Infinite script kill

Chapter 248 White Mouse

Chapter 248 White Mouse
Of course, this idea just flashed through his mind.

What really interested him was the monk sitting in front of the frying pan.

No, strictly speaking, it should be a corpse. The corpse of a monk is sitting on a severed dragon head, with clasped hands holding a string of Buddhist beads.

The monk's face is beautiful, with curved eyebrows, a high nose, and a small mouth with thick lips. Although his eyes are closed, it looks like a cat's mouth.

If he hadn't exposed his chest, he would have thought he was a teacher at first glance.

Such a lifelike monk, how did Xu Tong see that he was a corpse?
It's very simple. Looking down, the monk's chest has been hollowed out to the lower abdomen, and a huge white mouse is sitting inside.

Good guy, it is said that the Buddha mercifully cut up meat to feed the eagles, and the monks here are even more ruthless, hollowing out their stomachs to feed the mice.


The white mouse danced in the monk's belly, looking very majestic, and the surrounding ghosts actually obeyed, and carried Cimin and Mr. Cuiming over.

"Fuck, is this a monster??"

Cimin's eyes widened. He has gone through four scenarios. He has seen a mouse bigger than this white mouse, but he has never seen such a miraculous one. He couldn't help but be curious. Appearance, can't help complaining in a low voice.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the mouse was not happy. It pointed at Cimin with its little paw, and the ghost on the side reached out and grabbed Cimin's hair, and yanked it down with a few big ears, hitting Cimin for a while. There were stars in his eyes, and two teeth came out of one mouth.

On the side, Mr. Ming forcefully opened his eyelids, glanced at him and said weakly: "Don't talk, this is a spiritual thing."

Mr. Cuiming was shocked when he saw the white mouse, and what shocked him even more was that the mouse was actually in the belly of a monk, and looking at this monk, he could tell that he was an extraordinary person.

I don't know why it was placed here. The mouse probably gnawed on his flesh and gained a bit of spirituality.

Even these ghosts are its subordinates, Mr. Cui Ming was shocked, he couldn't help thinking a little bit, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to the mouse: "Great Immortal, please forgive me, we entered the cave by mistake, I didn't know that the Immortal was here, I beg the Immortal Forgive me, I would like to swear a poisonous oath that when I go back, I will definitely set up a longevity card for the Great Immortal, and let the descendants of my clan worship day and night."

Although I don't know what the mouse is saying, but animals have cultivated spirituality, and they like the offering of incense in the world the most. If they make a poisonous oath, maybe the mouse will be a little interested, and maybe they can let themselves go.

Although this method is absurd, it is still very reliable. Isn't there a rat spirit among the five spirits in the Northeast.

"Yes, yes, I am the same!" Ci Min was not Yang Jiancheng's dazed young man, and when he saw this, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the mouse.

Sure enough, the mouse was very human. After hearing what the two said, it pinched its beard with its little paws, and rolled its black eyes, as if thinking about it.

Seeing the effect, Mr. reminded him to continue adding oil and vinegar, saying that his family has a large number of people, and he will build an ancestral hall for it in the future to worship it like an ancestor.

The voice changed and he praised the mouse again. The man who quoted the scriptures and said that he spit out lotus flowers almost praised the mouse as a land god and the reincarnation of Buddha.

On the one hand, Ci Min also wanted to praise and praise flattering, but on the one hand, his face was swollen from beatings, and when he opened his mouth, there was blood foam, which was really bloody. That's the difference, sir.

People are citing scriptures, saying that there was a mouse listening to the Dharma in front of the Buddha. In the end, he didn’t know how many years he failed to cultivate. Knowing the enlightenment of the Buddha, the Buddha mouse descended to the earth and became a high monk, preaching the Buddha’s teachings to save all living beings. You must be the Buddha mouse descended to earth Purdue the living Bodhisattva in the world.

This flattering made Ci Min hold back for a while, and in the end he could only take advantage of the time Mr. reminded him to catch his breath, and add: "Yes, yes, he is right!"

The white mouse sat down cross-legged, resting its chin on its hand, leisurely listening to the two people flattering themselves for a while, seeming to enjoy it very much.

Good guy, only four turtles are needed to act as guardians.

When Mr. Reminding Ming said that his mouth was dry and his eyes were dizzy, the mouse finally made a movement. It buckled a few times from under its buttocks, pulled out two black bean balls, and raised its hand to pass them on. to the front of the two.


Ci Min took a closer look, and his mentality was about to explode in an instant. We talked nice things together for a long time, but you actually gave us... this? ?

But Mr. Reminder didn't hesitate, seeing the two black bean balls handed by the mouse, he quickly opened his mouth.

It's not that he recognizes this thing, it's just that his life is in his hands, so why use poison if he wants to kill you at this time?Those ghosts in the back can make them go to see the king of Hades.

If you don't eat, you will die. Why don't you give it a try?

With a flick of the mouse's finger, it threw a bean ball into Mr. Ming's mouth, and immediately glanced sideways at Cimin.

The humanized little eyes, with a half-smile and a bit of playfulness, made Cimin's scalp tingle, and he quickly opened his mouth.

After the two ate the bean balls in tandem, they soon felt a special feeling in their stomachs.

I can't tell whether it's hot or cold, but I just feel a particularly comfortable feeling all over my body, like soaking in a hot spring, so comfortable that every pore is about to open.

It didn't take long for the foreheads of the two of them to be covered with sweat, and after Mr. Cui Ming vomited a mouthful of blood, he felt refreshed.

As if this time, it would be better if I forcibly exerted the palm of my heart and caused internal injuries.

And Cimin can feel her own changes more directly through the item book.

"You ate a special item, Wulingzhi!"

"You get a 15.00% increase in all physical fitness."

"You get special medicinal effects, and your blood boils."

Blood boiling: lasts for 200 hours, during which the recovery ability is increased by [-]%, and when receiving physical damage, the blood will be replenished quickly, ignoring the phenomenon of excessive blood loss and death, and the willpower will be greatly improved, the deeper the damage , the stronger the willpower is.

Earned earned.

Hearing the reminder, Cimin exclaimed that it is really fragrant, this thing is simply a god-defying medicine, as a pharmacist who can refine medicine, Cimin knows the value of this thing too well.

Based on the blood-boiling effect alone, if he gets the exhibition, if he sells him a thousand script points, he is afraid that someone will rush to buy it.

What's more, it also increases the overall quality by 15.00%, which is simply a god-defying medicine.

Just when the two thanked the mouse for a long time, the mouse waved his hand, and the ghosts on both sides immediately began to undress the two of them knowingly.

"Hey... what is this for??"

The two were in a daze for a while, watching the ghost want to take off their clothes, not to mention the turmoil in their hearts, but they didn't know what they were going to do, so they could only take off their clothes half-push and half-way.

When the two of them stripped off their clothes, the mouse stared at them, making the two feel ashamed and panicking, wondering if they were going to be left as a harem?Is this a female mouse? ?
Just when the two were thinking wildly, suddenly their hands and feet tightened, and the ghosts on both sides grabbed their wrists violently, pressing them down to the cross beside them.

"Wait, sir, something is wrong!!"

Looking at the blood stains on the cross and the dark red soil, there was a stench in the air, like a slaughterhouse, and my heart skipped a beat, the joy in my heart vanished, replaced by a A premonition of impending doom.

Mr. Cui Ming felt a sense of something bad in his heart, squinting, and saw a ghost silently taking out a big cloth bag next to the cross.

The ghost seemed to have some kind of admiration for the cloth bag. He first held it high above his head, then carefully placed the cloth bag on the stone, and slowly rolled it aside.

When the two of them saw the weird blades inside, even a fool could understand that they were about to move a knife towards them.

"don't want!!"

Ci Min's spirit was lifted, and the effect of boiling blood was instantly thought of in his mind, and he immediately struggled crazily like going crazy.

But the two had long missed the best chance to escape, their limbs were firmly grasped by the ghost, and they couldn't help resisting.

Just watching Ci Min struggling wildly, even taking out one poison after another from the props book and throwing it on the ground, the mouse sitting in the monk's belly took out a mirror without haste.

The mirror pointed at Ci Min, and Ci Min only heard a sneaky whisper calling him, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the mirror, the pupils of his eyes gradually shrank, as if he had been cast on the body, let these things The ghost tied him to the cross.

Xu Tong hid behind the door, quietly looking at the mirror in the mouse's hand, his eyes lit up, and he thought: "This thing is fun, it looks like a treasure at first glance, but it seems that only when you see the mirror will you be fixed."

Thinking of Xu Tong retracting his head, squatting in the corner, his eyes gleaming, he didn't know what he was thinking about, and he slapped his thigh for a moment: "Wealth and wealth are in danger, take it!"

As he spoke, he calmly took out a piece of paper and began to fold it in his hands...

(End of this chapter)

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