Infinite script kill

Chapter 247 Let me open a window for you

Chapter 247 Let me open a window for you


The woman fell to the ground on all fours, the wax on her body was shattered, and then stood up slowly under the horrified eyes of the three people, two pairs of green eyes staring at the three people in front of them.

As if picking a prey, he opened his mouth and pounced on Ci Min, who seemed to be the weakest among the three.

The three of them were holding the door with their hands, and their faces turned green when they saw this thing rushing towards them.

Mr. Cui Ming gritted his teeth and roared: "Hold on, I'm coming!" After saying that, he raised his palms brazenly, swaying the sky and the earth to support the beam, and there was a dark energy between his hands. When he listened carefully, there was the sound of wind and thunder.

It seems that in order to survive, Mr. Cuiming is also going all out at this moment, not hesitating to hurt himself and forcibly triggering the last move of Xinxinshou, the purpose is to be able to severely injure this ghost with one move.

With a wave of his palm, he saw traces of lightning flickering in his palm.

The ghost is not afraid when she sees this. Although she has a ghost word in her name, she actually has a monster's protective claws. Her weapons are her fingers. Ten fingers are like ten fingers that will bloom when needed. A sharp and cold blade.

One person and one ghost suddenly fought fiercely together, and the scene became bloody in an instant.

Mr. Cuiming's palm technique is fierce, but it also has a terrifying dark energy. This Xinxin palm is the best skill he has practiced for many years, but it is useless when hitting the ghost. He could only injure her by relying on the electric current in the palm of his hand. On the other hand, there were indeed more than a dozen cuts on his body.

The ghost didn't play tricks with him at all, but he saw that Mr. Reminder couldn't hurt him, so he threw himself on him and grabbed him.

Soon Mr. Ming also felt a little tired, and also felt a slight feeling of exhaustion in his body.

And whenever the finger touches the firm flesh on the ghost's body, there will be an extremely cold and hot illusion.This feeling lingers for a long time, fusing and moving inside the body.It's like a handful of small files eating away at my physical strength and patience.

Seeing that Mr. Ming was about to be overwhelmed, Ci Min gritted his teeth, and tremblingly took out a glass bottle from the item book. The liquid in the glass bottle was actually pale gold.

【Powerful Booster Potion】

After use, temporarily increases physical strength by 100%, strength and agility by 70%, and has a 30% chance of additional burning damage when attacking.

Duration: 30 minutes
After the effect ends, it will be forced to enter a [-]-minute weakness period.

(Note: The increase of medicines cannot be superimposed, please do not try it lightly, remember that medicine is three-point poison.)
Looking at this bottle of potion, Ci Min was so distressed that he was bleeding.

He spent a lot of item points to purchase this thing, and finally refined it three times before he succeeded.

If you put this thing in the exhibition, you don't have [-] script points, don't even think about it.

But seeing that Mr. Reminder was almost overwhelmed, Ci Min didn't care too much, raised the bottle and threw it at Mr. Reminder: "Go on!"

After saying a word, the bottle was thrown half empty.

Mr. Reminder didn't even look at what it was, only heard that Ci Min said it was drunk, so he stretched out his hand to catch it.

As a result, when I grabbed it with my hand, it felt very strange. When I lowered my head, my nose suddenly became crooked.

I saw that there was actually a leftover banana in my hand.

"No!! Yes... yes... it's him!!"

Ci Min pointed at the air, and reminded Mr. Ming to look up and then remembered that there was another person hanging in the air, but when he looked up, he realized that it was broken. On the beam, what was held in his hand was the potion thrown by Ci Min.

But where did this guy get bananas? ?
Mr. Ming didn't have time to think about this question, the ghost in front of him had already rushed in front of him.

Xu Tong squatted on the beam, took a look at the medicine bottle in his hand, threw it in the item book, and vomited, what a good thing!
Just for the 100% increase in physical strength, I'm afraid it will sell for a lot of money at the exhibition, not to mention the 70% strength and agility, which I have never seen at the exhibition.

Look at the messy look below again, and your eyes can't help but roll around. This is much more fun than outside.

Immediately, he took a look, and suddenly saw the window in the corner, his eyes suddenly narrowed.


At this time, Mr. Reminder let out a loud roar, his hands suddenly exerted strength, and his chest was torn to bloody blood by the ghost's nails, he hugged the ghost, carried it hard, and directly pushed the ghost against the corner of the wall.

"Go to your uncle, I will fight with you!"

Mr. Cui Ming knew in his heart that he was at the end of his battle, but he didn't care too much in order to fight for a chance. His eyes were bloodshot, and he grabbed the ghost's arms with both hands, as if the blood from all over his body had poured into his arms. The muscles on the arm suddenly swelled high, and the veins squirmed under the flesh like earthworms.

Twist it hard, only to hear a rattling sound under the ghost's arm.

The ghost, who had lost the space to dodge, was surprised to find at this time that the soft power hitting him suddenly changed and became violent.

It's like a thug ripped off the veil skirt from a model, and it's like a freshman college student being ravaged by the ruthless reality!

Aren't you rough-skinned and thick-skinned? ?Don't you like to play hard? ?Watch me crush your bones inch by inch.

Mr. Remind's eyes were red, and he kept pressing his fingers on the two arms of the ghost, pinching them up inch by inch. Every time he pinched a place, he could hear the sound of "crackling".

The ghost writhed wildly under the pain, but couldn't break free. It opened its mouth with sharp teeth and bit the neck of Mr. Cuiming fiercely, and the flesh and blood were separated with one bite.

But Mr. Reminder didn't intend to let go at all. On the contrary, the pain seemed to make his strength a lot stronger.

After a while, the ghost couldn't bear it. After all, compared with the pain of flesh and blood, the pain caused by the crushed bones was more unbearable, until Mr. Reminder pinched her neck with his hands along the shoulders and squeezed her After the bones under the neck were completely crushed, the ghost fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.


After finishing this ghost, Mr. Reminder himself sat down on the ground like a deflated ball, blood stained his coat red.

Cimin and Yang Jiancheng didn't dare to look at the look of breathing in but not breathing out, but they were still greatly relieved when they saw the paralyzed ghost in the corner, Cimin subconsciously said: " It's finally safe!"

As soon as the words fell, there was only a faint low laughter from the side: "God closed the door for you, let me open a window for you."

The two of them felt a little bit in their hearts, and then they remembered that there was another ghost in this room. When they turned around, they saw that ghost had already run out, but it didn't matter if he ran out, the window was not closed! !

"Go and close the window!"

Ci Min screamed, and Yang Jiancheng jumped out and wanted to close the window, but both of them forgot that there were two doors in this room, and one person was holding it at the back, but now one suddenly walked away...

With a sound of "Boom", the ghosts outside the door directly pushed the door open, maybe a little suddenly, these ghosts fell to the ground with a clatter.

Now Yang Jiancheng and Ci Min were dumbfounded. After they were stunned for a second, Yang Jiancheng gritted his teeth: "Hold on!"

As he said that, he jumped out of the window with a brisk stride, leaving only Ci Min staring blankly at the ghost standing up in front of him, and then at the window, before choking out a sentence: "I rely on Aunt Nen! !"

Yang Jiancheng jumped out of the window to take a look, and found that the ghosts had already rushed into the room, and he couldn't help thinking to himself: "Brother, when the disaster is imminent, fly separately, I will burn more paper for you today."

Said that Yang Jiancheng was about to run, but just as he was about to move, he suddenly felt a chill coming from behind him. The combat experience accumulated in the five scripts made Yang Jiancheng rush forward without the slightest hesitation. The boss has already drawn out his submachine gun and fired towards the back.

"Da da da da..." After a shuttle shot, there was nothing behind him, and he couldn't help wondering, could it be that he was too sensitive?
Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly his neck became hot, and a hot current gushed out. He quickly touched it with his hand only to find that a long and thin wound had been drawn on his neck.

The wound was thin but very deep, and the blood flowed out unstoppably.

"how come!!"

When did you get hurt? ?Yang Jiancheng was startled, and hurriedly took out the medicine to heal his wounds, but before the medicine was taken out, he heard a shout from behind: "Hello!"

When Yang Jiancheng looked up, he saw the ghost who just jumped out of the window was bowing down to him with his fists in his hands.

Suddenly, gusts of black mist-like air blew past his eyes, and Yang Jiancheng's eyes went dark for an instant. He subconsciously wanted to raise the gun in his hand, but only then did he realize that he had no feeling in his hands and feet.

My mind was spinning for a while, and I vaguely heard a teasing voice: "Although superstitious magic may not benefit mankind, it is definitely useful when it harms people."

The sound gradually faded away, and Yang Jiancheng wanted to hear it again but he couldn't hear anything. He only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his consciousness soon began to blur. He didn't understand what happened until he died.

Looking at the item book that emerged from Yang Jiancheng's body, Xu Tong didn't have time to flip through the item cards in it page by page, and directly chose to harvest all the item points.

Yang Jiancheng and the others entered the script world not long ago, and joined Qianshou's camp. Basically, there will be no task consumption, so the script score is not bad, with 470 script points.

Although this number is small, for ordinary players, this is already quite a huge windfall.

With the other hand, he pulled out the dagger stuck in his chest, glanced at the paper figurine stuck to his back, saw that the blood had already stained the paper figurine red, and gave up the plan to continue using it.

Remember the paper figurines you threw on the road when you were running for your life?

When they were chasing and killing themselves, the paper figurines had already been pasted on the soles of Yang Jiancheng's shoes under Xu Tong's control.

Only one of the two paper figurines was successfully attached, but it was enough. Seeing that Yang Jiancheng himself jumped out of the window, he manipulated the paper figurine to quickly cut a gash on Yang Jiancheng's neck.

Even though the paper figurine is very thin, the paper itself is very sharp, and with the blessing of spirit magic, the round arms of the paper figurine are as sharp as a scalpel.

At this time, he saw that the ghost in the house was about to come out, and as soon as he hid his figure, he hid in a corner and watched coldly.

Surprisingly, Cimin and Mr. Cuiming did not die, but were lifted up by the ghost and walked towards the small door on the other side.

Xu Tong was not in a hurry to go out, on the contrary, the more strange people died outside, the better.

Not in a hurry, he simply went up to have a look, walked through the small door, the temperature in front of his eyes was getting hotter and hotter, Xu Tong carefully poked his head out and looked behind.

I saw a big iron pot standing there, under the pot was a raging fire, and inside the pot was crystal clear wax oil.

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but his eyes lit up and thought: "If a basin of water is poured on it at this time, how exciting it would be!"

(End of this chapter)

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