Chapter 266

"It's been so many days, why is there no movement at all, Qianshou, you are not fooling us old things."

"Qian Shou, it's not my brother, let me tell you, the group in the Northeast just set up a hall in that shabby place, and never came out of Shanhaiguan, and it is said that witches and Gus don't go out of Sichuan, even if they must come out, hehe, the dispute over witches and Gus has been going on for a long time. , I'm afraid I can't take care of myself."

"Yeah yeah."

"We listened to your words last time, but now we have ended up like this. You, Qianshou, have brought us misery. We old bastards may have another foot in the coffin tomorrow, and I will die with regret."

In a small hut, several old people sat there with dark faces, as if they were going to question Qian Shou Xingshi.

Qian Shou had repeatedly promised before that he would invite experts to help out, but now he has not even seen a shadow, how can these old guys sit still.

Qian held the big tobacco rod in one hand, and with the other hand he unhurriedly squeezed out a pinch of shredded tobacco from the shredded tobacco pouch. He saw that the shredded tobacco had a golden texture under the dim light. When the fingers of the hand pinch it, it forms a small ball.

Smoking is a slow process. The shredded tobacco should not be pinched too tightly, nor can it be pinched too loosely. If it is too firm, the taste will be bad.

But Qianshou rubbed it just right, and lightly threw it into the smoke pot, and then the candles beside the table slowly charred the shredded tobacco around the periphery, and then put it to his mouth and took a slow puff.

As for the complaints of these old things in front of him, Qian Shou didn't hear a word.

On the contrary, seeing them jumping anxiously in front of him, I felt a sense of joy in my heart, secretly laughing in my heart, these old things really don't want to suffer at all.

Now I'm not in a hurry, and I don't need to worry about their low morale and rushing away. With the sharp sword hanging over their heads, they can't help but not work hard.

With the cloud of smoke blowing out from his mouth and nose, and the green smoke floating in the air like a cloud, Qian Shou finally said: "There is still some time before the Mid-Autumn Festival, what are you in a hurry for, there is always time for people to hurry."

"But I heard that the Three Sects were also alarmed and sent their disciples down. Yu Daozi from Qingshan Temple has been in L City for a long time, and..." An old man raised his head and glanced at Qianshou when he said this Said: "There is also movement from the Longmen faction. This time it seems that Shu Yuqing brought people down the mountain."

At the mention of the three words Shu Yuqing, the voices of everyone in the room went silent, and everyone looked at Qianshou in unison.

When Qianshou's half-drooped eyelids heard this name, they stared round suddenly, and his face, which had been deformed by the fire, became colder and colder. With a pinch of his fingers, he broke his beloved cigarette stick.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "This bastard actually went down the mountain too."

Who is Shu Yuqing, why does everyone fear him so much, and why does Qianshou hate him so much.

In fact, speaking of it, this person's reputation in the Jianghu is not obvious, and the younger generation has never heard of it.

Only those of the older generation know the background of Shu Yuqing, and only old people like them can understand that in that era that belonged to Shu Yuqing, he was as dazzling as the protagonist of destiny.

You might as well just listen to his name.

The eldest disciple of Chunyang Palace, the direct descendant of the Quanzhen School of the Eight Classics, when he was young, he killed the Western Sword King with three strokes of a short sword, went alone to the Japanese Dojo and killed the Japanese Sword Master Shangquan Ganxin, and then left gracefully at a young age He became the head teacher of Quanzhen Sect.

Back then, many evil ways took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the Forbidden City, vying for immortal treasures.

After Qianshou and Huo Wuji won the fairy treasure, blood flowed all the way, and when they were about to break out of the siege, they met Shu Yuqing.

The four of them didn't pay attention to Shu Yuqing at that time, they only thought that the line of Quanzhen Longmen had reached the point where no one could continue, and they actually let such a young man be the head teacher.

So the four of them joined forces and went up together, intending to kill him and make a name for himself.


Huo Wuji was stabbed to death with a sword and died on the spot. Before he died, the out-of-control Hunyuanhuo exploded, causing Qianshou and the three of them to be injured.

Qianshou was at the bottom in terms of strength, so the result is self-evident. Just looking at his face, you can see how miserable it was at that time, and Xianbao was also damaged in four parts at that time.

This is an old case, and they became the stepping stones of Shu Yuqing, which made Shu Yuqing famous. Fortunately, they were lucky and fateful. The situation was chaotic at that time. The state can only leave them temporarily to prevent these foreign devils from burning, killing and looting, thus giving them three chances to survive.

Later, Shu Yuqing disappeared, Qianshou didn't expect that after so many years, this guy was still alive, and he would even bring someone over here himself, which really made Qianshou feel very complicated.

It took a long time for Qianshou to stabilize his emotions, put the cigarette holder to his mouth, and then realized that the cigarette rod in his hand had been broken by himself, and felt a little regretful looking at the broken cigarette rod.

This is a rosewood tobacco rod.

"Everyone, there is no need to worry about the matters of the Three Sects. They dare not join in. Otherwise, why let Yu Daozi and his old fellows come out to support the appearance."

It can be said that Qianshou is well aware of the behavior and style of the three religions.

The more this time, the more they dare not show their heads, for fear that the government will notice them. The reason why they sent some people here is just to put on a show of human affairs. Don't look at Yu Daozi and Shu Yuqing, one is a senior in the world, and the other is a top expert .

But Yu Daozi is just a small Taoist temple at the foot of Longhu Mountain. To put it mildly, it is a branch of Longhushan, but to put it poorly, it is a watchdog.

As for Shu Yuqing, he was no longer the Quanzhen Headmaster, but a representative of the Longmen Sect.

The two are not even the main force, so how can they interfere.

After Qianshou said this, everyone felt relieved, and after Qianshou gave a guarantee, he said that the reinforcements would arrive in a few days, and then sent these old guys away.

After everyone left, Qianshou rubbed his forehead tiredly, and Monk Ming walked in outside the door and handed it to Qianshou with a bowl of water.

Qian Shou didn't drink, just asked: "How many of them are in Jingshoucheng?"

Monk Ming smiled wryly and said: "After seeing that master that day, they followed behind him and said they were helping him out."

Monk Ming's words have been very euphemistic, but why can't Qianshou not hear Monk Ming's implication, it's nothing more than the group of people under his own hands, who are now being pried into a corner.

Hearing this, Qianshou couldn't help but sneered, put down the cigarette stick that had been broken in two, and said with a long sigh: "A group of idiots, my brother is a master who likes to eat alone, and he even wants to follow him It's a fool's dream to share a piece of the pie behind him, don't worry about them, when they cry..."


At this time, in the noodle shop of Dao Sha Nian, there were two stacks of empty bowls in front of a large table.

Whether you are eating or passing by, all focus on this table.

The old and the young at the table are holding a big bowl and stuffing it into their mouths. The picture is like two starving ghosts reincarnated.

It's funny to say, just because the old and the young are sitting at the same table, somehow they start fighting for food, you have one bowl, I'll have two bowls.

Those who have seen cockfighting, dogfighting and bullfighting, but have never seen fighting rice, pigs dare not eat like this.

Seeing the two shouting for another bowl, everyone applauded immediately, but the boss stood behind and nodded his feet, but he was already thinking about whether to call 120 or not.

These two are competing with each other, and they don't care about their rivalry, but if they die in their own shop, will their shop still be able to continue? ?
"Brother is opening today!"

The owner of the stew restaurant at the side came over and congratulated with a smile.

"Hehe, I won't open someday."

The owner of the noodle shop turned black when he saw him. As the saying goes, colleagues are enemies.

Fortunately, the two put down the bowls and chopsticks in their hands, and after holding the bottle of beer on the table and drank it down, they finally had no intention of eating any more.


I saw the old man put the beer in his hand on the table, his face was flushed, his forehead was covered with sweat, he patted his belly and said triumphantly: "I'm probably full, young man, how much are you?"

Xu Tong gently put down the wine bottle in his hand, glanced at the old man with disdain and said, "I ate two bowls before you came, and now I'm only [-]% full."

The old man stood up with a stare, and slowly loosened the waistband of his trousers: "Now I am sixty percent full."

Seeing this, the people around thought that there are everyone in this year. They have heard of people who are arrogant, and they have heard of people who fight for wealth, but they have never heard of people who fight for food.

Seeing the unconvinced look of the old man, Xu Tong smiled brightly, and pointed to the neighbor next door: "How about four more servings of stewed vegetables!"

"Hehe, who do you look down on? How can you be full with just stewed vegetables, plus a big steamed bun." The old man stretched out four fingers not to be outdone: "There are four for one person!"

The two stood up and walked out as they spoke, watching the two uncles walk into their shop.

The owner of the noodle restaurant laughed, and the owner of the stew restaurant was stupid.

After a while, I came back to my senses, only to hear the owner of the noodle shop blushing and smiling brightly, and cupped his hands at the owner of the stew restaurant: "Congratulations, brother, I think you are making a big opening today."

The owner of the stew restaurant woke up when he heard the words, and hurriedly ran outside, and he could hear the scream of the owner of the stew restaurant from a distance: "Master, brother, come back quickly, the stew is not good, let's eat noodles ! Come back quickly, I treat you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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