Chapter 233
The Ghost Festival is approaching, and many small street stalls on the streets are selling dark goods.

There are three ghost festivals in China, Qingming Festival, Zhongyuan Festival and Hanyi Festival, which are called sweeping tombs, lighting lanterns in the middle, and burning paper in cold weather.

The river lantern at the Zhongyuan Festival is the most traditional way of offering sacrifices.

Therefore, most of the dark goods sold are some small lamps, and the price is neither cheap nor expensive. Whether it is out of the mentality of playing or paying homage to the ancestors, there are not a few people who buy them.

In fact, in addition to these three festivals, there is another one called Shangsi Festival.

It belongs to the earliest ghost festival of the Han nationality, but later it was close to the Ching Ming Festival, and both have the custom of going out for outings, so people gradually combined the two festivals into one.

It is said that this custom is still preserved in Wa country and some other places.

"Boss, is this paper lantern really useful?"

"It's safe and environmentally friendly. I'll put it in the water basin for you now. You can see that it doesn't look heavy at all."

"Really, it's so beautiful, boss, here are two!"

On the streets of the old city, a group of students returning home from school were gathered around a small stall. The various river lanterns displayed in the stall were completely different from those on other stalls.

The river lanterns sold in this store are exquisite enough to be faked. Whether it is the leaves of lotus or the buds of peonies, they all give people a sense of variety and variety.

The price is also surprisingly cheap, you can buy two for only a dime.

Not to mention the children after school, many adults after get off work also bought it, so that no one was interested in other stalls selling river lanterns around.

In one afternoon, at least hundreds of river lanterns were sold out.

Looking at the money in the box full of money, Xu Tong stood up unsteadily, went to a sesame seed stall and bought a sesame seed cake, sat on a stone beside him and gnawed it.

He squinted at the two-story building beside him, only to see a faint green halo flickering in the building.

There is not just one descendant, from the light beams seen last time, there are at least five people.

As for the reminder of the space, only one is an authenticated player, which makes him feel tricky, so he can only use the method of elimination to determine.

In the past few days in Shangqing Palace, I have also observed that other faint light beams are constantly changing positions in the city, only this green light does not.

This couldn't help but make him wonder if the owner of this green light beam was the certified player he was looking for.

According to his previous speculation, the arrival of certified players will inevitably have to pay a certain price, and there may even be a period of weakness. s Choice.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong opened his mouth and ate all the biscuits on his hands. Looking around, he saw that there were not many pedestrians around, so he walked to the gate in a leisurely manner, and saw a piece of paper figurine being thrown lightly by him.

The paper figurine floated in through the crack of the door, and then heard the twitching sound of the door latch from behind the door. Xu Tong gently pushed the door open, rushed in and quickly closed the door.

I squinted and saw that the lights in the house were not turned on. Under the dim light, there was a smell of rotten wood in the air.

Walk through the living room, stepping on the stairs lightly and go upstairs step by step.

"Da da... da... da da da..."

Before walking up the stairs, a brisk knocking sound came to Xu Tong's ears. The sound came from the room that was shining with green.

It sounded like the rattle of some mechanism.

Xu Tong walked in front of the door, and after waiting for a moment through the door, he moved his fingers slightly, and saw a paper figurine quietly slipping in through the crack of the door.


He was a little surprised for a moment, and pushed the door open, only to see a wooden puppet sitting on a chair in the room. The puppet is not that kind of rough work, and everything from head to toe seems to have been carefully carved. Details, the clock-like gyroscope in the chest was beating rapidly, making a "da... da... da..." sound.

"What is this??"

Xu Tong looked at the puppet with curiosity in his eyes. The puppet didn't look like a living thing, but there was nothing wrong with the blue halo on his body, just when he wondered if it might be some kind of special prop.

The puppet's eyelids opened suddenly, and his eyes slowly looked at Xu Tong who was standing outside the door. Now the mechanism on his body turned faster, and there was a deep and strange laughter from his mouth.

"Hey hey hey, isn't it surprising that you..."

Before the puppet finished speaking, the voice suddenly stopped.

There was a sound of "click!", and Xu Tong stretched out his hand and pulled the puppet's head off, looking curiously at the beating gears inside the puppet.

In the other hand, Xu Tong held a screwdriver transformed from a wraith, and was patiently dismantling the puppet.

Although the workmanship of the puppet is very complicated, with a good assistant like Wraith, he can change the shape and size of the tool at will, and he can easily insert it no matter it is a big hole or a small crack.

In less than 2 minutes, Xu Tong opened the puppet's heart, and saw that the center of the beating gear was actually a living finger. The reason why he saw the green mark was on this finger.

"really interesting."

He picked up his finger and threw it into the item book.

What was unexpected was that the item book actually returned two lines of entries for the severed finger.

【Mysterious Severed Finger】

The price paid for a special prop can be used to shield all information about oneself.

The price of shielding privileges is not just a severed finger, which can be exchanged for high bonuses by handing it over to the script library.

It seems that I underestimated the means of these players. I thought that I could take advantage of my privileges, but I didn't expect you to have Zhang Liangji and I to have bridge ladders.

There are still people who can block the privileges from space.

As for the high bounty, if you think about it with your toes, this is just a beautiful rhetoric for Space to cover up its incompetence. It is not so much a bonus as compensation.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xu Tong's mind suddenly moved. He turned around and saw a woman standing at the door holding a stick.

The woman was about fifty years old, and she was still wearing a loose pajamas. It seemed that she didn't expect to be discovered by Xu Tong, and her expression became awkward for a while.

"Who are you, hurry up, or I'll call the police." The woman said nervously holding the stick.

Seeing this, Xu Tong asked back, "Who is the owner of this room? Where is he?"

The woman was about to talk, but suddenly she heard footsteps from downstairs, and she screamed eagerly: "Old Fang, hurry up, the thief is here."

As the woman spoke, she was about to raise the stick in her hand to greet Xu Tong.

But her clumsy steps are as ridiculous as a three-year-old child in Xu Tong's eyes. With the blessing of "Close-to-hand Combat Technique", she turned around to avoid the wooden stick when the stick fell down, and at the same time, her toes were just Stepping forward with a pad, the woman immediately fell into a shit.


At this time, there were hurried footsteps downstairs, a middle-aged man rushed up and entered the door and saw the woman who fell on the ground, his face changed, and he was about to grab the bench beside the table and desperately.

But at this time, Xu Tong suddenly took out something, which made the man freeze in place as if he had been cast with a holding spell.

When the cold pistol was pressed against the woman's head, the black body of the gun exuded a dull luster, and the cold touch made the woman's body freeze there, daring not to move.

The man cried even more mournfully, "Brother, don't get me wrong, I... I'm... coming... to pass by."

Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense to the two of them, and took out a stack of money and threw it on the ground: "Who is the person living in this room, what is his name, and where did he go?"

Seeing the money on the ground, the woman was stunned for a moment, and shook her head: "I don't know, he just rented a house here, and put this puppet here, and no one lives here at all."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Xu Tong's face darkened: "Nonsense!"

As he spoke, he squeezed the trigger with his finger.


I didn't expect the sound of the bullet piercing the air, only the crisp echo of the firing pin echoed in my ears, but it was too exciting for the woman, and she passed out as soon as she rolled her eyes.

"Eh?? No bullets?"

Xu Tong looked at the gun in his hand pretending to be puzzled.

"Boy, I will fight with you!!" Seeing that Xu Tong's pistol was out of bullets, Lao Fang picked up the bench and was about to rush forward.


However, a bullet flew out of Lao Fang's head and pierced a hole in the bench.


The wooden floor trembled slightly, and the old man was kneeling on the ground, and the bench in his hand had been thrown somewhere.

"Jing Shoucheng, 24 years old, a student of Normal University, rented a house here, left at some point, and left this puppet behind, oh yes, I really want to hear what he said about going to the ghost market to find something Come on, I have never heard of a ghost market..."

Lao Fang said everything he knew in one breath.

"Ghost City!"

Xu Tong frowned slightly, and felt relieved, no wonder Lao Fang said he had never heard of this place.

The so-called ghost market can be understood as a secret trading market for antique dealers.

But if that's all, then you underestimate these antique dealers too much. Mr. Song also mentioned the so-called ghost market occasionally.

"Whoever is engaged in the business of antiques, my eyes regard them as ghosts, because they turn fakes into real ones, turn cheap into expensive, and rely on power, they must rely on the responsibility of the person, because of the conspiracy of ghosts and monsters, and the skills of ghost foxes .”

"Panyu Miscellaneous Notes" also said that there is a ghost market by the sea, they meet in the middle of the night, and disperse when the cock crows, people and transactions, and many foreign objects.

Many antiques are of unknown origin, what should I do?Antique dealers thought of a way and set up a ghost market, where people pretended to be ghosts to do business with people, but this kind of thing is disguised, and no one can tell whether the people you trade with are people or ghosts up.

There is a description of the ghost market in Song Lao's "Qingyun Yishulu".

A tomb thief sneaks into the ghost market and wants to sell a batch of antiques by using his identity as a ghost, but he sells them too expensively and the quality is not good, so no one cares about them. Just when the tomb thief is disappointed.

Finally, someone came to ask the price. The tomb robber saw that someone had taken the bait, and hurriedly boasted about these treasures. The other party didn't even bargain, so he packed them all and asked him if he could deliver them to his house.

The tomb robber cautiously asked about the address, and followed after making sure it was not far from here. After walking for a long time, he finally found the big house, and hurriedly sent the antiques in and put them away.

The buyer readily gave him the money, and treated him to a delicious meal, enough to eat and drink, and even arranged for a concubine to accompany him to sleep until early the next morning.

The tomb thief opened his eyelids and saw that he was sleeping in a coffin, and beside him lay a corpse that had already turned into white bones.

Almost frightened the tomb robber to death. Fortunately, the tomb robber has rich experience. He boldly pried open the coffin, dug a hole and climbed out. Isn't the tomb in the distance the one he just robbed? ?

Looking at the money in his hand again, it was all ghost money.

Immediately after returning home, the tomb thief fell seriously ill, and soon his body began to rot, starting from the root of his life until he was so rotten that he was out of shape.

Xu Tong pondered for a moment, his eyes lit up, he knew who he should go to, he ignored Lao Fang and the woman who was stunned, turned and left the room.

Not long after Xu Tong left, Lao Fang shook the woman a few times, seeing that she hadn't woken up, he glanced at the stack of money left by Xu Tong on the ground out of the corner of his eye, and put the money into his trouser pocket.

After waiting for a while, the woman woke up and saw that Xu Tong had disappeared, so she hurriedly asked Lao Fang if he had said something.

Lao Fang was guilty of being a thief, and quickly shook his head to ensure that he didn't say anything, and that the other party ran away by himself when he heard the movement outside.

"Hey, it's good to leave. The kid Shoucheng has shown great kindness to our family. Even if we give up this old bone, we can't sell him."

The woman took a deep breath and said, while the old Fang was looking up at the money in his arms, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and swearing and swearing: " are right, elder sister, I just risk it." I can't betray this child, or I will be struck to death by lightning when I go out..."

(End of this chapter)

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