Infinite script kill

Chapter 238 Let's do it!

Chapter 238 Let's do it!
"What is this, a tourist souvenir?" Xu Tong held the crystal coffin in his hand and played with it. It was very small and delicate, and looked similar to a small ornament.

"Don't underestimate this thing. This is a soul spar. It's very rare. In order to make this little soul coffin, I quietly cut a piece from a soul spar. My master almost beat me to death!" Ji Feiyu said At that moment, I felt uncomfortable all over.

He didn't even dare to let his master see this thing, for fear that his master would get angry if he saw it, and might beat him up again.

Without waiting for Ji Feiyu to introduce the magical function of this thing, Xu Tong threw the thing into the item book, and saw that the item book immediately gave an entry about this item.

[Soul Coffin]: (small)

The wandering soul has no place to rely on, and will lose its true spirit for a long time. The wind blows it like duckweed, the light burns it like fire, and the ashes of thunder strike it in smoke.

Active Skill 1: Burial Soul

Putting the soul in it can protect the soul from being destroyed and not affected by the outside world.

Active Skill 2: Stay overnight
Consuming 2 script points, the soul in the coffin can spend the night in the host's body for 10 minutes.

Cooling time: 24 hours.

(The host can choose others or himself, but if others refuse, the soul will be returned to the soul coffin)

Xu Tong carefully examined the entry of the soul coffin, this thing has some uses, but he didn't think about how to use it, but as Ji Feiyu said, this thing is really good, it is a treasure.

"Okay, I'll take the things. I'll put the coffin with you first, and I'll pick it up when I come back."

"Ah!! You still have to go!"

Seeing that Xu Tong was going to leave after collecting his things, Ji Feiyu's face was drawn into a long face, and he squinted at the mighty shadow outside: "'s very dangerous outside."

"I won't come here for fear of danger, let's go."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he pushed open the door and walked out. He hadn't gone far when he heard Ji Feiyu's voice behind him: "Wait a minute!!"

Turning around for a look, I saw Ji Yuyu actually following up, holding a big package around his waist: "Wait for me!!"

Ji Feiyu ran up to him: "I'll go with you!"

"What about your store?" Xu Tong looked at him suspiciously.

"The door is broken, what am I doing here alone? Anyway, the soul coffin is for those who are destined to get it. Greedy ghosts who have no destiny will only seek their own death. It is safer for me to follow you."

Ji Feiyu is also free and easy, there are a lot of valuable things in the shop, but not everyone can take them away, everything that can be taken away is in this small bag in his arms.

Xu Tong was amused by Ji Feiyu, laughed a few times, and his expression gradually became serious: "You are quite good at planning, but my ability is limited. If I can protect you, I will protect you. If I can't..."

"I understand. We can't guarantee that everyone will run separately. Besides, I'm familiar with the ghost market. You can see that it's the first time you have come to the ghost market. I'm not bragging. If you just run around like this, you may not know where you will go." Ji Feiyu raised his head with an arrogant little expression, which made Xu Tong's smile brighter.

"I just like how proud you are."

After the two finished talking, Ji Feiyu took Xu Tong forward. On the way, almost all the shops in the Ghost City were opened, but the things they sold were all kinds of strange things.

A noodle restaurant on the street has a good business.

There are guests sitting at each table. A large bowl of noodles is poured with various stews, a spoonful of oil is splashed with spicy peppers, and a few green vegetable leaves are scalded on top.

Not to mention those wandering ghosts passing by, even I felt my appetite increased greatly when I saw it, but when I looked at the process below, I lost my appetite in an instant.

I saw the boss spread a piece of white paper on it, cut it into strips with a knife, and threw it into the pot beside him with a flick of his hand. Looking at the pot again, it was cold water, and there was no fire underneath.

But after the boss stirred it a few times with chopsticks, it turned into steaming hot noodles.

He looked again at a shop in front of him that was selling tombstones. A skinny old man was sitting in front of the shop and shouted to the passers-by: "There are no famous people in life, and no ghosts in death. After the deeds of the previous life, people will comment on it. Who is true or false on the tombstone?" Everyone knows, brothers who pass by, you might as well bring a tombstone for yourself, if it is discovered by archeology that day, you may be prosperous!"

After hearing this, Xu Tong understood that the tombstone of feelings was made by the old man himself, which is a bit like a false certificate in reality.

"Look this way, look this way, a fine shroud."

"Thousands of taels of gold in this world are snatched up by ten thousand taels, and a piece of paper is ten thousand taels of gold in the Underworld. Brothers and sisters who need it, come and take a look."

There was an endless stream of hawking on the street, Ji Feiyu timidly hid beside Xu Tong, watching the passers-by with vigilant eyes.

There are all kinds of exotic clothes, but there is a haze surrounding everyone who seems to have nothing.

"Sure enough, as my master said, these wandering spirits are released from the underworld, and they have the imprint of the underworld on their bodies. Once they arrive, they will be called back." Ji Feiyu thought to himself.

At this time, Xu Tong who was walking in front suddenly stopped, and Ji Feiyu almost ran into him, so he stuck his head out to follow Xu Tong's gaze.

When he saw that Xu Tong was looking at a birthday material shop, he quickly pulled Xu Tong a few times.

"Nine out of ten of these shops are ghosts, and the things they sell may not be real. Some things seem to be rare treasures, but when you leave the gate of the ghost market, you will find that they are all ghosts. tattered."

In the ghost market, true and false, false and true, people are so, so are ghosts, and so are antiques.

All that matters is eyesight, if you don't have any real skills and want to make money here, then just wait to be punched.

Ji Feiyu told Xu Tong a few things he knew in detail, all of which were stories about unlucky people who suffered a lot in the ghost market.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with ghosts who can come to the ghost market. After all, those who have problems will not come to this kind of place."

I don't know if it's because of embolden myself, but Ji Rumors talked a lot along the way.

"You know, I saw a fool before... woooo!!" Just when Ji Feiyu wanted to share what he had seen and heard with Xu Tong.

Xu Tong suddenly covered this guy's mouth, and pulled him aside: "Don't talk, follow me!"

As he spoke, he didn't care about Sanqi 21 and pulled Ji Feiyu forward.

The reason why he was so eager was because he happened to see an acquaintance, no, it should be regarded as an enemy.

Four old men, these four are the old guys who besieged me at the train station last time. I can't remember their names, but I will never forget the faces of the four of them.

I remember that at that time they were shouting that they would cut themselves into pieces and extract their souls to refine oil.

It was just a flash just now, but Xu Tong recognized the four people at a glance, and pulled Ji Yuyu to follow behind them unhurriedly, listening to the four walking and chatting from a distance.

"It's true that Qianshou, such a big matter, is actually handed over to a brat!"

The old man who spoke had a birthmark on his face, and his voice was loud without any intention of covering it up. He was obviously very dissatisfied with the brat he was talking about.

However, the old man with a straw hat on the side has another opinion: "Brother Yang, that's not what you said. Hunjianglong is Qianshou's confidant, not to mention that Qianshou found a few new friends this time who are quite capable." It’s not bad, I think it must be fine.”

"Hmph, it's the newcomers. I don't trust them. Whenever these skinless things pop up in the rivers and lakes, they dare to point fingers at us. There is something wrong with the origins of these people."

"Stop talking nonsense, he has big fists, you haven't seen that nine-fingered guy, he's full of evil spirits, and with a single palm, he made the thunderbolt hand Luo Wenbo suffer a lot, and he almost vomited blood, but he didn't even move No."

When another old man talked about this incident, he couldn't help sighing, saying that the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead, and that Zhao Jian before him had already set off monstrous waves in their hearts.

Now there are characters who are more ruthless than Zhao Jian, and their strength is also extraordinary. These old things like them instantly feel like they were shot to death on the shore.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go quickly, it's not bad for people to share a mouthful of soup with us old bastards, one must be content."

The old man who hadn't spoken all this time urged them immediately when he saw them complaining non-stop.

The other three old people nodded when they heard the words: "That's right. After all, people are responsible for the cause and effect. We don't do anything. It's not bad to share a sip of soup. There are so many ghosts in the ghost market this time. Even a sip of soup is enough to prolong our lives." Alright."

When the four of them said this, they suddenly burst out laughing.

Xu Tong hid in the back corner and listened carefully. Hearing this, he couldn't help frowning. He couldn't help thinking about the words of these four old guys. It seemed that the descending players had already joined Qianshou's camp.

And the one with the nine fingers they mentioned might be the Jingshoucheng I was looking for. Seeing the sad faces of these four old men, it seems that this Jingshoucheng is really a certified player.

The four old men were also strange, walking in circles towards the northeast corner.

"No, if you go any further, you'll be at the exit of the Ghost City!!" Ji Feiyu looked at the path that was going further and further away, and couldn't help but wondered.


Xu Tong was also very surprised, since Qianshou and the others were going to make a big fuss, why did these people stay at the exit?Is it to prevent someone from escaping? ?

With doubts, the two followed quietly, and saw an old man striding towards the exit of the ghost city.

"Four old brothers, are you leaving??"

Seeing the four people approaching, an old man on crutches standing guard at the exit stepped forward and asked, according to the rules of the ghost market, when leaving the ghost market, one needs to pay an entrance fee.

Facing the gatekeeper's question, the four of them looked at each other, and saw the old man with the birthmark stepping forward and said with a smile, "Yes, we have gained a lot this time, and you can see that it's all good stuff."

As he spoke, he untied a bag from his waist and opened the mouth of the bag for the gatekeeper to see.

"Hahaha, that's congratulations, old brother, my little brother has opened his eyes today after being exposed to you."

The gatekeeper lowered his head and stretched his neck in front of the bag with a smile, and when he was about to see what treasures were inside, suddenly a cold light flashed out of the bag, and a machete came out of the bag. The gatekeeper's head fell into the bag.

The old man pocketed the bag, looked at the bloody head inside and sneered, "Look, I'll just say it's a treasure."

(End of this chapter)

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