Infinite script kill

Chapter 252 Don't shout!That's... 7 Masters 8 Masters

Chapter 252 Don't Shout!That's... Seventh Lord Eighth Lord

"Good show?" Ci Min felt the urge to cry, it was still unknown whether they could survive the next second, how could they be interested in watching a good show.

But when he looked up and saw Xu Tong's confident expression, the seeds of hope were still ignited in his heart after all.

The surrounding wind was getting louder and louder, and finally a hand came out from the black mist, and quickly grabbed Xu Tong and the others.

Thousands of hands come out with one hand, and dense black hands grab it. The picture can't help but reminds people of shredded chicken.

Xu Tong frowned, and before he could grab these palms, he took [Demonic Bell] in his hand, but before he had time to activate the bell's skill Demonic Sound, a gong sounded suddenly, causing the wandering souls in mid-air to instantly As if frozen there, motionless.

"Dong dong dong..."

Luo Ming's voice became more piercing, wherever the voice passed, all wandering souls were frozen in mid-air.

The corpses floating in the sky also fell to the ground with a clatter.

"what is this??"

Qian Shou and the others were stunned, and looked at the wandering soul that was frozen in front of them, and were shocked in their hearts. They didn't know who had such an ability to make thousands of wandering souls freeze there without moving.

How much ability can this be done?

Qian Shou's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition grew stronger.

"Dong dong dong..."

The louder the sound of the gong, it not only frightened everyone, even the invisible palaces and pavilions under the ghost market trembled together, as if some terrible existence had been awakened.

In an instant, a streak of blood rose from the ground into the sky, carrying boundless blood mist, and turned into a skull in mid-air, making an ear-splitting roar.

A terrible sound came, and those young aliens with low strength on the spot bled from their ears and noses, and fainted on the ground in a moment.

Even those masters of the older generation struggled with all their strength to barely stand still. Just looking at the pale expressions on their faces, one could tell that the price of standing still might not be as good as lying down comfortably.

Qianshou's eyes flashed sharply, and he looked towards the ground, only to see countless shadows flickering in the thousands of stories underground, and a bloody light surged in the deepest part, as if there were infinite evil spirits roaring.

"Hiss!!" Seeing this bold Qianshou, his scalp was numb with fright, as if he saw something terrible down there, cold sweat broke out on his forehead after a while.

City L occupies an unshakable position in history, it is said to be the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties.

But just like this, this city is also doomed to be full of disasters. Historically, since Dong Zhuo burned this place to ashes with a big fire, countless ghosts and ghosts were buried under this L city.

As Sima Guang said, if you ask about the ups and downs of the past and the present, please only look at Luoyang City.

For thousands of years, no one knows what shocking secrets are hidden below, but today they were startled by the sound of gongs and drums.

"This ghost city is alive!!"

Cimin lay on the ground and poked his head out to look down, but he was dazzled after just one glance. He actually saw a woman in a Tang suit and a Han general holding a spear. Each floor had a landscape, and each floor had a world.

Until I saw the bottom, a sea of ​​red light, I couldn't see anything clearly, I just felt an indescribable force, and it seemed as if I was going to pull him in.

So much so that Ci Min didn't dare to look at it after one glance, for fear that he couldn't help it, and really jumped, and stayed below forever.

Looking back at Xu Tong, he found that he was watching with gusto.

Ci Min didn't know, but Xu Tong knew in his heart that what he saw was not real, nor was it all false, just like his master's worship button, it was between the real and the fake.

It's hard to tell what's true and what's not.

The stories in the "Huangquanlu" that the master gave him were written around the true and false. The outline is paving the way for his future direction of Baishankou.

But the text in the book is far less visually impactful than the vivid pictures like this one.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

A sound of killing came from the ground with a murderous air, and everyone was shocked to see a group of soldiers in neat armor walking from the ground with spears in their hands. The huge flag unfolded without wind, and it read a Chinese character.

"Kill!!" A cavalry soldier in black battle armor galloped up, with a large flag waving, and a white letter was written on the vermilion general flag.

The overwhelming murderous aura struck, Qianshou and the others sank intuitively, and found that they could not move as if they were being pressed down by a mountain, and all magical powers and spells were invalid at this moment.

"This is a Yin soldier! A real Yin soldier!!" An old man screamed.

Everyone's face turned pale with fright when they heard the words. Who would have thought that there were actually Yin soldiers in this ghost market, and there were more than one of them.

Standing on a high place, Xu Tong made a killing sound, and immediately felt his face was in severe pain as if he had been scratched by a knife.

There was a tightness in the chest and a feeling of wanting to vomit blood.

As for Cimin, because he ate Wulingzhi, under the blessing of the blood boiling effect, he was not affected much.

But when they saw the murderous aura billowing in like wolf smoke, the faces of the two of them became ugly in an instant. Fortunately, a golden light flashed in his arms at this time, and he actually resisted the murderous aura.

Xu Tong slapped his forehead, and hurriedly took out the small soul coffin from his bosom. The soul coffin flashed, and the child named Xu Qing jumped out of it, holding a red-tasseled spear, blocking Xu Tong's body. In front of the two of them.


Xu Qing shook the red-tasseled gun in his hand, and thrust it forward, the barrel of the gun trembled and made a buzzing sound, which actually blocked the murderous aura for the two of them.

In contrast, those old guys were not so lucky. They saw that group of cavalry rush out of the ground and rushed towards them.

"Not good! Run!!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Shou and the others were all scared out of their wits.

This Yin soldier is extraordinary, it is not a wandering ghost, no, even a mortal ghost is not as good as a toe.

The difference between them is as huge as the children in the kindergarten and the top students of Tagou Martial Arts Academy.

These low-level scumbags are okay to bully wandering souls, but what courage do they have when they meet Yin soldiers.

However, before they had time to escape, the cavalry ahead waved their flags, and murderous aura like mountains and seas enveloped their heads in an instant.

Ling Qianshou and the others were immediately unable to move as if they had fallen into a quagmire. Those old guys were like ordinary old people at this time. A sense of despair that can only sit and wait to die.

"It's over, Qianshou, what kind of bad idea did you old man come up with, you goddamn old thief." Some people were heartbroken, and if they were killed by the Yin soldiers, their souls would probably be beaten to ashes.

At this time, they are no longer as simple as hating Xu Tong, even Qianshou also hates it, and their mouths are fragrant, and they want to greet all the tiger and wolf words in this life to Qianshou's eighteenth generation before they die. Ancestors.

Qianshou was scolded bloody, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. He cast a cold glance at everyone and said with a smile: "Everyone, I have lived a lifetime in vain. It is not in vain to die with you today. If we are lucky enough to stay under the iron hoof Three souls and seven souls, I will apologize to you all on the way to Huangquan!"

Until this moment, Qianshou still maintained that grandeur, which made everyone change color.

But not everyone can have this kind of awareness. Those few old people in the back didn't care about this, and opened up their curses, and they almost dug up the graves of the eighteen generations of Qianshou's family to burn their bones and ashes.


While speaking, the iron hooves were already close at hand. Qianshou and the others raised their heads, and they could see the eyes of the skeleton horse under the crotch of this Yin soldier shining with a strange light, like two sapphires.

Just as the big knife swung down.


There was a gong sound, and the big knife that left an afterimage in mid-air was magically frozen in mid-air.

I saw two shadows, one black and one white, coming slowly from nothingness. In front of the two shadows, there was a little ghost carrying a small white flag.

There were words written on both sides of the flag, one side said Yinshen went on the road, and the other side said strangers avoided.

The kid skipped and walked forward, beating the gong in his hand as he walked.

It turned out that the sound of gongs and drums was just the sound of the leading kid beating, and it was far from the point where the two behind made a move.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, but found that their eyesight could not see the facial features of the two people clearly.

"Could it be... Wu..." Someone thought of something, and subconsciously shouted out. Fortunately, the people around him were sober and covered the guy's mouth.

Corrected in a low voice: "Don't shout, that's... Seventh Lord and Eighth Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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