Chapter 250

【Fixed Mirror】

It is said that after the change of Xuanwu Gate, Tang Taizong suffered from nightmares in his later years. He could always see his brothers around him. He ordered Tiangong Pavilion to forge a magic mirror and hang it in front of the window to calm ghosts and gods.

Special Passive 1: Calm

The holder reduces the damage to the soul by 40%
Special Passive 2: Mirror Reflection

When the owner suffers soul damage, it will reflect 40% of the soul damage.

Special Skill 1: Ding Kong

Consumes 50 script points and will make the target stiff for 3-1 seconds after activation (depending on the opponent's physical strength, if the opponent's physical strength is 20% stronger than the user's, this skill will be invalid)
(Note: If you receive any damage during the freezing period, you will immediately resume action.)
Cooling time: 70 hours.

(Note: This item cannot be traded to other players during the cooling period.)
Special Skill 2: ? ? ?
(Please use after in-depth identification.)
"It's really a big baby, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

Xu Tong looked at the entry in the mirror, and burst into laughter from ear to ear. Just the two passives are already very powerful, and they are not usually used, but they are definitely a good thing to save life at critical moments.

What's more, there is an active skill, Ding Kong, next time you meet some players who are good at speed, this thing will kill you three thousand times.

The only downside is that the cooling time is too long, 70 hours, and it costs [-] script points to use it once, which is a bit expensive.

It can only be said that this thing is quite easy to use as a surprise move.

Put the mirror away and continue to search the monk's stomach.

This mouse has a characteristic, that is, it likes to steal things. Even a mouse that ate the monk's meat can't get rid of this problem, and the stolen things are more valuable.

This monk's stomach is like a squirrel's little treasure house, full of treasures.

Xu Tong took out one by one and threw them into the item book.

A pair of incomplete scissors, only half in size, but it turned out to be a special prop when taken out.

20 script points are activated. After activation, it can ignore the enemy's defense and cause great damage to the enemy.

It is not known exactly how much the damage will be.

It is a one-time item, and it is finished when it is used up.

There is also a ruler with a particularly interesting name, called Mirenzizirui.

This thing is very strange, there is no entry for any skill, only one sentence.

【If you hate him, hit him with this. 】

(Note: If you hit a son, you don't hit your father, and if you hit your grandson, you don't hit your father. If you beat a child with a sharp weapon, you will mislead your son.)
Cooldown: 30 days.

This thing is interesting, Xu Tong took it in his hand and studied it carefully for a while, until the white mouse woke up in the belly of the paper cat, squeaking and struggling desperately, Xu Tong put away his interest in studying this ruler.

This white mouse is also unusual, as soon as I hit the mountain button, most people would lie down on the ground, even if it was rescued within ten days and a half months, they would not even think about getting out of bed.

But the white mouse woke up after half an hour, still alive and kicking.

However, it couldn't struggle to get out of the cat's stomach. The cat was blessed with spirit magic, and it would not take a while to get out of it.

Xu Tong ignored Ci Min's frenzied winking eyes at him, waved his hand to control the white cat back, then summoned the wraith to attach to his other hand, stretched out his hand into the cat's stomach, stirred it, and then pulled it.

Seeing that the white mouse was pulled out by Xu Tong and held in his hand, Wraith even wrapped the white mouse tightly, making him unable to move.

"Woke up quite quickly, can you understand people's words?"

Xu Tong sat on the dragon's head, leaning against the monk's arms, and asked while holding the white mouse.

Seeing that his nest had been taken over by others, the white mouse yelled at Xu Tong angrily, but was blocked by the resentful spirit before coaxing a few words, and a soft meatball was stuffed directly into it. Put it into the mouse's mouth, and no sound can come out.

"Since you can't understand human language, throw it into the pot and fry it."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he squinted at the small pot beside Ci Min and Mr. Cui Ming, raised his hand and threw it away, and immediately saw the white mouse being thrown into the oil pot.

"Zi la la..."

The mouse was so frightened that its excrement came out in mid-air. When it fell into the pot, a one-meter-high flame exploded. If it hadn't been dragged back by the wraith, it would have turned into a roast mouse before it fell in. .

Even so, the white mouse's butt was burned into a ball of burnt yellow, and Xu Tong grabbed it in his hand, screaming in pain.

"Ask again, can you understand human speech?"

The white mouse nodded again and again, and was no longer as arrogant as before.

Seeing this, Xu Tong nodded and asked Wraith to wrap it like a zongzi, leaving a head outside: "Take me out, don't play tricks, or I can't get out, turn around and throw you into this pot go inside."


The mouse nodded quickly, and even controlled a ghost to come over to lead Xu Tong.

"Brother, brother, don't go!!"

Seeing that Xu Tong was about to leave, Ci Min was in a hurry, could he not be in a hurry, he took this mouse with him when he left, and these gangsters didn't eat them alive.

Xu Tong glanced at him: "If you don't leave, you will support me?"

"I..." The corners of Ci Min's mouth twitched a few times, talking to this guy could choke people to death.

But people are bound to be strong, and their lives are in their hands. They can do what they say, and they blushed and followed Xu Tong's words: "Yeah!"

Seeing Ci Min's shy appearance made Xu Tong amused, murder and arson are so boring, it can't compare to letting the enemy obediently call the uncle comfortable in front of you.

"Well, in a word, give me something, I won't kill you!"

Xu Tong didn't plan to play around with Ci Min anymore, and asked him directly what chips he could offer.

This time, Ci Min was caught off guard. Before, he was full of words, but now he was condensed to only one sentence. This did not give him a chance to bargain, and it also tested his next words.

After thinking for a moment, Ci Min's lips moved slightly, as if organizing words, and said for a moment: "Give them all, give me what you want."

After speaking, he simply called out his item book, and let Xu Tong observe it as an open state.

As long as Xu Tong is willing to save his life, he can choose these prop cards at will, and he can take all the script points, leaving him a little life is enough.

Not to mention, this guy is really rich, and Xu Tong has almost [-] script points at a glance.

Looking at this guy's item card again, he immediately felt relieved.

This guy is actually a rare pharmacy dispenser. In reality, Ci Min is a pharmacist in a Chinese medicine store, and has a very high degree of knowledge about medicines.

After becoming a player, he got another item card for potion synthesis.

So it is logical to develop towards this road.

Medicines are so expensive to sell at the exhibition. This guy is actually poor with [-] script points in his hand. If he were a top-notch pharmacist, he would reserve thousands of script points each, so he would be ashamed to say hello when he went out.

Of course, Ci Minqiong is because the item cards he collects are expensive, and often an item card for refining medicine can be sold for an extremely high price at the exhibition, and it is common for hundreds of thousands.

What's more, there are those medicinal materials, none of which are cheap.

In other words, if he took this set of refining prop cards and sold them back, he could at least bring him thousands of script points.

This was also what Cimin was most afraid of, but Xu Tong's next words stunned Cimin.

"Five hundred script points, and all these medicines belong to me. This time, the script world is not allowed to oppose me. If you agree, sign the contract."

Xu Tong's offer is definitely a great loss for an ordinary player.

But for Ci Min, this is simply a free gift, not only leaving more than 300 script points for himself to save his life, but also not drawing his own item card.

Compared with the so-called price, it is not worth mentioning.

He couldn't even believe it.

It wasn't until Xu Tong signed the treaty with him that he regained his spirits.

Xu Tong let Cimin go, not out of kindness, but the result of weighing interests.

You have drawn all the prop cards of other people, this is a vengeance that will never die, and Liangzi will avenge it sooner or later.

You killed him and cut the weeds and roots, but you didn't gain much, so you might as well be more generous, give others a way to survive, and give yourself a convenience.

Just like what my master Song Lao often said, don't push people to a dead end. Pushing others to a dead end is also pushing yourself to a dead end.

After signing the contract, Xu Tong untied Ci Min from the rope, and Ci Min obediently traded everything to Xu Tong.

At this time, the two looked at the other reminder.

Three pairs of eyes, you look at me, I look at you, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward, Mr. Reminder looked at Xu Tong longingly, but he couldn't say a word, he could only look at Cimin, hoping that he would help him. Say nice things about yourself.

But how dare Cimin, his life was bought at a high price, how can he be qualified to be a good person? ?

Kindness is exclusive to the winners.

Xu Tong looked at him for three seconds, seeing that this guy didn't speak, he simply led Ci Min out without looking back.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to look back at the monk behind him and the string of Buddhist beads in the monk's hand, hesitated for a while, but finally didn't help the monk pull out the nail on the spine.

After all, the monk who was thrown in this place does not look like a good person.

As for the Buddha beads... since it is something that even mice dare not touch, it is better not to touch it yourself.

"You guys... don't go... I admit my mistake... I can't admit my mistake... Come back, come back!! Come back!!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to go far away, Mr. Cui Ming realized his stupidity. He shouted more and more urgently, and finally his voice became hoarse, but the figures of Xu Tong and Ci Min never came back.

It's not that Xu Tong didn't give Mr. Reminder a chance, as long as this guy can bow his head, it's fine to let him go.

But he would rather kneel down to a mouse and beg for mercy, and flatter him, than say even one nice word to him, such a person deserves death.

Mr. Cui Ming shouted desperately, but the person had already left, and after shouting for a while, his voice was almost hoarse, so he lowered his head in despair.

Cursing in my heart that I was blinded by lard just now, isn't it just a matter of face?

Just when I was thinking about what to do now, my ears suddenly moved, and I vaguely heard someone calling me.

"Help me..."

The voice was near and far away, as if it was right next to the ear, but also as if it was far away in the sky.

Mr. Cuiming looked back, but saw the monk sitting on the dragon head, at some point his eyelids slightly opened a gap, and the gray eyeballs were looking towards him.

But before the monk made any further changes, the string of Buddhist beads in his hand suddenly burst into a brilliant Buddha's light. With the flash of Buddha's light, the monk's slightly opened eyelids closed again.

Mr. Reminder saw this scene for real, and he couldn't help being shocked: "My God, this thing is still alive!!"

It's a pity that only he knows this secret, and he has no chance to tell the second person.

(End of this chapter)

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