Infinite script kill

Chapter 242 Grandpa is here! !

Chapter 242 Grandpa is here! !
(Chapter 89 is written in a wrong place and needs to be reviewed again, sorry.)
There is a saying that settles accounts after autumn. Farmers in the north cultivate once a year, and only after the autumn harvest can they sell the grain, and exchange some money to pay off the debts owed this year.

For example, the wine money owed to Lao Zhao's family, the clothes money from the cloth shop, the tea tasting money from the Fenglai Building next door...cough cough, that's why it is said that it is settled after autumn.

It's not just after the autumn to settle accounts, beheading and killing people is also after the autumn.

For example, I caught a few flower-picking thieves, and one who wrote a book that loves to break chapters. Hey, I caught it in spring, and chopped it down at the entrance of the vegetable market after autumn.

Because it is cold, in this season, everything is depressed, fallen leaves are flying, and the place is full of murderous atmosphere, even the atmosphere does not need to be exaggerated, and the temperature is relatively low, the corpse is not easy to rot and can reduce the occurrence of plague.

The same is true in Netherland. The judge has the list in his hand, and he will count it for you in the October Dynasty after autumn, during the Cold Clothes Festival, and call you: "Who is that, your house burned clothes for you, come and get them."

Those who have received clothes will draw a stroke on the list, and those who have no clothes will draw a cross on the list.

This is Zhongyuan, and it is only three months away from Hanyi. Qianshou and the others play so big, even if there are thousands of wandering spirits in the underworld, you suddenly lose such a large number. unwilling.

So when the time comes, this matter will definitely make a big mess.

At that time, don't talk about merits and virtues, whether you can save your life is one thing, and the underworld will not interfere with the affairs of the yang world, but if you reverse yin and yang, the nature will be different.

How could Qianshou not understand the seriousness of it? He dared to do this because of this well of rebirth. The place of rebirth is not the Heavenly Palace, but a Western Holy Court.

It turned out that when the Japanese invaded China, Qianshou also killed many devils and rescued a foreign monk from a concentration camp.

This foreign monk followed Qianshou to preach and preach for a while. Qianshou himself is a standard pragmatist and taker. He has learned Taoism, worshiped Buddha, and learned what is useful.

The two have been in contact for a long time, and Qianshou has not only learned foreign language, but also fluent English.

You say that you are smart, but you don’t want to learn from the benefits. If you are willing to study science, you will probably become an expert. The work of building a homeland is in the contemporary age. How fragrant it is!

But people are like this, you say he is smart, he is really smart, but in the end he killed himself.

You say he is not smart, you still can't reach his level.

Qianshou made a plan, he couldn't let Yincao know about this matter, so he simply set up this well of rebirth, which contained the teachings of the Holy Court, and all the salvations were sent to them.

In this way, even if you want to find them below, don't try to find out the whereabouts of these ghosts for a while. Even if you find out, it doesn't matter.

Although Xu Tong didn't know these things, but after reading the foreign language above and the overflowing sacred aura, he had an instinctive dislike.

Thinking about it in my heart, I estimated that Qian Shou should use this method to avoid some kind of karmic punishment.

In order to prove his idea, he casually threw the lantern into the item book.

The result is about the same as I guessed.

【Holy Lantern】

Legend has it that souls can take this lamp and go to heaven.

After burning, you can get a certain special power blessing.

Looking at the remarks above, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

He raised his head, looked at the lights not far away, and turned to look at Ji Feiyu behind him, his eyes flickered with a frantic light.

He looked at Ji Feiyu with hairs all over his body. For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. He just felt that the guy's eyes in front of him became more and more frenzied, and he put his hands on his chest: "You...what are you going to do??"


Xu Tong grinned, put his arm on Ji Feiyu's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I have a bold idea, we can have a good chat..."

"I, can I say no??" Ji Feiyu swallowed, thinking with his toes, he knew that this would definitely not be a good idea.

But Xu Tong would give him a chance to say no, so he took his arm and walked aside, and he didn't know what to say, so Ji Yuyu half-pushed and agreed.

"Senior Qianshou cheated the sky and crossed the sea with his hand. It's really admirable. I never thought that there would be such a day."

On the terrace under the well, everyone complimented Qianshou.

"This old man has been practicing for so many years, but he has never seen such a method. It is really very human and extraordinary. We have never thought of such a method."

The combined age of these old guys is enough to hand over a millennium bastard.

But what he said made people get goosebumps.

Everyone was so grateful that they almost knelt down to Qianshou, brought over the lines from Tianlong Babu, and yelled a few flattery like "The old fairy Qianshou has boundless mana".

To say that these old guys don't feel blush? ?He could say such nasty words, but in front of everyone, he didn't even turn off the lights.

In fact, blushing belongs to blushing, but who made Dad give too much.

Facing the compliments from everyone, Qianshou seemed much calmer. He took off the lower half of the mask in a leisurely manner, exposing his mouth, holding the tea bowl in one hand, and savored mouthful after mouthful. There are a few white jasmine flowers floating on a bowl of clear tea in the house.

It is the famous Bitan Piaoxue among scented teas.

However, although the taste of Bitan Piaoxue in this hand is good, it still can't compare with the tea from Fenglailou.

The Bitan snow in Fenglailou not only tastes mellow and fragrant, but the spring water for drinking tea is pulled back from Longmen Mountain, which is unforgettable after tasting. .

Unfortunately, Fenglai Tower has been sealed.

Xue Gui, an old thief, once hit the mountain button, the entire Fenglai Building was completely ruined, and he became a jeopardy where people and ghosts should not enter. Whoever enters will be ruined.

The Bitan Piaoxue that he has been thinking about so much may never be tasted again.

Thinking of this, Qianshou felt as uncomfortable as if he had been stabbed by a thorn.

Seeing him shaking his head, everyone thought he had said something wrong, and the compliments immediately stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at Qian Shou.

Sensing the strangeness of the crowd, Qianshou frowned and smiled slightly under the mask: "Don't worry, I just thought of something else."

As he said that, he put down the unfinished tea in his hand, and said in an unhurried manner: "What's the point of this, today's is just an appetizer, and next month, we will open the Yin-Yang Dao, At that time, it will be enough to change my life against the sky!"

"it is good!!"

Everyone shouted excitedly, yes, this is just an appetizer, and the thousands of evil spirits in the Yin and Yang Dao, that is the main meal.

At the thought of this place, everyone danced with excitement, looking forward to the arrival of the carnival feast.

"Then what about Xue Gui, we can't beat him either."

Amidst the cheers, there was finally a discordant voice, like a bucket of cold water poured on everyone's heads, extinguishing most of the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts at once.

Qianshou raised his eyelids, and was about to look for the source of the voice, but he couldn't find it when he glanced at it, and he cursed and disappointed in his heart.

It's like when the company leader is advocating the future of the company, everyone's glory, and frantically beating everyone up, you jump out and shout for a salary increase.

If it were the leader of the city government who almost had a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot, he would be outraged.

Fortunately, what kind of person is Qian Shou, he lives like a spirit, and he is so angry that he wants to take him out, but his face is calm, and he picks up the tea bowl slowly and sips lightly. Take a sip.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat at first, but when they heard Xue Gui's name, many of them were about to panic on the spot.

But when he looked again, he found that Qianshou was drinking tea slowly, with a leisurely demeanor in front of everyone, without saying a word, but it gave people a reassurance.

"Everyone, what is Xue Gui? Last time he was just a sneak attack. We were exhausted and were shaken by that little bastard's explosion. That guy took advantage of it."

The person who spoke was Mr. Reminder, the eldest brother did not speak, and the second child was not there, so the responsibility of the Circus naturally fell on the third child.

After speaking, he turned and glanced at the young man behind him, and nodded to him. The young man immediately took out a big cardboard box like magic.

When the box was opened, there were booklets without titles inside.

"Everyone, this is the immovable vajra mantra. I once met a Buddhist eminent monk and got the treasure. It is the most miraculous technique to resist evil. I have fought against that little devil. With this mantra, he can even kill a hair on me." I didn’t get hurt, if it wasn’t for a passer-by passing by at that time, who let this kid run away, I would have slaughtered that little devil at the crossing of Tianqiao Street that day!”

Mr. Cuiming raised his head and patted his chest to tell everyone about the glorious deed, and asked the young man to distribute the immovable Vajra Mantra to everyone.

"I'm a junior, but my cultivation level is still shallow, but the seniors are strong, and they will definitely be able to play a miraculous effect. When I meet that old thief Xue Gui, the big guys will go together. I can't go wrong!"

Everyone took a look at the small book, and there was indeed a mysterious mantra on it. It seemed that there was a Buddhist power echoing the recitation, and they couldn't help being moved, and thanked Mr. Ming.

Seeing everyone's concentration, Qianshou squinted his eyes and nodded to Mr. Reminder, that look seemed to be his approval and satisfaction for his subordinates.

"Everyone, don't worry, Xue Gui, that old thief, is alone, you can beat two fists with four hands..." Before Qian Shou finished speaking, he heard the following sentence: "The fierce tiger hangs and beats the dogs! "

Qian Shouyan stared, the sudden sentence almost choked him to death, his nose under the mask was almost crooked, squinting at the crowd: "Who is making trouble!"

"Grandpa is here!!"

Everyone was startled, and followed the sound, only to see an MP3 played on the table behind them at some point, and four words were repeated in it: "Grandpa is here, grandpa is here, grandpa is here..."

"who is it!"

Qianshou's face sank, he waved his hand to throw the tea bowl, and immediately smashed the MP3, but at this moment, Qianshou suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming like a surging tide, and he saw the crowd in a blink of an eye In the middle, a young man looked at him with a smile on his face, holding a cold pistol in his hand!
(End of this chapter)

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