Infinite script kill

Chapter 232 Pets - Wraith

Chapter 232 Pets - Wraith
Can you not be happy, looking through the window, Chang Miao is sitting cross-legged on the bed, meditating, waving his hands like crazy, just when Xu Tong was worried, I saw this guy's face was contorted, and his mouth was bursting with laughter. A low moan.

Take a closer look, hahahaha, this guy is cramping!
Seeing Chang Miao's funny performance, Xu Tong almost let out a pig cry out of the window.

Just as he was engrossed in watching, he was slapped on the head suddenly. Xu Tong knew without thinking that it must be the master. After all, except for his old man, no one here can put his hand on his head without knowing it.

Turning around, I saw the master making a silent gesture, looking into the window from the corner of the eye, the master covered his mouth and turned his head for a moment, the grandpa and grandson looked at each other, and finally laughed out loud under the night sky.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing the laughter outside the window, Chang Miao was stunned for a moment, and soon felt that a little secret had been punctured, regardless of whether Sanqi and 21 people burrowed into the bed, covered their heads with the quilt, and said The appearance of not wanting to come out again made the master and Xu Tong laugh again.

But after laughing, the master was still very authentic. He took out a shiny yellow notebook from his sleeve, threw it in along the window, and shouted into the window: "As the saying goes, drink and peck, that old guy himself If you are greedy, I should give you a compensation, this is the cleansing technique of the beggar gang, if you can understand it by yourself, you will naturally have a chance."

Xu Tong stood aside, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and when he looked at the master again, he couldn't help thinking in surprise, "So it's you!"

When Song Lao said it at the beginning, he mentioned that Chang Miao finally realized the way of pollution and created the method of a hundred dung by himself. Since then, he has collected the poison of a hundred dung into his body, and he has been beaten so many people call him father.

Unexpectedly, the person who first gave Chang Miao this advice was actually the master.

Master was so careless that he didn't tell me such important news.

Although Chang Miao was hiding under the quilt, but after hearing what the master said, he was still moved. After realizing that the two had gone far away, Chang Miao quietly poked his head out of the quilt, picked up the book and began to read. stand up.

It doesn't matter if you read it or not, you will be fascinated by Chang Miaoren, and he was even surprised to find that the content in this book is very similar to the content of the fragments of Taishang Sensei that Pig Taoist gave himself.

The two are not only very compatible, but even have a feeling of echoing each other. In the past, Chang Miao always felt that there was something missing in the Taishang Sensei Sutra. Now, comparing this book, there is a feeling of picking up what is left and making up for it. Unknowingly, Chang Miao Just passed in the content of this book.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

The Ghost Festival is getting closer and closer. These days, Xu Tong's small days are getting more and more moist. He gets up every day and puts three yellow incense sticks on the incense burner, and then goes down the mountain early with his master to have a hearty breakfast at the bottom of the mountain.

Then I squatted in a corner all day, holding that book of "Huang Quan Lu" and began to ponder the stories in it. Speaking of this "Huang Quan Lu", the stories are rich and colorful, but it seems that I didn't realize anything from it.

Every time I asked the master, the master just smiled mysteriously and didn't answer himself at all.

However, except for the matter of cultivation, the master is unwilling to give more advice, and the master basically answers every question on other matters.

There are many anecdotes among them, and it is very interesting to be told one by one by the master.

At night, the grandpa and grandson sat on the stone steps in the courtyard, brewing a pot of good tea, and put some pastries on the table. The two looked at the stars in the sky.

That is a view that is difficult to see in reality, densely packed with starlight, and you don't need any tools, you can see it just by looking up.

"Master, you really made a paper figurine for Cixi." Xu Tong asked curiously about it, taking a bite of the apple in his hand.

The master nodded and did not deny: "After being called, I rushed there with tools. I worked for 20 days, and the money I earned was barely enough for travel expenses, but I will give you a merit card. That thing was useful before, but later It was burned by me as firewood."

"Called?" He raised his head: "Is it the government?"

"Yes! Strictly speaking, it is Qin Tianjian." The master said.

Because the Qing court had a special institution called Qin Tianjian, which had been established since the Ming Dynasty and was inherited by the Qing Dynasty.

In fact, there have been such institutions in all dynasties, such as the Taishi in the Qin Dynasty, the Taishi Cao in the Sui Dynasty, the Taishi Bureau, the Huntian Supervisory Council, the Armillary Sphere Supervisor, and even the Yuan Dynasty, which did not understand culture, all had such places as the Taishi Bureau.

On the bright side, it is in charge of astronomy, calculating the solar terms, and formulating the calendar, but on the other hand, it is in charge of the world and other people.

In the heyday, all the aliens of the three religions and nine streams in the world were under its control. There was a roster, and each generation of your successors had to be reported through the local county government.

If it is not in the roster, then you are a black household. If you say it nicely, it is called a hero of the green forest, and if you say it badly, it is a gang of thieves, black and white. Whoever kills you will not be held accountable, and there will even be a reward.

In the late Qing Dynasty, Qin Tianjian still retained this power, with a roster in his hand, he could call others from all over the world at any time.

The master was also called upon at that time, and took over the job.

"What if you don't answer?" Xu Tong asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"No answer!"

The master frowned: "There is no choice. Not accepting is a bad rule. It was an era when the people did not fight with the officials, and the strangers were just grassroots."

Speaking of this, the master's eyes darkened a lot, as if he thought of something that made him unhappy.

For a moment, the master turned his gaze to Xu Tong, and there was a look of envy in his eyes: "Son, you are different from us old guys, at least you have the courage to say no, we are not as bold as you."

"A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers." Xu Tong smiled.

Unexpectedly, he was just being polite, but saw the master's expression turned serious: "No!"

The master patted his arm and raised his head to look at the stars in the sky: "It's not the same, if you take out the signboard of Qin Tianjian now, the old guys like Qianshou will still kneel down and kowtow to you obediently, it's not like they didn't resist courage, but they are not allowed to do that here."

The master said and pointed to his head: "The feudal thinking has long been engraved in their bones like a brand on their souls. They dare not, and they can't say no!"


Xu Tong seemed to understand a little bit, but as if he didn't grasp it, he realized in his heart that there seemed to be some hidden information in the master's words, but he couldn't understand it for a while.

"You are different from that child Xiao Gao, you don't have this layer of restraint, so you can enter a new era, a brand new era, an era where everyone has beliefs, but it is no longer an era where ghosts and gods are fooled. , art is art, Tao is Tao, the universe is clear, and justice is at ease in people's hearts."

After the master finished speaking, he put his hands behind his back, and the moonlight shrouded the face of the master, making his face blurred like a layer of silver frost.

"As for those ghosts and monsters who want to climb into the new era..." The wrinkle on the master's face is like a blooming golden chrysanthemum: "Just stay with me in this era!"

Xu Tong sat on the stone steps, his body trembled slightly when he heard the words, and when he looked at the master again, he felt that the master under the moonlight was like an unattainable mountain, suppressing all those ghosts and snakes below.

The mood is even more turbulent, and I can't calm down for a long time.


At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the incense burner behind him, and when he looked back, he saw a round ball of meat crawling out of it.

"Eh?? Woke up so soon."

Seeing the meat ball, he seemed to feel something in his heart, and waved to him: "Come here!"

Rouqiu originally wanted to run, but when he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but rolled into Xu Tong's hand, and Xu Tong held it in his palm and looked at it carefully.

After being buried in the incense ash for so many days, the fleshy ball that was originally a bloody mess has now grown a layer of light golden skin, which looks very soft and sticky in the hand, which is quite interesting.

Throwing it forward casually and shouting, the meat ball rolled on the ground and turned into a small yellow man.

Although he doesn't have facial features, he acts stupidly, takes a few steps forward, and rolls.

"Your paper figurines were all broken last time. With this little thing to help you, it can also add a bit of combat power to you."

Seeing that the master said, he grabbed it with his big hand, and the next moment he pinched the meat ball in his hand, and saw that the meat ball suddenly turned into a light yellow dagger in the master's hand.

With a wave towards the big bluestone in front, Xu Tong didn't even see the dagger touching the bluestone, he saw that the bluestone had been cut in half easily.

With another pinch, the meat ball transformed into a long stick again, dancing until a wave of strong wind rose in the air.

The master weighed it a few times, and then threw it to Xu Tong: "It's not bad, it suits you."

"Is this... solid??"

Seeing the meat ball turned into a stick, Xu Tong was still a little skeptical, but the master's words quickly dispelled Xu Tong's worries.

"As long as you don't encounter those long-worshiped divine soldiers, it's basically fine."

After getting the affirmation from the master, I felt relieved a lot, and casually threw this guy into the item book for a look, when the entry appeared in front of me.

Xu Tong's face finally revealed a look of joy and surprise. He really didn't expect that this meat dumpling, who was tortured to death by himself, had such a strong entry.

【Pet·Wraith】: LV3
Special dark creatures, forcibly tamed by special methods, have low loyalty, and have a certain probability of escaping or backlashing.

Passive Skill 1: Wraith Body.

Immune to physical damage by 40%.

Passive Skill 2: Body of Change.

It can be changed according to the owner's command, it can be large or small, thin or thick, but the size and intensity of the change need to be based on the level.

Active Skill 1: Devour

By devouring dark matter, or similar souls to increase the level, each time you increase three levels, you will have a chance to obtain an active skill.

Active Skill 2: Blood Escape

The burning level is the price, and after activation, it can quickly float away from the scene.

(Note: Each time the creature is crushed, it will drop one level, and the level will drop to zero, and it will disappear completely.)
I have seen many various prop cards at the exhibition, but this is the first time I have seen a pet card. I have to thank the master for his means. I only used two masks to subdue this guy , After all, ginger is still old and spicy.

In fact, if it wasn't for the BUFF increase of the aura of hell on his body last time, it would be foolish to want to easily defeat Meatball. After all, the backlash of the prop card [Polypoma] is no joke.

The appearance of the wraith made up for the lack of a weapon in his hand, and at the same time made his determination stronger.

If he wants to change the script, at least he must not let the master handle everything alone.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong bid farewell to the master temporarily and chose to leave the Shangqing Palace. Regarding his decision, the master just nodded. Even though he knew that Xu Tong walking outside must be a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of other people in the world, Bao Jianfeng came out of it.

The master also wants to see how big waves this kid can stir up outside.

So the next morning, after Xu Tong and the old man had breakfast together, Xu Tong paid a deep respect to the old man's back, regardless of the strange gazes of the people on the street, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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