Infinite script kill

Chapter 263 The wrong person

Chapter 263 The wrong person
It was a dark cave with no light, and the fool stood there alone, motionless like a statue.

But in front of him stood twelve statues holding knives. Among the twelve statues, Xu Tong saw something that surprised him.

A Buddha statue with slightly drooping eyes, curved fingers, and exquisitely carved details.

"Why is this thing here!!"

Xu Tong was surprised to see the Buddha statue. This is exactly the Buddha statue made by Yang Yong in the Buddha head murder case.

After the object was lost from the evidence room, Xu Tong only knew that it fell into the hands of Qianshou and the others, but for a moment he couldn't figure out what Qianshou wanted this pile of broken stones, and he couldn't believe that he had put it in this place.

The master's eyes were like torches, a cloud of light appeared in his pupils, and he fixed his eyes on the Buddha statue. Suddenly, the Buddha statue trembled slightly, and a black mist appeared to cover itself, and at the same time, a black light hit the master himself.

Before the black light hit, Xu Tong heard a thunderclap, "Gods can't be seen!!" The voice seemed to be roared by thousands of people.

Xu Tong let out a scream, his eyes turned black, and subconsciously activated his title skill [Retributer].

The moment the retribution was activated, the sound disappeared immediately.

When he looked up, he realized that he was already ten meters away from the entrance of the cave. It was obvious that the master had pushed him away.

Then I saw the master standing in front of the cave like a statue, with a white gleam emitting from his body, which scattered the black mist that came.

The black mist that was shaken did not dissipate, but turned into a blurred shadow in mid-air, and charged towards the master again.

"Go away!"

Master frowned slightly, raised his hand and slapped it down, his palm suddenly glowed brightly, and when it touched the black mist, a ball of fire burst out, directly burning the black mist into a wisp of blue smoke.

After extinguishing the black mist with one hand, the master became more interested in the things below, and turned his head to look at him: "Don't come over, I'll go down and have a look."

Said that he jumped into the pothole with a leap, the master's jump was like a drop of clear water falling into boiling oil, before Xu Tong tried to step forward to watch, there was a "boom!" A huge black mist billowed from inside.

The black mist twisted and changed in the air, turning into three black shadows holding knives and axes. The black shadows were not only tall, but also strangely shaped. The upper body was humanoid, while the lower body was like a bug.

With a strange roar, he rushed towards Xu Tong.

Alright, the master is going to fight the big ones, and these little ones just let me practice my hands too.

When Xu Tong thought that the wound on the fool's body was probably related to these things, he immediately became angry.

He didn't wait for these figures to pounce on them, but he went forward one step at a time. He was not as powerful as his master, but he was protected by corrosive fire and magic power, so he was not at all timid to deal with these shadows.

The moment the power of magic was activated, the blue fire light in the palm danced, and he took a step forward, although the [Close-to-body Combat Technique] item card cannot be used here.

But after so many actual battles, Xu Tong already had his own attack method in mind. He rolled sideways, jumped away from the three shadows, and at the same time hit the waist of the shadow on the left with a backhand.

This punch was not powerful, but the magic flame was stained on Soi Ying's body, and it exploded in an instant, but half of the opponent's body was ignited in the blink of an eye, and the magic flame burned bigger and bigger. He simply swiped the tail behind him with all his strength, and drew towards him like lightning.

At this moment, Big Fatty rushed over from the side, trying to help block it, but unexpectedly the tail passed directly through Big Fatty's body. Fortunately, Xu Tong sensed that something was wrong, and immediately grabbed one of Big Fatty's tentacles and jumped up to hide drove over.

Seeing this, the other two shadows not only showed no fear, but rushed towards Xu Tong at the same time. I saw that the leading shadow rushed over desperately, with four thick arms like a big net.

And another black shadow was holding a huge axe, spinning in place, making an action similar to a player throwing a hammer in a sports meeting!
There was a violent sound of wind immediately in this not-so-wide space. It felt like a sail full of wind made an unusually violent noise under the blowing of the wind, and the giant ax was already roaring and cutting horizontally. Come here!
Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and didn't even pay attention to the giant ax that hit him. Instead, he sped up and threw himself at the black shadow in front of him. With one open hand, the corrosive fire was activated, mixed with the magic power, and the flames erupted for a while.

The black shadow couldn't get close at all, but was forced to retreat continuously until the black shadow in front of him was forced to the corner, and his fist with blue flames beat hard on Heiwu's chest. The smoke disappeared completely.

And the ax had already struck down head-on, but the ax was only in the middle of the air, and was entangled by dense tentacles, and it turned out to be a big fat one.

It turns out that at this moment, Fatty has changed into a ghost form at some point, and it is also not a real entity. Naturally, Fatty can no longer be easily penetrated by the shadow.

Seeing this, the black shadow was stunned for a moment, as if he still didn't understand why he was entangled by the tentacles, Xu Tong didn't give him a chance to think, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes, he raised his hands above his head, the corrosive fire and Mo Yan slapped the guy's head from left to right at the same time.


In an instant, Sombra's head was shattered, and after strands of black mist permeated the air, before it could condense again, it was burned by two extremely domineering flames.

However, as soon as the three black shadows were resolved, there was another violent explosion in the cave, and the black mist gushed out from below like a tide, constantly changing into strange-shaped creatures in the air and killing them.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's heart froze, and when he was about to activate the trump card of the devil's arrival, the black mist suddenly sucked back into the cave like an ebb tide. Walk.

Only when he was far away, the master let go of his hand, and when he stretched out his hand, he saw a bergamot hand thrown on the ground by him.

"Master, that idiot..."

Just as Xu Tong was about to ask what happened next, the master shook his body and almost fell to the ground, took out a Wulingzhi from his pocket and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"Go first! You can't stay here."

Seeing that the master seemed to be injured, Xu Tong's expression changed, he stopped talking nonsense, and immediately asked Dabai to take the master out of the dense forest quickly.

At this moment, Cimin and Gao Zhuo were waiting on the top, seeing the big fat man climbing up with his master on his back, his heart skipped a beat, he was shocked, he didn't know what happened, so he hurried forward to help him.

Xu Tong also climbed up later, still holding the bergamot hand that Master Cai lost just now, and he couldn't help but feel a huge wave in his heart, Master is the ceiling of combat power in this script, he was injured unexpectedly, how dangerous is it going to be below.

Fortunately, after the master came up, his expression recovered a lot. After pushing away the two of them, he sat cross-legged on the eagle cloud bee and meditated. In less than a stick of incense, the master opened his eyelids, took out a piece of yellow paper in his hand and quickly pinched it out. After a villain, a mouthful of black mist spit on the villain.

Immediately, the villain turned black and shiny as if it had been stained with ink. With a flick of the master's finger, the villain was immediately ignited, and the master was relieved until it turned into ashes in the air and disappeared.

"Master, are you injured?"

Seeing that the master woke up, Xu Tong quickly took out a bottle of mineral water and asked.

The master shook his head: "It's not hurt, it's just that I lost my strength." He took the water bottle from Xu Tong's hand and drank it all in one go.

Then he glanced at the bergamot hand thrown by Xu Tong on the ground, and said with a sneer, "Hmph, what kind of god, but it's just a superficial appearance. Next time I come to see him, I'll unscrew his head."

After speaking, he said to Xu Tong: "Don't worry, your friend won't die. I'll cut off one arm of that thing, and that thing won't be able to make a fortune in a short time. With your friend's means, it may not be a bad thing to stay down there. "

Who is Xu Tong? When he heard this, his heart felt as if he had been pricked by a needle. He immediately realized that the master's vitality was probably due to the fool.

Otherwise, with the method of the master, if he wanted to leave, the things below would not be able to keep him at all, so how could he be injured? The reason why he had to wring off the opponent's arm even after exerting all his energy was entirely because of his relationship with the fool.

"Old man, what is down there? Can you make such a fuss?"

Gao Zhuo asked curiously, although he didn't go to the cave, but the two of them also heard the movement above, and saw that the master was mobilized, the melon must be very big.

Mentioning this master did not explain, just said: "They are all dross stuff from the old era. Let me tell you, I'm afraid you will get karma. Don't mention it. The thing below can't be destroyed for the time being. Let's go back first and I'll prepare some. Unbelief in something cannot destroy it.”

In the end, the smile on the master's face became colder and colder. He didn't know what he thought of, and there was a cold light in his eyes, which made Xu Tong and the three beside him feel a chill.

Only then did Xu Tong realize that Master is not a kind person.

Maybe it's the kindness and kindness of the master on weekdays that makes me forget how cruel the master is when he kills those strangers.

It can only be said that the following player has offended the wrong person this time, and it is not good to offend anyone, but he wants to offend the master.

(End of this chapter)

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