Chapter 276
Oh, what a familiar picture, Xu Tong almost wondered if he was looking in the mirror.

"If it's free, I think it's acceptable."

Xu Tong had a playful smile on his face, as if he didn't care about the devil in front of him, and even strolled to the piano, and started to play his fingers briskly on the piano.

"You can call me Junjun!" The man in front of him smiled, "You don't seem to be worried at all?"

Seeing that Xu Tong can still hold his breath like this, Jun Jun was a little surprised. He didn't know when an extra glass of red wine appeared in his hand, and he shook the glass with his fingers. The red wine that seemed like blood began to emit attractive fruit with the shaking. fragrance.

But he didn't drink it, he just put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed the volatile fruity aroma.

"There's nothing to worry about, you don't like to share happiness with others, just so do I."

The light piano sound echoed in the sea of ​​flowers, Xu Tong closed his eyes as if enjoying the leisure time here, but this sentence was full of temptation.

Hearing the words, Jun Jun didn't disagree, and continued: "After meeting last time, I think we actually have a lot of things to talk about."

"Last time?" Xu Tong scratched his head, pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, "You weren't so enthusiastic last time?"

When he came last time, this guy was so cold and arrogant, as if he owed him 500 million.

Today's attitude changed drastically, and Xu Tong had to think about the reasons for it.

After all, there is no love for no reason, and no hatred for no reason. The biggest possibility is that if you are controlled, you will make Jun feel threatened.

Seeing this guy's reckless appearance, Jun Jun frowned unknowingly: "I can help you for free, but you have to promise me one condition."

Xu Tong stopped his fingers, tilted his head to look at Mr. Yu, narrowed his eyes and grinned at Mr. Mr. Xi, "But why do I feel that you are more anxious than me?"

Jun Jun turned his back to Xu Tong: "I just want to help you, if you don't need it, just pretend I didn't say that."

After speaking, he stared at the red wine in the glass, waiting silently for Xu Tong's reply, but the time passed by, and the expected answer never came. When he looked back in confusion, he found that Xu Tong had already left up.

"This guy... really..."

Looking at the empty chair behind him, Mr. Xi pouted, with a disapproving expression on his face, as if he didn't care too much about Xu Tong's rejection.

He just squinted at the piano at the side, and with a wave of his hand, the piano immediately turned into ashes, and even the sea of ​​flowers in front of him withered, exposing the blood-red soil. If you look closely, you will find countless bones buried in the soil.

Even the glass of red wine in his hand began to smell bloody...

When Xu Tong left, he didn't even listen to Mr. Xie's conditions. Countless cases in reality tell people a truth, that the things that are free are often the most expensive.

Xu Tong doesn't know what this guy wants to do, but he always feels that as long as he agrees to his conditions, the price he pays will definitely make him regret it.

When his vision returned to clarity again, the vague flames on his body also disappeared.

The majestic shadow in the mid-air had sparkling eyes.

More black mist gushed out from the palm, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to speed up and engulf this human being.

But at this time, she was surprised to find that the flame on Xu Tong's body disappeared, but his consciousness became more sober.

A layer of faint fluorescence shrouded him. Although the black mist could ignore this layer of fluorescence and continue pouring into this guy's body, it was difficult to affect his consciousness.

Title skill: Retriever, immune to 80.00% mental damage.

Although he was not completely immune, his ears were still full of magical and treacherous voices, but this could no longer affect him.

Xu Tong raised his head, but he couldn't see the terrifying shadow.

But this does not prevent me from being able to feel that strong gaze staring at me.

"Teacher, I will lend you a pair of eyes to help you!"

At this time, a big girl's voice suddenly came from his ear, Xu Tong felt pushed by something behind his body, his eyes were green, and when he looked up, he vomited, what a big black shadow? ?

Huh? ?Why can't I see the bottom of the skirt?

When Xu Tong was puzzled, Da Ya continued: "Teacher, she is not a real god, but a shell, as long as you keep your mind, you will not be affected by her!"

It's rare for Da Ya to be so kind, and there's nothing he can do about it. After all, Xu Tong is the head teacher, and the hall is on him.

In fact, she was also taken aback. She didn't expect that there was such a god on Beiman Mountain. After a closer look, it turned out to be the God of Five Evils.

What are the five evils? Killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and drinking, five of them will get one bad luck.

Buddhists regard it as the commandment of five poisons, which should not be violated lightly.

Li Xi had also heard about Yang Cimin's case at the beginning. When he inquired about Yang Cimin's case, he was so happy that he slapped his thighs. My good guy, Guo Jinhua and the others were able to be trained in a small and inconspicuous village. It is really rare to have all the four poisons of alcohol.

It's a crazy start, what else can I say, I secretly tricked Zhang Yong, a Buddhist idiot, to slaughter the four, and by the way, I also gathered the poison of killing.

That's why there is the five gods in front of me.

But after all, it is the age of doom, this is just a body, not a real god.

With Da Ya's words, Xu Tong felt more confident, and spread his hands together: "That's it? That's it?? You still have something to do. I'm going home for dinner."

A huge and majestic god shrouded in mid-air, as if he could dominate all living beings at will, even if an arm was broken, his majesty could not be damaged, but the majestic god was actually despised by an ordinary person? ?

"The future is not bright, you already have the answer in your memory, why are you obsessed with it!"

There was no sound, but what he said went straight into his mind, Xu Tong shook his head: "It's too small! The layout is too small!"

He raised his head and looked at the huge and majestic figure above his head: "If you really have spirits, why didn't you come out when foreign enemies invaded?"

"Gods don't interfere in the mortal world!" The voice was majestic and majestic, as if it was an iron law.

It was just that the voice fell, and then Xu Tong added the next sentence for her, "But you can fool the people, right."


A thunderbolt from the blue sky rang out on Beiman Mountain in broad daylight, followed by a gust of wind. The originally clear day was covered with dark clouds in an instant, as if a sudden heavy rain was coming soon.

Under another mound in Beimang, a group of people were sitting on it basking in the sun. Seeing the sudden change in the sky, they immediately screamed: "This is why it's going to rain, third brother, third brother, hurry up and set up a tent!" .”

Zhang San was busy looking at the grave, but when he looked back, it was really cloudy, and he hurriedly started to set up the tent.

The thin man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks couldn't help complaining: "Third brother, let's just find a grave and we'll be done. There's nothing else on Beimang Mountain. Just shovel down and there's a grave. Why go to such a remote place?"

Zhang San cursed while pitching the tent: "Monkey, you are also an old man in our business, what are you thinking about tofu?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the ravine in front of him: "I saw it just now, and the ravine just now was very deep, and there must be an old pit underneath. The imitations in our hands are all styles from the Tang Dynasty. Why do you want to find an old man from the Tang Dynasty?" It’s the pits that look good, otherwise people with a discerning eye will see the problem at a glance, and they’re just playing a fart.”

The monkey was stunned when he heard the words, and thought about it for the same reason, but he couldn't help but feel a little unconvinced, and couldn't help muttering, "This...they may not be able to see it, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang San's face was half dark, "You are stupid, you are really stupid, do you think those rich businessmen are fools?? If they are all like you, how can they get rich??"

The monkey was so scolded that he couldn't lift his head up, and everyone burst into laughter. The monkey's face was flushed with embarrassment. There was a flash of resentment.

Seeing the monkey admitting his mistake, Zhang San blushed immediately, raised his head, and continued to preach to everyone.

"We must have an attitude in everything we do. We must keep pace with the times. Do you understand? I heard that what is popular in Hong Kong... what... Sister Feng, every time they serve a full set of tricks, it's too much work." , more expensive, and customers are willing to spend, we also have to do a full set, focus on quality, and guarantee service, so that we can make a lot of money."

Zhang San simply began to summarize for them. Their important service is to let the guests experience the excitement of tomb robbery, but also to ensure the safety of the guests. The sense of mystery is full. It's time to experience life.

In case you really encounter a nonsense Lengtouqing, it will be convenient for them to quarrel. In the future, they will hang a sign of a travel company. If anyone comes to the door, they will say that they provide travel services, and they will not refund any money.

He talked more and more vigorously, and he felt that his head was full of ideas, and ideas for making money popped up one after another.

"Brother, you really know a lot. Our brothers will follow you to make a fortune, and the days are getting brighter and brighter. When the time comes, you can ask me for a daughter-in-law."

A young man looked at Zhang San adoringly.

Zhang San enjoyed it very much. With such gaze, he raised his nose and said, "Medium!"

(End of this chapter)

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