Infinite script kill

Chapter 273 The first sight of heavy pupils

Chapter 273 Seeing Double Pupils for the First Time

The matter is also simple, she picked the key points and explained her identity clearly in just a few sentences.

The five great families in Northeast China are controlled by the five great spirits, and the spirits are not real. They are all called the same old fairy. After all, they are still animals, but they are a little more spiritual than animals.

Animals will reproduce, so except for the head teacher, the five families are all their own children and grandchildren as the hall masters.

The responsibilities of each hall master are different, some are to inquire about the news, see who is haunted by goblins, who is haunted by ghosts, etc., some are responsible for cleaning up these goblins, and some are responsible for patrolling the site to see if the newly opened hall is correct Follow the rules.

As for Brother Ma, hehe, he is their spokesperson in the world, and to put it bluntly, he is a wage earner.

Since ancient times, the immortal family has never left Shanhaiguan, but this time they received the seal of the Qin Tianjian, and they will come if they don’t come. The five families will let an elder named Hu En come here to have a look. If it’s an opportunity, grab it. Get out early.

Unexpectedly, they memorized their ideas, didn't read the almanac when they went out, and just arrived in L City to find a place to rest, when they met that Shu Yuqing, they wanted to compete and save some face.

But who would have thought that Shu Yuqing didn't talk about martial arts, raised his hand and sent Hu En to the King of Hades with a sword, and they didn't see clearly how Shu Yuqing drew the sword from the beginning to the end, they felt a bright light in front of them, and Hu En The neck has been severed.

I don't need to elaborate on what happened next.

"That's it!"

Xu Tong nodded silently after hearing this. Shu Yuqing's ability to chat so speculatively with the old man shows that he is at least at the same level as the old man, and he can be regarded as the ceiling of combat power in this script.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to intend to stand on the side of the stranger, otherwise the master might be in trouble.

His worries are purely unfounded, Shu Yuqing is a person who can know what is going on when he reaches that level, and the practice of the Quanzhen lineage does not need such things as merit.

It is said that a golden elixir avenue pure yang transforms the god, practicing martial arts and training the mind, and does not even bother to use external forces to practice.

Even the lower ranks are like beggars in the eyes of others, including the Northeast Brother Ma, Bashu Witch Gu are all in the chain of contempt, otherwise how could they kill Hu En without drawing a sword.

I believe that if it wasn't for the master's strength not inferior to Shu Yuqing, I guess he would have planned to compete with the master for the so-called fate.

"Oh, by the way, you said Hu En just now, then Hu Qiye, do you recognize Hu Laoqi?"

In the second script world, I found a robbery hole in the tomb of the Linggu king. Inside the hole, I found a diary written by Hu Laoqi, and later found his body under the crystal bed.

I also found a token prop card on him, which seems to be able to summon some fairy.

Xu Tong speculated that this person might have some special mission lines, but their situation was not optimistic at the time, and when the matter was over, he didn't plan to go to the Northeast to confirm it. Instead, he went to the braided girls and wished them a lover We got married and went.

As soon as the script world came out, Hu Qiye's token disappeared, and this matter became a mystery afterwards. There happened to be someone from the Hu family in front of him, so he could ask for it by the way.

"Hu Laoqi! I recognize him, is he still alive??"

When mentioning this person, the vixen didn't even need to think about it, she remembered it immediately, and thanks to her living for almost 200 years, otherwise she really wouldn't know this person.

"It's dead, and when you find it, it's a corpse."

Xu Tong brought up the matter of Hu Laoqi, roughly told the story, then searched in the item book, found the diary, and threw it in front of the vixen.

She picked it up and took a look, but didn't look at the contents inside carefully, just seeing the writing on it was sure it was right.

This is Hu Laoqi who has been missing for a long time.

The reason why she can recognize it is because Hu Laoqi is also a member of the Hu family. Just as the old fairies are breeding, so are the Hu family's first horses, and because of their protection, the Hu family is also considered to be prosperous.

Hu Laoqi still watched him grow up by himself.

However, this guy was born with special hobbies, just restless, and the Xian'er of the Hu family didn't like him very much, so he simply invited an old fairy of the Liu family to accompany him.

Oh, by the way, the fairies of the five families are connected with each other, and they are also affiliated with each other.

It's a bit like a marriage relationship. It can be understood that it's just to be on guard and leave some protons for each other.

This is why Hu Laoqi can summon Liu Jiaxian.

That's enough, everyone's background is clear, Xu Tong's goal is half completed, why is it half? ?Because there is always a title.

Otherwise, it would be inconvenient not to have a name to ask them to do business in the future.

The matter of naming, of course, was done by myself, the head teacher. After all, naming is also a technical job, and you need to be knowledgeable. I didn’t see in Hu Qiye’s diary that his eldest brother’s son was also named Hu Kang’an, and he still carried pork for Master Juren to give it to him. started? ?
His eyes swept over the white-faced mouse: "From now on, you will be called Jixiang, manage the logistics, Jixiang sounds good to you."

White mouse: "???"

Immediately, he glanced at the yellow-faced wraith again: "Your face is yellow, so I will make you rich!"

Wraith: "???"

Auspicious fortune, this name came from!One is a man-eating monster, and I don't see where it looks auspicious, and the other is a murderous ghost, where can I get rich? ?
Xu Tong didn't care about this, he just yelled fluently, and took a look at the fox who was dumbfounded by the people around him.

Before Xu Tong could speak, she rushed ahead of him, with a pitiful look on her face, and acted like a baby to him.

"I have a name, Dai Ling'er. You can call me Ling'er, the head teacher. Didn't you ask me to be the welcoming lady? The name Ling'er matches my position."

You see, how else can I say that the fox's brain turns quickly.

What the little mouth said, Xu Tong almost fell for the little girl's words. If he really murmured a word of bell, she would open her mouth and agree immediately.

At that time, it will be too late for me to regret.

Huh?This routine is familiar to Fa Cai!

Xu Tong pouted and looked at her with a sneer, which made her feel hairy, and suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, as soon as Xu Tong opened his mouth, she collapsed: "Master, I am short of a girl. I will make an exception to upgrade you, and then you can be my maid. Since you are a maid, you can't be called Ling'er, otherwise Ling'er and Linger will be there every day." If you are so annoying around me, I will call you... Big girl, a bad name is easy to support."

The name full of nostalgia and rustic taste almost made Da Ya kneel down.

It's a pity that once the head teacher opened his mouth, they had no choice but to accept the name with mournful faces.

Seeing that they had accepted his name, Xu Tong said happily that today's team building mission was a complete success.

But there is still a little regret in my heart. Big Fatty's situation is very special. I tried to pull Big Fatty into my hall, but I got a serious warning from the item book.

If you force yourself to do this, Fatty will lose the ability to regenerate, and only one of the three forms can be retained.

Such a warning made Xu Tong weigh it over and over again, and could only choose to give up.

After a stick of incense was almost burned, Xu Tong let the three go back to the hall to rest, and sat here to wait for a while, because today he and Gao Zhuo made an appointment to gather here at night.

He also didn't know what news Gao Zhuo could get when he went out alone to inquire about the news.

After waiting and waiting for Gao Zhuo to come, the bell outside the door rang, and a woman and a child came in.

The woman looked around first, then pulled the child to sit in the corner.

He glanced around vigilantly and saw that there were a lot of people here, so he felt relieved, took the boy's hand and said, "Yangyang, are you hungry? Mom will buy you something to eat."

The boy nodded after thinking about it.

When the woman stood up to serve the soup, the boy looked around curiously, and finally looked at Xu Tong, inaccurately at the three people behind Xu Tong.

Small eyes lit up: "Uncle, the big sister behind you is so beautiful."

Xu Tong didn't pay attention to the mother and son at first, but after hearing this sentence, he was stunned for a moment.

My own mouth is invisible to the naked eye, let alone an ordinary person, even a first-rate alien master may not be able to detect it, this child can actually see it?

Surprised, the woman had already walked back, and after hearing what the boy said, she hurriedly reprimanded him, "Yangyang, don't talk nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, he apologized to Xu Tong with embarrassment.

Xu Tong nodded and didn't say anything else, but instead he paid more attention to the boy in his heart. He looked carefully at the boy's eyes, and found that there seemed to be a fuzzy black group in the boy's eyes, which could hardly be seen clearly unless he looked carefully.

"Heavy pupils!"

His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but think of a record in the "Qingyun Yishulu" that his master Song Lao gave him.

But this kind of person is all unique, and the people with double pupils in history are all big figures with hands and eyes that can reach the sky, and they only appear once in hundreds of years.

Those far away can’t be studied, anyway, there are all kinds of things, such as Xiang Yu and Cangjie, some of them may really exist, but most of them are added by later generations, so the credibility is not high.

But I did see an article in Song Lao’s book. The article mentioned that when he was about 40 years old, he saw a young man with double pupils in his eyes, who could communicate with all things and beasts. Yixin only wants to work as a nurse in a zoo.

I didn't expect to meet such a strange pupil here. I don't know if this child is the one mentioned in Song Laoshu. After all, pupils are too rare.

It's a pity that Xu Tong didn't intend to take in an apprentice, otherwise, if he met another stranger, he would have to take this child away no matter what.

While helping the boy break the pancakes, the woman said, "Don't run around in the future. Look at how dangerous it is today. If something happens to you, what will mom do?"

The child didn't speak when he heard the words, and silently put the pancake into his mouth, and just ate two drops of pea-sized tears that rolled down. The woman didn't notice it at all, and kept talking on the sidelines.

At this time, Gao Zhuo finally arrived late.

As soon as he entered the door, he yelled for Wang Gong to bring him a bowl of soup quickly, more oil, more spicy peppers.

Then he sat down in front of Xu Tong and said, "There's news, don't tell me I've heard a lot of news!"

(End of this chapter)

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