Infinite script kill

Chapter 245 Wax Museum

Chapter 245 Wax Museum

The blurred figures in the darkness gradually became clear, and the solemn faces gave people a cold feeling.

Xu Tong took a closer look, only to realize that these people were actually wax figures. He ran all the way and accidentally broke into a wax figure hall.

But compared to these wax figures, what Xu Tong cared more about was the plaque on the chest of the wax figure in front of him.

There are only three words written on the sign【Don't light the lamp】

"Interesting!" Xu Tong dragged his chin, wondering what would happen if he clicked on it, raised his brows, and took off the brand on the wax figurine's chest with a smile, and threw it into the item book, and the man walked towards the wax figurine. The wax figure went deep into it.


Not long after, the door was gently pushed open, and the shadows of three people came in from outside the door.

When he saw more than a dozen figures inside the door, Yang Jiancheng subconsciously raised his gun and started shooting.

"do not!!"

Fortunately, at this time, the gentleman urged to grab the muzzle of the gun, and then gave Yang Jiancheng a hard look: "Don't die!"

After he finished speaking, he took a closer look and found that the figures inside were all wax figures.

"Sir, isn't it just a few wax figures? Is it worth such a fuss?" Yang Jiancheng pouted disapprovingly.

Mr. Reminder frowned immediately when he heard the words. These young people are very powerful, but no matter how you look at them, they look like stunned youths, so they can only slow down their voice and whisper: "This is a ghost market, the things in the ghost market, you You don’t have to buy it, but you must not take it lightly, I can’t tell what there are many weird things, but if you are not careful, it will even kill you.”

Yang Jiancheng put down the gun, although his face still looked disapproving, but he also remained vigilant in his heart.

They have not been in this world for a long time, and they jumped in the queue halfway, and they don't know much about the main theme of this script world.

But after a few days of contact, I have learned a little bit. This world is full of all kinds of strange killing techniques. Hearing what Mr. Reminder said, I will naturally be more vigilant in my heart.

But... it's just a little more vigilance, at least in their hearts, they are far from full of awe as Mr. Remind said.


Cimin pointed to the bloodstain on the ground, seeing the bloodstain stretching into the depths of the wax figure hall, the three of them looked at each other and walked in.

The Wax Figure Museum is not an ordinary store. The huge space extends to nowhere, and there are street-view buildings around it, which looks like another street. Various wax figures stand there, and their vivid expressions seem almost It is no different from a living person.

But the inside is dark, and it is blurry from a distance.

"How about... I still have a dynamite bag in my hand, just blow it up!"

Yang Jiancheng looked at the dark wax mansion, and felt very repulsed by this kind of place. He has an item card that can provide dynamic vision, and his vision is much better than normal people, but it does not mean that he can live in such a dark place. , see much farther than ordinary people.

The corner of Mr. Remind's mouth twitched a few times, thinking that what he said just now was in vain, he shook his head firmly and said, "No way!"

" the way, don't you know how to use poison?? Poison it! Poison him to death!"

Yang Jiancheng turned to look at Cimin, and Cimin smiled wryly when he heard the words: "It's not easy to throw all my wealth into such a big place."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work. Could it be that you just watched him heal inside?"

Yang Jiancheng's suggestion was rejected again and again, and he felt a little annoyed. What he was most worried about was that he finally wounded the opponent. If he gave the opponent enough time and used medicine to recover from the wound, it would be the biggest disadvantage for them. .

Seeing that Yang Jiancheng was about to get angry, Ci Min immediately persuaded him: "Don't worry, don't worry, what you say is not unreasonable, this place is so weird, if you blow it up rashly, you will definitely get caught, isn't it black?" Look at me!"

As he spoke, Ci Min took out three glass beads the size of fingernails from his bosom.

The glass bead is hollow, and there is a very small bug inside, the kind that can't be seen unless you look carefully, Cimin took the glass bead in his hand and shook it a few times.

The worm inside was shaken by Ci Min, and immediately flew in the glass bead, and at the same time, a shining light shone on its body, and it became brighter and brighter.

Ci Min waved the glass beads to the ground, and saw three glass beads rolling quickly into the darkness, each glass bead illuminated the surrounding five or six meters, but it was embarrassing that the three glass beads The range that can be illuminated is tantamount to the light of firefly candles for the Wax Figure Museum in front of you.

"That's all, how about holding a torch? Hey, isn't there a candle here?" Yang Jiancheng pouted, turned his head and saw the candle on the side, his eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to light the candle .

Although the candle is not big, it immediately illuminates the surroundings after being lit. What is even more unexpected is that as this candle is lit, other candles around it actually light up.

One by one candles dispelled the darkness in the wax mansion.

Mr. Reminder's heart tightened, and he quickly got on guard, cursing this bastard in his heart, he would be a moth.

But after waiting for a while to see that there was nothing abnormal, I was relieved.


Seeing his startled appearance, Yang Jiancheng couldn't help despising Mr. Reminder in his heart.

Immediately put away the submachine gun and replaced it with a long knife.

Seeing Mr. Reminder looking at him with a strange expression, Yang Jiancheng raised his eyebrows: "Actually, knives are my forte."

After speaking, he stepped forward and walked in front, while Ci Min followed closely behind. Seeing the two walking in front of him, Mr. Cui Ming sneered in his heart, and followed without haste.

The three of them walked along the bloodstains, but the more they walked, the more panicked they became.

After all, the wax figurines around are so real. I don’t know whether it’s intentional or the level of the producer. Every face of the wax figurines here looks expressionless.

Staring at them with empty eyes, I didn't feel it at first, but after a long time, I felt more and more uncomfortable.

"Damn, what the hell is this place, what are you supposed to do with these games?"

Gradually, let alone Yang Jiancheng, even Mr. Cui Ming began to mutter in his heart, not to mention Yang Jiancheng, thinking: "I haven't heard of any wax man magic?"


At this time, the three found that the blood on the ground suddenly disappeared: "How did you recover so quickly?"

Seeing the disappearance of the bloodstains, Yang Jiancheng felt very uncomfortable immediately, and secretly scolded the Mr. reminding him that it was too troublesome. If he had listened to him, he would just blow up this place and it would be over. After such a long delay, the wound has already recovered.

In fact, what Yang Jiancheng didn't know was that Xu Tong's wound hadn't recovered. The shot hit his shoulder and even injured his bone.

But Xu Tong has the healing medicine of the Miao nationality, the special bonus of the dark physique, and his professional hemostasis technique, so that he can stop the bleeding in such a short time.

"Don't panic, this guy must not be able to hide far away, it's just around here!"

Mr. reminded them to take it easy, but his palms were already sweating, and the three continued to walk forward.

On the other side, Xu Tong has come to the end of the wax museum.

It was a festive scene, the ground was sprinkled with sweets and flowers, and of course they were made of wax.

Then I saw a couple of newlyweds walking towards the door under the red lights and candles. They felt extra festive without exaggerating. I couldn't help but curiously lifted the bride's hijab and took a look, not to mention that she looked pretty good.

"Blessed are you silly boy!" He pointed to the bridegroom officer, glanced at the bride's chest, and said with a smile, "At least you and the child will not be short of milk in the future!"

"Discuss something, borrow it from your wife! If you don't speak, you agree."

The bridegroom officer still had a silly smile on his face. Seeing that he didn't speak, Xu Tong regarded him as acquiescing. He was about to untie the bride's clothes, but when he turned his eyes, he suddenly saw the old couple standing upright, and his eyelids gradually narrowed. Come into a seam.

"Look!! This way!"

After a few minutes, the footsteps of the three people got closer and closer, and Yang Jiancheng and the three stepped forward to have a look.

Under the festive lights in front of my eyes, I saw the huge Chinese character "囍" pasted on the wall, and those wax figures finally seemed to have different expressions on their faces.

The groom smiled innocently, holding the red rope on the bride's hand with one hand, making a gesture of walking forward.

Immediately behind was a group of people beating gongs and drums.

The three of them looked around, but they didn't see Xu Tong. At this moment, Zhao Jiancheng squinted at the hijab-covered bride and frowned, and suddenly swung the long knife in his hand to lift the hijab away.

But after seeing the beautiful baby face of the bride, Zhao Jiancheng was relieved.

"Think too much, you didn't see that girl with such big breasts, how could he pretend to be a bride?"

Seeing this, Ci Min couldn't help laughing.

"Stop talking nonsense and look for it quickly. I always feel that this place is getting more and more wrong, and I can't tell what's wrong." Zhao Jiancheng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He walked forward, but at this moment, Mr. Ming suddenly grabbed the two of them: "Wait..."

The two looked at him suspiciously, only to see Mr. Reminder wiped the sweat from his forehead and frowned, "Don't you think... this place is getting hotter and hotter?"

After Mr. Remind said this, Zhao Jiancheng and Ci Min realized that the sweat on their bodies hadn't stopped since they didn't know when.

"No, let's go back!"

Mr. Remind didn't know what he was thinking of, but felt that bad feeling was getting stronger and stronger. Although he had never heard of any sorcery related to wax figures, there must be a demon when things go wrong, so he couldn't help but be careful. .

After speaking, regardless of whether Zhao Jiancheng agreed or not, he dragged the two of them back, but after walking a few steps, Mr. Cuiming, who was walking in front, suddenly stiffened his feet and his eyes widened.

I only saw the direction in which the candlelight came, but I didn't know when it was gone.

They stared ahead and saw that the road had been tightly blocked by wax figures. The hollow eyes of these wax figures were staring at them, and an indescribable smile appeared on their originally indifferent faces at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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