Infinite script kill

Chapter 274 The Change of Fate

Chapter 274 The Change of Fate
Gao Zhuo has been in the beggar's den all day today, and as he expected, the beggar gang has completely disbanded.

A little elder pulled a group of people to stand on the mountain, and another group didn't see much energy in life, and the gang also looked like this, so they just went home.

However, there are so many beggars who came to L City through mountains and rivers, but they didn't even eat a fart, and the gang was wiped out. If you want them to go home now, they are not happy, and they have to beg here for a while, at least Earn your travel expenses.

After Gao Zhuo returned with the chicken, duck and fish, the beggars became more enthusiastic. On the one hand, it was because Gao Zhuo had entered the Shangqing Palace, brought back news of the gang leader's death, and even buried the gang leader with his own hands.

On the other hand, it is also because Gao Zhuo was also very popular in the gang before, after all, there are many side missions.

Right now the group of dragons has no leader, seeing Gao Zhuo come back, it is as if he has found the backbone, Gao Zhuo asked them to find out the news about Qian Shou and other aliens.

The beggars immediately dispersed, and in less than two hours, they began to pass the news to him one after another.

Although these beggars can only beg for food, in fact, the Beggars' Gang once became the number one gang in the world during the Republic of China, and even many powerful strangers passed down some strange spells in the gang.

For example, the art of listening to the eight directions or the method of seeing the six directions with the eyes, these are the basic standard configurations of the core disciples of the beggar gang, and there are also flying pigeons to send messages. It is said that someone in the stronghold of the beggar gang domesticates pigeons. No less than a hundred pigeons were produced.

Even during the Anti-Japanese War, he sent news to the army and so on.

It used to be regarded as a decent school, but it is a pity that it has rotted into mud now, otherwise the master Xue Gui would not have killed him ruthlessly.

Gao Zhuo stayed in the beggar's den for a long time, constantly watching the news passed in his hands, and really learned a lot.

First of all, during this period of time, Qianshou and the others were concentrated in a small village outside the city, and the smell of medicine wafted out every day, probably to recuperate their injuries. Later, it was confirmed that a beggar even found out their prescription.

But this is also understandable, after all, many people were injured after the ghost market last time, plus the four first-class masters who were seriously injured by the master outside the Shangqing palace yesterday, Qianshou and the others suffered a lot of losses.

These gossips kept coming, and later it really brought a rather strange news to Gao Zhuo.

Someone inquired about Qianshou's past.

It is said that he learned about it from a little Taoist priest who happened to be looking for Shu Yuqing, and he was probably also a disciple of Quanzhen Longmen.

From his mouth, I learned that it was Qian Shou and his group that released the news of breaking into the Forbidden Palace and seizing the Immortal Treasure.

They were the culprits in the turmoil that year.

After the news was released, many evil ways joined in, and in the end, these evil ways became cannon fodder, and Qianshou and the others were able to get the fairy treasure safely because there was an eunuch in the palace who acted as an internal response for them.

After they won the fairy treasure, they wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape. Unfortunately, they met Shu Yuqing, Qianshou and his group were Shu Yuqing's opponents, and Huo Wuji, who had the strongest fighting power, was instantly killed at that time.

The fairy treasure was also divided into four pieces. In the end, the three of Qianshou won three pieces, but the fourth piece disappeared strangely.

Apart from Qian Shou, the other person was the boss of Fenglailou, Xu Tong already knew these things, so the third person was the eunuch who had been their internal response back then.

This person is called Li Xi, but he has another identity. It is said that he is a traitor of the Maoshan sect. I don't know why he defected from the Maoshan sect.

After so many years of erratic movements, Mao Shanzong wanted to hunt him down, but he escaped repeatedly.

"Maoshan Sect."

Xu Tong said thoughtfully: "It turns out that it is like this. The Buddha statue under the Yingyun Peak in Beimang is the ghost of him."

"It must be him." Gao Zhuo took a sip of the soup in the bowl: "No one knows what Li Xi's name is now. The Hun Jianglong around Qianshou was taken away, and now their whereabouts are unknown, so there must be nothing wrong with them."

After finishing speaking, Gao Zhuo came over mysteriously: "I heard the news that they seem to be going to attack in two days, and they are rectifying their troops now."

"Two days later."

Xu Tong calculated the time in his mind. Two days later, the Mid-Autumn Festival is still one day away. Why did he choose this time to do it? ?
Just when he was wondering what these guys were planning.

The mother and son on the other table had already stood up and seemed to be about to leave. Xu Tong had no intention of interfering, but the boy ran back when he reached the door, and picked up the two guide money on Xu Tong's table.

"Yangyang, what are you doing with this!"

Seeing the child taking other people's things, the mother immediately became angry.

He ran over and asked him to put it back, but Xu Tong just waved his hand: "It's okay, let's play with it."

On the contrary, I was very surprised. I am afraid that this child is not as simple as being naughty in taking the guide money, so he tentatively asked: "You know so much, who taught you?"

"I heard on the road that they said that you need money when you leave, and you can walk comfortably if you have money."

The child looked at Xu Tong, and Xu Tong took a closer look and found that the child did have a pair of double pupils in his eyes. He thought that a person with double pupils is much smarter than ordinary people even if he is a child.

The child didn't seem to intend to take his guide money for nothing, and said, "I don't take your money for nothing, I'll tell you something in exchange."

Xu Tong was even more surprised at this moment, carefully examining the child with deep eyes, and suddenly felt that this child might not be as simple as being smart.

So be patient and listen carefully.

The child walked up to Xu Tong's ear and whispered, "Remember to take the red one!"


Xu Tong was startled, not understanding what the child meant, and when he was about to ask, the child had already pulled his mother away.

"What is red??"

The words were muddled and confusing, but it also made him realize that the world of this script is far from being as simple as he saw. Even in this age of desolation, there are still many unexplainable mysteries that cannot be explained. thing.

By the time he and Gao Zhuo returned to Shangqing Palace, it was almost dawn.

Along the way, he was still thinking about the child. At that time, he wanted to follow up to have a look, but when he chased out, the figure of the child had disappeared.

I took a closer look with my dark vision, and found the shadow of a carriage in the distance. The carriage was hung with white lanterns, and it ran lightly and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

That should be the carriage leading to Yincao, but I don't know if the child got into the carriage with his mother.

Just as they were thinking, the two of them opened the door, and saw Chang Miao actually started to fight a set of fists in the yard.

The boxing technique is very common. Although Xu Tong is a layman, with the blessing of the item card [Close-to-hand Combat Technique], he can also see some skills.

But what shocked him was that not long ago, Chang Miao almost gave himself up when he meditated, his clumsy appearance was a completely different person from the one in front of him.

Judging from his sensitive hands and feet, he can't be called a master, but at least he can deal with a few ordinary people without any problem.

The strength is not high, but how long has it been since this guy has made such rapid progress?

The master was sitting on a chair, drinking the tea from Cimin, reminding Chang Miao from time to time that the place was wrong.

Chang Miao listened carefully and changed it the next time.

"Hiss!! Is this guy a martial arts prodigy??"

Gao Zhuo's eyes widened at the side, he was from a family of practitioners, this rough boxing technique is simple, most people might not even be able to beat a full set if they don't practice for a month or two.

Not only did Chang Miao fight down, but he was also able to change routines forward and backward at will, and he couldn't help shouting in amazement.

Xu Tong hurriedly ran to the master and asked curiously, the master took a sip of tea before saying: "Hey, it's fate, take a look!"

As the master said, he picked up a small book and handed it to Xu Tong. The small book was naturally a remnant of the "Tai Shang Induction Chapter" passed down by Taoist Zhu Zhu to Chang Miao.

"This is the number of days. There must be some time in life, and there is no time in life. Don't force it."

The master probably explained it all. It turns out that this chapter on Taishang Induction has the same root and origin as the Dao of Purification written by Changmiao, and this fragment is even better.

It's a pity that it's a fragment. A normal person's practice is courting death, ranging from paralysis to disintegration. At the time, Zhuzhu Taoist passed it on to Chang Miao because he had no good intentions.

Fortunately, Zhang Miao was very lucky. After getting the fragments, he was able to complete them from the beggar gang's dirty way. After practicing during this period of time, he had the effect of reborn in a vague way.

Chang Miao just came to look for the master, because he didn't understand a few things, so he simply came to ask the master for advice, the master was surprised to see that his body had undergone a miraculous change, even his fate had been changed.

He was quite surprised to find out about Zhuzhu Taoist after asking, so he simply explained it to him and taught him a set of basic boxing techniques.

"This guy really has the protagonist's life!"

Xu Tong looked at Chang Miao, and couldn't help sighing, this luck was so good that it was against the sky.

A dung puller counterattacked all the way, according to the direction of the script he knew, Chang Miao must have become a top figure in the lower class in the end, and now because of his own changes, will Chang Miao become stronger in the future? Woolen cloth?

Or since Chang Miao can change the fate, can he also change the fate of the master? ?
Xu Tong felt a little thirsty unconsciously in his wild thoughts. Seeing that the teacher was about to reach out to drink the leftover tea, but as soon as his hand touched the cup, the teacher had already picked up the cup without haste, and glanced at him from the corner of his eye. With a glance, he said, "How can you be the one to talk about fate!"

After finishing speaking, let Cimin take out the prepared box and hand it to him: "Go, your friend is probably hungry too, so take it to him before dawn."

(End of this chapter)

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