Chapter 257


The master wanted to order him, what else could he say, of course he called Shang Cimin to take the coffin into the Shangqing Palace.

"Master, that old Taoist just now..."

Xu Tong walked quickly in small steps, walked up to the master in two or three steps, and inquired about the heels of the group of veterans just now.

"They, the bull noses of Qingshan Temple in Sichuan."

When the master mentioned this group of people, his face was full of displeasure, and it seemed that the visitors were not kind.

After Xu Tong asked, he found out that this group of people came for Xianbao. As for Qian Shou and their affairs, this group of people did not intend to interfere at all. After all, they came to pick peaches.

The specific master didn't say anything, just told Xu Tong to ignore them first, these people are vultures, they are annoying to keep, but it doesn't matter if they disappear, after all, there is always someone who has to take care of the situation.

"Didn't the Three Teachings not intervene in this matter?"

Xu Tong still couldn't help asking one more question, and after asking, the master gave him a look and sneered and said, "Fortunately, you are still a Zhao Kuangsheng, the world is full of prosperity, and those old things don't come out of the mountains, so let the little one A generation of famous people came out to have a look, on the surface they talked about the morality of the world, but when they came out of the mountain, they were all thinking about deals."

"I'm stupid, they are too shameless, and their food looks too ugly." Xu Tong probably knew it when he heard it, and couldn't help complaining.

The master sat on the chair and let him complain about those old bastards, Xu Tong scolded, and suddenly realized that he had been back for so long and hadn't seen Chang Miao.

Ordinarily at this point, Zhang Miao should have woken up long ago, ready to work hard for him.

"Don't look, this kid has been a little bit obsessed recently. Every day he runs to live next to the toilet at the bottom of the mountain, and he can practice kung fu and poop without delay."

Speaking of Chang Miao, a wonderful person, even the master couldn't help but smile.

Chang Miao seems to be from an ordinary background, but if he were to be included in a book, he would be lucky enough to be the protagonist.

First, Taoist Zhuzhu accidentally saved... er, it was saved, although he saved half and burned half, but Taoist Zhuzhu had bad intentions for him in his heart, and deliberately taught him an incomplete Taishang induction chapter.

He thought to himself that when his obsession and primordial spirit dissipated, he would try his best to seize the dove's nest and occupy the magpie's nest.

But Daoist Zhuzhu never dreamed that he would be robbed by a group of beggars before he could wait for that day, not to mention his affairs, let's talk about Chang Miao.

That day, the master and Xu Tong saw him messing around in the house, but they were overjoyed.

The master thought, since the gang of beggars were looking for Chang Miao, the cause and effect should also be on Chang Miao, so he simply threw the beggar gang's book on cleansing to Chang Miao.

Although this book looks ugly, it has a different origin. The beggar gang in the past dynasties has two factions of dirty clothes and clean clothes, and there is a lineage between each of the two factions.

Later, Su Qier was living in the beggar gang, and she understood the secret between the two factions. She felt that the road leads to the same goal, and she simply merged the two into one.

This book is Su Qier's unique knowledge, there is no trick or style in it, but every word is clear and easy to understand.

What's even more ingenious is that this incomplete Taishang Induction Chapter actually has many similarities and complements with the content in it. No one knows what the relationship between the two is.

But Chang Miao got a great blessing all at once, during this period of time the whole person has undergone a qualitative change, as if he really realized something incredible from it.

"Hiss~~ So, Chang Miao is taking off."

Xu Tong sat aside and listened, thinking about the story about Chang Miao in his heart. From the mouth of his master Song Lao, it is not difficult to know that Chang Miao will be the leading figure in the lower Jiuliu in the future.

Even the masters of the Three Religions would hide away when they saw him, until after this guy died, they wished that firecrackers would be fired to celebrate.

"Hey, it's not that easy."

The master laughed, even a pedantic celestial being like him knows that there is no supernatural power in the world, and there is still a long way to go.

But one thing is that this kid is very lucky. He learned the way of pollution. It is said that he joined the gang of beggars, and he could not escape the fate of three abuses and five deficiencies. After all, he has embarked on the path of the Taoist Xuan family, and it is impossible to say that his fate can be changed so that he can escape from three disadvantages and five shortcomings.

As the master said, he looked at Cimin, no, to be precise, it was the coffin behind Cimin.

"That... for the thighs... no, my uncle!"

Ci Min was casually glanced at by the master, and suddenly his whole body became cold, and his heart trembled, and then he remembered that the person in front of him was probably the fateful boss who made Qian Shou and other people fearful.

Immediately, my heart skipped a beat, and I quickly knelt down to kowtow to the boss.

It is said that men have gold under their knees, but it is not shabby to hug their thighs. After all, this thigh is much thicker than Qianshou and the others.

The master nodded, and didn't ask Ci Min any more, just pointed to the coffin and looked at Xu Tong: "You will really cause trouble for me, let's talk about anything else."

Xu Tong immediately gave a thumbs up: "Why don't you say that you are always my living grandfather." Then he grabbed the white mouse out of his pocket and threw it in front of the master.

The master took a closer look, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. The white mouse was so frightened that it pulled out three poop beans in Xu Tong's hand.

The white mouse ate the monk's meat, and it has long been a psychic thing. It can control even ghosts, and its brains are no worse than living people.

The two pairs of black eyeballs looked at the master, and they were frightened out of their wits on the spot, thinking that this is some kind of god who descended to the earth, and there was a sky-high fluorescent light in front of him, and he almost fainted from fright.

Without waiting for the master to ask Xu Tong, he quickly told the origin of the mouse and what he saw and heard in the wax museum.

When he learned that Xu Tong left without touching the monk, the master raised his brows slightly and nodded in praise: "Even if you are a bad boy, you won't know if you walked in front of the palace of the king of hell."

Although the master doesn't know the origin of the monk, it is not difficult to guess the danger from his words.

"Hey, that's right, my grandson is a lucky man." Xu Tong snorted, and then he was slapped on the back by the master, and almost fell to the ground.

I just heard the master say in a bad mood: "The ignorant are fearless! This mouse should be kept there specially for the purpose of gnawing that monk clean. Now you have caught half of the gnawing. This monk will be a trouble sooner or later. Time and cause and effect will eventually fall on your head."

The master's slap was neither light nor heavy, but it couldn't hurt him, but it made him grin his teeth in pain, clutching his back and saying: "It's all taken out, I can't throw it away."

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong showed his fox tail, and leaned cheekily to the master's side: "I think this mouse likes it very much, why don't you... help me take him away!"

"You really don't have to worry about having too much debt, and you can't chew off too much greed."

The master said so, but saw him wave his hand, and the wraith wrapped around the mouse let go of the mouse by itself.

But the mouse didn't run away and stood there obediently. When you asked it if it dared to move, it stared at Master and didn't even dare to move a hair.

For fear of this god, he slapped it to death.

The master casually took out a piece of yellow paper and folded it casually between his fingers, while asking Xu Tong about what happened last night.

Xu Tong roughly explained the matter, and the arrival of the seventh and eighth masters.

When he found out that even the seventh and eighth masters were alarmed, the master sighed: "You deserve it."

Even the master didn't expect that Qianshou and the others were so daring. If it was said that they had the idea of ​​fighting Yin and Yang, no matter how big the disturbance was, it wouldn't alarm the underworld.

After all, the way of yin and yang is between yin and yang, and most of the evil spirits in it have escaped from the discipline of the underworld.

But if they dared to touch those wandering souls who had returned home, their nature would change. They issued a soul arrest order, and they would be liquidated after they went to the underworld.

"Hey, that's not right." Xu Tong grinned and sneered, but what the master said next made Xu Tong's face froze with a smile.

"Come on tomorrow, go to Luolong to make connections, and release all those strangers who have been locked up."


Not to mention that Xu Tong was taken aback by these words, even Cimin who was at the side was confused. After finally arresting all those people, how could they let them go? ?

If you want to talk about touching the relationship, then it must be moving. If you don't add extra meals to these old gang dishes and clean them up, how can you be worthy of what they suffered in the ghost market.

Xu Tong was in a daze for a while, but he didn't ask any more questions, and nodded in agreement: "You keep saying, I'll do as I said, and I'll go as soon as the sun shines."

Seeing Xu Tong's willingness to agree, the smile on the master's face gradually became stronger. Although this kid has gone a little crooked, the rules are quite clear.

He didn't explain why to Xu Tong, but told him that when he came back, he would find a carpenter and make a memorial tablet. He had his own way of dealing with the mouse. Just buckle it around the mouse's neck.

"Master, there is one more thing!"

As Xu Tong said, he glanced at Cimin, and Cimin immediately understood that it was time to go to the bathroom, so he stood up and walked out.

After Cimin left, Xu Tong took out the [Cold Iron Gourd] and pulled out the stopper of the gourd, a special smell came out from it.

When he took out the Yellow Spring Biluo Pill and put it in his hand, even the master was taken aback, he quickly squeezed the pill and watched it carefully for a while, then immediately stuffed it back into the gourd.

He glanced around vigilantly to make sure there was no third person, and then his expression suddenly became serious: "Why is this thing in your hand!"

"I did such a great favor to Seventh Master and Eighth Master, they gave it to me."

Xu Tong shook the gourd in his hand and said.

The master frowned, and said in a low voice: "You put this thing away, no one can tell, don't tell anyone, or I won't be able to keep you."

"Then won't it be over if you keep eating all the time?"

Xu Tong looked at the master eagerly, of course Xu Tong knew the value of this thing, otherwise why didn't he mention it when he was drinking in Ji Feiyu's shop.

There are not many ways to turn a rookie into a peerless master, but there is a way after all, but there is no way to make a peerless master go one step further.

But right now, the elixir in his hand is enough. If this news gets out, it is estimated that there will be no such thing as those veterans of Jiuliu.

So he hoped that this thing would be eaten by the master, so that the master's strength could be broken through again, and by that time, all the strangers would be chickens and dogs.

Seeing Xu Tong's sincere eyes, the master's serious expression suddenly softened, he stretched out his hand to caress his head, and pulled him to stand up; "My child, this thing is a good thing, if I give it to me, it will be ruined."

"Don't spoil it, if you don't eat it, others don't deserve it."

This is Xu Tong's sincere words. He didn't meet many good people since he was a child, but everyone treated him wholeheartedly.

Even the "teachers" in the mental hospital are the same, so even if they beat him and scolded him, Xu Tong studied very seriously.

When I walked out of the mental hospital, thinking that there should be no good people in this world, I met Mr. Song. Before he died, Mr. Song wanted to keep everything to himself.

Then there is the master, even if it is only because of an unreliable relationship with the same family, the master is still doing his own good from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it's because of Elder Song's relationship or the master's love, he willingly hopes that the master can eat this thing, let alone a pill, even the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir of Taishang Laojun is no big deal.

"Your words are enough, it's just..." The master's eyes were reddish, he patted his shoulder, didn't say any more, just stuffed the cold iron gourd into his hand.

"Keep it for now, I won't need this thing for now, wait a little longer, maybe it will be useful in a while, go ahead, let those old guys out early, the rivers and lakes are the world's affairs, garbage can't always be hidden in the corner Right."

When the master said this, Xu Tong immediately understood.

Thinking about it, I really threw those old guys from the rivers and lakes into the police station and locked him up for a month. Although I enjoyed myself, but when they are released, the Beiman Conference will be over, and these old guys will not be able to run away by then. clean and dry.

At that time, it will not be so easy to kill all these old things.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Xu Tong nodded, turned around and ran out the door.

Seeing Xu Tong leave, the old man grabbed the white mouse in his arms, the white mouse was scared out of fear, and let the master handle it casually.

I only heard the master standing alone in the yard, looking at the rising sun in the distance, he couldn't help saying to himself: "Fate, the thing that I failed to find after three times, finally appeared in front of me like this, but I have already accepted it." What's the use of this destiny, tell me, does this God like to play tricks on people?"

How dare the mouse speak, thinking: "You are the uncle, everything you say is right."


At this time, the coffin standing in the yard trembled a few times, and a hand was slowly stretched out from the coffin, followed by a rotten head.

It turned out that when Cimin moved the coffin, he accidentally scratched the seal on the coffin, causing the things in the coffin to start to crawl out, but he still didn't see where he was.

The master beside him frowned, casually threw the mouse to the ground, grabbed it casually, and directly grabbed the Japanese zombie in the coffin.

Not long after going to the gate of the Qing Palace, you can hear the sound of sandbags thumping...

For the time being today, the last three stages of this script have entered the final stage.

I need to sort out my thoughts and think about this ending issue.

So today is a temporary update.

(End of this chapter)

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