Infinite script kill

Chapter 243 If you can't be rich and noble, then...

Chapter 243 If you can't be rich and noble, then...

What did it take to be a killer in ancient times?Courage and martial arts, the so-called chivalry is forbidden by martial arts, superb martial arts are absolutely indispensable.

Otherwise, you will be hacked to death before you run forward. You are not a killer or a reckless man, just like the warrior in the game. After pressing the charge button, you will enter the cemetery in the next second.

But in modern times all a killer needs is a handgun.

Even a three-year-old child can kill with just a pistol.

The moment Qianshou saw the black muzzle pointing at him, his hairs stood on end one by one. The feeling was really indescribable, as if his soul was about to be pierced!

Feeling a great threat coming, he immediately rushed forward regardless of embarrassment.

Immediately after a series of gunshots in the crowd, three bullets made three holes in the ground, and each bullet was narrowly dodged by Qian Shou.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, everyone was in a mess.

Seeing that he missed a hit, Xu Tong turned around and squeezed into the crowd, and walked away quickly.

But as soon as he turned around, a strong murderous aura surged from behind him. It was a young man with purple fluorescence flashing on his body, walking towards him quickly with his head down, a dark red dagger was buckled backwards in his hand.

As soon as Xu Tong noticed him, the guy's figure instantly blurred, and when he reappeared in the next second, he was already in front of Xu Tong.


Di An's low voice was a little arrogant and a little lonely, and his indifferent eyes seemed to have judged the guy in front of him as a death sentence, and he raised his hand and let out a cold light.

The cold light was no more than three inches long, but it seemed to condense the murderous aura to the extreme. There were rainbow-like psychedelic lights shining in the air, making people dizzy for a while.

【Feihong Strike】It can only be activated when the distance between the target and itself reaches within one meter. After activation, the Feihong Strike will be launched, which has 30% armor-piercing, serious injury, and disability effects.

This is just a single card effect of Feihong Strike. What is really scary is that Dian has a full five prop cards, all of which are configured around the damage bonus of Feihong Strike.

With the blessing of various passive effects, Feihong's single strike has become Dian's unique and powerful skill.

If Yang Zixuan was here, he would definitely recognize Dian's identity immediately after seeing this scene, because his flying rainbow strike has become his unique signature.

No one knows his real name, but he has a nickname, Feihong Assassin.

Although he is not a certified player, his strength is lower than that of certified players, enough to rank among the top [-] recognized masters.

However, what Di An never expected was that in the face of a fatal blow, a normal person would have to dodge hastily or block it with all his strength, but Xu Tong was different.

This guy didn't know when there was a pale yellow spear in his hand, and he was stabbing towards his heart with all his strength. His eyes were blazing with fire, and he couldn't see the awe of death at all.

Di An raised his brows slightly, and a dozen thoughts flashed through his mind in a blink of an eye. He was sure to kill him with one blow, but facing the opponent's crazy blow, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"Death for injury!"

Without any hesitation in his heart, Di An resolutely gave up the attack, and lightly dodged Xu Tong's spear point with his body on his toes.

The reason why this is so is not surprising. If the opponent is a target that can bring him huge benefits, he will never hesitate to trade death for injury.

But the target in front of him was just an unknown player, and it wasn't worth making Dian pay such a price.

Di An's idea was not wrong, but when the figure retreated, he suddenly found that the spear in Xu Tong's hand had disappeared, replaced by a fist with his left hand.

This made Dian's heart skip a beat, and he had a bad premonition, but he followed Qianshou these few days, and naturally he also got the advice of Mr. Reminder, learned the immovable Vajra mantra, pinched his fingers, and immediately recited it silently in his heart stand up.

Unexpectedly, the expected Baishan button did not come to him, but Xu Tong slowly raised his head and grinned at Di An, clasped his left hand and raised his ring finger in his right hand.

At this time, Xu Tong seemed like a lone wolf who had come back for revenge. His usually low-key and silent hard shell had been completely broken, giving people the feeling of ferocity, madness, and a kind of sharp-edged rebellion!
That violent yet rational gaze made Dean's heart sink, as if he realized that he had made a big mistake just now and didn't try his best to kill this guy.

But he no longer had this chance. Xu Tong jumped off the terrace, rolled over on the ground, and shouted to the messy crowd behind him, "Hey, Qianshou, your immortal stake is nothing more than that!" Er Er, any village guard can destroy it!"

His voice was so loud that everyone could hear him clearly.

"Sit on the fairy pile!!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and their expressions became weird for a while, and they looked sideways at Qian Shou himself.

Sitting on the Immortal Stake is a well-known sorcery in the rivers and lakes. Once you are tricked, you can almost only wait for death, and this process is very difficult, like someone sitting on your chest, sucking your blood and eating your flesh every day. You can't breathe, and in the end, your energy and energy are exhausted.

Everyone is afraid of thousands of hands, maybe it's because of sitting on the immortal stake, but they don't think that this sorcery has a way to break it, and the way to break it is so simple.

Regardless of the truth of this statement, just looking at Qianshou's trembling fists, one can tell how emotional Qianshou is at the moment.

After all, it was a housekeeping skill, and Xu Tong's utterance would probably spread all over the world in the near future. Even the old Voldemort in the city like Qianshou was very angry at this time.

"kill him!!"

It's useless to say anything now, I can't kill all these old guys around me, otherwise my Beiman Conference will be a fart.

He could only vent his anger on Xu Tong, since this kid dared to come here to make trouble, he might as well give Xue Gui a big gift with his head.

"I come!!"

Mr. Reminder jumped down from the balcony, intending to make up for the regret of not being able to fight in the last round.

But immediately after, I saw the other two people also jumped down.

One of these two people is called Cimin and the other is called Jiancheng. Both of them are newcomers who have joined Qianshou's subordinates.

Xu Tong saw that these two were exactly the two players, plus the one who shot at him just now, half of the five players who came this time had arrived.

The two jumped down, and it seemed that they were running for their item book.

"Urgent, time is running out, don't delay, the three of you go together, kill him as soon as possible."

Qianshou doesn't know how to give away heads one by one... No, it should be said that he has suffered such a loss last time, and this time he has a long memory, so he might as well do it together.

After all, single-handedly fighting for your life is nothing compared to watching the crowd fight to relieve your anger.

"and many more!"

Seeing that the three of them had surrounded him, Xu Tong hurriedly waved his hands to stop.

"Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, kill him!" Qian Shou acted vigorously, this time he was determined to kill this brat.

At that time, take his head as a sacrificial flag for yourself.

"You dare!"

Xu Tong sneered when he heard the words, and pointed to the huge lantern above his head: "Believe it or not, I will blow up that thing right now!"

When everyone looked up, their expressions changed drastically.

I saw a huge paper figure climbed up on the lantern at some point.

Some people took a closer look and recognized it immediately. Isn't this the same thing that exploded at the cargo terminal that day? ?
Immediately, everyone's face changed drastically, and they hurriedly shouted to stop.

Monk Ming also ran to Qianshou's side. He was also a personal participant at the freight station that day and knew the power of this thing's explosion.

Hearing what Monk Ming said, Qian Shou immediately told the three of Mr. Hypnotist to stop.

It turns out that Xu Tong's quarrel just now was to create an opportunity for Fatty to quickly flash onto the lantern in the form of a ghost. Otherwise, why would he rush to the wolf's den excitedly, waiting to sacrifice the flag to Qianshou and the others? Woolen cloth?

"Boy! Don't mess around, or even if that old guy Xue Gui comes today, he won't be able to save you!" Qian Shou's expression can't be seen clearly under the mask, but it can be confirmed from his voice that Qian Shou is stronger than Xu Tong at this moment. Be nervous.

After all, this is just the beginning. Once the Well of Rebirth is destroyed, their previous efforts will be in vain.

"When you say that, I really want to try it. See if my master is coming. Can you guys really stop it?"

"Don't! Don't! Don't! There is something to discuss!"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's easy to discuss, easy to discuss, little brother, don't mess around!"

The complexion of the crowd changed drastically, for fear that this guy would go crazy, since the last time this kid did not hesitate to cause a big explosion at the freight station, they nicknamed Xu Tong Zhao Kuangsheng.

This kid is really the one who doesn't want to die. If he is provoked and the well of past lives is destroyed, today's matter will become a big mess.

Once the life well above is destroyed, the ghosts in this ghost city will not explode. The most terrifying thing is that if these ghosts escape back to the underworld to file a complaint, they will be in big trouble.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing the frightened looks of these old guys, Xu Tong laughed out loud instead, and squinted at Qianshou: "Old guy, I'm standing here now, aren't you going to kill me? Why didn't you do it?? "

Qianshou more than wanted to kill him, he just wanted to skin this kid.

But at this moment, Xu Tong grabbed the vital point, and it turned out to be hard to get off for a while.

At this time, I saw Xu Tong stretching out his palm towards Qianshou: "I don't want much, just one thing, what you robbed me before, give me something now, take it and let me go, if you don't give it to me, it will blow up this thing. "

When everyone heard the words, they immediately scolded this guy in their hearts, and the lion opened his mouth.

But after a round of cursing, all of them focused their attention on Qianshou, and there were four pieces of immortal treasures in total.

Not long ago, Fenglailou was sealed off. It is said that the one held by the owner of Fenglailou has also fallen into Xue Gui's hands, plus the one originally held by this kid...

"Give it!" Finally someone whispered to Qianshou.

Qian Shou was startled, and looked sideways, the person who spoke was an old senior from Northeast, his seniority was quite high, as soon as he opened his mouth, others also began to persuade: "Qian Shou, give it up, it's about everyone's life , as long as the last piece is in our hands, even if he took three pieces, it will be for nothing."

"Yes, senior, what if he blows up the lantern, so many ghosts will come back..."

"Give it to him, we are not afraid of losing this piece of broken jade with our merits and virtues to protect us, and we will grab it back at worst!"

A group of people shouted in a hurry, Qianshou was so angry that his teeth were trembling, and he squinted his eyes to scan the crowd.


Monk Ming shouted with a dark face: "What do you mean!!"

It's a pity that others didn't pay attention to his slight words, and soon his voice was drowned in the persuasion of everyone.

Qian Shou was angry at first, but then gradually calmed down, looking at the benevolent faces in front of him, his heart turned cold all of a sudden.

I tried my best to help these old guys, but I didn't expect that these people would force me to hand over the fairy treasure in order to protect themselves.

People's hearts are unpredictable, he claims to have seen through the changes in the world situation, and he can raise his arms and shout, and all the heroes will respond, but he didn't want to let a junior teach him a real lesson today.

Seeing the people getting more and more excited as they talked, Qianshou suddenly felt a sense of clarity in his heart. He waved his hand to signal the crowd to be quiet, and looked at Xu Tong: "I'll give you what you want."

As he said that, Qianshou jumped off the balcony, took out a piece of fluorescent jade from his sleeve, reached out to caress the piece of jade, and walked forward step by step, talking to himself in a voice that only he could hear. said eloquently.

"When living together with others, it is not advisable to share meritorious deeds with others. If you share meritorious deeds, you should avoid each other."

This sentence comes from a Confucian classic "Cai Gen Tan" in the Ming Dynasty. The general idea is that people can only share adversity, but not wealth.

Qian Shou already understood what these old guys were thinking.

I even find it ridiculous, I'm afraid these people came here for the Beimang Association in the first place.

But when they learned that Xue Gui would stop them, and even kill one at a time, they were discouraged, and retreated like Master Chu Zhao.

In order to cheer for these aliens, I did not hesitate to bear the burden of cause and effect, stepped on the red line, and gave these old guys a big chance. I felt that as long as the cats tasted the fish, they would not be afraid that they would not eat fish.

He thought it was a wonderful method, but he didn't know that he was digging his own grave with this idea.

Even if there is no brat like Zhao Jian to make trouble today, even if the game of the ghost market is successfully completed today, after everyone has gained ten years, 20 years, or even 30 years of merit, will they follow him to fight Xue Gui? ?

With such a large amount of merit, they are enough to change their own shortcomings, and even prolong their lives without any problem.

Why do you still have to go to Beimang Mountain with yourself to work hard?
Qianshou laughed at himself, forgot?forget?He actually completely forgot why these people did not come all the way to L City, and why they dared to take huge risks with him to fight.

Isn't it because they have been forced to have nowhere to go, and I actually want to give them a sigh of relief, so that these old guys can live on for more than ten years? ?

Thinking of this, Qianshou couldn't help laughing at himself. It's so ridiculous that he didn't even understand such a simple truth in his age.

He handed the jade piece in his hand to Xu Tong, and when Xu Tong was about to reach for it, he subconsciously glanced at the two pairs of eyes under the mask of Thousand Hands, seeing the viciousness in those cold pupils like a poisonous snake, Xu Tong felt Suddenly he thumped.

Without even thinking about it, he retracted his hand violently, decisively activated the magic power, and slapped Qianshou, but Qianshou seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and with a backhand blow, a terrifying force struck and shattered the magic flame.

Xu Tong's arm went numb, and his body trembled and quickly backed away.

Seeing Qianshou slowly take off his mask, revealing his terrifying face, his eyes were full of indifference, and he said in a low voice, "It's better to share weal and woe if we can't share wealth."

 Just one update today, there is something at home, don't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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