Chapter 241
"Why did you really let him go like this?" Ji Feiyu was a little unwilling.

"Because I said let him go. As a human being, you must have principles and keep your word." Xu Tong said indifferently, glanced at Yang Wantu's limping steps, and disappeared into the gate of the ghost city. , Recalling Yang Wantu's words just now, I can't help but feel a different kind of emotion.

These guys of the older generation, they may have also been the balance of the defenders.

But the times are progressing and society is moving forward. Suddenly one day they find that after the balance they live on is broken, confusion, fear, and changes in the new era gradually make them unable to adapt.

In their eyes, what an era without order and balance and without awe looks like, and they don't know, it is the fear of the unknown that leads them to gradually go to extremes.

I can see through the problems because I come from reality, and I have personally experienced how the motherland under the modern civilization built the atomic bomb step by step, straightened up, and became a world power.

And they, can't see...

Thinking of Xu Tong looking at the child who was sealed in the black mist, even through the black mist, he could feel the unstoppable spirit of the red tasseled spear in the child's hand.

Even though it was sealed in the black water mine, those sharp little eyes still gave people a piercing feeling, murderous and chilling.

"How about this?"

Ji Feiyu saw him staring at the child in front of him in silence, stepped forward and poked the black mist that had condensed into a gelatinous texture with his finger, glanced away, and saw the crutch that Chai Le dropped on the ground .

This crutch looked ordinary, but it was inlaid with two large and round black gemstones. Ji Feiyu took the crutch in his hand and casually poked at the black mist in front of him.

Suddenly a gust of wind swirled, and the black mist in front of him was quickly sucked back by the crutches.

Without the hindrance of the black mist, I saw the silvery and red-tasseled gun gushing out with a chilling air, almost stabbing Ji Yuyu in the head. Fortunately, Xu Tong was on the side with quick eyesight and quick hands, and he kicked Ji Yuyu. Kick on the ground.

Even so, Ji Feiyu only felt his scalp was extremely cold, and his body fell to the ground, and it took him a long time to realize that he was still alive, and he was relieved.

It was only when he lowered his head that he saw a large piece of hair falling from the top of his head, and when he wiped the top of his head with his hand, it turned out to be smooth without a single hair left.

In an instant, Ji Feiyu's face froze, he covered the top of his head with his hand, stared at the bewildered child in front of him with resentful eyes, and said, "You are too bald like this!"


The child was startled, and stared blankly at Ji Feiyu, who was bald on the top of his head, and then at Chai Le's body behind Xu Tong, and couldn't help but blushed, feeling a little embarrassed.

He apologized to Ji Feiyu again and again, but Ji Feiyu didn't take the matter at ease. Instead, he murmured: "My master once said that I had a severed head, and I can replace it. Maybe it's not a bad thing."

As he spoke, he looked around and saw a straw hat on the ground, he picked it up and put it on his head.

"It's not safe here, just leave now."

Xu Tong pointed to the door behind him, signaling the little hero to leave as soon as possible.

Judging from Yang Wantu's words, Qianshou and the others may not have been planning this plan for a day or two. The entire ghost market, whether it is a stranger or a wandering soul, is their goal.

Although this little hero has meritorious deeds to protect him, it is better to be strong as soon as possible in such a place of right and wrong.

"No, I'm not leaving!"

Although he was young, his voice was loud and powerful: "If you run away in trouble, you are a deserter. I did not desert when I was alive, and I should not be a deserter when I am dead."

After speaking, he turned his eyes to Xu Tong and Ji Feiyu: "You look older than me, but I was born earlier than you. Before your parents were born, I had already gone to the battlefield to kill the enemy. "

"Uh..." Ji Feiyu bent down and looked at him curiously: "You are a heroic soul. It is said that the underworld will not let you out easily. How did you get out? Why did you come to this place?"

"Because I didn't go down, what's the good of going down, didn't I hear about the Ghost Festival, so I came here to see if I could change into a suit of clothes, who knew that such a thing would happen."

"Then follow, we have a care together."

Xu Tong didn't refuse after hearing the words: "By the way, what should I call you?"

"Just call me Xu Qing." Xu Qing said, and the spear in his hand turned into a spot of light and disappeared.

Ji Feiyu pulled Xu Tong quietly: "We really want to take him with us!"

Seeing Ji Yuyu's reluctance, he curled his lips and sneered, "Who are you showing a bitter face to? They are no stronger than you, and whoever will be dragged down at a critical moment, you can just have fun."

Ji Feiyu heard the same thing, don't look at his appearance as a child, but he was much better than him just now, thinking of Ji's rumors, he immediately smiled.


At this time, the low sound of the horn echoed in the ghost city again.

The sound of the horn is very deep, listening to the ears, the heart also beats faster, and there is even a feeling of being called.

Accompanied by the sound of the horn, a wisp of blue smoke rose from the bodies of the three Chai Les on the ground, and the three people who had been killed by Xu Tong stood up again.

No, it wasn't that their corpses stood up, but their souls seemed to be affected by something. After floating out of the corpses lightly, they walked towards the front, the direction of the life well, with their eyes in a trance.

Seeing this, the three of Xu Tong simply followed behind them.

Along the way, you can see densely packed wandering souls lined up in a neat long line, slowly walking towards the well of life.

"Look over there!!"

At this time, Ji Feiyu pointed to the front, and saw one after another small lanterns slowly lighting up from every corner of the ghost city.

The shape of these small lanterns is exactly the same as the huge well above the head.

The lantern floated up, and wandering spirits were sucked in from time to time, disappearing without a trace.

"here we go!"

Obviously, this feast of sharing merits has been pulled away, and everyone is crazily robbing the delicious food on the dinner table.

"What shall we do??"

Seeing more and more lanterns floating in the air, Ji Feiyu's scalp tingled for a while, as if he had been reduced to a fish on the exhibition board, waiting for someone to stick out his chopsticks.

"Go up and have a look!"

The problem is the huge lantern above, which can only be done by destroying it.

So the three of them started to speed up their pace, rushing left and right among the crowd of ghosts, but the sound of the horn was still blowing, the more the three of them went up, the stronger the sound.

Xu Qing gradually couldn't stand the sound, even the soul of a hero is still a soul after all.

But if you continue to go up, I'm afraid Xu Qing may not be able to bear the next road.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's heart moved, and he took out the soul coffin that Ji Feiyu had given him before: "Go in and hide first, and I will let you out after I solve this broken horn."

Seeing this, Ji Feiyu nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, this soul coffin can protect you. If you hide in it, no one can do anything to you. Just come out when you feel more comfortable."

Xu Qing covered her head, nodded, and her figure turned into a streamer of light and got into the coffin. As soon as she entered the coffin, Xu Qing's complexion suddenly became much better, and her whole body relaxed.

"Hahahaha, merit, merit!!"

Under a small hanging lamp, the two young men Zheng Le turned their backs on their backs, only to see that under the light of the hanging lamp, ghosts one after another were sucked into the lamp.

Every time a ghost is inhaled, the light of the hanging lamp becomes more brilliant.

They only need to burn the hanging lanterns to get the merits inside. Isn’t this more comfortable than the ghost temple fair, they have to use some means to save the wandering souls, just sit on the ground and watch it here, it’s just lying on the ground .

And the speed is not only ten times faster than the ghost temple fair, but also a hundred times faster.

"Hey, according to this speed, three hours, by the time the rooster crows, the merit is enough to equal our 30 years of hard work."


Are you happy, really happy, just like the Warcraft trumpet being brought into the book by a mage, it is simply boundless happiness.

Just when the two were laughing from ear to ear, they suddenly heard a shout from behind: "Hello!"

The two looked back in a daze, and saw Xu Tong clasped his fists and looked at them with a smile: "Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"Get rich?"

Before the two of them knew who this person was, they suddenly felt dizzy, their heads seemed to be smashed flat by a [-]-year-old sledgehammer, in a daze, one of them tried to stand up, but just lost his temper , his chest seemed to be exploding, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell unconscious on the ground.

It seems that my experience in the soup restaurant some time ago is still effective. It seems that the power of Baishankou is comparable to the power of magic and the fire of corrosion.

But there is a premise that the opponent has no way to defend, otherwise unless he can achieve the same level of truth and falsehood as the master, the power of Baishankou will be greatly reduced.

But even with a big discount, it is still very easy to deal with these cats and dogs.

"That's it!" Ji Feiyu stepped forward and grabbed the rope to pull down the lantern.

This small lantern looks small, but its workmanship is exquisite. There are dense handwriting written on it. The principle of the Kongming lantern is written on the top, and a wellhead made of paper is hung on the bottom.

It looks similar to the huge lantern above their heads.

"What's written here??"

Ji Feiyu watched it carefully for a while, but he couldn't recognize what kind of characters were written like ghostly symbols inside.

Xu Tong took it over and looked at it, and couldn't help frowning: "It's English!"

"English??" Ji Yuyu was taken aback when he heard the words: "In foreign language? Why is this well written in foreign language?"

Xu Tong fumbled in his pocket for a while, took out the soul orb of the bald butcher from before, and pinched it against the lamp, and the soul orb burst open immediately. inside.

At the same time, a faint holy breath flashed from the mouth of the well. Although this breath was weak, to him with a dark physique, it was as pungent as poison.

Seeing this, Xu Tong pondered in his heart, and probably understood, resting his chin on his palm, squinting at the huge lantern above his head, he couldn't help saying to himself: "Oh, so you are also afraid of being liquidated!"

(End of this chapter)

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