Infinite script kill

Chapter 262 Under the Eagle Cloud Peak

Chapter 262 Under the Eagle Cloud Peak

The master's voice was not loud, but Xu Tong and the three of them could hear it. His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but think of the words Xu Qing once said that you can't go to the north, because there is a god over there.

I haven't had time to discuss this matter with my master in detail, but it's almost dawn at this time, where is the god?
I stared wide-eyed for a long time, not to mention the shadow of God, I didn't see a ghost.

"Master, where is the god??"

The three looked up at the master, who pointed to the top of his head and said irrelevantly: "Above three feet is the god."


Now the three of them were even more confused, not knowing what the master meant by these words.

But there are some things that the master doesn't say, even if they ask, they won't give them an explanation, because these things can't be explained clearly, and they can't be explained.

The saying that is often said is that what can only be understood can not be expressed in words.

There is one who can see and feel everything, but can only comprehend it
To give an inappropriate example, Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, and Zhao Liu, four of them were drinking. After drinking too much, they walked out of the restaurant and called for a driver. Li Si waved his hand, "Let's drive the bus."

Wang Wu shook his head: "I like second-hand cars."

Zhao Liu scratched his head, "I just bought a new car."

Only Zhang San smiled contemptuously: "I drive a tank."

The four looked at each other, smiled at each other and parted ways. Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

Of course, this is just an example of someone who loves to drive, and anyone who knows it can understand it.

Right now, they really can't understand what the master said about the three feet above, and the master won't explain it. He just watched for a moment and said to Xu Tong and the others: "Leave him alone, let's go."

They didn't go too far, and when the four of them came to a ravine along the small slope, they saw the paper cranes slowly flying down the ravine and disappeared in the dense forest. It seemed that the fool must have entered the dense forest.

Xu Tong looked away, only to see that the dense forest was dark, and he could vaguely feel a heavy yin energy gathering below.

"It really is here!"

The master looked around and looked a little ugly. This place is Yingyun Peak in Beiman Mountain.

This place is not so much a mountain as a highland.

It looks unremarkable, but it happens to be the center of Beiman's hinterland, with its front stretched out like a head, its two armpits wide open like eagles fluttering, its tail flattened, and its abdomen bulged.

It is because of the special terrain that this place is called Yingyun Ridge. If it is explained from the perspective of Feng Shui, it must be dangerous for an eagle to fall down.

The terrain is deep, the sun and the moon are invisible, the air is turbid and dirty, and the five elements are not visible. This place stands in the north and occupies the position of Xuanwu. Xuanwu belongs to water and yin.

If anyone is buried here, none of his descendants will live past the age of 25, and those who pass the age of 25 will undoubtedly die within two months.

It is not without reason that Qianshou chose this place for the Beiman Conference.

Right now, the fool jumped into it, fearing that there must be some problems down there.

"Forget it, here we are, let's go down and find out."

As the master said, he jumped up, stepping on a few dead logs, and jumped down lightly. Xu Tong and the others didn't have the ability, so they could only sit on Dabai's body and let Dabai send them down.

As soon as they landed, the three of Xu Tong felt that their eyes were dark. It was already bright today, but it was actually pitch black below.

When I stepped on it, I found that it was not soil, but a thick layer of leaves. I could step on it with one foot and still not see the bottom. It can be seen that this ghostly place has not been visited for many years.

"Warning, you have entered a special area, and some item cards in this area will be temporarily invalid."

A warning sound came, and the three of Xu Tong hurriedly called out the item book and checked it.

Fortunately, Xu Tong didn't have much impact, but a few item cards such as [Leopard Soul Cloak], [Star Eye Calamity], and [Space Mirror] temporarily turned gray.

But most of the main prop cards were not affected at all.

Gao Zhuo shook his head, expressing that the influence was not great, only Ci Min's whole face turned into a pig's liver, and he said with a mournful face: "I think I'd better go up, this place is not suitable for me."

Cimin said that he showed his item book to the two of them, but except for one dark item card that was not affected, all other item cards turned gray.

It seems that only the dark-type prop cards are not affected in this place, and Cimin is more unlucky. After all, as an alchemist, most of his prop cards do not belong to the dark-type. After all, the food of the dark-type can be eaten, and the dark-type No one dares to take medicine indiscriminately.

The master picked up the paper crane from the ground, and found that the paper crane stopped moving when it arrived here. It was not that the master's technique was not effective, but that the paper crane had been damp since it fell, and even covered it with a thin layer of water. fog.

"There is a lot of evil here, if you can't stand it, leave first, don't hold on." The master explained, and walked forward.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo naturally followed, as for Ci Min, he naturally returned back the same way obediently, trying to find a way to climb up by himself.


Pushing aside the bushes in front of him, the master stopped and fiddled with the ground, and found a piece of broken glass from the ground after a while.

With a flick of his hand, a gust of wind blows away the leaves on the ground in front of him, revealing a piece of black soil densely covered with broken glass pieces.

"It's really painstaking!"

Seeing this, the master turned his head and pointed to the land in front of him, and said to Gao Zhuo: "You should be familiar with this."

Gao Zhuo came over to take a look, and couldn't help nodding solemnly: "Maoshan corpse raising method, this place is a place of absolute yin. Sprinkling glass can keep the yin from gathering and not spreading out. In fact, it has something to do with the soil in the final analysis."

This method can be explained in a scientific way, because the pH of the soil is extremely unbalanced, which is not suitable for the growth of organic matter, so it will not breed ant insects and bacteria, and the corpse will not rot even if it is buried for a hundred years.

In addition to refracting light, glass itself is also a carrier of yin energy, which can speed up the process of raising corpses.

Seeing this Gao Zhuo couldn't help but be moved. This place is definitely a treasured place to raise corpses. My own family may not be able to find such a good place. If he is allowed to raise here for a few years... no, even a few months, I'm afraid It is also enough for him to raise an iron armored corpse, maybe even a bronze armored corpse.

The most important thing is, since this place is a place for keeping corpses, has someone already buried the corpses below? ?
As if seeing Gao Zhuo's thoughts, the master smiled and pointed to the big pit in front of him. There was a black coffin inside, but the coffin had already been opened and it was empty. Obviously, the corpse had already been taken away. .

Gao Zhuo's wishful thinking was in vain, but it was a good thing to look at the coffin again, and it still felt warm when he touched it.

Now Gao Zhuo's eyes almost popped out, and he said pleasantly, "This coffin is a treasure."

The master also nodded: "That's a coffin made of thunder wood. There is absolutely no yin in this place, but the thunder wood is positive yang, but it is not the way of reconciling yin and yang, but the method of using yang to promote yin. This is definitely the Maoshan sect. Most people would never think of using this kind of coffin to raise corpses, and even if they think of it, they will not have this method."

The master's words are rather convoluted, according to Xu Tong's understanding, it is that if you want sweetness, you need some salt.

After the master read it, he continued to move forward, while Gao Zhuo directly put the coffin into the item book.

When I saw the entry, my mouth was amused, it was the biggest gain of entering the world of this script.

When he got to the bottom of the ravine, Gao Zhuo couldn't take it anymore, he just felt the cold wind blowing, his skin and flesh were itchy all over his body, he wanted to reach out to scratch it, it felt like his whole body was bitten by mosquitoes, the itching was so maddening .

At this point, the evil spirit here is already enough to make it unbearable for a shady master like Gao Zhuo, only the master can maintain the expressionless complexion of Gujing.

Gao Zhuo didn't insist anymore, turned around and walked out, since he couldn't get down, he simply planned to dig up all the black soil outside, as much as he could dig, and go back and build a corpse raising place by himself, wouldn't it be nice.

As for Xu Tong... well... he actually felt very comfortable.

Yes, this is all due to the dark physique. Instead, he feels that his dark physique is like a fish in water here, and he can't wait to speed up the pace and move forward, the more he walks, the more comfortable he is.

Just when he wanted to take a few deep breaths here, his collar suddenly tightened, and his whole body was picked up and pulled back like a kitten.

I saw the master give him a bad idea: "Walk without looking at the road, I don't want to go down to save you when you fall."

Xu Tong took a closer look, only to find that there was a bottomless pit under his feet.

The pothole could not be seen to the bottom at all, Xu Tong suddenly realized that his dark vision was definitely a garbage prop card, and he couldn't see anything after staring wide-eyed for a long time.

"The idiot can't just be down there." Xu Tong originally wanted to throw a rock to explore the bottom, but then thought about what to do if the stone fell on the idiot's head, so he had to give up temporarily.


He tried to shout, only to hear echoes, and felt that it seemed very empty below.

At this time, the master frowned, took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and said to him: "Today I will teach you another technique, hang a lamp to illuminate the road, and if you encounter such a situation in the future, try to use this method to solve it."

While speaking, the master folded out a small lotus flower, made a strand of hair into a twist, and the master pinched it with his fingers, and suddenly the hair was lit up, and it was really like an oil lamp, shining brilliantly , but did not immediately burn the hair to ashes.

This hanging lamp is used to illuminate the road. It uses its own hair as a twister, which naturally burns its own aura. The stronger the aura of a person, the stronger the light. Like the master, it is like an extra-large light bulb. There are not many people in the world who can do it.

As the master gently pushed the lamp forward, I saw the paper lamp slowly flying into the hole as if held by an invisible hand, and then under the light, Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and finally saw the figure of the fool .

(End of this chapter)

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