Infinite script kill

Chapter 261 The Fool Runs Away

Chapter 261 The Fool Runs Away
"The idiot is back!"

Xu Tong raised his voice when he heard the words, while Cimin and Gao Zhuo were very puzzled, wondering who the idiot could make this guy who is calm in the face of ghosts and gods be so excited all at once.

"Yes! Back...he's back, go and have a look, he... something happened to him!"

Chang Miao's expression was complicated. Last time the fool ran away, his face was green and fangs, he was like a ghost, almost scared him half to death, this time it was the same, but this time it was even more terrifying, his whole body seemed to be soaked in blood, his whole body was covered in blood. It's all blood.

As he spoke, he patted himself on the chest again, thinking that it was because I had cultivated my mind hard during this period of time, and my concentration was superb, instead of being scared to pee my pants before.

When Xu Tong heard that something had happened to the fool, his heart skipped a beat, and his expression changed: "Where is the man!!"

"I don't know, I called him, but he ignored me, and I didn't dare to stop him, but I think he seems to be running towards the Town God's Temple..."

The last word "的" was still in his mouth before he could say it. In a blink of his eyes, Xu Tongren had rushed more than ten meters away, and said to Ci Min and Gao Zhuo: "You wait for me here, I will go back as soon as I go!"

When the sound fell, people disappeared into the darkness.

"Hey, this speed..." Seeing Xu Tong's back disappearing into the night in an instant, Chang Miao couldn't help curling her lips: "It's a pity not to come and poop for me."

Gao Zhuo and Ci Min looked bewildered. They didn't know why Xu Tong valued a fool so much. While the two of them were still in a daze, the gate of Shangqing Palace was slowly pushed open behind them, and the master was walking with his hands behind his back. come out.

The white mouse was sitting on the master's shoulder, it was as obedient as a trained bird.

How dare it be disobedient, not to mention its life is held in the hands of this living god, just watching the scene of the god beating up the zombie in a rage, almost scared it to death.

In most of my life, I have never seen anyone beat a zombie to the knees begging for mercy with a pair of fists.

"Let's go, let's have a look together."

Apparently, the teacher really listened to what he said just now in the courtyard.

Xu Tong usually mentioned the idiot to him more than once, especially emphasizing that the idiot, a village guard, can solve the matter of sitting on the immortal pile.

The master knows a little about the affairs of the village guards, but the village guards seldom show their skills in front of outsiders. They are usually foolish and stupid, so few people pay attention to this special group.

Anyway, being idle is idle, so why not go and see what happened.

The master walked forward unhurriedly, Ci Min and Gao Zhuo saw that their thighs were gone, what are they still doing here, let's go and have a look together.

"I... what about me!!"

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Chang Miao originally wanted to follow, but when he thought of the fool's face, he became terrified, so he yelled to ask people to stay with him.

No one paid attention to him, but Chen Jian was a little puzzled. After thinking about it, he still didn't follow. He just looked at the direction they were leaving, and felt that he had missed something to brag about again.

But now that he has resumed his post, it is inconvenient to stay outside for too long. After hearing Chang Miao's words, he glanced back at Chang Miao and said with a smile, "You should change your pants first."

After saying that, she left without looking back, and when Zhang Miao came back to her senses, she touched her crotch with her hand: "Hi, did I pee my pants?"

Xu Tong knew the location of the Town God's Temple, whether it was far or near, he hurried over there to have a look, and saw a figure standing there in front of the Town God's Temple.


Xu Tong called softly, walked up slowly to have a look, and felt uncomfortable in his heart.

I saw the fool standing there, the clothes on his body had long since been torn into shape, a broken iron arrow was stuck in his shoulder, his head had been cut open, and his body was covered in blood.

Hearing Xu Tong's call, the fool's body trembled slightly, and then he turned his face and looked behind him, only to see that pair of red eyeballs glowing blood in the dark night, blue-faced fangs, and two horns on his forehead , just like a yaksha evil spirit.

Xu Tong frowned, and quickly pushed back, only to see a black light sweeping across his front, wiping the clothes on his chest.

"Clap clap clap!"

The bluestone bricks on the ground who don't know how many years old were instantly smashed into powder by the black wind. The idiot missed a hit, let out a strange roar, and rushed to the statue of the city god with strides. The statue was picked up, and then holding the stone statue as a weapon and throwing it towards Xu Tong.

Let alone a stone weighing a ton, it would be difficult for an ordinary fool to lift it even if he wanted to shake it a few times.

But at this time, he was picked up by the idiot and thrown towards Xu Tong like a weapon.

Xu Tong could only dodge, watching the fool throw his old boss missing an arm and a leg, and said to himself: "Don't blame, I will replace it with a new one for you some other day."

The idiot watched the stone statue being smashed, ignored Xu Tong, threw himself on the stone statue, raised his fist and began to smash it.

Xu Tong could only silently say to the city god, don't blame his brother, next time I will help you to repair the temple for you.

It's just that he had just muttered a few words in his mind when the fool actually took out a knife from the crotch of the City God.

Whoops!Can this explode equipment? ? ?
I saw the idiot holding the knife in his hand and watching carefully. I don't know who hid the knife in the master of the Town God's Temple, and I don't know how the idiot knew about it.

Slowly pulling out the scabbard, accompanied by a buzzing sound, Xu Tong immediately got goosebumps all over his body.

That murderous aura that overwhelmed people's hearts made the fool's temperament suddenly change.

As if following the moment when the long knife was unsheathed, the idiot roared like a war god, and immediately the blade danced in his hand, and white air flow bloomed with the blade, and then retracted The knife is sheathed.

I saw a big "Zhu" character cut out by Dao Gang on the ground in front of me.

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched. Before, he thought that the real strength of the fool might be stronger than he thought, but now it seems that he is not a little bit stronger.

At this time, the fool turned his head and looked at Xu Tong, then turned around and walked out the door.

"Don't go! Fool, where are you going!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong shouted and chased after him, but as soon as he took a step forward, the idiot suddenly turned around and the blade didn't come out of its sheath, but a knife burst out and slashed towards him.

Xu Tong jumped to avoid the knife gang, but when he saw that the fool had already walked out.

It just so happened that Master and the others were also standing outside, seeing the idiot coming out, the master frowned slightly, his eyes stared at the idiot with a faint light.

Before Ci Min and Gao Zhuo could react, the figure of the master appeared behind the idiot like lightning, and slapped the idiot on the back of his heart with his backhand.

"Be merciful!!"

Seeing that the master has made a move, Xu Tong is very anxious. Although the fool is changing the world now, like a demon god, but who is the master, the ceiling of combat power in the current script world, the blessing of destiny, the terminator of the world's strange spring and autumn dreams.

How could the idiot be the master's opponent, not to mention the idiot was seriously injured, the slap by the master was urgent and fast, and he didn't kill the idiot.

However, unexpectedly, the slap fell on the idiot's back. The idiot really didn't even feel it at all. He only felt a warm breeze blowing from his back, and the broken arrow stuck on his shoulder "puzzled!" The arrow had already flown out, and it was planted impartially on the big tree beside it.

With a palm drop, the master's feet turned around, and with a backhand flick, a black object directly hit the idiot's wound.

Now the fool's shoulders felt warm, the blood stopped bleeding, his body regained strength, and he walked like flying.

Xu Tong caught up and took a look, he was immediately relieved, it turned out that the master was going to heal the idiot's wounds, and it should be Wulingzhi that was thrown into the wound just now.

Thinking of the effect of Wulingzhi, I immediately let go of the breath that was hanging in my heart.

In any case, the white mouse's Wulingzhi is indeed amazingly effective, especially the effect of boiling blood. I believe that the injury on the fool's body should not be a serious problem.

But seeing the figure of the idiot disappearing from sight very quickly, Xu Tong wanted to chase after him, but he only heard the master say in a calm manner; "Don't chase, he has a body protected by a yin god, and he walks thousands of miles every day with his feet up like a wind. How can you catch up."

Xu Tong couldn't help but stop when he heard the words, he knew that what the master said must be true, so he could only look back at the master: "Master, what do you think is wrong with him?"

If you say that a fool would never get angry even if he threw a stone at a child and smashed his head, even during a famine, he caught mice and gave them to the villagers to eat. Such a person suddenly became murderous from head to toe. Tong couldn't figure out what happened to him, and what was worth him becoming like this? ?

"Find him and see if you understand!"

As soon as the master raised his hand, an extra paper crane appeared on his fingertips, and he threw the paper crane out: "I put a guide on him, let's go and have a look."

Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot, and this was absolutely true. I saw the paper crane flapping its wings in mid-air, guiding the four of them towards the north.

To the north is the depths of Beimang Mountain, where there is now a wilderness. Although Beimang Mountain is very short, it is said that the mountains are lifted, and it is almost a mound, but there are many dark ditches and crevices in the depths. , the wilderness is overgrown and few people go.

Xu Tong walked in front and let out the fat man to open the way, overcoming thorns and thorns along the way, cutting a path for life.

"Interesting, did you do this?"

On the way, the master looked at Fatty, and couldn't help being a little curious. With his strength, he could tell what Fatty was at a glance, and Xu Tong didn't need to explain it at all.

"By chance."

Xu Tong didn't explain the origin of the big fat, and the master didn't ask, after all, everyone has their own little secrets, but the master shook his head after watching it for a while: "Although the soul can be preserved, it is still attached to dead things. , lacks spirituality, looks like a paper doll, almost meaningless."

"Huh!" Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he heard the master's overtones, and hurried forward and said, "Master, do you mean that there is still room for improvement?"

The master nodded: "It's not difficult. When you have cultivated the mountain worship to a small degree and can enter and leave the city of death at will, you can go to the ghost craftsman to make him a spiritual body again."

Speaking of Baishankou, Xu Tong immediately regained his energy. When he was about to take advantage of his walking time to report to his master on his understanding and improvement of Baishankou, the master suddenly stopped and frowned. Brows look to the top of the head.

Seeing that the master did not leave, everyone stopped and looked around blankly, not knowing what the master was looking at.

For a moment, Xu Tong's ears moved, and he only heard the master whisper to himself: "How can there be gods here!"

(End of this chapter)

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