Chapter 235

When the true is false, the false is also true, and when there is nothing to do, there is nothing.

In an instant, Xu Tong understood that the "Huangquanlu" given to him by the master was just the beginning of the follow-up development of Baishankou. There was no method of cultivation in it, but it pointed out the evolution of Baishankou to him.

All the stories in the whole book, just like the inscription in the opening Chapter 1, the ghostly yellow spring and the underworld called out by the master worshiping the mountain buckle are not real, but they are not fake either.

Rather, it is between the virtual and the real, just like the layers of palaces and palaces under your feet, as real as it is illusory.

After understanding the doorway, Xu Tong's understanding of Baishankou instantly gained a new understanding.

"But that's all, isn't it enough??"

Xu Tong frowned again, and realized that it was not enough for him to understand the role of Huang Quanlu, because he seemed to be missing a key link.

If the Baishan button is the key and Huangquanlu is the door, then... what about the keyhole? ? ?
While he was thinking, Sun Ding's call came from his ear.

"Senior!! Senior!!"

Sun Ding's shout made Xu Tong wake up from his epiphany, and looked back at Sun Ding's mother and son: "You don't have to worry about me, just do what you have to do, I will take a stroll and see by myself."


The mother and the son looked at each other, and they were overjoyed. The woman immediately stepped forward and said, "In this way, we won't disturb senior's pleasure, but senior should be more careful. This ghost market itself is weird, not to mention today, if senior encounters Trouble, you can leave a letter at Zhu Baolou ahead, and we will rush over as soon as we receive the letter."

Xu Tong nodded and waved his hand to signal the mother and son to leave.

Not long after they left, Xu Tong stepped on a pontoon bridge. The pontoon bridge was suspended in mid-air but was not fixed. The slender ropes were like centipede tentacles, constantly winding towards the front to build the bridge and pave the way. People standing on it would follow without moving. The floating bridge keeps going deeper into the ghost city.

Not to mention it feels like an elevator.

Get off the elevator... No, walk down the floating bridge. There are many shops on both sides of the street, which is more lively than in reality. It feels like going to a market, but if you look carefully, most of the shops are closed.

The strange thing is that there are signboards hanging on these shops, but I can't really see what is written on the signboards. No matter how I look at it, it is a blur of black mist.

Just as he was staring at these shops, he heard a shout not far behind him.


He looked back, and saw a figure wearing a cloak coming up. The cloak covered his face with a black silk net. He heard the voice, as if a whetstone was stuck in his throat. His voice was hoarse and piercing.

"Look at it, the jade ring finger of the Eight Classics, the treasure that flows out of the palace."

The man in the cloak gave his thumbs up, a finger on his skinny finger was crystal clear, and the emerald green ripples looked really nice under the dim light.

It's a pity that Xu Tong was not interested in this thing, so he shook his head and left.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that the business he had finally come to the door was about to leave, the man in the cloak hurriedly stopped Xu Tong again, pointed to the shop behind him and said, "If brother doesn't like antiques, I have all kinds of exotic treasures here, brother, just ask what you need."

Xu Tong glanced at the shop behind him, but when he saw the things on the shop, he lost interest in an instant: "Not interested!"

The man in the cloak was not in a hurry when he heard the words. Instead, he took a second look at Xu Tong and said, "Brother is not interested in these worldly things. You might as well follow me to the soul coffin shop in front of you. There may be something you need."

"Soul coffin shop!"

The name was quite interesting, and before Xu Tong refused, the cloaked man had already walked in front: "Guest officer, please!"

The warm attitude of the cloaked people is certainly not hospitable. In fact, as long as you go to scenic spots or train stations, you will always meet such "enthusiastic people" who will guide you and ask you about your health.

Are they old-fashioned? ?Wrong, they are looking for money in your pocket.

Although Xu Tong has never been to any scenic spots, he has heard of such things from time to time, but he is also very curious about what the so-called soul coffin shop is.

Simply follow the man in the cloak to take a look, the two chatted while walking, Xu Tong pointed to the surrounding shops: "There are so many shops here, why are they all closed??"

"Hey, it's not time yet."

The man in the cloak smiled, and immediately looked up at the paper lanterns hanging above his head, and said, "But it's coming soon, the guest officer is here for the Ghost Festival, it's still a while away, when the ghosts will walk at night, brother Just be careful."

"Oh, sounds dangerous?"

The man in the cloak didn't respond, but just recited a poem with his broken throat: "I also heard about the early walker, seeing the mountains and the people in the city, no different from the world, between the world of humans and ghosts."

While speaking, the cloaked man suddenly raised his hand and pointed forward: "Look, that's the ghost coffin shop. The things sold in it will definitely open the eyes of the guest officer."

After finishing speaking, he still said with a mysterious face: "But the things inside are very evil, you should be careful."

After finishing speaking, the man in the cloak raised his head and stretched out his palm towards Xu Tong: "Guest officer, the way is here, lead the way..."

The man in the cloak seemed to be inadvertently rolling up a corner of the veil, and the face under the cloak seemed to be a ghost, with a huge eyeball occupying one-third of the face.

Xu Tong was taken aback for a moment, then immediately put on a horrified expression, took a step back like a frightened little rabbit, and took out a stack of thick banknotes from his pocket in panic.

Looking at the thick stack of notes in his hand, the corner of the cloaked man's mouth inadvertently raised, and he thought, "Today is another no-cost transaction."

In fact, his trick is not a new method in the ghost city, but every time someone will be fooled. After all, ordinary people see such a horrified appearance, and when they think of being in a ghost city, they must be scared to death. Give away the money and leave.

Seeing Xu Tong holding the banknotes in his hand and flicking the number of banknotes nervously, the corners of the cloaked man's mouth could not help but split back.

"Oh, found it!"

But at this time Xu Tong yelled suddenly, as if he had found something, he stretched out his fingers and squeezed out a white note from the thick stack of banknotes, and put it in the cloaked man's hand, with a look of false alarm. Looking at the scene, he wiped his sweat and said, "I was scared to death, I just remember, I brought change when I went out."

The man in the cloak looked at the white paper in his hand, and his voice suddenly became gloomy: "Brother, you are not authentic, I don't mean this money!!"

"Oh, this is the money you want."

With a look of enlightenment on his face, Xu Tong stretched out his hand to take back the guide money from the cloaked man, put it in his arms carefully, and waved his hand again: "If you like this money, then take it."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and immediately saw the thick banknotes in his hand being scattered by him.

"You're crazy!!"

Seeing the bills flying all over the sky, the man in the cloak gave a weird cry, raised his head and stretched out his hands to grab it, maybe it was too hard, the cloak on his head fell to the ground immediately, and after a second look, he found that a long and thin rope was tied on his head.


Grabbing a handful of money, the man in the cloak threw himself on the ground to pick it up before he could take a closer look, but the fat mask on his face interfered with his sight, so he simply tore off the mask and threw it on the ground.

As a result, the mask was lost, and as the sight became clearer, the man in the cloak took another look, only to find that the money on the ground actually had the words Tiandi Bank printed on it.

"Phantom coins??"

Seeing this, the corners of the cloaked man's mouth twitched a few times, and he felt evil fire in his heart: "Damn it, I'm pretending to be a ghost with me. I've been to the ghost market so many times, it's not like I haven't seen a ghost!"

Thinking of this, the cloaked man threw away the ghost coins in his hand, and when he turned around, he saw Xu Tong picking up the mask he had thrown away and playing with it in his hand.

Seeing his leisurely appearance, the cape was so angry that his eyelids were twitching. When he was about to lose his temper, he suddenly stared blankly at Xu Tong.

Under the shadows, Xu Tong held the mask with one hand, and slowly raised the other hand, tearing at his face bit by bit.

Seeing the rough tearing off one after another, the cloaked man's mind went blank. After the face was completely torn apart, a group of yellow tumors squirmed on the face.

It wasn't until the other party put the one-eyed mask on his face again that he turned around and asked him, "Look, is it suitable..."


The cloaked man has come to the ghost market more than once to sell stolen goods. Even if he encounters some dirty things, as long as he obeys the rules, these dirty things can't do anything to him.

What's more, most of the ghosts are not only not scary, but also stupid, and are often deceived by people.

But he had never seen such a strange scene, the cloak and head were numb all of a sudden, and the most hateful thing was that he found that his legs were also a little trembling.

"Huh?? It doesn't seem very suitable."

Xu Tong touched his face, turned around slowly, the huge eyeball on the mask turned slowly, looked at the man in the cloak, and slowly stretched out his palm: "Your face seems to be very suitable. "

Hearing this, the cloaked man turned pale, opened his mouth halfway, trembled for a long time before finally let out a hoarse cry: "Ghost!!"

As he said that, he started to run around, maybe because he ran in a hurry, he fell down several times, and finally his feet slipped, and his head hit the door of a shop, and he was knocked unconscious.

"Hey! It's not fun."

Seeing the man in the cloak knocking past him, Xu Tong curled his lips, thinking that people in the ghost market should not be afraid of ghosts, but he fainted.

He slowly stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and the resentful spirit attached to his face immediately returned to his hand, turned into a picture of meat ball, and Xu Tong threw it back into the item book.

"Ghosts scare people to death, people scare people to death, little brother is too much!" A light teasing sound came, Xu Tong looked back, and saw a young man in black leaning against the door of the shop, with a stick in his mouth. holding a toothpick, looking at him with arms folded.

(End of this chapter)

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