Infinite script kill

Chapter 231 Descendants

Chapter 231 Descendants

Although they are all yin and yin, they are doing business with dead people.

But this is just another level of argument. If you really want to admit it, the relationship between everyone is not close at all.

When Xu Tong met people from the eight sects outside, he could still call out his senior brother and younger brother to make connections, but when he met the four small Yin sects, he had nothing to do with them.

With the identity of Gao Zhuo, it is enough to bow both hands, but the person in front of him is Xue Gui and Xue Lao, so the situation is different.

Jumping the tip to carry the guest is a saying in Xiangxi. The so-called zombies walk on the tip of the tip. The reason for carrying the guest is that in some places the zombies cannot go up and need to be carried by the corpse driver.

There is another saying, because when they pass by a village, they will shout that sound: "The shady people go on the road, and the strangers avoid it." Basically, they don't spend the night in the village, and they usually leave after a rest in places like Yizhuang. .

When I was young, the child asked curiously, and the adults in the family couldn't say it directly, so the saying "jumping the tip and backing the guest" came into being.

As for stepping up the ladder and not being able to reach it, it is a slang term in Taoism, referring to the surname Gao.

The meaning of the connection is to drive away the corpse of the Gao family lineage. After understanding this sentence, it is not difficult to understand why Gao Zhuo has to salute.

In reality, the master and the old man of Gao's family are close friends, and Gao Zhuo's father is also deeply instructed by the master, and Gao Zhuo will worship him because of emotion and reason.

"Gao family!"

The master was a little surprised, and still kept looking at Xu Tong, he coughed twice and asked, "Who are you, Gao Zhiyi?"

"It's my uncle. Not long ago, I learned that senior was coming to meddle in Beiman's matter. My uncle was so anxious that he sent me a special telegram at the expense of money, asking me to take care of senior, but his whereabouts were erratic. I also heard what Brother Zhao Jian said, so I knew that senior was here. Last time I met him in a hurry, I was unlucky, I didn’t meet senior, I didn’t expect to catch up this time.”

Fortunately, Gao Zhuo is a member of the Gao family and knows everything about his own family, so this lie is naturally more reasonable than Xu Tong's.

In fact, Gao Zhiyi is his own old man, and he did send a message at the beginning, because old man Gao totally disapproved of Mr. Xue's coming to do this.

In the words of old man Gao, the sky is falling and he is extremely tall, so why should these little people take such a risk.

Mr. Xue didn't explain too much about this, he just said goodbye, and Mr. Gao was so anxious that he had no choice but to send a letter to ask a distant relative from a side branch to help take care of him.However, his distant relative was not in province H, so even if he got the news, it would be beyond his reach.

Before Gao Zhuo entered the world of scripts, he worked hard to find out all these things from his father Gao Tianfang, so whatever the master asked, Gao Zhuo could answer them smoothly and seamlessly.

"That's it."

The master's expression softened slightly, and he patted Gao Zhuo's shoulder with a smile: "I just told this stinky boy that since ancient times, Miao shamans have not been out of Sichuan, and five immortals have only been in Sanguan. You slapped my old face so quickly."

"Old Mount Tai has broken me. Our family is originally a branch, so we haven't violated the ancestor's precepts."

After Gao Zhuo said this, the master smiled gradually, fumbled in his sleeve, and threw a box to Gao Zhuo.

"I met a few unlucky guys yesterday. Their strength is not good, but there are a lot of good things. There is one thing that is suitable for your Gao family's spells. I will give it to you." After finishing speaking, I did not forget to add: "Oh, yes, later You can pick any two of the corpses under the vegetable garden and bring them back, don’t pick that old beggar, he’s too old and has no potential.”

Gao Zhuo took the box over and took a look. Inside the box was a half bloody wooden sign. The sign had been cracked and looked ordinary, but the blood stained on it exuded an evil spirit, and it was as bright as ever under the sun. As if it had just been sprinkled on.

Gao Zhuo is an expert in refining corpses, one look at this thing, he knew that it was a rare treasure, at least for him, it would not be exchanged for a thousand dollars, even if it was for script points.

Hearing the master's words again, the kid was so happy that he knelt down and kowtowed three times to the master before he got up.

"What did you just say?"

Xu Tong saw that this guy was so happy that he could hardly find the southeast and northwest, so he could only take the initiative to ask.

Hearing what he said, Gao Zhuo suddenly remembered, slapped his forehead and said: "Yes, yes, this matter is more important. The old thief Qianshou plans to hold the Beiman Conference in advance, and the time is set at Zhongyuan Festival."

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to look at Xu Tong: "By the way, the mother and son told me this news, and..." Gao Zhuo thought for a while and organized his words before continuing: "The one lost in the police station The Buddha statue was quietly hidden in Beiman Mountain by Qianshou and the others, saying that they wanted to ask the Bodhisattva for help to suppress those evil spirits in the Yin-Yang Dao."

After Gao Zhuo finished speaking, Xu Tong looked at the master, wanting to see the master's attitude, but he didn't think the master didn't seem surprised by this at all, but just nodded indifferently.

Xu Tong's ability to observe words and emotions has long been superb. Seeing the master's calm expression, he knew that this matter should not be as simple as Gao Zhuo said.

After all, the master's purpose is to prevent Qian Shou and others from opening up the yin and yang way. If this is true, the master's reaction will be too flat.

So he walked up to the master and asked curiously: "Master, do you think this fraudulent?"

The master smiled, that kind of confident smile with a bit of contempt, as if a schoolmaster was only amused when faced with a question from a scumbag.

"Isn't that the lice on the bald man's head? It's clear at a glance. Zhongyuan is the ghost festival. It's the day when the gates of the underworld are opened and those wandering ghosts in the underground are released to go home. On this day, all ghosts walk at night, the gods retreat, and the Bodhisattva is full. Will you come out on this day to find bad luck if you hold on?"

"Old man, what do you mean..." Gao Zhuo asked with his eyes wide open.

I just heard the master Xue Gui sitting on the chair, holding up the tea bowl and taking a sip unhurriedly: "I'm old and I can't run, whoever wants to come up, come up and kill the other, and the land in the backyard is fine." Big, kill or bury."

The most relaxed tone, the most ruthless words, even Gao Zhuo who was standing aside could feel the suffocating sense of oppression in these words, it was by no means as simple as just talking.

This old man is the only one who can treat the strangers in the world as nothing, to put it so lightly.

The old man was not in a hurry, he acted as if he didn't intend to leave Beiman Mountain when the sky fell, he was as stable as Mount Tai.

But Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were not so lucky. After the old man finished speaking, they were reminded of the main task.

[Main Mission 2: The Tribulation of Zhongyuan]

Mission reminder: The undercurrent has already begun, and no one can stay out of it. The Ghost Festival is about to turn into a catastrophe.

Mission objective: Destroy the conspiracy of Qianshou and others.

The mission notification ended, and before the two had time to discuss it, Xu Tong heard another reminder, but this time it was completely different from other reminders.

The piercing voice was more like sounding an alarm for him.

"Warning! Because your information about opening the legendary item was intercepted by an authenticated player, the opponent will arrive in half an hour."

"Warning! There will be other players entering the script world, please be careful."

"When the privilege activation condition is met, the person who descends will be marked with a special mark, please observe carefully."

coming! !
Xu and Gao looked at each other, and their faces were not very good-looking, but this was also expected by the two of them. After all, this is a big script, and it is impossible for the two of them to be happy here and gain experience.

What's more, the two of them hugged Mr. Xue's thigh, and they were completely on the opposite side of the world. The players who joined at this time would most likely become their enemies.

It can be understood that this is a kind of balance method for the script space, that is to say, the advantage is still on their side.

Calculating the time, there are only a few days left for the Ghost Festival, and those players will arrive in half an hour, so there is not much room for manipulation in time.

After the two discussed for a while, Gao Zhuo hurriedly left the Shangqing Palace. He usually keeps a low profile and can continue to hide, but Xu Tong is different.

The last time he detonated Fatty at the station, he blew up that group of aliens without arms or legs, and several of them died on the spot. Now he is the focus of attention wherever he goes.

As long as those players are not newbies, they will definitely use this information to determine their identity.

So Xu Tong simply chose the back-and-forth strategy, no matter what kind of certified player you are, I will hide at home and not go out, you can come in if you have the ability.

In this way, on the one hand, he can complete the recognition ceremony of the resentful spirit with peace of mind, and on the other hand, he can study [Huangquanlu] to further enhance the power of Baishankou.

I have to say, there is still the old man as a backer, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be so leisurely, as expected of Lao Taishan!

Not long after Gao Zhuo left, a cold wind began to blow in L City, the clouds were overcast, and soon there was a heavy rainstorm.

Xu Tong stood in front of the gate of the Shangqing Palace, and could vaguely see several beams of light breaking through the cloud and distributed around L City.

The light beam appeared and disappeared in the cloudy and rainy day, and finally became undetectable, but it did not disappear completely. He thought to himself, this should be the effect of his privilege.

Chang Miao came back very early at night, saying that it was raining so hard that the cesspit of several public toilets was filled with rainwater, and no one could get in at all.

Simply rest at home for a few days, wait until the feces recede and the toilet is cleaned.

It seems that Chang Miao's mentality has changed after witnessing Mr. Xue casually killing those beggars last time, at least he is no longer as worried about his dung empire plan as before.

One night, as usual, Xu Tong inserted three yellow incense sticks on the censer where the resentful spirits were buried, fed them three times a day, and then covered them with incense ash.

The so-called fairy hall refers to setting up a hall, inviting a big fairy to sit in the hall, summoning some little ghosts and spirits to be the hall master, and brother Ma himself goes out to do business.

To put it bluntly, Brother Ma works for these great fairies, and those so-called aristocratic families are super halls supported by generations of wage earners.

Xu Tong doesn't know if there really are so-called great immortals, but some monsters and spirits are probably indispensable.

This couldn't help but remind him of the Hu Qiye he met in the robbery cave under the Ascension Bureau, and this master is also a character.

It's a pity that I don't have any fate with him. When I left the script world, all the items related to Hu Qiye disappeared. Otherwise, if one day, I can use Hu Qiye's relationship to go to the three northeastern provinces to play It should be a lot of fun to play.

"It's so boring, I don't know where you are now, idiot?

Standing in front of the main hall, looking at the drizzle falling from the sky, he suddenly thought of a fool for no reason. When he thought of this fool who went into the Beimang valley alone, he didn't know if he would do it in such a cold day. Will it be cold, will he be hungry, what will he eat? ?Thinking of these, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a deep worry in his heart.

When he was in a daze, he suddenly heard a faint sound, which caused him to turn around and find that the source of the sound was actually Chang Miao's room.

"It's so late, what is this guy doing when he doesn't sleep??"

Xu Tong walked to the window with curiosity, looked inside through the crack of the window, and was immediately happy!!
(End of this chapter)

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