Infinite script kill

Chapter 251 A good show is coming

Chapter 251 A good show is coming
With a white mouse as a hostage and a ghost leading the way, Xu Tong and Xu Tong quickly walked out from an almost imperceptible path.

When you get to the exit, the ghost will not leave.

Even the mouse in Xu Tong's arms began to squeak and scream, as if hoping that Xu Tong would let him go, or as if warning him that it was dangerous outside.

Ci Min ran to the front and poked his head out for a look. After seeing the situation outside clearly, his scalp felt numb all of a sudden.

I saw cloudy clouds above my head, and countless wandering souls gathered into a huge cloud.

Those two glowing red holes were as terrifying as a pair of big blood-colored eyes.

Gusts of wind swept over like knives, and endless roars and wailing sounds filled my ears. I don't know if it was the arms and legs of those unlucky ones, appearing and disappearing in the black mist. Immediately, he saw blood on his hands.

Immediately shrinking his head, he ran back to Xu Tong and said, "My darling, those wandering spirits outside here are probably crazy to kill, we are going out now to deliver food, why don't we continue to hide for a while."

Xu Tong glanced at this guy and couldn't help teasing: "You still know that you are afraid. When you are doing things with Qianshou and those old guys, I think you are also very active."

"Don't! I am me, he is him, I just follow the mission, I don't recognize him from the bottom of my heart, I... I am at odds with this old devil!!"

Ci Min hurriedly raised his hand and swore an oath.

Although a contract is signed, if you really look for something like a contract, there are loopholes for you to exploit.

For example, in the contract, Xu Tong cannot hurt him, but at this time, as long as the ghost throws him out, he may die, and the other party will not violate the contract by then.

It’s the same as insurance. You buy disease insurance, and the insurance seller tells you that it covers hundreds of major and minor diseases. It sounds good to you, but when something happens, you pick it up and look, vomit, it doesn’t include you. Sickness cannot be guaranteed.

So things like contracts are still a test of character after all.

Fortunately, Xu Tong didn't intend to play with Ci Min that way to settle accounts after autumn. After all, he was earning a mission, and he didn't want to exchange pleasantries.

Xu Tong patted Ci Min's arm with a smile, and strode out.

As soon as I went out, I immediately smelled the thick smell of blood in the air. There was a trace of rain and fog in the air, but it was human blood.

A real bloodbath.

This is also the consequence of Qianshou and the others being too greedy. If there are only a few hundred ghosts, the old guys like them can divide them up and they will soon be divided up. At least one person can make a lot of money by sharing six or seven years of merit equally.

But they actually reached out to the ghost market, and even deliberately dared to eat thousands of wandering souls on the day of the Ghost Festival, wishing to become fat with one bite.

As a result, now that these wandering spirits have gone berserk, they realize that things are beyond their control.

With the strength of those old guys, it's not a problem to kill these wandering spirits, there are plenty of means.

But the quantity has changed qualitatively, so many wandering spirits run amok, thanks to the presence of those old guys, otherwise I don't know how much trouble will be caused.

Even so, those aliens still suffered heavy casualties. I don't know how many disciples and grandchildren who came here to earn merit. If they didn't earn merit, they were torn to pieces.

Xu Tong glanced sideways, and found that thunder and spells sounded from time to time in the distance. He jumped onto the pontoon beside him and climbed to a commanding height, only to see Qianshou and others in the distance leading a group of people to block the exit.

A group of old guys gathered together, not only to protect the disciples and grandchildren behind them, but also took turns to attack, as if they would not stop until these wandering souls were wiped out today.

From time to time, talismans and strange spells burst out of the air, knocking out the ghosts of the attacking ghosts.

Xu Tong roughly counted the number of people, and it was quite a lot. Leaving aside the dozen or so old guys, there were at least hundreds of strangers.

So many aliens form a group, just like a steel city wall, no matter how those wandering souls attack, they can't even think about leaving the ghost city.

They don't want to kill them all at once, as long as they procrastinate, wait until the rooster crows and the ghost gate is closed, then they can withdraw from the ghost market, and then find a way to seal the entrance of the ghost market together, and you're done.

As for the consequences of doing so, they don't care. It's nothing more than abandoning a ghost city. Anyway, there is more than one ghost city in the world.

"A lot of people!"

Seeing the astonishing number of aliens, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He didn't expect that after such a big commotion, there were still so many aliens.

"This is only part of it, and there are still some people who didn't get involved."

Ci Min walked behind Xu Tong, glanced at those strangers, and said, "Not long ago, Qianshou sent a telegram to Sichuan, Yunnan, and Northeast China, and he meant to invite all strangers from these places. "

"Oh! He has so much energy??"

Xu Tong looked back at him and asked in surprise.

The master said that since ancient times, witches and Gu can't go out of Shu, horse immortals can't go out of customs, and Yunnan and Guizhou is the territory of Dongba Sect, so how can it be possible to call strangers from these places with thousands of hands?
Why?Because he is ugly?
"It's true, but it wasn't posted in the name of Qianshou. It was posted by another person. I don't know the name of this person, but I heard from Qianshou that this guy used to work as the Qin Tianjian."

"Qin Tianjian!!"

Hearing these three words, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat. Not long ago, his master said that the Qin Tianjian institution is in charge of the world's strange people. You must be obedient.

If this matter is true, then what the master will face may not be as simple as Qian Shou and the lower ranks.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help frowning, glanced coldly at Qianshou and the others, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Then don't blame me, it's your own bad luck."

Ci Min noticed that Xu Tong's expression was not quite right, and hurriedly said: "What are you doing?? Don't mess around!!"

Otherwise, when the fight broke out later, he was afraid that Xu Tong would mess up again, otherwise it would be a problem whether he would fight or not.

Seeing that Xu Tong took out the pistol unhurriedly, pulled out the magazine to check the number of bullets, and after confirming that there was no problem, he turned to Ci Min with a smirk and said, "You probably haven't lit the sky lantern, have you?"

"It's those little lanterns that store souls??" Ci Min shook his head and assured, "No, no, why would I want that thing, it's really useless to me if you have merit, but...forget it, I didn't order it anyway. .”

He seemed to be thinking of something, but he didn't say anything further. Xu Tong didn't ask any more questions when he saw this, but just smiled and said, "Then you are really lucky."

After saying something that made Ci Min think so, Xu Tong raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at the top of his head.


A gunshot echoed in the ghost city, and at this moment, everyone's eyes turned towards this direction, Cimin was shocked, and hurriedly backed away covering his face, screaming: "What are you doing?? Crazy! !"

As he said that, he looked up, and sure enough, he saw those ghosts looking towards this side as if they had a feeling.

Some ghosts have even turned into a black mist and rushed towards them.

For these ghosts, they don't care what Xu Tong is doing, they just want to tear up all the living people they can see when they go berserk.

"Which Zhao Kuangsheng is it!!"

With an exclamation, many different people looked sideways at Xu Tong who was standing on top. The name Zhao Kuangsheng was only recently known to the different people.

Many aliens have only heard of the big name, and know that this guy kills people without blinking an eye. There was a big explosion at the freight station, and the name of Zhao Kuangsheng was blown up.

But there are not many people who have actually seen Xu Tong's appearance. The only information that many strangers know is that this person is called Zhao Jian, who is the disciple of Xue Gui, the Tiaozimen in Xiaoyinmen.

Other than that, more information is no longer available locally.

Now everyone looked up at Xu Tong's face seriously, and more people wanted to keep this face in their hearts forever. Of course, they would not admire it, but hatred. They wished to kill this guy a thousand times. Cut to pieces.

It was obviously a great opportunity, everyone shared the merits equally, and everyone could get about 30 years of merits out of thin air when the matter was over, which was enough to make those young people of the younger generation directly step into the ranks of first-class masters.

This is destined to be a prosperous world, a banquet belonging to strangers, but in the end it was messed up by Zhao Kuangsheng.

Just like the next book to open up wasteland and play a group book, a group book with a hundred people, everyone should do what they should do in an orderly manner, watching the boss be finished soon, waiting for the time to touch the equipment.

You raise your hand for a fire explosion, return your hand for a fireball, and add a few fireballs to fill up the hatred directly, leading the whole group to perish.

You can imagine how harmonious the society was in the picture greeting you at that time.

Under the angry eyes of everyone, Xu Tong took the time to pull the trigger without haste and fired the second shot.

Now more wandering souls began to gather here.

"Crazy, what are you doing!!"

Looking at the haze around Wuyang Wuyang, gathering together like crazy, the first thing Cimin thought was to run.

But when he turned around, he realized that at some point behind him, he was already surrounded by haze.

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Ci Min's face turned green. He had just escaped from the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den. He looked at Xu Tong with a sad face for a while: "Brother, I won't take you to play like this!"

Xu Tong didn't speak, just pulled the trigger silently. With the third gunshot echoing in the ghost city, everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see what this guy was going to do.

As a result, the group of people looked at it for a long time, but found nothing. Instead, they provoked all those wandering spirits.

I saw more and more ghosts, almost forming a layer of black fog that was almost invisible to the naked eye, surrounding Xu Tong and Ci Min, and the sound of ghosts crying and howling filled the sky, which made people feel heart-piercing. .

These wandering souls struggled for so long and couldn't go out, and the resentment in their hearts became more and more terrifying. With so many wandering souls rushing up, even if this kid had the ability to reach the sky, he would undoubtedly die.

"Hahahaha, is this kid digging his own grave?"

Finally someone spoke and laughed. As soon as this person spoke, the other people burst into laughter.

"Didn't he dig his own grave? With so many wandering souls, we old fellows dare not deal with them alone. He... Hehe! He's dead!"

An old man caressed his beard, looked at Qianshou and said, "Now you can rest assured, this kid doesn't need your hands, he will be torn to pieces later."

Qian Shou felt very strange, he couldn't tell what was wrong, after all, this kid didn't seem like someone who could do such a stupid thing, what was he doing? ?

It's just that no matter how confused he is, the fact that this kid is surrounded by many ghosts cannot be changed.

Unable to think of a reason for the moment, Qianshou could only politely smile and nod to everyone, but became more vigilant in his heart.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Ci Min sat down beside Xu Tong, frantically searching for something, but couldn't find it after searching for a long time, so he could only look at Xu Tong with a dejected face: "Can I have a cigarette?"

Cimin actually has a tumor in his throat, and he has quit smoking for a long time, but now he is about to be torn into pieces by these wandering spirits, and he doesn't care about so much, since he can't have sex with women happily before he dies, at least Get yourself a cigarette.

Seeing his decadent expression, Xu Tong casually threw a pack of cigarettes to him, and smiled: "Don't worry, the good show will come soon..."

PS: Shit, the keyboard is broken, I took a spare keyboard, and it turned out that it is a gift, it is really not easy to use, the next one may be slower, don’t wait, send it before 12 o’clock, and repair the notebook tomorrow go……

(End of this chapter)

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