Chapter 253

There are more than thousands of ghosts in the huge underworld, and only a few big figures can manage them, so there are also ghosts in the underworld, and the image is also one black and one white holding a mourning stick and holding a command arrow.

Occasionally appearing in the world, it is also regarded as an impermanent ghost by ordinary people.

But on the vast underworld, only Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu are known as impermanence. How dare they call them by their names, especially some people from Yinmen regard them as their ancestors and enshrine them at home .

Because the two are ranked seventh and eighth in Yincao, they are honored as Xie Qiye and Fan Baye.

So how can we tell the difference?After all, it is impossible to see the real appearance of these two masters at a glance?

The answer is simple, look at the hat.

If it is an ordinary accident, the black hat must say "catching you" and the white hat will say "you are coming too".

Seventh Master and Eighth Master have different hats.

Seventh Master's hat had the words "One Sight Makes Money" written on it, while Eighth Master's hat had "Tianxia Taiping" written on it.

Legend has it that if a person who sees or dreams of Bai Wuchang kneels down to thank blessings, he will have good luck or be promoted and make a fortune, so it is called "Xie Bi'an, good luck at first sight".

But people who see black impermanence are not good, they will have disasters or their lifespan will be exhausted, so people say: "Fan (criminal) has no salvation"

When everyone looked at it, although they couldn't see their faces clearly, the words on the hats were clearly visible, as expected, the words "make money at first sight, peace in the world".

"Sure enough, it's the seventh and eighth masters, are we saved?" Someone exclaimed and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

I don't know who made a sneer at the side: "Saved? You're probably thinking about farts, forgetting what we're here for?"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, everyone's faces turned pale.

It is said that when people get old, their minds tend to get confused. Forgot how they pry into the corner of the underworld? ?Forgot how they killed ghosts just now?Forget those wandering spirits thrown into the sky lantern? ?
If it wasn't for this matter, could these two uncles have been alarmed, and even came here in person? ?

For a moment, everyone's hearts were chilled, and their heads were buzzing.

Qianshou's city, where Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, was about to collapse at this time, thinking: "The ghost city is located outside the three realms of heaven and earth, and we blocked the door for the first time. How did these two uncles come here?" Could it be that someone leaked the news, or did someone invite these two uncles?"

Thinking that Qianshou looked at Xu Tong for the first time, he was shocked and confused.

Shocked by Xu Tong's methods, but also wondering how he did it.

Speaking of this, I have to push the time forward by an hour.

It turned out that Xu Tong asked Ji Feiyu to do him a favor, nothing else but to find a safe place to set up an incense altar, and after he fired three shots, he invited these two masters over.

Do you want to say that Ji Feiyu has this ability?
Of course not, he is in the soul coffin business, strictly speaking, he is also prying into the corner of the underworld, and he is too late to hide when he encounters ghosts. How can he have such a great ability to invite the two great gods of the underworld? ?
But he can't, Xu Tong can teach, let's set up an incense altar, three sticks of yellow incense, a brazier, if you are exhausted, put more sacrifices.

It's that simple, the most important thing is that you have the brands of the two great gods.

Ji Feiyu didn't have a brand name, but Xu Tong did. The master sent him on a day trip to the underworld, and he was thrown into the water of the underworld. When he was drifting along the underworld, he happened to meet these two.

The two looked at each other and vomited. Isn't such a familiar soul the same as the money-spreading boy from last time? ?

He was given a spirit card casually.

This thing is equivalent to a small card with a phone number on it. If you need any service, you can call it and pay first before doing the work.

Of course Xu Tong has no money, but he has one thing in his hand, which is the Tongtian Lantern.

After setting up an incense altar and burning it to the two, Xu Tong didn't believe that the two of them could still sit still. Reversing Yin and Yang is a big taboo in itself, not to mention someone prying into the corner of your house. This is a fire in the backyard. Are you in a hurry?

Oh, it's the kind where someone calls for a service and ends up abducting all the young ladies?If you pry away a large group of them, don't you worry about the chicken head.

Cough cough, the more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes, anyway, that's what it means.

In short, these two masters really came. This time, they didn't just put their thoughts on the paper figurines, but came to the ghost market in person. It can be seen that Qianshou and the others have made a big mess this time.

Xu Tong pulled Ci Min to sit down, happily picked up the big cigarette pipe, rubbed the shredded tobacco into the pot with one hand, and smiled at Ci Min: "Look, I'll just say it, the big show is coming."

Ci Min glanced at the two figures, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit.

In the world of scripts, he has seen all kinds of zombies and ghosts. He can't believe that he can still see the legendary black and white impermanence today, and he doesn't know whether he is lucky or not lucky.

At this time, Fan Baye, who was surrounded by the haze, flipped his hand, and a command arrow appeared in his palm, aiming at the cloud of blood mist under the ghost market and sweeping towards it.

With a buzzing sound, a word [Town] appeared out of thin air exuding gray divine brilliance, and the sound of a celestial being chanting sutras was faintly heard. The rumbling thunder made the blood in the ground boil, and with a scream, it disappeared in a flash. He never dared to come out from the depths of the ground.

As soon as the blood light disappeared, a terrible suction force gushed out from the ground, and all the Yin soldiers who rushed out of the ground were brought back to the ground.

Immediately, the ghost market quieted down, and everyone felt that the terrifying murderous aura pressing on them disappeared without a trace.


Immediately after the little ghost walking in front knocked the gongs and drums in his hands, he saw that the dark ghosts in the sky quickly turned into black mist, and were all sucked into the belly by the little ghost with one mouth.

Immediately turning around is to go back.

"Huh!!" Seeing that the two elders were about to leave, Xu Tong was dumbfounded.

Did I take the trouble to invite you to the fashion show? ?
Just when he was so surprised that his jaw was about to drop, there was a sudden chill behind him, and before he could turn around, his body froze there, and the two figures that were still in sight just now appeared in the second place at some unknown time. behind the person.

"This time, as a favor from you, I'll give you something. If we meet again next time, let's have a good chat." A soft voice came from behind the ear, and it made people feel numb all over.

As he spoke, Xu Tong felt a cold hand land on his neck, touched it lightly, and made him shiver from the cold.

Then he saw that there was a small black gourd on his chest.

"You just left like this?? Where are these old gangsters?? You ran all the way, didn't you take two to add to the fun??"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes and couldn't speak, but his thoughts were clearly seen by the two of them.

"Yin gods don't ask about yang affairs, and when the soul falls into the yin and yang, it will be decided by Yan Luo." Different from the soft voice just now, this voice is unusually cold, and there is a kind of indifference that rejects people thousands of miles away. , as if once a word has been said, it will no longer give people any doubts.

Xu Tong was very upset when he heard the words: "Then they are going to explode the Yin-Yang Dao and release thousands of evil spirits inside, don't you care?"

Regarding this question, the two said in unison: "This matter has its own destiny, and it is not for us to intervene."

Before he could ask any more questions, the two figures turned around and walked away, drifting farther and farther away, only vaguely heard Fan Baye chanting a little tune.

"The impermanent little devil sighs about impermanence, and the world dies in the midst of fame and fortune.

In ancient and modern times, only the affairs of princes and marquises are written, and there is no pile of bones as a wall. "

The voice seemed far away, and it wasn't just Xu Tong who heard it, but Qian Shou and the others could also hear it clearly, watching the two uncles gradually disappear from their sight.

Everyone seemed to be relieved at last, and some elderly people simply collapsed on the ground, as if their spines had been taken away, their whole bodies were weak, and they couldn't lift up any strength.

"Hey! Third Brother, I see that your seal is turning black!"

At this time, an old man exclaimed, this old man is called Yu Aoshan, he is good at observing people and weather, and he is a master in Dianjin Fengshui.

"Black?" The old man he called third brother got up and touched his forehead in confusion.

After Yu Aoshan took a closer look, and then looked at the other people around him, his expression changed again: "That's not right!!"

"What's wrong? What's going on?" Yu Aoshan's words made the third brother a little annoyed. He knew his ability to watch people, but halfway through his words, it was the same as when the old Chinese medicine doctor frowned and remained silent when he felt your pulse. same language.

Scaring also scares people to death.

Yu Aoshan didn't answer him, and threw himself to the side of Tuer on the ground, turned his head to look at him, and when he saw that there was an extra black line on Tuer's forehead, his face suddenly turned pale.

"What's the matter, you should tell me!" The third brother urged urgently.

Yu Aoshan stared blankly at the third brother and the others, and said intermittently: "We... no, it's all of them. There is an extra black line on their foreheads. I've never seen this before..."

"Ah!" Everyone heard that it was okay, and hurriedly checked carefully. Sure enough, a black texture appeared and disappeared on the forehead, and it was impossible to see it without looking carefully.

"It's the soul seal."

Someone finally remembered the reason for this thing, and sat down on the ground with a howl.

This is to imprint them. Once you die, you don't need a little ghost to lead you on the road. Your soul will fall into hell, and no one can stop it.

To put it bluntly, Lord Yan has already picked out their names separately and made them the focus of attention.

Now it's useless even if you go abroad, no one can save you.

Qianshou stood aside and listened, his heart skipped a beat, he barely stood up, glanced sideways at Xu Tong, took a deep breath and said, "Let's go!"

Things have come to this point, even though Xie Qi and Fan Ba ​​are disdainful to crush them ants and break the rules, what they did today has already reached the table of Lord Hades.

But when he looked back, seeing these old fellows' mournful expressions, he felt relieved, thinking that this incident might not necessarily be a bad one.

Xu Tong stood in the distance, seeing that they were about to leave, he was thinking about whether to take action, but suddenly a strong sense of crisis made him vigilant.

Looking sideways, he saw three people standing not far away.

Except for the assassin who had fought with him before and almost injured him with a knife.

There were two other people standing by.

Ci Min took a look, then quickly lowered his head and prostrated himself on the ground, saying: "Be careful, those are Hunjianglong and Jingshoucheng, these two are not good friends."

Hun Jianglong is Qianshou's personal bodyguard, and Jingshoucheng... Xu Tong glanced away and saw this young man with black glasses missing a finger on his left hand. certified players!
(End of this chapter)

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