Infinite script kill

Chapter 277 Arrangements Clearly

Chapter 277 Arrangements Clearly

Leaving aside the episode of Zhang San and his group, Xu Tong looked at the dark clouds above his head, and could vaguely see a vague outline in the air.

Seeing this, he was not only not afraid, but continued to raise his head and said: "What you care about is not the people at all, but the incense, and the class. Whether it will affect your existence, you are afraid! You are afraid that the people will have faith, and you are afraid that the country will be strong. , when everyone can know that the theory of ghosts and gods is illusory, and when people no longer regard ignorance as the mainstream, you dross will have no future."

Xu Tong said that those angry images in his mind were swept away, and his eyes became clearer.

The picture in my mind also began to change. It was a piece of news. Under the distant and cold Mount Everest, a group of lovely people held steel guns and stood on the border line defying the wind and snow.

When the flood broke out, people did not pray for the blessing of the so-called gods, because in front of them, there was a dam built with flesh and blood.

When the epidemic broke out, the gates of the temple were closed, and a group of angels in white went upstream.

There are too many pictures, making the sneaky whispers close their mouths obediently.

Xu Tong's black and white eyes watched these pictures silently, but his mind became calmer, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the fool.

Perhaps they are unknown, but this does not affect the kindness in their hearts, or even the mission on their shoulders.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his head and looked at the figure in the sky: "Dregs like you deserve only to be reduced to dust and disappear in the long river of history."

Outraged! !

There was a muffled sound from the sky, and Black Shadow Wuyan just opened his big hands, trying to inject more black mist into this mortal body. She didn't believe how much a mortal guy could bear the pressure of her own strength. erosion.

"Teacher! Run, this thing is angry!"

The big girl's voice that came from Xu Tong's ear, it seems that even she didn't expect that the head teacher's words angered the god, and even wanted to deal with him at all costs.

Even if it is the shell of a god, it is still a god. Although it is a product of illusory, it also has dreadful divine power.

I saw the black cloud falling from her palm, and the billowing black cloud poured into Xu Tong's body like a tide. Xu Tong's face became more and more ugly, and his brows were tightly knit together, as if he was constantly enduring the erosion of the darkness. His face became pale.

In the black cloud, there are five poisonous evils, which are exactly what I just said, killing, stealing, adultery, lying, and drinking.

Whoever kills a life will be punished, and the catastrophe is imminent, and he will be hacked into pieces.

Those who steal will be in danger, their limbs will be damaged, and they will be rotten.

Those who commit sexual misconduct should be destined to suffer from qi and misfortune, become weak in body and faint in mind, and lose their children and grandchildren.

Those who tell lies should have a hurdle of blood, and misfortune comes out of their mouths, and the nine clans are implicated.

People who drink alcohol should have the pain of viscera, the five viscera are incomplete, and they will not die well.

The five poisons of misfortune gathered into a group of dark power, penetrated into Xu Tong's body, and it was like a curse, not only to corrupt his soul, but also to torture him so that his life would be worse than death.

"Please forgive me!"

Shadow slowly raised her hand, as if she didn't want to kill this human being just like this. She could vaguely feel that there seemed to be something very precious in this human being, and it even made it difficult for her to figure out what it was. It's very important, even more important than Xianbao.

"Do not!!"

Xu Tong clutched his chest, the corner of his lips had been bitten and a stream of blood dripped down the corner of his lips, but his eyes were still glaring at the sky like torches.

"Then be swallowed by darkness and become my puppet."

Seeing that he was stubborn, the slightly drooping eyes in the shadows slowly opened, and one hand fell, a large amount of dark breath poured out of the palm like a waterfall, Xu Tong swayed, and the person lay on the ground, not even a finger Can't move.

There were bursts of wailing screams from his mouth, but the strange thing was that the screams became more miserable, but the person didn't change at all.

No, strictly speaking, there are changes. For example, his skin is getting finer and smoother, and his hair is growing wildly. In the blink of an eye, his head is full of black hair like a waterfall.

Gradually, this god began to notice that something was wrong. I have been working for a long time, and you screamed so loudly, but I didn't see what's wrong with you? ?If it were someone else, it would be over long ago, right? ?
Don't say she is strange, the big girl standing at the entrance of the hall can't help staring at her head teacher with wide eyes.

I began to mutter in my heart: "The five evil gods are also called the five poison gods. In my impression, they are demon gods. Even if there is only a shell in front of them, they are still gods after all. So reckless and full-strength. Why is the breath not only not weak, but getting stronger and stronger?"

As Da Ya said, Xu Tong screamed miserably, but there was nothing wrong with it, instead he was in pain and happy.

I saw that the black mist drilled into the back of the body, and was quickly absorbed by his own body.

This is naturally due to [Dark Physique]'s active skill, Heart of the Abyss.

As the only active skill of [Dark Physique], this skill did not disappoint him, and it was worthy of its special name, Heart of the Abyss.

Heart of the Abyss: Consume 20 script points to devour all the dark power in your body, and each time you devour it, you will increase your dark physique by one level.

After Xu Tong activated the heart of the abyss, the dark power on his body was swallowed instantly, and it was swallowed continuously.

My dark physique dropped by one level before, but now I have re-upgraded and returned to LV2 level.

And now it has broken through to LV3 level, and even has a feeling of continuing to break through.

At this time, his cry became more and more tragic, heart-piercing, almost making those who heard it sad and the listener shed tears, but he was roaring in his heart: "More, more, so little is not enough to eat!!"

Finally, when Xu Tong was about to break through to LV4, the God of Five Evils, who was belatedly aware of it, finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to take back his power.

Seeing this, Xu Tong stared: "Don't run away, let me take another breath!"

As he said that, his eyes glowed with green light, and with the help of Da Ya's strength, he saw clearly the giant palm that Wu'er God was about to withdraw. With a jump, his body jumped up into the air, and rushed up to meet the raised big hand.

Seeing that this guy was actually addicted to food, Wu Eshen was startled, and hurried to take back the remaining power in the air.

But how could Xu Tong let her get what she wanted? He was just short of it. If he couldn't catch up, he didn't know how long he would have to wait for the next trip.

"Bring it to you!"

He opened his hands, the extreme flame turbine was activated, and a stream of air whirled rapidly in the palm of his hand, bursting out with terrible suction, and unexpectedly snatched the cloud of black mist back from the hands of the Five Evil Gods.

"Teacher about urination!!"

The three of the big girls stood at the entrance of the hall and watched, seeing that the head teacher dared to snatch it from the hands of the gods, and actually won the snatch, they couldn't help screaming wildly.

If this is for them, they can't even think about it.

The Five Evil Gods can't do anything to teach them, but they can be dealt with with just one slap and their vitality will be severely injured.

The God of Five Evils was also stunned. He thought that the damned villager who hid in the cave was fierce enough, but he didn't expect that there was a braver one here, who dared to snatch things from him.

After being horrified, there was naturally a fury of resentment. Seeing that Xu Tong had taken away his power, the God of Five Evils was so furious that he slapped Xu Tong with his backhand.

But just at this time, Xu Tong's dark physique finally broke through to LV4 level. With the breakthrough of dark physique, Xu Tong's skin turned a faint pink, which actually made his sickly pale skin a little brighter. The look of a living person.

It's just that his nails suddenly became as slender and sharp as a zombie at this time, sharp fangs were exposed in his mouth, and there was a reddish light in his pupils, beating like flames.

"The power of the five evils has been successfully devoured, and your item card [Dark Physique] has been upgraded to LV4."

"Your [Dark Physique] has been improved, and the increase and reduction of the passive Dark Body have been increased to 50%."

"Because [Dark Physique] has been upgraded to LV4, you will gain a 15% increase in overall physique and a 20% increase in resistance to blows. Note: This effect is limited to the current level of the item card."

"The effect of the passive skill Night God's Caress has been increased to 35% skill damage and 30% cooldown."

"You have obtained an awakening skill, Kuroshio Strike."

Attack of the Kuroshio:

Consuming 60 script points, the Kuroshio can be summoned to deal corrosive damage to the target and devour the opponent's life force.

You can use the power of the Kuroshio to charge forward. The more life the Kuroshio consumes, the stronger the temporary boost you get.

Duration: 60 seconds

Cooling time: [-] days.

(Note: Charge, dark waves, spread darkness to the whole earth!)

Xu Tong raised his head to reveal his sharp fangs, and pushed his hands to the top of his head, a large piece of corrosive fire formed a blade of fire that burst out, forming a black fan of fire in mid-air.

The skill damage has been increased by 35%. The power of the Corrosive Fire is quite the same as that of No. [-]. The large flames burn like gasoline in the air.

Although it couldn't hurt the body of the Five Evil Gods, it also pierced the emptiness of the five Evil Gods' palms.

Suddenly, a flat thunder flashed in the sky, and the magnificent figure in front of him disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, in a forest in the eastern outskirts, a man hidden in a black robe slowly raised his head, looking in the direction of Beiman Mountain unexpectedly.

"Master? Is something wrong?"

Seeing that he suddenly stopped leaving, Jing Shoucheng couldn't help asking with a puzzled face.

Li Xi ignored him, just stretched out his hand and counted a few times on his fingertips, and then raised his head annoyed: "Hmph, it's fine that old thing broke one of the Five Evil Gods' arms last time, but he actually set up a trigger The evil pile cut off the energy source of the five evil gods, so that the power of the five evil gods was greatly damaged, and now the other arm was injured by someone."

It turns out that the iron nails that the master asked the white mouse to drive in the mountain earlier, and the stakes were used to prevent the five evil gods from continuing to absorb the evil spirit of Beimang. Part of the source of power of the five evil gods has been cut off, otherwise Xu Tong would be in trouble. Can be so easy.

After cutting off the source of the evil energy, Wu E God must not be able to sit still, but she has no way to break through the evil spirit, so she can only ask for help, so Xu Tong who is going to deliver the food must be the best choice.

But Xu Tong's dark physique, if she encounters those righteous gods, she will probably suffer a big loss, but when she encounters evil things like the Five Evil Gods, she is a natural nemesis. Not only did she not get any benefits, but she lost everything.

All of this was clearly arranged by the master early on...

(End of this chapter)

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