Chapter 258

Xu Tong hurried to Luolong District early in the morning, and had breakfast with Ci Min in a leisurely manner on the way.

The two of them have been tossing around in the ghost market for so long, even if they ate some food in Ji Feiyu's shop, it was nothing compared to the delicious food sold outside.

A bowl of milky and milky mutton soup with two biscuits, is there anything happier than this?

"Brother Zhao, do you really want to find a way to let people go? Those strange people might be able to escape by themselves."

While eating, Ci Min asked Xu Tong.

"That's a bad thing, just give them a little bit of suffering. My master is a bodhisattva with a heart, and he talks about morals and righteousness."

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and started running the train with his mouth full.

Ci Min didn't understand the reason, and listened to the lies as the truth, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this old man was too benevolent to these strange people.

The two of them were not in a hurry to go to the police station when they were full, and walked forward leisurely, which was regarded as a walk. Anyway, those strangers were not in a hurry for a while.

So the two of them arrived at the police station slowly until almost noon.

At this time, in the detention room of the police station, there were so many people crowded together that there was no place to step down. There was nothing I could do. Too many people were arrested this time.

It was not enough to fill up all four detention rooms, and there were two rows squatting neatly in the corridor, which was spectacular.

There was a smell of stinky feet in the air, and severe coughing could be heard from time to time.

"Hey, Mr. Li, how long are we going to be locked up here?"

A few old people squatted on the ground in the corner, thinking that they were all respectable people in the world, but they didn't expect such a day to come.

The old man known as Mr. Li said with a dark face, "I don't know, now everyone's Eight Immortals are crossing the sea to show their magical powers. If you have a relationship, find a relationship. If you can go out, it's one of them."

After finishing speaking, he began to curse, and he didn't know which bastard it was, but he actually called the police.

Now it's all right, it's one thing whether they can go out or not for the Beiman Conference, what they are most worried about is the injured apprentices.

These children were already weak in strength, and they were shocked by the terrible ghost roars in the ghost city and suffered internal injuries. This place didn't care about healing the wounds. If there was any root cause of the disease, it would be delayed for a lifetime.

"It's all the old bastard Qianshou's fault. I said it earlier. I said it earlier. This matter is too bad. I can't do it. I can't do it. He didn't listen and took us into the pit together. Damn it, something happened. He patted his ass and left..."

"That's right, you're still shy and saying sorry to us in the underworld. If I go out this time, I will kill this old bastard."

A group of people cursed and began to curse Qianshou and his group, completely forgetting how they shouted that Qianshou's moral Wushuang was a role model when Qianshou proposed this plan.

Just when they were cursing the old bastard Qianshou, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and then they saw Chen Jian's strong and bear-like physique appearing in front of them.

All of a sudden, everyone turned their attention to Chen Jian.

Just when they were wondering what this guy was doing here, they saw a small head protruding from behind Chen Jian, grinning at them and said, "Hello, I haven't seen you all for a day, and you are in pretty good spirits."

"It's you!!!"

When they saw that face, everyone's faces turned dark. If they weren't still locked inside, they might have to rush out and chop this guy up.

That's right, this person is none other than Xu Tong.

In fact, when he came here, he was still thinking about how he should release these old guys and a group of shameless hooligans. He wanted to see if he could use his family relationship.

After all, he bears the identity of Zhao Jian, and his family background is not simple.

Otherwise, how could Ni Wenchao, the captain, take on so many things for him for the things he did.

However, the development of the matter exceeded his expectation. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the tall and burly Chen Jian.

After asking again, I found out that Chen Jian had been reinstated. Although the missing Buddha statue was not found, the investigation for a long time did not find any evidence that Chen Jian stole it. In addition, there is a shortage of police officers and police officers with experience in handling cases. less.

So Ni Wenchao begged for a favor, and reinstated Chen Jian, but he was transferred to this place alone, as a small team leader, which can be regarded as staying for observation.

When acquaintances meet, can there be less enthusiasm? ?

Xu Tong didn't wear the [Jack Mask] Naturally, Chen Jian recognized him at a glance, good guy, this bear chased Xu Tong for two blocks, and he almost beat him to the ground before he could vent his anger.

Chen Jian was cursing and cursing, but when Xu Tong said things, he was not vague.

After all, the policemen in the station were tired enough to work overtime for this group of people, but these people were very cunning, and they didn't find out any criminal records after a long investigation, but it's not appropriate to say let them go.

After all, this group fight is not serious, after all, they haven't found the victim.

Maybe it was the one who called the police? Bao disappeared long ago, so that they couldn't find the victim. The group of people didn't know how to unify their tone. Even though they were drinking in the woods, no one fought.

Now that Xu Tong has made a guarantee, it is not impossible to release all these people.

Of course, the guarantee deposit is still indispensable.

Such a large amount of money, of course Xu Tong can't take it out, and he wouldn't take it if he could, but there is no unparalleled way.

Xu Tong happened to see the car of Sun Ding's mother and son parked not far away, his eyes lit up, he put on the [Jack Mask] and touched it.

Sun Ding's mother and son were also very surprised to meet him here, and they were taken aback. They were also lucky. He would also be arrested, but he didn't expect him to appear here.

Before Xu Tong could open his mouth, Sun Ding's mother and son began to complain to him. It turned out that they also came here for the old guys in the bureau. .

The people on the line have already asked them to find a way to rescue him, but it is true that Sun Ding's mother and son are not short of money, but they suffer from no way out.

You see, there is no coincidence in the world without a book, so someone will give you a pillow if you don't fall asleep!

Xu Tong immediately said that they would pay and leave the rest to him. Sun Ding's mother and son were relieved when they heard this, and the two hit it off.

That's why Xu Tong followed Chen Jian to the detention room.

Xu Tong was stared at by so many people, but his expression was as usual, and he even smiled brighter and said: "Hey, don't stare at me like this, I am kind enough to come and see you."

"Hmph, don't add insult to injury, we will beg the gods to worship Buddha."

Just now that old man Li said angrily.

At this time, Chen Jian said to Xu Tong in a calm voice: "Be careful, it's only three or ten minutes."

After speaking, he left without looking back. After Chen Jian left, these old guys looked at Xu Tong even more unfriendly.

"Boy, the Jianghu is a matter of the Jianghu. We know that you used to be a policeman, so it has something to do with it, but if you go too far, hehe, we old bones can bite a piece of your flesh even if we try our best."

Everyone knew Zhao Jian's background, so they couldn't help worrying that he would use his connections to make things worse.

If that's the case, they will be miserable.

After all, this era...

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong generously pulled over a stool, sat in front of these old fellows and said, "Yes, I'm just saying this to you, how dare you be ignorant, I'm here today for the benefit of my friends." It’s not suitable to solve the knot, I will give you a choice.”


Everyone looked at Xu Tong suspiciously, wondering what the hell this kid was going to do.

I saw Xu Tong actually took out the key from his pocket and directly opened the iron door of the detention room.

A young disciple saw this and planned to go out, but was pulled back by Mr. Li, and said in a cold voice: "Crazy, you dare to go out when he opens the door, and I will sue you for jailbreak later, and you will be shot directly!"

As soon as Mr. Li said this, the disciple who didn't know who it was was suddenly taken aback, and then looked at Xu Tong with guarded eyes.

Xu Tong gave Mr. Li a thumbs up silently, and cast wise eyes.

"Well, since you guys know my background, I won't talk nonsense, and you don't want to stay here, I can let you go, but hey, there is no free lunch in the world, you can go if you want They are all masters of martial arts, so they always have some valuable things in their hands."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, everyone scolded him for being shameless for taking advantage of the situation to rob him.

Everyone yelled at Xu Tong and didn't reply, just let them scold.

At this time, Mr. Li finally realized something, and hurriedly coughed twice, motioning for everyone to quiet down.

Walking up to Xu Tong: "You really let us go out?"

"I swear, if I take your things and don't let you out, I will die a terrible death." Xu Tong raised three fingers above his head and swore confidently.

Seeing Xu Tong swear, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and looked at these old men with hope in their eyes.

Ordinary people's oaths may not be fulfilled, but those of them who practice will definitely not make such an oath lightly. Since Xu Tong made an oath, they naturally believed it to a certain extent.

"If you let us out, you won't be afraid that we will take revenge on you in the future!" An old man asked.

After all, with Zhao Kuangsheng's behavior style, it's not bad if they don't kill them all, but can they be released?

Xu Tong just smiled indifferently, looked at everyone with disdainful eyes and sneered, "I'm afraid you won't come."

"Crazy enough!"

The old man snorted coldly, stepped forward and took out a long-life lock from his arms and threw it to Xu Tong: "Let's send it to you here for now, and I will definitely get it back when I get your head in the future."

After speaking, he walked outside without looking back. Everyone watched intently. After seeing the old man walking out in a big way, they couldn't help but feel refreshed, and their minds became active.

"Oh, a piece of scrap copper and rotten iron is so rare, isn't it just made of a piece of silver."

Xu Tong said nonchalantly, and casually threw the Longevity Lock into the item book for a look. After seeing the entry for this item, he felt happy immediately, and thought: "You pay for it and I will contribute. This business is worth money." Not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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