Chapter 259
[Longevity body lock] (this item must not be taken out of the script space)
Passive skill 1: Increase physical strength by 20.00%
(Note: How can I live longer? Take a deep breath and don’t stop)
This thing doesn't have any active skills, and it can't bring out the scripted world, but it's a good thing to increase physical strength by 20.00%, so it's not bad to just add a buff temporarily.

Seeing this, other people started to follow suit, and the treasures on them were not too small.

For example, white marble snuff bottle, you can take a sip every day, increase the recovery power by 30.00%, and restore the number of uses the next day.

Or a jade pendant, which can increase one's luck.

Or a pair of walking boots, which can increase the movement speed by 15.00% after wearing.

I don't know if it's because they have great resentment towards Xu Tong, or to save face, everyone imitated the previous one and left a sentence to Xu Tong, this thing is temporarily sent to you, and your head will be killed another day. and get it back.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this sentence that the things I got cannot be taken away from the world of this script, which is a small regret.

Xu Tong didn't care about this issue either. On the one hand, although there were a lot of things, most of them were ordinary goods, and even some prop books didn't bother to give entries, and a hasty phrase "folklore items" was perfunctory.

Besides, after all, it's a prostitution thing, isn't it good enough to temporarily add a BUFF to yourself?

Some young juniors really can't produce anything, so Xu Tong asked them to sing a song or dance for themselves.

Seeing his apprentice standing in front of Xu Tong, the devil, dancing with red faces and red ears, the faces of the old gangsters beside him were all flushed with embarrassment, and they wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

"Too much bullying, too much bullying, Xue Gui can be regarded as a master, how can he teach such a shameless apprentice, it is simply too much."

Mr. Li covered his face in embarrassment and looked at his apprentice through his fingers. The dignified man was twisting his butt in front of Xu Tong... Huh!This kid didn't notice it usually, and he played pretty fancy, so we'll deal with him when we get back.

In fact, it was no wonder that these young disciples were like this. When they were arrested, their weapons and even their treasures were taken away.

Especially those weapons, regardless of whether they were handed down from the ancestors, if you take them away, don't even think about asking for them back, they are all controlled items.

As for those old guys, how smart they are. Seeing that the situation is not right, they hide things on their bodies as soon as they can. If they can't hide, they simply find a woods and throw them in, and some even slap their weapons into the soil. Wait until you get out and then dig it out.


Finally, an old senior couldn't stand it. After all, among the many young disciples, only a few of his disciples were girls. If he wanted to let his female disciples dance in front of Xu Tong, he would never even think about raising his head in his life.

I saw him stepping forward, frowning and groping around on his body, but there was nothing there, so he could only unbutton his clothes with a dark face.

"Hey, sir, you have to respect yourself. I'm a decent person. I think it's better to let your apprentice do something like a striptease."

Xu Tong was taken aback, thinking that this old man is short and thick, with fat all over his body, if he really jumped up, he would blind himself, wouldn't he lose the deal?
This old senior's face was almost as dark as an eggplant, and the veins on the back of his hands were jumping like earthworms. If the old brothers around him kept shouting that the overall situation is the most important thing, he is now and Xu Tong has the heart to work hard.

"Bah, shameless joker, if you don't avenge your revenge, I swear you won't be a human being!" The old man threw a thin golden silk armor under his clothes into Xu Tong's arms, picked up the clothes, and turned towards Xu Tong. Several female disciples shouted: "Let's go!"

As he said that, he led the people with his head down and walked out, thinking that all the face in this life was lost.

Seeing the female disciples leave with their faces covered, the young people behind were still a little disappointed.

Xu Tong stretched out his fingers to pinch the golden silk soft armor, and threw it into the item book.

[Black gold silk soft armor]

It is said that top goldsmiths can pull gold to be as thin as a hair, and wear it on the body as thin as a cicada's wings, making it invulnerable to weapons and fire.

Passive Skill 1: Soft Armor

The wearer will reduce physical damage by 30%.

Active Skill 1: Vajra Mantra
Consume 10 script points, and after activation, you can get the blessing of the Vajra Mantra. Please experience the specific effect yourself.

Duration: 30 minutes
Cooling time: 24 hours.

(This item can only be taken out of the script world after killing the old man Wang Jin)

I glanced at the entry of this thing, but it is a rare item card. After all, it reduces physical damage by 30%, which is a very powerful attribute entry.

But after taking a look at the active skills, Xu Tong became dull.

I have a dark physique, put a Vajra Mantra on myself? ?How can I not think about it before activating this thing? ?
Besides, if you want to really get this thing, you have to kill the old man just now.

Of course, Xu Tong was not interested in such a troublesome thing. He saw that everyone was almost gone, and only those old guys were left behind.

Xu Tong looked at the time and said, "Guys, take out something together. I'm leaving when the time comes."

Several old men frowned when they heard the words, and looked at each other. Seeing that the young disciples had all left, it seemed that they had made an agreement. They walked up to Xu Tong. As usual, he asked, "Shall we... dance one?"

Good guy, coauthored with these old men and waited until the end, are you planning to go whoring for nothing?It's a good thing they can wipe their faces.

"Don't! Others' dancing is pleasing to the eye, but your old dancers are too disgusting to the younger generation. You can't get anything out. You stay here to eat, live, and bury. Isn't it good?"

Without even thinking about it, Xu Tong flatly rejected these old fellows.


Seeing that the road was blocked, several people immediately frowned. They really didn't have any treasures on them, but keeping them here was more uncomfortable than killing them.

Thinking about it left and right, he sighed heavily and said, "Forget it, I'll give you this thing, remember, this is..."

Before the old guy could finish speaking, Xu Tong snatched the white scarf from his hand, and helped him to continue the words: "Got it, got it, stay here with me for the time being and wait for the next time I take my head." take it away."

The white silk seemed very ordinary, but when Xu Tong got it, he realized that it was not simple at all.

I saw this little figure constantly changing its posture under the light, like a set of boxing skills, or juggling, all in all very strange.

After throwing it into the item book, there were actually three question marks in the item book. It was obvious that this thing might bother the master again.

"Yeah!!" The old men nodded, as if you knew it was good, and hurried out while Xu Tong was looking at the handkerchief.

This handkerchief was actually bought by them in the ghost market. It seemed to have a set of boxing skills on it, but from their eyes, the boxing skills were so common that they didn't even count as basic skills.

I thought it was a loss of money, but I didn't expect it to come in handy.

I kept laughing secretly in my heart, this Zhao Kuangsheng is a big fool, he was fooled by just one thing.

A few old men walked out of the gate of the police station triumphantly. As soon as they went out, they saw their disciples standing in the distance and waving at them.


A few old men strode over, only to see a few disciples gritted their teeth, and they couldn't help but comfort him: "It's okay, the villain will succeed, let him go for a few days, and when we go back to rest, we will kill this kid next time." .”

"Master, you must kill him, you don't know, we were all deceived by this kid!!"

A disciple said angrily that after they came out, they met Sun Ding's mother and son, and learned from the pair that Qianshou gave Sun Ding and her son two priceless antiques and entrusted them to help rescue them. .

It is said that everyone's bail is given by Sun Ding's mother and son. Speaking of which, even if they don't, if they don't give things, the police station will release them.


When the old men heard the words, their beards crooked instantly with anger, and they turned their heads and stared at the gate of the police station coldly, almost rushing back to fight Xu Tong.

"Damn it, I was played by this bastard again!"

The eyeballs of the old men were all red, and it was a trivial matter to lose something, but it was a shame that these old men were being played around by a junior, and their lungs were about to explode.

But in the end, he could only grit his teeth and lead the people away quickly with a dark face.

In the police station, Xu Tong sneezed several times and rubbed his nose. It may be that he had done too many bad things, and he waited until it was almost dark before coming out of the police station.

As soon as he went out, he saw Cimin squatting in the corner waiting. To Xu Tong's surprise, there was another person standing beside Cimin. It was none other than Gao Zhuo whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

He waved his hand to greet the two of them to come over, then sat in Chen Jian's car and went straight to the beef offal soup restaurant outside the Drum Tower in the old city.

"For you!"

On the way, Xu Tong casually tossed the gold silk soft armor to Gao Zhuo, and gave another prop to Cimin.

Cimin didn't expect to get one for himself. Although it couldn't bring out the world of the script, this thing increased his movement speed by 20%, which was considered a small masterpiece, and Cimin felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Seeing this, Xu Tong grinned: "You're welcome, anyway, I will do my best, and everyone will have something to eat."

As soon as the words were finished, Chen Jian slammed on the brakes suddenly, followed by a drift, almost throwing the three of them out of the car.

Only when the car dragged a long tire mark on the ground did it come to a sudden stop.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing!"

Gao Zhuo covered his head and got up from under the chair, and saw Chen Jian staring forward with his eyes wide open, and pointed with his hand: "Look, we seem to...hell!"

Hearing the words, the three of them raised their heads and looked out of the car, their expressions suddenly became strange, they saw that under the lights of the car, a stone wall appeared out of thin air to cut off the road on which Chen Jian had walked several times. ,

On the stone wall, there were four big blood-red characters crookedly written [Zhao Jian must die]

(End of this chapter)

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