Infinite script kill

Chapter 237 Ghost Night Walk

Chapter 237 Hundred Ghosts Night Walk
The muscles on Ji Feiyu's face kept trembling. He felt that he had never seen such a brazen person who could talk about robbery so grandly.

Still... still zero yuan to buy? ?

I believe you are evil!

Ji Fei wanted to scold the street in a tone of voice, but the violent slamming of the door behind him made him tremble with fear. He was afraid that the guy outside would smash the door open, and what was even more afraid of making too much noise would provoke those terrible things over.

Turning his eyes, he saw Xu Tong holding his arms in his arms, looking like he was watching the excitement without taking too much trouble, the corners of Ji Feiyu's mouth twitched a few times: "The coffin belongs to you, help me get rid of that guy outside, after the matter is over, I'll tell you how to open the coffin, otherwise, even if you take the coffin away, you won't even try to open it."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a loud "click", and as the bald butcher stepped down heavily, the wooden boards that had been inserted in the wrong order fell to the ground, a burst of dust flew up, and a big hole was formed in the entire wooden door panel. .

"My door panel!!" Ji Feiyu backed away quickly, and at the same time wailed in his heart. This door panel seems inconspicuous, but it can be made of high-quality gloomy wood.

However, after a short period of heartache, Ji Yuyu's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his head to have a look. When he saw the butcher slowly raising the gleaming kitchen knife towards him with a smirk on his face, Ji Yuyu faltered instantly, turned around and grabbed it. Xu Tong's arm.

"Brother! You are my own brother. I was wrong. I dare not tease you anymore. Take the coffin and I will give you another good thing."

"It's a little thinner, but it's just right for making buns."

The butcher glanced at the two of them, and walked up to them with a knife in his hand. As for Xu Tong, who was at the side, he didn't pay attention. Anyway, killing one, killing two is killing. He just opened the door when he was out of stock.

Seeing the butcher getting closer and closer, Ji Yuyu's face turned pale for a while, and he could only close his eyes and wait for death. He already thought in his heart that when his master came back and saw his head on the butcher's table, he didn't know what would happen. Will not avenge myself.


Seeing Ji Feiyu's timid appearance, Xu Tong finally asked, "You are so timid, why do you want to open such a shop in the ghost market?"

The relaxed tone seemed to be asking casually, and he didn't pay attention to the butcher who had raised his sword in front of him at all.

Ji Feiyu raised his head and was about to answer, but when he saw the kitchen knife that had been slashed towards Xu Tong's head, he screamed, "Be careful!"

Xu Tong frowned slightly, and without looking at it, he slammed into the butcher's arms, dodged the blade and at the same time exerted force with his feet, and put his knee on the butcher's chest in the air.

The astonishing power caused the butcher to let out a scream. He probably didn't expect such a thin guy to have such great strength.

Just as he was about to fight back, the slender arm stretched out like lightning, and a hand knife hit the butcher's throat, causing the butcher's head to tilt, and his neck was actually dented by a third.

This kind of injury can be sent to the emergency room for normal people. If you are lucky and meet a doctor with good skills, you may survive. If you are unlucky, you can only practice skills for doctors.

However, the butcher's eyes shook a few times, and then his pupils tightened. Instead of falling down, he raised the kitchen knife in his hand and chopped it off.

"Be careful, he's not human!" Ji Feiyu also reminded behind him.

Xu Tong pouted, resentment appeared in his hand out of thin air, transformed into a thin glove to wrap his hand, grasped the blade, twisted his wrist, the butcher had no time to hold the blade tightly, and the knife was snatched away.

Then he jumped up in the air, and slapped the butcher's head horizontally with the big knife in his hand. The round head of the butcher turned into an oval on the spot, and his body swayed and fell heavily on the ground.

"Ahhh!!!" Accompanied by a strange cry, the butcher struggled to get up.

Seeing this, Xu Tong shook his head, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "If I were you, I would crawl obediently, because... I am a professional in fighting ghosts!"

During the speech, [魑魔铃] appeared in his hand, and the big hand grabbed the bald head: "Soul arrest!"

A gap in the palm was torn open, and with the terrible suction gushing out, the butcher was really scared this time, and struggled to break free from the suction, but struggled twice, and finally screamed, don't grab Xu Tong In the palm of your hand, it becomes a ball.

"This is... solved??" Ji Yuyu hid behind the counter, watching that the horrible butcher was easily dealt with by this guy in less than a minute, and couldn't help being speechless.

But he quickly remembered something, ran out quickly, and re-inserted the door panel, for fear of causing any more dirt.

However, two of the door panels were kicked and broken by the butcher, so that even after the order was inserted, there was already a huge gap in one place.

Ji Feiyu poked his head out to look outside, and the corner of his mouth trembled suddenly. He saw that the outside had changed. The originally deserted street was now crowded with people. It was the first time he saw so many people in the ghost market for so many years. Wandering spirits and ghosts gathered in the ghost city.

Just as he was engrossed in watching, he suddenly heard a whisper in his ear: "What are you looking at, let me see!!"

Ji Feiyu's complexion changed, fearing that the ancestor would provoke another moth, he quickly reached out to stop him, but his thin body did not have the strength of Xu Tong.

Xu Tong picked it up, like a kitten or dog, and threw Ji Feiyu aside.

He poked his head out and took a look: "Hey, it's quite lively. Why don't you open the door for business when it's so lively, but close the door instead? If that's the case, why do you still want to do business in a place like the ghost market?"

Ji Feiyu pulled his arm, trying to pull him back, but he didn't move after several pulls, so he could only cry and say: "That's right, but the ghost market is not what you think, it's all about getting rich. Come on, we can’t see the light in this business, so we can only hide in the ghost market, usually it’s okay, both humans and ghosts have their own rules, but today on the Ghost Festival, the gates of ghosts are wide open, and ghosts walk at night, it’s very dangerous.”

A place like a ghost market is an extrajudicial place, full of ghosts and monsters, it can be described as a mixed bag.

There are many shady industries among them, and they must stay in this place whether they like it or not.

Just like Ji Rumor, their family is in the business of soul coffins, and the people buried in the coffins are ghosts.

Those monsters and elves who are desperate buy a coffin from them, bury themselves in it, and wait for someone who is destined to come and take the coffin away.

This is the business of the soul coffin shop, which is not seen in the light, not only in the dark, but also often dealing with some ghosts.

And this business, they have been doing it for ten generations.

It is already the ninth generation to come to my master, and he himself has not yet become a teacher, so he only needs to guard the shop.

Originally, according to the plan, my master should have returned early, but I don't know what happened. Since I went out last time, I haven't come back again, and there has been no news.

Without a master in charge, Ji Feiyu could only guard the shop by himself, and he didn't dare to deal with those ghosts lightly, not to mention the special situation today, with a hundred ghosts walking at night, and the ghost market didn't know what it would be like, he made up his mind early on to close the shop and go out of business It's just that he was unlucky to meet the scourge of Xu Tong.

Thinking of this season's rumors, I suddenly felt that the cloak man's death was not a loss at all, who told him to bring this disaster to his own home.

"what is that!!"

While Ji Feiyu was still thinking about it, Xu Tong suddenly pointed to the huge lantern above his head. He hadn't noticed that the lantern hadn't been lit before.

"That... er... it seems to be..." Ji Feiyu poked his head out and looked for a long time, only to see a huge lantern hanging in the air. The color of the lantern was also very strange, one black and one white, but there were still dancing dark green lights inside. fluorescence.

Many vague shadows could be seen, all converging towards the direction of the lantern, as if something was attracting him.

Ji Feiyu watched it for a long time, and finally explained embarrassingly: "I don't know, I didn't have it before."

"Go and see!"

As Xu Tong said he was about to leave, Ji Yuyu's face changed, and he hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Don't, what should I do if you leave, this door has such a big hole? If something comes, I can Can't stop it??"

Xu Tong pointed to the coffins in the shop and began to tease: "I can't stop it?? You're a wife and a fox here? The price is so fair, wouldn't you have everything if you open the two yourself?"

This time, Ji Yuyu's expression became even more awkward, and he whispered, "This...that...this is against the rules."

"What's wrong with the rules?? I can't save my life, so why do I need to follow the rules?? I don't care, I'm going to have a look." Xu Tong said and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Ji Feiyu hurriedly grabbed Xu Tong: "Don't, don't, let me tell you the truth, you can't meet the conditions they set."

It turned out that the conditions written on the outside of the coffin seemed simple, but there was a bloody price behind it.

For example, the vixen who borrowed Yangshou said that it was three years of Yangshou, but there are word games in it.

Because the vixen's soul is incomplete, she consumes three years of life in one day. If you want to lend her a lifespan that is enough to live for three years, you can count on your own fingers, even a god may not be enough.

Often some people who are greedy for wealth and honor will be sucked dry by this vixen on the spot after signing the agreement.

"So if you want to win someone with one heart, the one with the white head is not separated, is it a pitfall?"

Xu Tong glanced at the woman in the coffin behind him and asked curiously.


Ji Feiyu nodded embarrassingly, but did not say what the specific situation was. In short, not everyone can take the coffin in this shop.

They don't intend to harm others, but the rules are like this. When the real destined people come, they will achieve a good relationship. If the undestined people insist on it, the final result will naturally be to harm others and themselves.

"So... can you not leave! I will pay you, oh yes, and this!!"

Ji Feiyu seemed to think of something, and hurriedly took out something from under the counter and handed it to Xu Tong, only to find that the thing was a crystal coffin the size of a palm.

(End of this chapter)

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