Infinite script kill

Chapter 264 Three Eyed Guns

Chapter 264 Three-Eyed Gun

When they came, they walked for two hours, and when they returned, they returned to Shangqing Palace in less than half an hour. It's not that going down the mountain is faster, but the main reason is that the road has been cleared by Da Fatty.

Going back to take a look, I saw that Chang Miao was waiting for them at home unexpectedly today.

Seeing them coming back, Chang Miao hurriedly stepped forward to ask about the situation of the fool.

The master only said that he couldn't die, turned around and asked Xu Tong and the others to wait at home by himself, and he wanted to go out.

As for where to go, the master didn't say, and Xu Tong didn't ask, because it was useless to ask, the master would have said it long ago, and he wouldn't tell them a word if he didn't say anything.

Chang Miao was relieved when she heard that the fool was fine, and left after the master, planning to take advantage of this time to take back the excrement that was confiscated in the morning.

There were only Xu Tong and three people left in the yard. Xu Tong sat on the chair that the master usually sat on, holding a fan in his hand, and couldn't help wondering what was under the hole.

When he talked about the situation in the cave, Gao Zhuo couldn't help scratching his head: "Is it so evil? Didn't the master say that that thing has a superficial appearance?"

Xu Tong closed his eyes and said unhappily: "Nonsense, what the master said is just for show. That's the master. We go up to deliver food. I guess it's not enough for the stuff down there to fit between our teeth."

"If you want me to say, what a god, a ghost, go down with a pack of dynamite, and let him see what it means to change the times!"

Cimin's bad idea was naturally ignored by Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo.

Not to mention whether the tide-like black mist around the Buddha statue would affect the explosives, the key is that the idiot is still below, and they can't pull the idiot up.

"Then what do we do now?"

Gao Zhuo sat casually on the stone bench beside him. Since the ghost city hid outside and called the police last time, their main task 2 was reminded to be completed.

But the main task 3 has never been prompted.

Do you think that you can live a small life leisurely and contentedly like this?

Of course not, don't forget that they are resting, but Qianshou and his group don't, especially since the other side has a certified player assisting them, maybe they are already planning some kind of plan at this very moment.

Right now they are in the light, Qian Shou and others are in the dark, this is not a good state.

Xu Tong was also thinking about it, as the saying goes, the time and place are right for people, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching now, but after the ghost market last time, it is a good thing for Qian Shou.

Speaking of which, Qianshou really wants to thank Xu Tong.

Human nature is complex and wonderful, making people elusive. Qianshou tried his best to boost morale, and even took the initiative to bear most of the cause and effect, sacrificing the entire ghost city.

As a result, those old guys got the benefits, and immediately showed Xiao Fu Zean's mentality, and they didn't plan to take any more risks with Qian Shou.

Qianshou spent a lot of effort, and I don't know how much thought was spent on the plan, and finally became completely infamy.

No one thought of him well, but after Xu Tong destroyed the Tongtian Lantern and summoned Xie Qi and Fan Ba, they found themselves under the soul arrest order, and instead united unprecedentedly.

The reason is very simple, those guys who have been branded with the soul restraining order, once they die, they will be caught and the messengers will come to the door in person, arresting them every second and going to the Palace of Hades, only based on the account of the ghost market. The [-]-story hell massage package is definitely not going to run away.

For those old guys, this is definitely a more terrifying thing than death, which will inevitably lead to their dying struggles, and they will focus their attention on Beiman Mountain.

In other words, even if they don't approve of Qian Shou's plan now, they still have to try, at least to fight for a way out for themselves.

Therefore, right now, the weather, people and harmony are all by the side of Qian Shou and these strangers.

Right now they only occupy a favorable location, and it's because the Master is guarding the Shangqing Palace.

But it only takes advantage of the land and can only be passively defended. This is too passive, which does not conform to his own concept. At least in his heart, offense is the best defense.

Just when Xu Tong was thinking about how to turn passive into active, there was a bang.

The three of them were startled, and when they looked back, they saw the lid of the coffin in the yard lying on the ground. Xu Tong frowned, and then remembered the coffin.

But when the three of them didn't expect, with the opening of the coffin, a zombie fell straight to the ground. The three of Xu Tong looked at it again, and their feelings would be interrupted.

There is also a huge footprint on the chest. Just looking at the shoe size, you can tell that it must be the master's hand.

I just don't know why the master is so interested in this zombie all of a sudden, maybe it's because this zombie is a Japanese devil.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly felt that the wraith was about to move in the item book, and before Gao Zhuo went up to study it, he released the wraith and threw it forward.

The wraith whirled in mid-air, and then it was like a big net being buckled on the zombie's body, followed by the three of them heard a crackling sound of gnawing.

"I'll go, when will you still have such a thing?" Gao Zhuo couldn't help grinning and thinking to himself when he saw the Wraith Spirit for the first time: "It's a pity, it's a pity, although I was disabled by the old man, I picked it up by myself. You can still use it when you pick it up.”

Xu Tong told the two about the resentful spirit, and when he talked about how the master helped him tame this thing, Cimin and Gao Zhuo couldn't help casting envious looks at him.

Ci Min was drooling greedily, what kind of luck is this, to be able to meet her own elder in the script world, it just so happens that this elder is also the protagonist of destiny in this world, this looks irritating.

"Is it still too late for me to ask you to be my teacher?" Ci Min looked at Xu Tong eagerly, and only kowtow to him now, and be a great-grandson to the patriarch.

Xu Tong laughed happily, folded a paper flower half-jokingly and said, "Learn origami first, and when you can make such a paper flower, I will accept you as an apprentice."

Cimin held it and looked at it for a long time but couldn't figure out how the thing was folded, so he could only give up that unrealistic idea with a face full of disappointment.

In just a short while, the huge zombie was completely eaten by the resentful spirit.

And the wraith has become even bigger, and even the color has become golden.

Xu Tong recalled it to the props book and looked at it, his face suddenly showed joy. After eating zombies, this guy actually upgraded.

There is a new skill, split.

It can temporarily split the Wraith into two, each with the abilities and skills of Wraith LV3.

Duration: 120 minutes
Cooldown time: 30 minutes
(Note: Once the split body is damaged or eliminated, three levels will be permanently lost.)
This is interesting, using splitting means that you can have two wraiths at the same time, which is equivalent to a sword warrior and becomes a dual-wielding warrior. The increase is not 01:30 points.

This is LV6. If this little guy devours a few more, I don't know if there will be other new skills.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help looking forward to the future of Wraith Spirit.

Time passed quickly, and the three of them waited in the Shangqing Palace until the early hours of the night before seeing the master come back.

I saw that the master was carrying a big bag in his hand and put it heavily on the table.

Just by listening to the sound, it is not difficult to feel that the contents of this bag are not light.

The three of them immediately surrounded and looked at the master's bag curiously.

"Old man, there must be a treasure inside, isn't it a magic weapon like the magic pestle!"

Gao Zhuo looked at the master and asked in a low voice.

When he said this, Xu Tong and Ci Min became even more excited. If the master had a magic weapon in his hand, he would definitely be able to hit the thing below.

The three of them couldn't help fantasizing about the appearance of the master holding a magic weapon to slay demons and demons.

The master lifted his robe, sat on the chair, took the tea from Cimin unhurriedly, took a sip, raised his brows, and glanced at Cimin sideways. He was bright, but quickly hid it, and drank the cup of tea in his hand casually.

Then he pointed to the things in the package and said: "Hey, this is a good thing. I searched around today and found the craftsman. You can find it after you open it."

When Xu Tong and the others heard the words, they couldn't stand the master's trickery, so they hurriedly opened it to have a look.

After a strange item appeared in front of the three of them, the three of them were immediately dumbfounded.

Xu Tong stared blankly at the master and smiled wryly, "You said you wanted this thing, so you still need to make a trip? I have it ready-made."

Gao Zhuo scratched his head and took out the things, then laughed too: "Old man, I didn't realize that you really keep up with the pace of the times."

"Grandpa, you've also played the Western witcher tricks, but they all use pistols. You... are too old-fashioned."

Gao Zhuo looked at this thing up and down, and suddenly felt that his previous idea was quite reliable.

I saw that what the master brought back was nothing but a musket, no, strictly speaking, this thing should be called a three-eyed gun.

Seeing the disapproving faces of the three of them, the master immediately became unhappy. With a good teacher character, how could he tolerate these three fools showing off in front of him?
"I tell you to study more, you are still not happy, what is keeping up with the times, this thing has been around for a long time, during the Ming Dynasty, Taoist priests went down the mountain to eliminate demons, with a mahogany sword in their left hand and a three-eyed blunderbuss in their right hand, this is standard equipment, what? Western demon hunters are leftovers from our ancestors."

Speaking of the three white jade marbles in the master's hand, he sneered and said: "With this thing, god? Hmph, it's vulnerable."

The three of them watched the master playing with the three-eyed blunderbuss, and they couldn't help silently mourning for three seconds for the so-called god under Ying Yunfeng...

(End of this chapter)

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