Infinite script kill

Chapter 234 Ghost City

Chapter 234 Ghost City
"beware of the steps!"

Sun Ding helped the woman out of the hotel gate, looked up at the car parked by the side of the road, and frowned.

"Old Liu, didn't you say that you have something to do tonight, let him wait earlier."

Seeing that the car hadn't started, Sun Ding complained impatiently. He said that this old guy was unreliable and always lost the chain at critical moments, but his mother didn't fire him.

Just when Sun Ding was complaining, the car finally started and slowly drove to the mother and son.

"Old Liu, you won't fall asleep again. I didn't say you. I said it earlier today. Tonight we have... Huh!!"

Before Sun Ding finished speaking, he saw the car window was rolled down, but the person sitting in the driver's seat was not the old Liu whom Sun Ding was familiar with, but an unexpected face.

"Is there any big event tonight??"

When Xu Tong's hoarse voice came from the car window, Sun Ding shuddered and turned to look at his mother.

The woman was also very surprised by Xu Tong's appearance, but after a brief moment of stupefaction, that charming face immediately revealed the demeanor that a high-class lady should have.

"Senior is coming, just let me know, there is no need for you to come to the door in person." After speaking, the woman covered her mouth and said in surprise: "Ah, senior can actually drive??"

"Hey." Xu Tong grinned and said, "I can handle things like driving. Get in the car."

The mother and son looked at each other face to face, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and open the car door to get in. Sun Ding frowned when he saw the unconscious co-pilot Old Liu, "How did senior know we're here?"

The last time they traded in the soup restaurant, they didn't meet Xu Tong, they just told Chen Jian and Gao Zhuo the news, but they didn't mention their residence.

After all, it's best not to let too many people know about betraying Qianshou and the others, let alone revealing your address at will.

Xu Tong just smiled at this and did not explain.

In fact, after he came out from Lao Fang's side, he went straight to the antique city while it was still early, because the ghost market usually didn't start until midnight.

It's just that if you want to enter the ghost market, you can only find these antique dealers, but they are by no means the kind of counterfeit sellers in the small stalls in front of you. They can only be called second-hand dealers at best.

If we want to talk about real antique dealers, we still need to find the mother and son Sun Ding, but it is not difficult to find the mother and son.

The mother and son are not from the mainland. After finally coming to L City, which is known as the capital of the gods, they will naturally be close to places like the Antique City, which is convenient for them to search for and pick up leaks on weekdays.

It's the same reason that foreign tourists always choose to stay in a hotel closer to the scenic spot when they travel.

Nowadays, in L City, where strange people gather, as an antique dealer with a lot of treasures, safety is the first priority. This safety is not only for those petty thefts, but also for those strange people with strange skills.

The hotel that can meet the two conditions is nothing more than this hotel, because the police station happens to be next to the hotel.

The most important thing is that they have another very important feature, that is, this car is in a place like L City, such a high-end car, it is as eye-catching as their coordinates.

It would be hell if we couldn't find them.

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't speak, the woman joked: "Senior is also able to pinch and count. It's not difficult to find us, but I don't know what the senior is looking for us on today? Is there anything we can do for you?" ??"

"Madam Bingxue is smart, she already knew it in her heart, so do I need to say it?"

Xu Tong said without looking back.

Seeing that after 12 o'clock is the Ghost Festival, it happens that the ghost market is open at this sensitive time, and the toes should know the problem.

Last time, although their mother and son shared the news about the stone statue and Qianshou's plan to move ahead, they still had scruples in their hearts and dared not tell everything.

Now it seems that Qianshou's plan is in the ghost market during the Ghost Festival.

The woman held up her forehead with a wry smile after hearing the words: "Don't dare to disobey my senior's order, I just hope that senior will not implicate us at that time, after all, this is the only bloodline left in our Sun family."

Xu Tong nodded, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car made a rumbling sound in the dark night, and headed straight for the southern avenue.

The south of City L belongs to the new area. In reality, there are many high-rise buildings here, and the housing prices are the highest in City L, but at this time there is only a piece of wasteland here.

Even the famous Sui and Tang Dynasties Park is a wild forest overgrown with rotten grass.

But today it is busier than usual. In the field where there are no people in the daytime, there is actually a bonfire flickering today. From time to time, people rush into the woods, but when they look carefully, they can no longer find the shadow of the other party.

But when Xu Tong came by car, he was also very surprised. He didn't expect Qianshou to arrange the place here.

"Senior, although you are well-informed, you can travel like a mountain. Once you enter the ghost market, please be careful."

The woman sat in the back and reminded her again and again.

The ghost market is not as peaceful as people imagine, and it is not a simple antique trade. Even in the port area, a few people disappear out of thin air every year in the ghost market.

In their jargon, these people are sacrifices, not to mention that this ghost market is extraordinary, Qianshou deliberately held a ghost market on the day of the Ghost Festival, no one can tell what will happen.

If it wasn't for their unavoidable difficulties at the Beimang meeting, they would have left this place of right and wrong long ago.

The woman made a lot of good intentions, but Xu Tong didn't listen at all. He stared at a man and a woman in front of him. There was a faint light shining on the man and woman.

Only Xu Tong could see the two fluorescent lights, one green and one red. The two went into the woods one after the other, and then they disappeared as if they were covered by something.


Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't care whether the mother and son followed, pushed the door and got off the car, and walked towards the woods.

As soon as I entered the woods, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped five or six degrees. Although it was already autumn, Mid-Autumn Festival was still a month away. It was still very hot, but the temperature in the woods made people feel chills all over.

Following the footprints of the predecessors on the ground, he opened the woods and saw that the forest in front of him was completely dark, and his dark vision seemed to be out of order at this moment.

Two blue stone piers stand in the grass like invisible portals.

"This is Fengdu Stone!"

Sun Ding's mother and son who followed saw the stone pier and introduced it to Xu Tong: "It is said that it was polished with stone bricks from Fengdu. Call the door of ghosts and monsters."

"But no one can make it, there are only a few remains in some ruins."

Sun Ding couldn't help sighing as he spoke, some things were indeed difficult to explain, such as this Fengdu Stone, who could pry two floor tiles from the Fengdu Ghost Hall and come back alive.

Therefore, nowadays, no one knows how this thing came to be, but China is so big that not only are there many famous rivers and historical sites, but even some unknown deep mountains can occasionally be seen.

Xu Tong nodded his head, stepped forward and passed with a foot. When he stepped on the foot, a gust of wind was blown up in front of his eyes. When the wind blew, it seemed to blow away the darkness, and the blue fire light gradually became clear in the darkness. stand up.

But before he could see clearly what those flames were, a huge face in the darkness suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air.

With a blue face and fangs, two horns on his head, and three pairs of eyes on his forehead, he stared at Xu Tong with a big mouth, and the time passed, and a fluorescent light came over him. The next moment when Xu Tong opened his eyes, there was already a It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a world-changing place.

I saw that the place was still the same place, and I could still see that his current location was in Sui Tang Park when I glanced around.

But the world has completely changed. Weird watchtowers and dilapidated palaces are piled together, black and white lanterns are hung on the top of the head, and various pontoon bridges and pavilions are connected together.

It makes people feel like they are in a magical world.

"Boom rumble..."

At this time, the ground began to tremble, and a crack was seen tearing the earth apart, and immediately the surrounding soil and buildings began to twist and move along with the tremor of the earth.

Xu Tong walked to the edge of the crack and saw that there were all kinds of strange buildings and palaces under the ground. Listening carefully, it was not difficult to hear the mournful wailing sound.

"Senior, don't go down casually!!"

Sun Ding's mother and son came over, and seeing Xu Tong was engrossed, they hurriedly reminded: "Those are not real, but they are not illusory either. We don't know exactly what they are, but we just heard people say that the world below is the ghosts of previous dynasties. The created world, once lost in it, can never come back."

Sun Ding added on the side: "It looks like an abyss, but it is actually flat ground. However, every year, some people don't know what's going on, and they fall down in a daze. So far, no one has climbed out again, so we Better to stay away from these visions."

As he spoke, he saw Sun Ding casually throwing a stone towards the bottom, but the stone just fell in the air and stopped moving, as if it was frozen there, but in fact the stone just fell on the ground.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Xu Tong was stunned instead, and after a few seconds of sluggishness, the words from the opening Chapter 1 of [Huangquanlu] popped out of his head: "When the truth is false, the false is also true, and there is nothing to do. "

These words hit his mind like a slap in the face, instantly clearing his mind and clearing up the doubts in his heart.

He looked towards the bottomless abyss in front of his feet, and a burst of ecstasy suddenly rose in his heart: "So it is like this!!"

(End of this chapter)

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