Chapter 267 Tongyan Wuji (please vote!)
The expectations of the noodle shop owner finally came to nothing.

After everyone watched the two finish four big bowls of stewed vegetables and eight big steamed buns, the two looked at each other and smiled, each patted their bellies and exclaimed happily.

Can you not be happy, just watching these two eat, the diners around are all happy to see it, and feel that today's noodles and stewed vegetables are extraordinarily delicious.

When the two walked out of the restaurant, the owners of the two restaurants were worried that they would die violently on the street after walking a few steps.

Fortunately, these two are not ordinary people, and this appetite is just a little bit full, and it's almost enough to walk around casually.

"Little brother, if I were 20 years younger, this little meal is really not enough for me, hiccup!!"

After finishing speaking, the old man couldn't stop hiccupping, and rubbed his round belly with his hand, thinking that he had saved money for dinner today.

"Hey, where are you going? I'll take you to drink some soup another day. That's the most satisfying meal."

Xu Tong said disapprovingly.

The old man was also happy. It was rare to meet such a master who could eat. The old nose was happy in his heart, so he nodded and agreed immediately. After the two agreed to meet outside the Drum Tower tomorrow night, they didn't talk much, turned around, said goodbye and left .

Before leaving, the old man did not forget to ask: "Hey, what's your name!"

"Zhao Jian!" After Xu Tong finished speaking, he got into the crowd and disappeared after a while.

"Zhao Jian~"

The old man frowned and thought for a moment: "It can't be such a coincidence."

He was thinking about it, when he suddenly noticed something, and when he turned around, he saw an old man in a coat squatting on the corner of the wall. Seeing him sweeping over, the old man raised his head and grinned, showing his big yellow teeth: "It's just a coincidence, it's fate, you Say it, Master Tree!"

Shu Yuqing frowned when he heard the words, and did not hide the distasteful expression on his face. He cupped his hands symbolically at the old man and said: "I have never heard of this, I only heard that Taoism does not conspire, so farewell!"

Seeing that he was about to leave, the old man's face darkened. He had been running rampant in the Northeast for so many years, and he had never seen anyone who dared to smear himself like this. A green light flashed in his eyes, and a fox appeared vaguely in the old man's eyes.

But before he could make a move first, Shu Yuqing's ears twitched slightly, and a layer of gloom appeared on his already disgusted expression: "Looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, no one else turned around and stopped. They just walked forward, but swept the old man lightly with their big sleeves.


The old man opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the tree's green figure. After a while, a white light that was difficult for ordinary people to detect flew up from the old man's body and turned into a fox in mid-air.

The fox has snow-like white fur and three tails. At this time, it landed on the roof beside it, but no one noticed it, as if it didn't exist.

She looked back at her own tail, then at the old man sitting on the ground, let out a moan, turned around, and quickly ran away on the roof.

For a moment, people were passing by on the street, but no one noticed the sloppy old man sitting in the corner.

After all, L City doesn’t know what’s going on recently. Street performers, acrobats, roadside beggars, and antique resellers are much busier than usual. No one pays attention to the sloppy old man sitting on the street.
Until a passing aunt walked past him, she accidentally tripped over the old man's foot and almost twisted her foot. Looking back, she saw the old man staring at him with wide-eyed eyes.

"Hey, what are you looking at, you almost tripped me up, why don't you just sit here and wait for death, if you want to die, get out of here."

The aunt is not a good person, she is even familiar with the art of war, and she knows the advantage of being the first to win, so she scolded the street first when she opened her mouth, but she just yelled at her, and seeing the old man staring at herself with straight eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and she thought to herself I'm afraid I didn't meet a ruffian or a hooligan.

Just when I was thinking about someone on the radio saying that someone had a change of heart and liked nothing to show a bird out for everyone to watch, a cool breeze suddenly blew over.

Just as I was thinking about it, a gust of cool wind blew over from nowhere.

When the cool wind blew, the old man didn't show his sparrow, but the big head rolled from his neck to the ground, with a sound of "噗嗤!", a fountain of blood was staged on the side of the street.

I saw that huge head rolled down and rolled under the aunt's skirt, face up with eyes wide open and mouth still open.

The aunt's body froze, the blood all over her body was cold, her legs spread apart tremblingly, she only felt her scalp numb, and she lost control of her bowel movements.

Immediately, the picture... Hey... the starting point is not allowed to write.

"Dead man!"

I don't know which wicked person is yelling. When you hear his voice, you feel that this guy is afraid of chaos.

Now there is a frying pan in the street. When they heard that someone was dead, everyone became enthusiastic and rushed up to look at it. Those with poor mental quality would throw up at a glance, and the better ones would squint their eyes, and then they would cover their faces with their hands. , look through the fingers.

Even better is to stare wide-eyed and say: "Who is this bad luck? You have to look at the bottom of her skirt if you die. It's really romantic to die under the peony flower."

As for the clapping and applause, it was the second idiot from the next street.

At this time, Xu Tong had already walked back from the other side of the street holding a spirit tablet. He glanced at the crowd watching from a distance. He wanted to go over to have a look, but when he heard that it was a dead person, he immediately lost interest.

People die every day, so what's so special about dead people.

After he returned to the Shangqing Palace, he took a look and found that Cimin had gone somewhere.

The big white mouse came back at some point, and was sitting on a chair beside it, holding a piece of beef jerky in both hands. I don’t know how the taste of this beef jerky compares to that of the monk, but it gnawed with relish. Xu Tong felt that the monk's meat might not be as delicious as this beef jerky.

Xu Tong ignored the white mouse and strode into the main hall, only to see that the old man had already prepared the incense altar.

Seeing Xu Tong come back holding the token, he took the spirit token.

Xu Tong walked up to the master and took a look, only to see that the master was holding a brush, tapping the cinnabar on the side, and squinting at him: "Xiao Ming."

Xu Tong was taken aback, but opened his mouth without thinking too much, "Tong Yan Wuji!"

The master was stunned for a moment, and almost broke the brush in his hand. He looked at his disciple and grandson with a strange face. He had never heard of a child with four characters as a nickname.

Xu Tong stood aside and grinned, it really wasn't his fault.

I grew up in a lunatic asylum since I was a child. I don't know who my parents are, and I don't have any names at all.

Later, when I was writing notes, I didn't know that the old monster had given himself a nickname, Wuji, Wuji, and later shouted and shouted, it became Tongyan Wuji.

I wanted to change it later, but the old monster refused to let him change it, saying that it would be best if this nickname matched his horoscope.

The old monster also often said that he just didn't have a good nickname, which ended up in this end.

As for the origin of this old monster, Xu Tong didn't know. In his impression, when he was about three years old, this guy suddenly went crazy and punctured his throat tube with a chopstick. Before the doctor could save him, he died. Gone.

From then on, his nickname was Tong Yan Wuji, and few people knew about it.

Because the old monster forbade him to talk nonsense.

Later, after following Mr. Song, I learned from books that you really can't talk about nicknames. This thing is just like your little braid. It is the most taboo. Maybe it will kill you in the middle of the night.

But since the master asked him about this, of course Xu Tong would not hide it.

Fortunately, the master has become accustomed to this disciple and grandson with a strange brain circuit. After confirming it, after getting Xu Tong's affirmation, he took a pen and wrote the four words Tong Yan Wuji on the spirit tablet.

Although the name is a bit long, it doesn't hinder the master's handwriting. Xu Tong looked at it for a long time but didn't recognize a word.

"Master, what is your word? Why can't I recognize a single word? What kind of calligraphy is this?"

Xu Tong has this advantage, just ask if you don't understand, it's not ashamed.

Xue Gui has never shown a good face to those strangers outside, but he has extraordinary patience with his disciple and grandson.

On the one hand, he is really old and has already lived in vain.

After seeing the vicissitudes of life, I already have a mentality in my heart that I want to pass on.

On the other hand, in this era, not to mention disciples, even finding an apprentice is difficult. It is rare for such a good disciple Miaozi, how could Xue Gui be impatient.

And the most important thing is that this apprentice is willing to take out such things as Huangquan Biluodan, this sincerity has already made Xue Gui regard it as his own.

Picking up the spirit tablet and gently blowing on the wet handwriting on it, he put the spirit tablet on the altar and said, "This is an inscription written specifically for the dead. It has been around since the Tang Dynasty. It is said that it came from the Western Regions." Yes, but in my generation, there are not many people who understand it."

After finishing speaking, I still reminded him: "There are such characters on the mold in your hand, so if you want to complete it, you must find a carpenter who understands inscribed characters. That's why I said that there is no one who can repair that thing now." .”

Xue Gui spread his hands helplessly. He is well-educated and proficient in yin and yang. Even the classics of the three religions have unique views, but the problem is that he really doesn't understand the carpenter industry.

What's more, he didn't know what kind of inscription was written on the missing part, and trying to repair it rashly would only be self-defeating.

While speaking, Xu Tong watched the master light three yellow incense sticks and put them in front of his spirit card.

Not waiting for Xu Tong to understand what the master meant by offering incense to himself so early, he heard the master say in his ear: "Let's step on the yellow fragrance later, and come back before the yellow fragrance goes out."

As soon as the master said this, he lightly patted the back of his head with his palm, Xu Tong's eyes turned black instantly, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

The big white mouse hid behind the door poked its head out and saw Xu Tong lying on the ground. He was not breathing, he was dead! !
(End of this chapter)

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