Infinite script kill

Chapter 265 [Ling Rouge and Blood-activating Pill]

Chapter 265 [Ling Rouge and Blood-activating Pill]

Early the next morning, Master went out again.

Ci Min didn't know where to find a pot and started tinkering in the yard when he had nothing to do.

Xu Tong leaned over to have a look, and saw that Ci Min kept taking out all kinds of messy things and cooking them in the pot, stirring them while cooking, and occasionally grabbed a handful of white mouse's Wulingzhi and threw them into it.

That scene... Xu Tong suddenly felt that this guy had great potential to play a witch.

Until the soup in the pot became viscous, the dregs of the medicine were taken out, and a jar of honey was thrown in. After another complicated operation, it was finally made into black pills.

"Here, while it's hot."

Ci Min threw the pills to Xu Tong like offering a treasure, and Xu Tong threw them into the item book to see, oops, the effect of this thing was brought to the exhibition, and it was not a little better than those medicines at the exhibition.

【Spirit Rouge Live Blood Pill】

Producer: (anonymous)
The crude drug after more than ten kinds of processes, although the workmanship is a little rough, does not affect the efficacy of the drug.

After use, it can quickly restore its own wounds, stop bleeding and reduce swelling, and last for four to 10 minutes.

(Not valid for fractures and disability)

Get a special effect bonus: Warming Qi and nourishing vitality, blood energy like a furnace

Duration 12 hours.

During this period, the recovery power of the user is increased by three times, and the physical energy is temporarily increased by two times.

(You can only take one tablet every [-] hours. It is useless to eat more. Women are forbidden to take it during their menstrual period!)
Get a special effect bonus: Bloody Furnace

It lasts for 3 hours, during which the eater's body is full of blood and energy, and is immune to various magical damage by 40%.

"nice one!"

At this time, Gao Zhuo also came out of the room, took a look, and immediately smiled happily, looking at Cimin, his eyes lit up, saying that alchemist is the most money-consuming industry among players, but it is also the most profitable industry. It's not fake at all.

With such an inconspicuous little pill, it is not a problem to throw it in the progress meeting and sell it for [-] script points. It is a magic medicine that can save lives at critical moments.

"Niu 13, brother."

Gao Zhuo gave Ci Min a thumbs up.

Cimin smiled innocently: "No, no, the main reason is that Wulingzhi is too rare. I just neutralized the medicinal properties of Wulingzhi."

Speaking of this, a greedy light flashed imperceptibly in Ci Min's eyes, what is Wulingzhi?Isn't that the rat's droppings?

In reality, mouse droppings are not hard to find, but not all mouse droppings are called Wulingzhi.

It's a pity that this mouse is still in the master's sleeve, and I don't have the ability to keep this thing for myself, otherwise I will almost lose it.

While talking, Cimin removed the iron pot from the fire, replaced it with the teapot that was prepared, and started rubbing the pills casually.

The number is not too much, there are only 21 in total, and it is just right for each of the three to get seven.

Speaking of which, Ci Min got seven [Ling Rou Huo Xue Pills], took them back and turned around and sold them, at least they could make a lot of money, and it was by no means less than ordinary script space to do tasks.

But if he hides and secretly makes a pot by himself, and doesn't distribute it to Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo, they may not know it.

Xu Tong looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, frowned slightly, and looked at Ci Min with unusually kind eyes.

At this time, the master outside the door came back, holding the big cloth bag containing the three-eyed blunderbuss last time, and opened it to see that there were a few black iron rods inside. Xu Tong picked it up and weighed it. Press hands.

But this iron rod is neither long nor short, only about one meter, but as thick as a thumb, how can it be so heavy?

Then look at the iron rod, which is pointed at one end and rounded at the other, with rhombus-shaped iron scales in the middle, like dragon scales.

"Master, where did you get this thing?"

Xu Tong was holding the iron rod. He was not curious about what the master wanted this thing for, but where the master got it. It was obviously newly made. There are at least seven sticks in this pack. It can be done well, and the speed is much faster than that of ordinary blacksmiths.

The master squinted his eyes, took the tea handed by Cimin at the side unhurriedly, took a sip, and tasted it in his mouth. He felt that the taste was not bad, so he drank it cleanly, and wiped the corner of his mouth casually: "There is a blacksmith in the south of the city. The owner of the blacksmith shop is Wu Youchang, who used to be the apprentice of the imperial craftsman in the palace, and I asked him to help me."

Gao Zhuo came out of the room, picked up one and put it in his hand to measure it carefully. He is not a monk like Xu Tong. He recognized the function of this thing at a glance: "Old man, you are preparing to set a stake."

The so-called delimitation of piles means to ordinary people to draw boundaries, such as stone monuments on the edge of the country, laying pile foundations before building houses, etc. For foreigners, laying down piles and delimiting boundaries is not simply demarcation of territory.

This involves Feng Shui metaphysics, and it's not just a few iron rods inserted casually.

Of course, it is not as profound as the advanced formations arranged in TV dramas.

To put it simply, it is to use these iron nails to change the surrounding Fengshui aura at zero time. For example, this place is clearly a Jedi, but if you are a Fengshui master, you can use a few iron nails to change the Fengshui magnetic field at zero time.

Thinking of Gao Zhuo's eyes looking at Master Xue Gui, he became even more admiring. He can guess what Master is going to do, but guessing it doesn't mean he can do it. In fact, among the strange people in the world, there are many people who know Fengshui , it can be understood that this is an elective course.

This is the same as most martial arts practitioners know some medical skills.

But there are only a handful of real Fengshui masters, and even fewer dare to play this trick.

What's more, what kind of place is Beiman Mountain? It's a shady place in the world. I don't know how many dead people have been buried for thousands of years. To put it bluntly, this is a super mass burial mound. It's impossible to dig up someone's ancestors with a hoe .

In this kind of place, Feng Shui masters would not dare to attack easily when they came. If they were not careful, they would end up dead without a place to bury them.

Since the master dared to do this, it shows that the master's attainments in Feng Shui are also extraordinary.

"Then we put these iron rods in today??"

After listening to it for a long time, Xu Tong understood it. After all, it was just sticking a stick.

"Need not."

The master flicked his cuff, and saw the white mouse crawl out of the master's sleeve. The master threw him a map, and casually threw him a pack of sauced beef. After eating two catties of sauced beef in one go, he shook his slender beard, turned around, picked up the backpack on the ground, and disappeared in front of them.

"Can it still be used like this??"

Xu Tong looked at the white mouse that disappeared without a trace, it was no more fun than the idiot Wraith Ling.

Just as he was thinking about it, the master seemed to have seen through Xu Tong's little thoughts: "The last time I asked you to make a spirit card, when do you plan to delay it?"

Oh, Xu Tong looked at the master first when he heard the words. The master did mention this, but he forgot.

But why did he suddenly think of this in the middle of the day? He glanced at him and met his four eyes. Seeing the master squinting at him, Xu Tong immediately slapped his head: "Oh, why did you forget about this?" gone."

He quickly stood up and said, "I'll go right away."

Gao Zhuo originally wanted to pester his master to ask how his old man left Yipo in the cave, but Xu Tong grabbed his arm and said, "Let's go, come with me."

After speaking, regardless of whether Gao Zhuole was happy or not, he dragged him out.

As soon as the two left, Ci Min raised his head and was still thinking whether he should go out with him or stay here, when he suddenly heard the master's voice next to his ear: "As soon as I came in, I smelled a scent of medicine, are you refining medicine? "

Hearing the master's question, Ci Min hurriedly nodded, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for the master.

Master Xue Gui opened his eyes, with a somewhat tired expression on his face: "Hey, I am old, I am getting old, I feel uncomfortable when I move too much, I have some medicines here, please help me adjust them."

"Okay!" Ci Min readily nodded and agreed without thinking.

On the other side, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo walked leisurely down the mountain. Walking on the road, Gao Zhuo couldn't help complaining: "You go to a carpenter to make spirit cards at noon?? It's not appropriate."

"If there's anything inappropriate, just take it as a stroll. By the way, let your beggar brothers inquire. Recently, I always feel restless in my heart. I always feel that something is wrong. Qianshou and the others The sky is too honest, there is no movement at all??"

With Qianshou's pissing nature, Xu Tong didn't believe that they could honestly wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Okay, I'm going to do it now, and it's really time to inquire about it."

Gao Zhuo thought about what he said was right, and it happened that he also needed to go back to the beggar's den, hoping that the old brothers of the beggar gang were still there.

Speaking of beating up the old gang leader's group last time because they didn't open their eyes, and after they bumped into the master's hand at their own risk, the beggar gang was over in one fell swoop.

Wouldn't that be the end of it? Up to the guild leader, down to several elders, Dharma Guardian King Kong, none of them came out of the Shangqing Palace alive.

Although Gao Zhuo regretted that his reputation and hard work in the Beggar Gang were wasted, but thinking about it, he didn't think it was a bad thing.

After all, the current beggar gang has become more and more bastards without a bottom line, and the previous rules are long gone.

Cheating, abducting, smashing, and robbery are all evils, and now being ruined by the master is a good thing for the benefit of all people.

Although the Beggar Gang was destroyed, the beggars did not rush away. After all, they finally responded to the call and went to L City. They didn’t wait for a while to ask for some money and how to go back. Relying on Gao Zhuo’s reputation in the Beggar Gang, he wanted to ask them for help. Not difficult.

So after making an appointment with Xu Tong to go back together at night, they turned around and squeezed into the crowd and gradually disappeared into the crowd.

After Gao Zhuo left, Xu Tong stood in the crowd, raised his head, seemed to be thinking about something, his eyes gradually became serious...

As soon as I looked up, I saw two signboards standing in front of me, one was a noodle restaurant and the other was a stewed dish.

Occasionally, passers-by passed by him, and vaguely heard Xu Tong whispering to himself: "Damn it, should we eat the sliced ​​noodles first or the stewed vegetables first?"

(End of this chapter)

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