Chapter 256

"A god??"

Until he walked out of the ghost market, Xu Tong still raised his head and looked in the direction of the north. That was Beimang Mountain, and the idiot also plunged into it. Does God mean the idiot, or the master? ?

This idea was quickly rejected by him, because Xu Qing meant that this god was not a real god.

He described it very strangely, saying that mortals can't see it and see it as a great evil.

Xu Qing couldn't tell exactly what kind of danger it was, but instinct told him not to go to the north.

Xu Tong thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out what it was, so he simply didn't think about it at all, and just went back and had a look.

Because the coffin behind Cimin can't be put into the item book, taxis are a rare item in this era, but not in L City.

In the middle of the night, I could only walk north with the coffin on my shoulders.

Xu Tong didn't care, after all, he carried the coffin by himself, and he walked like a tiger.

It's just that this is a pain for Cimin, the coffin is big and heavy, and he is not a player who is good at strength, but there is no way, who made him stick to Xu Tong's side.

While walking and chatting, Cimin said that the group of knife sellers Xu Qing met might be the rumored knife sellers.

There are different opinions about the mystery of this credit knife man, and there are various opinions. Some people suspect that these people are very similar to the gold point. You have to take his knife before he will tell you when to collect money.

This is in line with the causal relationship of gold, but at that time, the credit knife people have disappeared, and they have not actually come to collect money, which is not in line with the rules of gold.

It is also said that credit knife people may be some good gods who use the ability to sell knives to warn the world.

But it is not clear which god it is.

As for the concept of conspiracy theory, it is even more amazing. It is said that this is a spy who used the words of the creditor to confuse the people. After being arrested, he naturally did not come to collect money.

In short, there are all kinds of things to say, but the credit knife guy Xu Qing met was a bit outrageous.

The night sky is like daytime. Sparks ignite the earth. Isn’t this the bustling city in reality? It’s easier to understand when sparks ignite the earth. Looking at photos taken from space, it’s not difficult to see sparks on the earth.

You can understand the saying that the common people have meat every day, but everyone can fly to the sky, isn't this just an airplane? ?

You know, if you told people that the earth was round 100 years ago, you might be beaten as a cult.

Not to mention, things like electric lights and airplanes, can ordinary people imagine these things?It's amazing to think of a soaring cloud and riding fog.

But the other party made it very clear, which is evil.

The two walked while chatting, the time passed quickly, and before they knew it, they had already arrived in front of the Shangqing Palace.

Just as the two were about to enter the door, Xu Tong's ears moved suddenly, and he grabbed Ci Min who was about to go forward.


At this time, the gate of the Shangqing Palace was slowly opened, and a few Taoist priests in plain clothes with buns on their heads came out.

After seeing Xu Tong and Ci Min, he was startled for a moment, and then looked at the coffin behind them, with strangeness written all over his face.

Xu Tong also looked over and examined the group of Taoists. He only felt that these Taoists had an aura that he hated. He couldn't tell why, but it might be because of [Dark Physique].

"Brother Xue, please stay. I can see Brother Xue today. What I said in one sentence made me better than ten years of reading scriptures. If I have the opportunity to go to Shanqing Temple in the future, Yu Daozi will definitely sweep the couch to welcome me."

"You're welcome. The Daoist Taoist's profound knowledge has opened Xue's eyes. If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely come to ask for advice."

Just listening to a burst of nasty business blowing from behind the door, the master and a veteran came out one after the other.

The old-fashioned, crane-haired, childlike face could not tell the age, with a big white beard, holding a dust whisk in his hand, even though he was wearing ordinary casual clothes, his dusty aura still gave people the feeling of an old fairy.

"Hey! These two are..."

As soon as Yu Daozi went out, he saw Xu Tong and Ci Min sideways, glanced at them, couldn't help raising his brows slightly, and looked at Xue Gui beside him.

Xue Gui smiled, and said to Xu Tong: "I haven't come to see the Master Yu Dao of Qingshan Temple yet."

Hearing this, Xu Tong immediately stepped forward obediently, bowed his hands towards Yu Daozi, crossed his hands and clasped his fists, and raised his two thumbs up, which is the etiquette of Tiaozixing.

"Junior Zhao Jian greets senior."

Xu Tong's voice is loud and clear, and his words are mellow and clear without any stage fright.

When the surrounding Taoists heard his name, their expressions suddenly changed, and even one Taoist blurted out: "You are that Zhao Kuangsheng!"

Obviously, Zhao Kuangsheng's name is already resounding all over the world.

Do you want to say that it is so easy to become famous? ?This is what depends on the fate of the person.

It is not an easy task for ordinary people to let everyone in the world know about how big things you do.

After all, information dissemination is not so developed in this era. Unlike in reality, Zhang San was discovered in a women's bathhouse dressed as a woman, and it would be on the headlines and trending searches tomorrow. Another day Zhang San went abroad to Japan and ordered a Japanese chick to yell and send it to All the nerds on the Internet can see your majesty.

There is no Internet in this era, and there are no BB machines.

You go out in the morning and look, there is a letter at the door, open it, oh, it is from your hometown, saying that your wife has given birth, so you should come back early.

Look at the delivery time again, three years ago, when you rush back, the children will be soy sauce.

Xu Tong was able to become famous so quickly, it is precisely because the strange people from all over the world gathered in L City, it is difficult for everyone to know, not to mention the incident in the ghost market last night, which was completely blown up.

Not only because Xu Tong ruined the plan of Qianshou and others, but also because he didn't know that the thief Sun called the police, so that Qianshou and the others just jumped out of the ghost city, and before they had time to catch their breath, they went to the police station. Surrounded by police.

Only a few people from Qianshou escaped under the protection of Hun Jianglong, and none of the others were left, all of them were arrested.

Good guy, a small Luolong police station directly shut down most of the Inhuman World.

Isn't this big news, Xu Tong has become a foil to the hype, but now whoever mentions Zhao Jian's name, everyone hates it to the bone.

As the saying goes, there are tens of thousands of different people in the world, and Xu Tong provokes half of them alone. It is difficult for him not to be famous.

"It turned out to be Brother Xue's proud apprentice. Congratulations, I love my apprentice so much. There is someone to follow up on Brother Xue's mastery."

Yu Daozi fixed his eyes on Xu Tong and smiled kindly.

Xue Gui frowned, obviously annoyed by the words "proud disciple", he frowned and said with a smile: "No, this is not my apprentice of someone Xue."

Hearing this sentence, the corners of Yu Daozi's mouth slightly raised, and the smile on his face became wider.

Standing aside, Xu Tong immediately understood in his heart when he heard this, the old man's words about being proud of himself were not boasting about himself, but he was obviously dissatisfied with his name Zhao Kuangsheng, and deliberately told his master.

As soon as the master opened his mouth, Xu Tong immediately understood, "Senior has exalted the younger generation, how dare the younger generation stand side by side with the master." As he said this, he turned his hands and said to Xue Gui, "The unfilial disciples pay respects to the master."

"Master! This is your grandson!!"

"Of course!" The master grinned, with a look of pride floating on his face that couldn't be concealed, he almost skipped and pointed at Yu Daozi and said, "Your apprentices are rubbish, even my disciples and grandchildren may not be able to beat them. "

This time Yu Daozi was dumbfounded, and even the Taoists around him became sluggish.

There are rumors all over the world that Zhao Kuangsheng, the devil, is Xue Gui's apprentice, and he has won Xue Gui's true biography.

But I don't want to guess completely wrong, it's actually the grandson! !

The disciples and grandchildren are all so awesome, isn't Xue Gui's apprentice strength even more terrifying, why haven't I heard that there are such people in the Jianghu? ?

"Exactly, my master lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and doesn't like to pay attention to the disputes in the rivers and lakes. He specially asked me to serve him."

Xu Tong ran the train with his mouth full, wishing to directly portray Song Lao as a peerless strong man like his master.

This frightened Yu Daozi and the others, thinking: "What a good way, let the apprentice hide in the snow first, and then let the apprentice and grandson become famous. If anyone does this cruelly, he will be punished by crazy revenge in the future."

Surprised by Xue Gui's methods, he couldn't help sighing secretly.

I thought that the luck of Xiaoyinmen has always been bad, how come three generations of masters, apprentices and grandchildren pop up all at once, how can other people live like this? ?

After seeing the corners of Yu Daozi's mouth twitch a few times for a moment, he finally came back to his senses, the forced smile on his face made people laugh so hard, he bowed his hands to Xue Guigong, and left with a group of disciples in desperation.

From a distance, Yu Daozi's voice reprimanding his apprentices could be heard: "Look, look, your disciples are not much worse than yours in strength. If this apprentice comes out of the mountain in the future, maybe there will be a Xue Gui, you Fight for it! Don't wait for the master to come out of the mountain in the future, and you won't be wiped out."

Seeing Yu Daozi and others leaving, Xu Tong grinned and wanted to look at the master in front of him, and was about to speak, when the master turned around and said: "Bring the coffin in, I just have something I want you to do..."

(End of this chapter)

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