Infinite script kill

Chapter 244 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 244 Chasing and Killing
Seeing Qianshou's hand, Xu Tong immediately ordered Fatty to destroy the paper lantern above his head.

In fact, he had already made up his mind that no matter whether Qianshou gave him the fairy treasure fragment or not, he would destroy this thing.

This has nothing to do with honesty, because I said it at the beginning, and I just promised not to blow it up. In fact, if you think about it, you know, does this thing still need to be blown up?It's all made of paper and there's no need for Fatty to blow himself up.

Besides, self-explosion does not cost money? ? The 300 scripts will be divided among themselves.

After the big fat changed shape, he stretched out thousands of claws, and the dense tentacles were like countless iron hooks, grabbing on the lantern and pulling it hard.

There was a "thrilling" sound, the sound was not loud, but it was no less than thunder on the ground when it reached everyone's ears.

Looking up, the lantern was actually torn in half by Big Fatty.


Seeing this scene, everyone's mentality was about to explode, and some people rushed forward frantically to stop it.

But how could their speed compare to Dapang's destructive power.

The paper lantern was ripped apart by the big fat three times and a big hole came out.

This lantern looks big, but it actually uses the principle of Kongming lanterns. The lantern itself is very light. Once the paper is broken, it will be over immediately. When everyone rushed up, they found that the lantern had been ignited by the flames, and it turned into a ball of fire and fell down. .

And Fatty was directly recalled by Xu Tong and disappeared in front of everyone.


The lantern fell, and the well below also fell down, and the fire directly ignited the surrounding buildings.

"It's over!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were shaken, and when they looked at Xu Tong again, their eyes wanted to cut him into pieces.

But they had no time to rush up to Xu Tong to settle accounts, because their troubles were even greater, and they had no time to take care of Xu Tong.

Without the light of this lantern, the other sky-reaching lanterns around immediately dimmed. What's more frightening is that the marks of the underworld on these wandering souls have also recovered, and a misty black mist emanates from their bodies, which makes these wandering souls lose their thoughts. Gradually recovered.

This time, the whole ghost city was fried.

For a while, ghosts cried and howled, and the densely packed wandering souls let out a sharp roar, and immediately turned into a black light and soared into the air, forming a terrifying torrent of darkness amidst the gathering of countless black lights.

A disciple who didn't know who it was was staring blankly at the torrent, and when he regained his senses and tried to dodge, it was too late. His figure was instantly engulfed by the torrent, and after a while, a pile of bloody bones remained on the ground.

"Not good! Hurry up and kill them!"

Seeing the wandering spirits running away, an old man's eyes showed a cruel look, if they can't get them, they will be completely destroyed. In short, these wandering spirits can't be allowed to escape, not even one of them.

Everyone nodded, although they were not the ones who initiated this incident, but Yincao doesn't care about it. At this moment, they can only kill and use thunder to keep everyone safe.

Immediately, these old guys started to attack.

Talismans, mantras, spells, and spells were smashed down all at once, and a large number of ghosts were directly beaten to death on the spot.

But there are too many of them, these wandering spirits are not stupid, they can't beat you old ones, they turned around and split into dozens of black mist to hunt and kill those juniors.

Now, those old things on the terrace are very anxious. The disciples and grandchildren they brought this time are scattered all over the ghost city, so that they can release sky lanterns to harvest merit.

Everyone divides an area separately, and no one is next to each other, so as to avoid conflicts.

But now it has become the object of revenge in the eyes of Youhun.

Seeing his disciples being torn to pieces by a group of wandering souls before they even had time to scream, the eyeballs of these old fellows were all red.

In fact, I don’t blame people for being ruthless. If it were you, you would come to the ghost market to buy something when you came home from vacation, but you were humming and singing a little song when someone dragged you into the car and treated you as free. The labor force was sold abroad as a coolie, wouldn't you be angry? ?
If you don't kill you, blood will flow like a river, these wandering spirits obviously won't give up.

Seeing the chaos in front of him, Xu Tong yelled in his heart that he deserved it, but in the blink of an eye, he looked at Qianshou with a complicated look on his face. He saw that the old guy took off his mask, revealing a face that had been burned by the fire. His gaze looked more terrifying than a ghost.

He admits that he underestimated Qianshou, just like Qianshou underestimated everyone's mentality of being safe with a little wealth.

Seeing these people continue to linger on their last breath while making a fortune, how can Qianshou make everyone happy? Since you don't have the ambitions that can match mine, then I will help you get your ambitions back, even if you will For this reason, it is not hesitating to turn against me.

"You! Very good!!"

Qianshou squinted his eyes, and stared at Xu Tong with slightly lowered eyes. The expression on that face didn't know whether it was joking, angry, or both.

But at least one thing is certain, at this moment, Qianshou's determination to kill him, Xu Tong can clearly feel it five or six meters away.

"Do it!" Qianshou snorted coldly, and three black shadows came out from behind him, and they rushed towards Xu Tong in unison, and the move was a killer move, leaving no possibility of Xu Tong's life at all.

"Boy, let me see your methods!"

As soon as Mr. Cui Ming raised his hand, a faint light appeared in the palm of his hand, and he was the first to attack Xu Tong. A set of palm techniques struck him, and his eyes were full of afterimages, and the more he swung the more violently, the palm strength became more and more terrifying like a snowball.

Seeing this, Xu Tong had no choice but to retreat. He had the blessing of [Close-to-body combat], but close-to-body combat was like a child's play in front of people like Mr. Reminder. After all, fighting was mainly fighting. Not a star.

However, he just took a few steps back when a black bottle suddenly fell on the bottom of his feet without warning, and shattered on the ground with a "slap"!
In this short moment, an invisible shock wave appeared around the landing point, and spread to five meters away. Where the shock wave passed, large groups of yellow-green poisonous clouds were formed.

Xu Tong immediately felt his body sink, and all the muscles in his body stiffened.

It's poison!

He turned his head and saw that it was the player named Ci Min, who grinned at Xu Tong and gave a foolish smile: "Brother, if you want to blame, it's your bad luck!"

Speaking of this, this guy actually threw out a few more bottles, and these bottles exploded around Xu Tong, and all kinds of toxins of various colors surrounded him immediately.

It's just that a violent wind suddenly blew up among the poisonous substances.

The skill Extreme Flame Turbine was activated, and Xu Tong clasped his palms together, and the black corrosive flames spun rapidly in his palms, bursting out with terrible suction, and under the strong wind, it absorbed all the surrounding poisonous gas.

What's even more weird is that the corrosive fire that absorbed the poisonous mist also emitted strange colors.

With a push with both hands, a trace of fire suddenly surged, and countless strands of tiny flames suddenly exploded in the air. These flickering colorful flames fell to the ground, not only corroding a hole in the ground, but also filled the air with a stabbing pain. nasal odor.

Mr. Cui Ming was caught off guard, took a sip, and immediately felt dizzy.

"Get away!!" Ci Min didn't expect that he would be self-defeating. Instead of helping, he let the boy use his strength out of thin air, screaming angrily, and hurried forward to take out a bottle to detoxify Mr. Ming.

But how could Xu Tong miss such a good opportunity, just waited for his steps to stand firm, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he raised his pistol, pointed at Mr. Remind and pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Four bullets exploded a series of sparks in front of Mr. Reminder, and an invisible wall stood in front of him.

"Boy, it's great to have a pistol. Look at this!" Yang Jiancheng stood aside and took out something from the item book without haste.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and when he saw what Yang Jiancheng was holding, he jumped out decisively to the side.

"Da da da da..." The blue sparks came out from the muzzle of the gun, and Xu Tong didn't care about the embarrassment, rolling on the ground and hiding back.

Suddenly the shoulder sank, followed by a piercing pain, and there was a bullet hole in the shoulder, and the blood flowed out unstoppably.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's mouth twitched. The so-called green hills outside the mountains, the buildings outside the mountains, Gao Zhuo can get pistols from outside the border, and naturally there are people who can get weapons from abroad.

It's just that the player's firepower is so fierce that he actually got a submachine gun.

Thinking of this, he looked back at the corner, and then at the distance, only to see those rioting ghosts frantically hunting and killing those young aliens.

Seeing that their apprentices and grandchildren were being killed to the ground, those old guys could only give up the group and began to disperse to protect their own disciples, but the situation of those old guys was not so good, after all, so many wandering spirits pounced on them , it is difficult to deal with only one or two people.

Seeing the increasing number of casualties, Xu Tong gritted his teeth, took advantage of the opponent's time to change magazines, stood up and ran to the other side.

Now is not the time to reveal the last hole card, he needs to delay some more time, let these wandering spirits cause as many casualties as possible to these aliens.

Only in this way can we further share the pressure for Master.

While running, Xu Tong casually took out two paper figurines and threw them on the ground. At the same time, he couldn't help feeling sorry for Xiaopang who was picked up by someone after being struck by lightning, otherwise he wouldn't need to be so passive.

"Can you run away!!"

Seeing that Xu Tong was injured, the three immediately rushed to catch up, and the speed was much slower than Xu Tong.

Especially Yang Jiancheng, the submachine gun in his hand saw Xu Tong shooting bullets. It seemed that this guy should have some kind of item card bonus, and the angle of the bullets was particularly tricky.

Fortunately, there were two full-quality bonuses, which made him agile enough, otherwise I'm afraid he would have to explain it here.

Once again, he rolled and jumped onto the pontoon bridge, the bullets almost brushed his body and flew over, just in time to see a shop door was open, Xu Tong didn't hesitate when he saw it, he walked in and quickly closed the door, he was just relieved , as a result, when he raised his head, he was stunned for a moment, and he tilted his neck in a hurry. He stared at the dozens of figures in front of him, grinned and said, "Huh? Hehe, interesting!!"

(End of this chapter)

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