Infinite script kill

Chapter 230 Who is the Lord

Chapter 230 Who is the Lord

The grandfather and grandson found a small restaurant when they went down the mountain, and they didn't order many things, four cold dishes and seven hot dishes.

The taste is naturally not as authentic and exquisite as the real difference, but it is more affordable, four cold dishes are not counted, and seven hot dishes are almost enough for ten people.

It can be seen that after the master got that sentence, the mood of the whole person has stepped up to a new level. When the mood is good, the appetite will naturally increase. The big pot of boiled goods and lotus soup with meat slices are all rounded up by the master.

A table of food was swept away by the master and apprentice in less than 10 minutes. When they finished, the two added a big bowl of stewed noodles, and walked back satisfied after eating.

When he came to a small stall on the road, the master stopped suddenly. Xu Tong saw several masks hanging on the stall. These masks looked festive at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they were simply fooling people. It's a bit faded.

But the master casually picked up a mask and handed it to him: "Take it, it will be useful when you go back tonight."

"Pig's head?"

Xu Tong wanted to change it to another one, but the master stopped him, pointed to the mask and said, "This mask is very poorly crafted, and it's worth the money because of the pig's head."

Xu Tong was in a fog when he heard it. At this time, the master picked up a sheep's head mask and played with it. It seemed that he liked the sheep's head mask quite a bit. He didn't know what the master was going to do, but he obediently paid the bill. leave.

When the two returned to the Shangqing Palace, the master did not mention the matter of worshiping the mountain buckle, made a pot of tea, lay in the cool shade, let Xu Tong fan him, and took a short rest with his eyes slightly closed. .

This made Xu Tong feel like a cat scratching his head, thinking about worshiping the mountain buckle in his heart.

It wasn't until three or four o'clock in the afternoon that the weather wasn't so hot anymore, so the master slowly opened his eyelids, glanced at Xu Tong and said with a smile, "Are you in a hurry?"

"Hey, a little bit." Xu Tong brought up the tea, and it was a lie to say that he was not in a hurry.

The master nodded, seemed very satisfied with his answer, and continued: "Actually, there is nothing to teach you. The master leads you to practice on your own. Haven't you already mastered it?"


Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't told his master that he would pay homage to the mountain buckle. He thought he had fooled it last time, but now that the master pointed it out, he felt a little guilty.

Taking a glance at Master from the corner of the eye, he saw that Master was looking at him with squinted eyes, his black and white eyes seemed to have penetrated everything.

However, this matter obviously cannot be avoided, and when he was about to give an explanation to the master, he saw the master waved his hand: "There is no need to explain, what you said is seven parts true and three parts false, and if you make it up again, it will not be perfect."

Xu Tong nodded frankly, and looked at the master's gaze: "There are some things that I can't give you a satisfactory explanation, but you also said that seven points of what I said are true, at least seven points are more accurate than the truth." It's real gold."

A lie is a lie after all. The master ran out yesterday and took three strangers’ dens. I’m afraid it’s not like what the master said. My hands are itchy. I guess it’s probably because I’m going to touch my own foundation, otherwise I won’t be able to do it today. Say something like this.


After a while, the master actually laughed, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip: "Come on, I won't ask you anymore. Anyway, you are the person with our initials. It is passed on to everyone. Looking at the present age, it is not bad to pass it on."

After finishing speaking, the master took out a book from his sleeve and handed it to him. Xu Tong took a look and saw three words written crookedly on it in a thin gold body: "Huangquanlu"

"Baishankou is a technique, and this is a tool. When you understand it, you can find the way to the law. Then it will be considered a small achievement." The master took a sip of tea: "I still remember when we first met, I What did you say??"

Xu Tong looked at the content in the book like a ghost drawing, his brain was buzzing, and he heard the master's question, and nodded: "You said it, if you don't know it, just learn it, learn it word by word, and learn it like this." What's yours is yours."

The master nodded in satisfaction, raised Erlang's legs, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea, then glanced away from the corner of the eye: "Then why are you still standing there?"

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, is the co-authoring of feelings for me to learn by myself? ?
But when the master spoke, Xu Tong could only obediently hold the book and squat aside to study it. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the master shout: "Wait a minute."

"Hmm!" Xu Tong thought that the master was about to change his mind, but when he turned around, he saw the master casually throwing the pig-head mask he just bought: "Bring it on! Don't take it off."

Not knowing what the master was going to do, Xu Tong took the mask in his hand and found that there was a small yellow talisman stuck on it. Seeing this, he didn't doubt that it was there, so he raised his hand and put the mask on his head. After clicking it, I sat aside and began to study this [Huangquanlu].

Although the skinny gold body seems to be strenuous, but if you look carefully, you can still tell what's inside, but it's more like a weird novel than a martial arts secret book.

There are no mysterious moves in it as I thought, but instead, it tells a passage of what he saw and heard in the netherworld from the perspective of a Taoist priest.

At first, he was also confused, but after reading it, he became fascinated by the stories in the book.

For example, a Taoist priest incarnated as an antique dealer, and told a story about a rich and noble family to a scholar in a teahouse.

It's just that this wealthy family was defeated by Jin outside of it, and all the signs of internal and external difficulties in the family were already signs of doom, and in the end it really was the family's ruin.

After the story was finished, the scholar couldn't help but sigh with emotion, but after thinking about it, he felt that the story in the book was so familiar. Before the scholar thought about it carefully, he realized that the Taoist priest had long since disappeared, and even the teahouse was gone. Gone.

After another look, I realized that I was actually sitting on a dry grave. I was shocked, thinking that I had run into a ghost, and ran home in a hurry.

But when he ran home and took a look, he realized that he had been dead for several days. Isn't the story told by the Taoist priest his own story? ?
There is another passage at the end of the story, when the false is true, the true is also false, and there is nothing to do.

There are also a few short stories in the back, all of which bring people into the story from the perspective of this Taoist priest. Although the stories are short, each one has a deep meaning, which makes Xu Tong read it with relish.

It's just that he was fascinated by it, but he didn't notice that the master walked to the water tank at some point, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he lifted out the meat ball that was about to be crushed into a meatloaf.

The meat ball didn't know what kind of monster it was, no matter how much Xu Tong tortured it, it never coaxed it, but after falling into the master's hands, it trembled and didn't dare to move, allowing the master to knead and play with it at will.

Fortunately, the master didn't mean to hurt it, he just said: "You can't beat him now that you are like this, I will let you go when it gets dark."

As soon as Rouqiu heard that he could walk, his whole body trembled with excitement, but when he turned his head to look at Xu Tong, there was a cold look in his eyes, as if he was wondering whether he should leave or continue to look for opportunities to retaliate.

"Forget it, don't leave if you don't want to. It just so happens that I've been bored recently, why don't you stay with me." The master continued: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you anymore with me here."

Rouqiu was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly. At this time, the master suddenly put a sheep's head mask on Rouqiu's head: "Here is a gift for you. You are a sheep and he is a pig."

Rouqiu was stunned, and after taking a look at Xu Tong, he was immediately happy; "Yes, yes, he is a pig, he is a pig!"

Rouqiu looked back and saw the pig's head mask Xu Tong was wearing, and nodded with pride in his heart.

Even after getting the master's approval, he rolled on the ground and turned into a lamb, staring at the sheep's head mask and ran to Xu Tong to show off crazily.

"I am a sheep, you are a pig, hahahaha, pig head!!"

Xu Tong frowned and raised his head, his eyes glowed coldly, making Rouqiu tremble with fright, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

At this time, the master behind him grabbed it with one hand and put it in his arms, as if supporting it: "There is only one pig in this family, who is the pig?"

"He's a pig!!"

Seeing the support of the boss, Rouqiu suddenly became more courageous, pointing at Xu Tong: "It's him, it's him, it's him!!"

"Oh, are you sure he's a pig?" Master squinted his eyes and asked again, but this time his voice had become hoarse.

"Yes, he's a pig! He's a pig!"

Meatball obviously didn't notice the danger, and said in a very sure tone.

"Then you two walk together, who is the master!"

"He! He's a pig..." As soon as Rouqiu finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, as if something was burning under the mask.

There was a buzzing sound in my head, and my thoughts became blurred. In my drowsy ears, the master's voice continued: "Who is the master!!"

Rouqiu's head was buzzing, and before he could distinguish it, he just subconsciously shouted at Xu Tong: "He is the Lord!"

As soon as these words came out, the mask on Rouqiu's head suddenly cracked, and a talisman was deeply branded on its head like a red-hot iron.

At the same time, Xu Tong's forehead was cool for a while. After taking off the mask, he took out a small mirror to see that there was indeed a shallow imprint on his forehead. Clear.

At the same time, when he looked at the meat ball again, he felt a special feeling in his heart.

【hint!You get a special creature pet, which can be put into the item book for foster care after the ritual is completely completed. During the foster care period, 2 script points are consumed every day. 】

【hint!You subdue the blood resentment body, and the curse of [Polyposis] disappears! 】

【hint!You subdue the Blood Resentment Body, please refer to the specific entry after completing the ceremony. 】

When the reminder came, Xu Tong looked at the master again, and saw the master sitting on the chair smiling and throwing the meat ball in front of him, and saw the meat ball emitting green smoke all over his body, and the mark on his forehead was still flickering , fell to the ground without moving.

"Give him some yellow strips for the first seven days, and then sprinkle ashes on it, and after seven days, it's done."

The master pointed to the little thing and said.

"It's so simple?" He looked at the motionless meat ball on the ground and couldn't help being surprised. When he went out to eat, the master said he would collect the meat ball for himself. He thought it would be troublesome, but he didn't expect it to be so simple?Immediately, the two eyeballs rolled around and came forward and asked: "This is also the magic of our seven sects? Why haven't you heard of it?"

The master grinned and said: "No, the talisman is the Xiangtang talisman of the younger brother Ma in the Northeast. You haven't heard of it. It's normal. Since ancient times, Miaoshu has not come out of Sichuan, and the five immortals have not passed through Shanhaiguan."

"Oh!" Xu Tong suddenly realized: "It turns out that you stole the teacher from others."

The master pursed his lips and kicked Xu Tong's ass: "Is that called stealing? It's something between practitioners, that's called learning from others. The jade from other mountains can be used to attack stones."

The grandfather and grandson were chatting vigorously, when they heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, Xu Tong hurriedly put on Jack's mask, and saw Gao Zhuo rushing in with a face full of panic. Zhuo first yelled at Xu Tong, "It's not good, there's trouble, it's said that Qianshou has already started preparing for the Beiman Conference ahead of time!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Zhuo suddenly realized something. He stared straight at Xue Gui who was beside him, and then his eyes widened and he knelt on the ground with a plop: "You can't reach by jumping up and down the ladder step by step. Greetings to Lord Taishan!"

Xu Tong stood aside and curled his lips when he saw this, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Bah, lick the dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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