawn, her eyes were still red, and her face was listless, as if she didn't sleep well last night.

When I walked out of the room, I saw the soup pot on the ground. I couldn't help but frowned. When I looked up, I saw Xu Tong standing in front of the water tank with his back to him, holding a bucket of rapeseed oil in his hand. He couldn't help shaking his head. : "What are you fussing about in the early morning??"

When Xu Tong heard this, his hands paused for a moment, but soon he continued to hold the oil barrel and continued to pour oil into the water tank, squinting his eyes and said with a smirk: "Hey, it's okay, seeing you working so hard, I plan to pick some pickles for you... ..."

PS: I can't hold it anymore, go to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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