Infinite script kill

Chapter 260 He is here

Chapter 260 He's Back
Xu Tong looked at the four crooked characters and couldn't help curling his lips: "The writing is really ugly!"

"I often take this road?? Where is the stone wall?" Chen Jian was about to get out of the car as he said that. Seeing that the road was blocked, Chen Jian turned around and walked to the other side.

However, he didn't go far, and there was another stone wall in front of him, and the four words just now were still on it.

The crooked handwriting, even the strokes are exactly the same.

Now Chen Jian's head was getting bigger, and he was about to get out of the car to see what happened, when Gao Zhuo grabbed him.

"Don't go down, we seem to have been hit by a spell."

Gao Zhuo looked serious, frowned and said: "I once heard from my old man that there is a sorcery in Jianghu called Infernal Qimen. In our case, it is likely that someone has given it to us."

Curse, technique, method, talisman, martial arts, poison.

No matter whether it is the upper class or the lower class, there are no more than six kinds that are circulated among the people. The mantra ranks first, the art ranks second, followed by dharma, talisman, and martial arts.

Sitting on an immortal post is a kind of curse. It only needs a little medium to kill people thousands of miles away. It is said that there are profound curse masters who can call wind and rain with just one curse.

Then you say, the three religions also have these, is it different from the low-level ones?
Let Gao Zhuo explain this, but he really doesn't know.

But the difference between them is thousands of miles away. It is not clear if you talk about it for a day and a night. It will not be too late to talk about it later, let alone the moment.

Right now Gao Zhuo is talking about the Wujian Qimen, which is the technique. His old man once mentioned it, saying that this technique is a branch of Qimen Dunjia.

The abbots are endless, mystical and strange, annoying.

The reason why Gao Zhuo was so impressed was because the old man mentioned it to him in detail, saying that this technique is difficult to understand, anyone whose name is written on the wall is equivalent to being trapped here, and the space for movement will only become smaller and smaller , until it was squeezed into meatloaf alive by the four walls.

This technique appeared several times in the rivers and lakes in the late Qing Dynasty. At that time, the city was full of turmoil. At that time, there were murder cases in several martial arts gyms in the capital. When people often found the corpse, the corpse was squashed into a piece of meatloaf.

"Is there such a wicked thing? I ran over with my car, but I can't believe it!"

Chen Jian couldn't think of any good way, so he was ready to rush forward. Fortunately, the three of Xu Tong made a move in time. Xu Tong hit Chen Jian's neck with a hand knife, and Gao Zhuo directly pierced it with two silver needles. Controlling Chen Jian to step on the clutch, Ci Min, who was sitting in the co-pilot, directly pulled the handbrake at hand.

As soon as the three of them made a move, Chen Jian had to close his eyes obediently even if he looked like Angry King Kong.

Seeing Chen Jian close his eyes and fall asleep, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Sometimes a pig teammate is far more terrifying than a godly opponent. For a one-sided guy like Chen Jian, it's better to sleep obediently.

"What should we do now, didn't your grandfather tell you how to crack it?"

Xu Tong squinted out of the window, asking this question, wondering how the stone wall came about.

I felt something vaguely in my heart, but I couldn't grasp it for a while.

"I said, it seems that someone outside needs to call our names and call us out."

Gao Zhuo tried his best to recall the cracking method his grandfather mentioned back then.

"Isn't that nonsense?? It's getting dark today, who will call us?" Ci Min had a speechless expression, thought for a while, and said, "Why don't we go separately, maybe we can be alone? Go out, and whoever goes out will shout what will happen."

This method sounds reliable at first glance, but it is also nonsense when you think about it carefully.

Gao Zhuo directly rejected Ci Min's idea.

"You're thinking about farts, and you won't know how to die if you walk away separately. We are now blinded by Mount Tai. What we see may not be real, but we are in the real world. Let's say that this wall may be fake. , but if we bumped into it, there might be a big hole in the back..."


Xu Tong didn't pay attention at first, but when he heard Gao Zhuo's words, he was suddenly startled, and looked back at Gao Zhuo with a face full of surprise: "What did you just say, say it again!!"

Gao Zhuo was taken aback by Xu Tong's sudden arrival, and he stumbled when he spoke: "I said let's bump into it..."

"From the beginning!" Xu Tong interrupted.

Gao Zhuo didn't know what happened to Xu Tong, so he could only patiently repeat what he said just now.

When he heard Gao Zhuo's words that he couldn't see Mount Tai with a blind eye, Xu Tong's brain buzzed, as if all the blood in his body rushed to his head.

The whole person seemed to be possessed by a demon, and muttered to himself: "One leaf can block your eyes, and you can't see Mount Tai..."

Watching Xu Tong keep repeating this sentence, Gao Zhuo and Ci Min were frightened, thinking that this guy must be bewitched by something.

Just when the two were confused, Xu Tong took out the Huang Quan Lu from the props book and flipped through the pages one by one.

He turned quickly, because he had seen the content of this book more than once.

When the master gave him this book, he said that worshiping mountains is a technique, this book is a vessel, and the vessel is used to carry things, and it carries the Tao. I was in the ghost market and saw those palace buildings under the ghost market. The shadow of the temple understood the secret of the master's worship of the mountain button, but he couldn't find the key to open the door.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo's words seemed to make Xu Tong grasp something crucial.

Cimin and the two in the car didn't know why this guy was going crazy again, so they could only wait patiently for him to finish the book, and closed the book together: "You guys wait for me in the car!"

As he spoke, he saw him open the car door and go out.

"Hey, you don't want to die!!"

Seeing Xu Tong walking out like this, Gao Zhuo couldn't help feeling anxious, for fear that when he saw him again, this guy would have turned into a meatloaf.

Xu Tong did not respond to him, and walked forward without looking back.

I saw a vast fog in front of me, but my field of vision was getting wider and wider.

It seems that I have come to an extremely open place, but the strange thing is that there is nothing in front of my eyes.

At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly felt something, and when he looked back, he saw a stone wall quietly appearing behind him, with the bloody handwriting on it crookedly written [Zhao Jian must die today]

Although the bright red twisted handwriting was silent, it made people feel an ominous sense of oppression in their hearts.

Xu Tong simply closed his eyes, and then opened them again for a while. Suddenly, there was nowhere in front of him. The four stone walls trapped him firmly. The big bright red characters seemed to come alive. No matter where he looked, he could see it. To the bright red writing.

There was a dead end in front of him, but Xu Tong stared and watched curiously. After a while, he slowly closed his eyes, with his hands hanging down slightly.

Listening carefully, it is not difficult to hear the words whispered on his lips: "When the truth is false, the false is also true, and there is nothing to do. In the end, it is just a blind eye."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he raised his hands and bowed heavily to the front, only to see strands of black mist pouring out from behind him, hitting the stone wall in front of him.

In the forest in the distance, a pair of drooping eyes slowly opened. This person has a jade complexion and short snow-white hair. He looks very old but his spirit seems to be at the peak of his life. A gleam of light in his eyes is like a sharp knife. Sharp and domineering.


There was another person standing next to this person, if Xu Tong was here, he would definitely recognize him at a glance, this person was Jing Shoucheng, when he saw the man woke up, he immediately sent the teapot at hand up.

But the master didn't go to drink, and stared at the parked car in the distance with an unpredictable expression in the shadows.

"Let's go!"

After saying go, the other party waved his hand and a gust of wind blew out the two candles on the altar in front of him, stood up and wanted to leave.

Jing Shoucheng was stunned when he heard the words, then looked at Xu Tong and the others in the car, and couldn't help wondering: "Master, have you already succeeded?"

Hearing the words, the other party paused for a moment, then frowned, raised his head to look at the sky, and finally sighed: "The fate is not with me at this moment!"

Jing Shoucheng was surprised and said: "Master, can't you kill him yourself!"

Mentioning this, the man paused, but in the end he just paused, and turned away without saying a word.

Only Jing Shoucheng was left standing in the same place, squinting at the four people sitting in the car in the distance, with a very complicated expression, and gritted his teeth: "You are lucky."

Then he left in a hurry.

As soon as they left, Xu Tong and the others slowly opened their eyelids from the car.

"Hey, didn't you go out? When are you sitting here??" The four woke up, only to hear Ci Min's strange cry, and looked at Xu Tong in surprise.

In their memory, they kept staring at the direction where Xu Tong left, wanting to wait for him to come back, but they didn't want to open their eyes again, and they returned to the car.

Looking around again, I found that the four of them were not only sitting in the car, but even the car had stopped on the road at some point.

Fortunately, in this era, most people still use bicycles. Otherwise, if this were changed to reality, maybe a semi-trailer would drive over and send them directly to Yan Luo Difu.

"We haven't been out before. What we see is fake. Turn around and go over there to have a look."

Xu Tong tidied up his clothes, took out his big cigarette pipe, and looked at the woods to the east, cursing inwardly that it was a pity.

For others, being hit by the opponent's trick is a dead end, but for him, it is a rare opportunity to verify his own ideas.

When he used the Mountain Blessing Button, the infinite black mist seemed to tear a gap in the air with him, and he could vaguely see the intertwining of pavilions and palaces.

It's a pity that before he continued to verify further, the other party sensed his intention and directly cut off the spell.

However, even though the opponent had broken the spell, he could still vaguely feel a special aura not far away when he cast the mountain bow.

Chen Jian rubbed his neck, turned the car around and asked, "Why does my neck hurt so much? I don't seem to have a stiff neck either."

However, there was silence in the car, and no one answered his question.

After the four of them walked into the woods, they found an incense altar. Xu Tong pinched the wax oil on the candle with his fingers and found that the oil was still hot.

Put it under the bridge of your nose and smell it: "It's corpse oil!"

He will definitely not judge this smell wrongly, and there is a dark thing on the side, Xu Tong picked it up and looked: "What is this?"

Gao Zhuo came over and didn't recognize it, but Ci Min who was beside him did: "It's a rhinoceros horn."

"Oh!! No wonder."

Gao Zhuo nodded when he heard the words, and patted his forehead suddenly: "So this is the method of this strange door of Wujian! I have learned a lot."

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, Gao Zhuo hurriedly explained: "There is a saying in "Yiyuan" that you dare not burn a raw rhinoceros, but it has a strange fragrance when it burns. horn."

After speaking, he pointed to the incense altar again, and saw four pieces of yellow paper on the incense altar, picked it up casually, and sure enough there were four words [Zhao Jian must die] crookedly written on it, exactly the same as what they saw on the stone wall.

"This is the stone wall we saw. The other party used the scent of the rhinoceros as a lure to attract our souls and trapped them with yellow paper on all sides. If I guessed correctly, let's look for them on both sides of the road. sort of thing."

After Gao Zhuo explained it, his expression was very excited. He didn't expect that he had actually cracked the sorcery [Infernal Affairs] Even he himself didn't expect that the operation process of this famous sorcery was so simple.

In fact, this thing is just like magic. It looks miraculous, even unbelievable, but if you know the tricks in it, you will inevitably have a huge contrast. It is an illusion that some people can't see it so simple.

In fact, even if Gao Zhuo knew the method, he still had no way to use the skill of Unrivaled Qimen, which involved more than just these props.

Otherwise, how to explain why the corpses of those who were killed by Wu Jiangmen turned into a piece of meatloaf.

Just like the saying in Huang Quanlu, "When the truth is false, the false is also true, and when there is nothing, there is something and there is nothing."

The other party had obviously left, and they had no intention of catching up. After all, there was no loss. On the contrary, Xu Tong found the key to unlock the treasure of Baishankou, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise. The other party's hand, give the other party a small red pennant.

When the four arrived in the old city by car, it was already dark.

Originally they planned to go to the Drum Tower to drink soup together, but because Xu Tong had mastered the knack of worshiping the mountain, he was planning to find his master for confirmation, so he lost the mood to drink soup, and hurriedly asked Chen Jian to take him back to the Shangqing Palace.

Just as Xu Tong got out of the car happily, he jumped up the steps and walked inside with a brisk walk.

I saw one person running over from a distance, and when he saw Xu Tong and the others, he shouted, "Hey... you guys..."

The other party was out of breath, Xu Tong looked back and found that it was Chang Miao, and saw Chang Miao running over with sweat profusely, and threw himself into Xu Tong's arms, holding his arms tightly with both hands .

During this period of time, Chang Miao has undergone many changes, but at this moment, his face is still pale, and he is panting like an asthma attack. Xu Tong is also very puzzled, not knowing what is wrong with Chang Miao. .

Just when he signaled Chang Miao to take a breath before speaking, Chang Miao gasped thickly and said: "I... I... I saw him, he... idiot, the idiot is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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