Infinite script kill

Chapter 240 An empty dream

Chapter 240 An Empty Dream

"Old Chai!!"

Yang Wantu and the other three looked at the body lying on the ground, and felt a shock in their hearts. They didn't know where this monster jumped out from.

When they dealt with the child just now, Xu Tong had already moved close to him, but he had been waiting for an opportunity until the distance between them was less than ten meters before making a decisive move.

At this moment, Chai Le was killed with one move, but he didn't stop. He cupped his fists and bowed heavily in the direction of the three of them.

"Bai Shan button!"

The familiar gesture approached them, and the three of Yang Wantu were instantly frightened out of their wits, and they couldn't help but think of the terrifying scene they saw at the train station in their minds.

The fear of being shrouded by Xue Gui made the three of them feel like they were facing an enemy, and they all ran away immediately.

But what they didn't know was that this was what Xu Tong was waiting for. The moment the three of them turned around, the pistol had already appeared in his palms.

"Bang~ bang~ bang..."

As the gunshot rang out, Yang Wantu felt a pain in his abdomen and fell to the ground involuntarily. He was still suspicious: "Why is it a gun?"

In confusion, a dead body fell heavily in front of him, and Yang Wantu came to his senses. When he raised his head, he found that the other two brothers had fallen in a pool of blood, and each had two bloody bullet holes.

As the saying goes, once you are bitten by a snake, you are afraid of the rope for ten years.

This person sometimes suffers from something and has been beaten, and he remembers in his bones that this thing cannot be done.

For example, if someone pulls the switch, it is okay to pull it ten times, but something happens when it is pulled eleven times, and the handle is beaten due to leakage.

The next time he went to pull the switch, he wished he could pull it with his fingertips, for fear of another electric leak and hit his hand.

Yang Wantu and the others have this mentality.

After so many years of practice, they were lucky enough to go to the top, and Xu Tong's mountain bow could not hurt their minds at all.

But at the freight station, the three of them were scared out of their wits by Master Xue Gui's methods, and they had long since lost their courage to be fearless.

The moment he saw Baishankou, he panicked.

In the eyes of Xu Tong, they are living targets. If you don't shoot them, you will be sorry for the psychological shadow left by the master.

Yang Wantu saw that the two brothers were dead, and suddenly realized this, turned his head and pointed at Xu Tong angrily: "You don't talk about martial arts!!"

Xu Tong wiped the gun body a few times, and blew lightly on the muzzle: "Sorry, I'm talking about science!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed the gun at Yang Wantu: "Are you going to say it yourself, or I will help you."

Yang Wantu was also stubborn, seeing the black muzzle of the gun pointing at his head, his heart froze, knowing that he was dead anyway, he simply raised his head and said: "You do it, kill me, I won't say anything."

"Kill you??"

Xu Tong shook his head again and again, resting his chin on the palm of his hand: "No, no, no, what are you doing killing you? Didn't you say you were going to chop me up and throw me into a medicine bucket until my bones and muscles rot? Not as cruel as you, but it is still possible to extract your soul, anyway, there are not a few ghosts in this place."

"Do not!!!"

Hearing this, Yang Wantu panicked immediately, and hurriedly sat up and said to Xu Tong: "Little brother, it's better to get rid of enemies than to tie them up. We don't have any blood feuds. Let's keep the front line."

"Bah, when you killed people just now, why didn't you stay a line? You can kill people and ghosts too. You've lost your mind and gone crazy." Seeing that Xu Tong had finished, Ji Feiyu immediately ran over. After hearing Yang Wantu's words, , suddenly yelled.

Even at his age, Yang Wantu could only nod his head and beg for mercy.

"It's okay to let you go, but tell me first, what is that thing?"

Xu Tong pointed to the huge lantern above his head and asked Yang Wantu.

When Yang Wantu heard that there was a way out, he hurriedly said, "The Well of Rebirth is the well of rebirth, which guides wandering souls to rebirth."

"The well of rebirth?"

He frowned, rebirth is more like Buddhism or those foreign teachers' sayings, I don't know if this thing is related to Buddhism?
Seeing Xu Tong's brows thinking about something, Yang Wantu hurriedly continued: "Little brother, don't kill me. Today's ghost market is a great opportunity. If you seize the opportunity and share this piece of merit, it will be enough for you, little brother. Building a tall building on the ground, let alone support your ten years of practice."

When a person is about to die, he will firmly hold on to any life-saving straw, even this straw will be dragged into the water by him.

Yang Wantu was afraid that Xu Tong would go back on his word, so he tried his best to survive, so he explained the whole story of Qian Shou and others' plan in one breath.

It turned out that after the last bus station incident, the aliens who participated in the arrest of Xu Tong suffered heavy casualties, and some seniors were even seriously injured.

Coupled with Xue Gui who came after him, like a god descending from the earth, he directly knocked out most of the hearts of this group of people.

Even Master Chu Zhao hurriedly left City L the next day.

According to Master Chu Zhao, Xue Gui had an old relationship with his master, but Zizimen owed him a favor and had to withdraw from the Beimang Conference.

The reason is reasonable and reasonable, but in the eyes of those who are interested, could this be an excuse made by Master Chu Zhao, if he sensed that something was wrong, he should run away in advance.

When he left, it was like taking away one of the stool legs under Qianshou's buttocks.

It shouldn't be said that three of them were taken away. After all, he is the leader of the Golden Gate, and his ability to divination and fortune-telling is not much worse than that of the orthodox Tianshi Dao.

This made it very difficult for Qian Shou. He knew that this time the world was full of different people, and the hearts of the people gathered together. It was precisely because of the changes of the times that many people no longer knew where to go, so they chose this path.

Once the people's hearts are broken, all the aliens will be in a state of disunity. I'm afraid Xue Gui, the man of destiny, will not need to take action, and their meeting in Beiman will collapse.

So after much deliberation, thousands of hands were ruthless, and they decided to take advantage of the ghost market opening during the Ghost Festival, and simply set up a small one first, sending the wandering souls in the entire ghost market into the well of life, and turning them into merits and virtues for everyone to share equally.

On the one hand, it is to boost morale, and on the other hand, it is to improve everyone's strength, so that they can muster their strength to defeat Xue Gui, a stumbling block.

Qianshou's move is very clever. As long as they taste the sweetness, these aliens will be like sharks smelling blood. At that time, people's hearts will, Xue Gui, you are the destiny, and I am afraid that you will be invincible. .

"Hey! My God! You have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, are you trying to grab business under the nose of Lord Yan?"

After hearing Yang Wantu's complete plan, Ji Feiyu's head was buzzing, and he felt terrible in his heart, but he couldn't help admiring the courage of this group of people.

"You... If you do this, when tomorrow dawns and the underworld recalls the ghosts, you will definitely find that the numbers don't match. Reversing yin and yang is a taboo in the underworld!! Aren't you afraid of being thrown into the eighteen hells?"

"Eighteen Hells??"

Yang Wantu smiled coldly, and his body shivered unconsciously. He glanced at Xu Tong and knew that this guy was a supporter of the new era.

He braced his body to sit up straighter as much as possible, lowered his eyelids, and fought from time to time: "We are living like hell now, the Qing Dynasty is gone, the Republic of China is over, what new era are you talking about?? Hehe , in my opinion, the era without awe is hell!"

Xu Tong shook his head, rummaged through the item book, and finally found a quick hemostatic bandage, which was given to him by the guy named Zhang Hu in Yang Zixuan's team. The next few are enough for Yang Wantu.

What, I don't remember who Zhang Hu is, um... the former owner of [Magic Power] and [Leopard Soul Cloak].

"Here, bandage yourself and get out."

Xu Tong threw the bandage to Yang Wantu. His injury was not fatal. He just lost a lot of blood at the moment. If he stopped the bleeding, he could leave.


Yang Wantu was secretly happy when he heard the words, but then felt incredible. He thought that after he told the truth, this little devil would definitely kill him.

I didn't expect that he would actually let me go! !

"Let's go, old man, you're not too young anymore, go home and enjoy life, if you don't understand something, just ask your child, if your child doesn't understand, just ask your grandson, and see if they are Do you prefer the days when you were fooled by ghosts and gods to survive on your knees, or do you prefer the days when you stand up in the sun and make the decision.”

Xu Tong's voice is very slow and warm, and there is no domineering posture in the magnetic voice, nor does it have the arrogance of standing on the moral high ground to trample on others.

After making Yang Wantu into a mess, when he was in a daze, he heard Xu Tong slowly say: "After all... the future world is their world, isn't it?"


Yang Wantu's face darkened, and the translation of this sentence said that he has reached this age and is living less and less every day. What the future will look like has nothing to do with him at all.

Since it has nothing to do with him, what is he doing with his leisure?Can it last? ?

In the final analysis, it was nothing more than selfishness, an empty dream...

(End of this chapter)

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