Infinite script kill

Chapter 249 A Good Thing

Chapter 249 A Good Thing

The knife is getting smoother and smoother on the whetstone. Look at this one. It doesn’t hook or bend. It looks crooked. I don’t know what it’s for. When I think about it, I’m going to use it on myself later. .

Ci Min's face turned pale, and he was so frightened that he peed on the spot.

"Sir, sir, is there any way for me to die now!"

Isn't Cimin afraid of death?Of course I was afraid, but when I thought about my current state, when I was stabbed, I would feel that life would be worse than death, and my heart was about to burst.

The effect of blood boiling is not to be afraid of bleeding, the more severely injured the person is, the more awake he is.

If this is changed to a battle, it is a top-notch magic medicine, especially for those melee masters, it is simply the fighting power of a few nurses behind a berserker.

But at this moment...for Cimin, it was a poison that would make life worse than death.

At this time, Mr. Cui Ming also had weak legs, muttering to himself: "It's over, it's over, this thing is a demon, not a fairy, why is there such a wicked thing here!!"

I heard that there are too many shady things in the ghost market, but I didn't expect them to come across this thing in a shop at random.

Hearing Cimin's words, Mr. Cuiming still didn't know what the effect of the Wulingzhi he ate just now, so he said angrily: "No, I heard people say that biting your tongue can kill yourself, you try it?"

When Ci Min heard it, what kind of shit idea was this.

Bite your tongue to kill yourself is nonsense, not to mention the effect of blood boiling now.

Just when the two were discussing how to die later in order to be more straightforward, the ghost actually set up a small pot beside the two of them.

In the small pot is the wax oil that has been boiled, before the two of them understand what they are going to do.

A ghost picked up a knife and an iron spoon, walked straight up to Cimin, and examined Cimin.

Looking straight between Ci Min's legs, pointing to the third leg, the white mouse nodded and eagerly picked up a pair of chopsticks, as if waiting to enjoy the delicious food.

Good guy, are you going to eat hot pot? ?

In fact, there is a forbidden dish among the people, called pouring donkey meat. This dish is very particular. The live donkey is fixed, and there is a boiling oil pan next to it. The eater specifies a certain part to eat. Fresh meat, use a wooden spoon to scoop the boiling soup over the piece of meat, and then cut it off for the diners to eat. While listening to the screams of the donkey, the diners eat the donkey meat with gusto

Now white mice eat in the same way, except that the donkey is replaced by a human, and the oil is replaced by wax.

Cimin's face turned pale, and she watched the ghost slowly pick up the spoon and fish out a spoonful of boiling wax oil in the pot, tears came down: " off at least, or it will hurt you. mouth!"

The ghoul grinned, "Why do you need to shave your hair? This wax oil is not vegetable oil. If you splash it on and stain your hair, it will burn immediately. When the fire is extinguished, the wax liquid will cool down and wrap the meat in it, and it will still be preserved." Moisture prevents nutrients from evaporating, which is a wonderful process.

The white mouse on the side was already hungry and thirsty, and its beards on both sides were trembling. When it was squeaking and urging the ghost to cook quickly, suddenly there was a movement in its ear, and it looked back suspiciously.


I don't know where a big white cat jumped out. I don't know whether it is flying or jumping, and it swishes towards it.


Even if the mouse has become a spirit, it is afraid of the cat in its bones. Seeing the big white cat rushing towards it, in a panic, it hurriedly picked up the mirror just now and pointed it at the big cat.

In the end, it was useless to take a picture. Seeing the mouse was so frightened that its beard trembled, and it was too late to get anything else, so it could only run away.

While running, he hurriedly asked those ghosts to help catch him.

The ghost's movements are fast, but it can't hold the cat's flexibility. It can do a roundabout and drift for you from time to time, which is not something that a normal cat can do.


Seeing the flying cats and dogs jumping in front of them, Ci Min and Mr. Cui Ming couldn't help but widen their eyes, thinking that this is God's blessing, sending a magic cat to save them? ?
But after a closer look, I found something was wrong. It wasn't a real cat, it was clearly a paper cat, and it was done so lifelike.

"It's made of paper??" The two of them faced each other with their hips facing each other, and were greatly surprised.

The paper cat jumped up and down, while easily dodging the pounce of the ghost, it got closer and closer to the white mouse, its dexterity was unbelievable.

"Paper control technique!"

Finally, Mr. Remind seems to have remembered something. Looking left and right, he saw Xu Tong hiding in the shadows, and suddenly realized in his heart that it was right.

It's not that God opened his eyes, it's Xu Tong who is controlling the paper cat.

He raised his fingers slightly, as if commanding from a distance, commanding the cat as if it was really alive.

In addition to his proficiency in paper control, there is also the 20% control ability bonus brought by the [Star Eye Calamity] ring, which makes him even more powerful.

Controlling the big cat, he forced the white mouse to run towards him with three or two strokes.

Seeing the mouse running towards Dangkong, Xu Tong suddenly stretched out a foot.

The white mouse didn't know how long it had lived. Seeing a foot that popped out suddenly, kicked its limbs, and jumped up into the air, there was a hint of sarcasm in the two pairs of human-like black eyeballs.

I thought to myself that I am also a mouse after all, can I be tripped by one of your feet?
However, the next moment, the white mouse couldn't be happier. He stared wide-eyed at the figure jumping out from the corner, and bowed down to him with both hands with a smile on his face.

This...isn't Chinese New Year yet?

Before the white mouse could turn its head around in a circle, it was hit straight by a mountain kowtow. Immediately, its head fainted, the sky spun for a while, and it fell from mid-air.

But it didn't fall to the ground, but the tail hurt, and Xu Tong grabbed the tail and held it in his hand.

As soon as the white mouse was caught by Xu Tong, the ghosts who followed immediately froze and did not dare to come forward.


Seeing Xu Tong grabbing the stinky mouse's tail, Ci Min's face flushed with excitement, as if seeing the national football team finally advance to the World Cup.

Mr. Ming's ears were almost deafened, and he gave him an angry look and said, "What the hell are you?? Forgot what we are here for?? Do you think he will let us go?"

You can say that if they fall into the hands of mice, they will die at most, but in the hands of this little devil, he feels worse than death.

"Hehehe...that's you, okay, we're different!" Ci Min said while holding back his joy.

They are indeed different. The interests between players are eternal. As long as the interests are enough, it is not wishful thinking to trade one's life.

Xu Tong controlled the big cat to come over unhurriedly. After stuffing the mouse into the cat's stomach, the cat jumped up and jumped in front of the huge oil pan.

As long as there is a slight change in these ghosts, I will control the paper cat to jump into the cauldron and give the white mouse a good bath.

Then he walked in front of the two of them unhurriedly, and seeing the two of them facing each other frankly, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing: "I'm not ashamed if you're like this."

"Stop talking nonsense, kill if you want, and give my father and son a good time." Mr. reminded him to raise his neck, with an air of resignation if he wanted to kill or not.

"Don't, who is with you, you are you, I am me." Ci Min was afraid that Xu Tong would treat the two of them as equals, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to separate from Mr. Reminder.

This pissed off Mr. Reminder, if he hadn't been tied hip-to-hip and back-to-back, he would have given him a leg no matter what he said at this time.

"Brother, brother, we are all players. Give me a way to survive. You can choose whatever you want from my item book."

Ci Min shouted to Xu Tong.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong didn't care about him at all. He strode up to the monk's body and measured it carefully. He saw that the monk's skin was fresh, and his flesh was still soft when poked with his fingers. It didn't feel like he was dead at all. , just fell asleep.

Jumping on the faucet and looking again, I found a piece of Sanskrit writing on the monk's back, I don't know what it was written on, and the golden light was shining in his eyes, as if gold was embedded in the skin.

However, Xu Tong took a closer look and found that the cause of the monk's death was not a normal sitting, but someone drove a nail into the spine from the neck.

This is a bit interesting, I took out [Qingyun Yishulu] and looked through it a few times, and I found a similar article.

It is said that the middle-aged Song once went to the south, and met a former colleague by chance. The colleague invited him to be a guest in the newly bought house, which was a high-rise building.

At that time, high-rise buildings were new things. Mr. Song happily went to see what they looked like, but when he went in, he found that something was wrong.

The structure of that building was very strange. The elevators were arranged in four directions, and the corridors crossed left and right to form a well.

When I went into my friend's house, I found that the house was very dark, and the windows in the left and right bedrooms were not lit or ventilated.

The only window that can see light, the light shines into the room but it is abnormally cold.

Elder Song found that something was wrong, so he explored the building with his friends, and found the problem on the ninth floor, which turned out to be a huge space with a coffin inside.

They took the risk of opening the coffin and saw that the corpses in the coffin had grown green hairs, and there was a big iron nail behind them.

This is Maoshan's technique of raising corpses. The nails are driven into the spine to prevent the soul from leaving the body. Combined with the secret technique, the corpse will not rot forever, or even become a zombie.

What happened afterwards is not written in the book, only a sentence is left: "If you meet it, you will retreat, it's evil!"

It seems that this monk also seems to be in the same situation, but I don't know who left his body in this ghost place, and let the rats eat all the internal organs of his chest.

"It looks like bad luck!"

As he spoke, he squatted down, poked his head into the monk's belly to have a look, and drank, the inside was really turned into a house by this white mouse, and there were all kinds of messy things.

Xu Tong picked up a small box casually, opened it and saw a stench coming out, and quickly covered it, thinking that this could not be a rat's toilet.

Throwing it into the props, it turns out that this thing is the Wulingzhi that Cimin and the others ate. Of course, it is not as fresh as what they ate, but the effect is the same.


Looking at the properties of Wulingzhi, Xu Tong was entangled, whether to eat this thing or not is a question.

Just go to cut hemorrhoids with Tang Seng, you look at the cut hemorrhoids, would you think about immortality? ?
This question was left behind by Xu Tong for the time being, and he kept it for the time being. At worst, he could get a lot of script points in exchange for losing the exhibition.

In a blink of an eye, he saw the mirror that the white mouse had picked up before, his eyes lit up, and he picked up the mirror and threw it into the item book.

After seeing the entries given in the item book, Xu Tong's eyes lit up immediately. This is a good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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