Infinite script kill

Chapter 236 Ghost Coffin

Chapter 236 Ghost Coffin (Sorry for the late update.)
The young man in black has long black hair and standard facial features, making people think he is a girl at first glance.

With a toothpick in his mouth, his decadent and lazy demeanor gave off a bad feeling all over his body.

Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but slowly raised his head and looked at it for a long time.

It wasn't until Ji Feiyu couldn't help squinting up that he frowned and said, "What are you looking at?"

Xu Tong said without looking back, "Look at the weather."

"Weather??" Ji Feiyu chewed his toothpick disapprovingly. He had never heard of seeing the weather in a ghost market.

But Xu Tong slowly lowered his head, patted his chest, and said with a look of lingering fear: "It's okay, the weather is fine, otherwise I'm so close to you, I'm afraid that thunder will hurt me."

"What do you mean??"

Hearing this season's rumors, his expression suddenly became unnatural, why are you cursing around the corner with you? ?

Xu Tong grinned, ignoring Ji Feiyu's angry eyes, and walked into the gate of this ghost coffin shop.

Don't look at the shop's small appearance, but the space inside is much bigger than he thought.

The coffins are placed neatly around. Surprisingly, the coffin lids of each coffin are made of crystal.

Inside you can see all kinds of people lying in it, no!Not only people, he even saw a snow-white fox with a slender and graceful body and hair as pure as snow, and this fox actually had three tails.

Looking again, I saw a note written on the side of the coffin.

[Lend me three years of life, and I promise you three lives of wealth. 】

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the eyes of the fox in the coffin suddenly flashed a green light, and it seemed that they opened their eyes in an instant.

"How about it, I haven't seen it, I haven't heard of it, you bumpkin!"

Before he could take a closer look, Ji Feiyu had already walked up to Xu Tong and put his arms on the coffin casually, pointing to the coffin here: "Here are all rare treasures, all of which are unpolluted souls in the nether world, Qianjin Hard to buy, priceless and marketless."

Xu Tong frowned, but soon opened it up, grinning at Ji Feiyu, and replied with only two words: "Hehe!"

Then he turned around and looked at the other coffin.

In this coffin lay a woman dressed in white clothes, with curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, and her fair and flawless skin was slightly pink, lying in the coffin so lifelike, as if she was just sleeping It's the same.

On the outside of the coffin, there is a line of small characters written [May I have one heart and one heart, and the white head will not be separated. 】

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes, and slowly moved his face closer to the coffin, as if fascinated by something.

"Oh! Honest!!"

Standing behind Xu Tong, Ji Feiyu couldn't help but despise him when he saw Brother Pig's appearance, but at the same time, he couldn't help but look forward to it, and couldn't help tempting him from the sidelines:

"Brother, if you want a wife or not, this is ready-made. As long as you sign your name, from now on, she will be your wife. She will never leave you and will work hard without complaint. Besides, such stunning beauties are rare."

However, as soon as Ji Feiyu's voice fell, Xu Tong slowly took out a tissue, wiped it on the crystal coffin lid, turned around and threw the tissue to the young man, frowned and said with disgust, "Your family doesn't do it. Is it hygienic? There is a big fly dropping on it."

Ji Feiyu was stunned, took a look at the tissue, and said angrily, "Shit, it's obviously just a small flying insect."

"That's unhygienic."

"How is it possible, this is just a coincidence."

"Ha ha……"

"What are you huh??"


About 10 minutes later, Ji Feiyu finally held his forehead helplessly and waved his hand: "You can do whatever you want!" Obviously he didn't want to continue entangled with this guy in front of him on this issue.

Seeing him looking like a defeated rooster, Xu Tong looked a little unsatisfied, but soon he noticed a special coffin.

This coffin is different from other coffins, it does not have a crystal coffin lid, and the word [火] is written in cinnabar on the black lacquered coffin lid.

What's even more strange is that as soon as he got close to the coffin, the resentful spirits in the item book immediately began to stir.

It seems to be very interested in the things in the coffin.

"That thing is not for sale!" Ji Feiyu said with a dark face, "The guy inside is a Shaozuo devil."


Xu Tong turned his head curiously: "Then why can't you sell it? Selling devils is no better than selling..." As he said this, he glanced at Ji Feiyu, and finally stared at Ji Feiyu's ass.

"You are courting death!!"

Ji Feiyu's face turned cold, and his tone immediately turned hostile.

Seeing Ji Feiyu's increasingly hostile expression, Xu Tong couldn't help widening his eyes. After a moment of contemplation, his eye sockets suddenly became moist, and he choked up and said:

"No, I just think your rebellious appearance is very similar to a friend of mine... Well, you may not know how good our relationship is. I haven't seen him for a long time. Seeing you... see Thinking about people... miss him!"

Seeing his sincere expression, Ji Feiyu couldn't help but look a little relaxed, but then thought: "Isn't that right?? What do you mean by seeing things and thinking about others? Is this guy scolding me?"

Just when Ji Feiyu was about to argue with Xu Tong, the long bell rang. Ji Feiyu suddenly thought of something, looked up at the time on the clock, and yelled "Oops, no longer caring about entanglement with Xu Tong, turned around and rushed out the door." .

Picking up the door panels and hurriedly trying to close the store door, perhaps because of too much haste, the last two door panels were inserted in the wrong order, revealing a thumb-wide gap.

Ji Feiyu wanted to pull it out and plug it in again, but at this moment there was a scream outside the door.

"Bang bang bang..."

Immediately after the sound of chopping meat came from the street, Ji Feiyu's heart tightened. He poked his head out and squinted, only to see a shop not far from him, and he didn't know when it had opened.

A stubble-faced bald man was holding a meat cleaver in his hand, chopping it down one by one, and every time he cut down, there would be flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Looking again, I saw a bloody human head on the display board of the bald head. It was none other than the guy Xu Tong was so frightened that he slammed into the door and passed out just now.

As if aware of Ji Feiyu's gaze, the bald head raised his head to look over. When he saw Ji Feiyu, the bald head was stunned for a moment, then his whole face twisted, and he pulled out the machete on the exhibition board and walked towards this side .

Seeing the fierce butcher approaching him, Ji Feiyu's heart skipped a beat, not knowing how he offended this guy.

I was wondering, when I looked back, I found a piece of paper hanging above my head, on which was crookedly drawn the appearance of a villain shouting, and there were four words on it:

(ノ ̄▽ ̄): "Come and chop me!"


Seeing this piece of paper, the veins on Ji Feiyu's forehead swelled up, his blood pressure almost rushed to Tianlinggai, he grabbed the paper and threw it on the ground, ignoring to straighten the wrong door panel, he hurriedly put the last one The door panel is plugged in.

Just as the door panel was inserted, there was a loud slamming sound, and a big knife slashed at the door panel, splitting the two-finger-thick door panel apart.

"Bang bang bang... open the door! Little bastard, you have the guts to be provocative, why don't you have the guts to open the door, open the door for me, and see if I don't chop you into dumpling stuffing! Open the door!"

There was a deafening sound of slamming on the door, and the punches came down one after another, as if they were not hitting the door, but Ji Feiyu's heart.

Looking at the instigator again, I found that this guy was leaning against the table, holding his arms in his arms, with a paintbrush in his mouth, imitating Ji Yuyu's decadent expression and tone before saying: "You don't even do door-to-door business. Hey... brother, you can't make a fortune like this!"

Ji Feiyu stared, stared blankly at Xu Tong, and suddenly felt that he was so unlucky, why should he provoke this lunatic for nothing, and couldn't help cursing: "You are crazy, today is the Ghost Festival, and a hundred ghosts are walking at night in the ghost city , aren’t you courting death??”

"I know, but I want to buy this coffin."

Xu Tong pointed to the coffin with the word [火] written on it.

Ji Feiyu was speechless: "Then why did you provoke him?" As soon as he finished speaking, the whole door panel began to shake violently, only the sound of knocking on the door became more and more urgent.

This can't help but make Ji Feiyu wonder if the bald head outside continues to shake, will it bring down his shop?

Xu Tong smiled and said: "He came in and killed you, and I can justifiably take the coffin away. This is called zero yuan purchase, the latest consumption method in the United States. I haven't seen it or heard of it, you bumpkin!"

 Sorry, Carvin, the update is a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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