Chapter 279


Seeing the master's face like gold paper, Xu Tong and the others were really frightened. They felt that the master's hands were as cold as ice, and hurriedly took out the [Ling Rou Huoxue Pill] made by Ci Min before and gave it to him. Master feed it.

However, the master just waved his hand: "No, this thing is useless, the poison has already penetrated into the lungs."


Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Cimin, only to find that the people of Cimin had already taken advantage of the chaos and fled.

While running, he shouted: "Don't blame me, the contract is clearly written, we two are not allowed to hurt each other, but I can't hurt others without it!"

"Go to your uncle's contract!"

Xu Tong's eyes were red, and he jumped out with a stride. He now has a dark physique of LV4. Not only does he have a dark bonus at night, but he also has a qualitative leap in his overall physique. His strength is much higher than before. .

In a short stride, the man had already arrived behind Cimin, his eyes were full of murderous intent, Cimin's heart trembled in fright, and he almost knelt on the ground, but he knew that if he was a little slow at this time, he would be a dead end, so he did a backflip immediately, He fought hard and was punched by Xu Tong, knocked his back through the door and rolled out.

"If you want to run, take out the antidote!"

Xu Tong chased after him, but as soon as he walked out of the door, a black shadow stood in front of him. It was not a living person, but a puppet. The puppet held two knives and killed Xu Tong.

Xu Tong recognized it at a glance. This is the puppet technique of Qianshou. Maybe he would make a detour at another time, but now he is not in that mood, and a deep blue fire suddenly burst out from his body, and the flame turned into black on his body. With the battle armor, the terrifying magic flame turned dark red with the appearance of the battle armor.

Demon had arrived!Added two levels to the fire skill level.

Coupled with the terrifying 35% skill increase of the Dark Physique, the power has been turned upside down. With a slap, the terrible magic flame instantly burned the puppet to ashes.

Without slowing down at all, he went straight to Ci Min himself.

"Fuck!!! Help me!"

Seeing Xu Tong who was possessed by a demon king, Ci Min was dumbfounded, his brain was buzzing, and he ran back rolling and crawling.

Fortunately, when Qianshou was holding hands, someone had already rushed towards him, and a long black stick was slashed across the air. The body of the stick was already bent under the pressure of the air, and it was pulled down with a rapid sound of breaking the wind. .

Xu Tong frowned, and recognized the person as the young Hun Jianglong next to Qianshou.

As soon as he waved his hand, he saw the fat man appearing in front of him out of thin air, and quickly transformed into a paper armor form, with dense tentacles facing the long stick to block it.

"Clap clap clap!"

As soon as these tentacles touched the long stick, they were instantly shattered into countless pieces of paper. With a shake of the stick, shadows of the stick popped up all over the sky, as if they wanted to smash the fat man in front of him.

But at this moment, the big fat figure suddenly disappeared, and was recalled by Xu Tong again, causing countless shadows of sticks to hit the air, and the hand that had been burning with terrible magic flames took the opportunity to grab it and aimed at the empty space on Hun Jianglong's chest. File up.

"So fast!!"

Hunjianglong's pupils tightened. He never expected that Zhao Kuangsheng's strength had improved so much in such a short period of time. With such a domineering evil fire, he might be able to rank among the first-class masters in the world.

Seeing that he was already overwhelmed, and he was still in mid-air with nowhere to put his strength. Others could only wait for death, but Hun Jianglong was trained by Qianshou from a young age. In a critical moment, he twisted his waist and made a roundabout in the air. Dilong turned over and narrowly avoided Xu Tong's killing blow.

But as soon as he hid, Cimin was exposed behind him. Xu Tong's target was not Hun Jianglong, and seeing this, he continued to arrest Cimin.

"Help... help!!"

The Cimin people didn't have time to run away, thinking: "It's over, I know such a crazy task, I shouldn't take it!"

It was too late for Cimin to regret now, watching Xu Tong kill him, she could only pray that the protection effect of the contract would take effect immediately.


Fortunately, although his prayer had no prayer effect, Xu Tong had to withdraw his hand because a dagger had been attached to his back and stabbed him down.

【Feihong Strike】It can only be activated when the distance between the target and itself reaches within one meter. After activation, the Feihong Strike will be launched, which has 30% armor-piercing, serious injury, and disability effects.

The familiar murderous aura made Xu Tong aware of the danger.

But this time the opponent's plan will come to nothing, because Di An may never have imagined that last time he was not able to put his life on the line to kill Xu Tong, and he would never have this chance again.

Because now Xu Tong is not fighting alone, there is a hall standing in the void behind him staring there, especially the big girl's blue eyes, which have been staring at Dean's sneaky figure early in the morning.

At the moment when the dagger stabbed, Xu Tong had already made up his mind. He slapped the ground with both hands, and the magic armor on his body exploded.

"not good!"

Faced with the terrifying Demon Flame Dian's face showed horror, he never expected that Xu Tong had discovered himself.

The so-called way of an assassin is that there is death but no life, and often life and death are divided in the blink of an eye. Once someone detects the whereabouts in advance, it is tantamount to death.

Dian was able to become the top [-] masters under the certified players, relying on his sneaky and silent body skills, and the invincible [Flying Rainbow Strike] extreme method made his achievements, and also doomed his death.

Facing the sudden burst of magic flames, Dian instinctively wanted to run away, but they were too close, and before a thought flashed in his mind, the flames had already hit him hard.

The magic flame with the addition of the devil's arrival and the dark physique is so overbearing.

With just a moment of contact, Dean's body instantly turned into a fireball and flew backwards.


Under the screams, Dean frantically tore his clothes, but the overbearing power of the demon was beyond everyone's expectations. When the clothes were torn off, the flames attached to his body and continued to burn.

During the burning process, I was so lucky that I triggered the passive effect of [Embers], Jhin!

Passive Skill 2: Jhin
When the target takes damage, there is a 10% chance to trigger Bonefire.

(Note: Bone Flame is not a special item and cannot be dispelled. It will continuously burn the opponent's flesh and blood, making the wound unable to heal and worsening over time.)
For a moment, Dian could even hear his own flesh being carbonized, making a sound like firewood.


Ci Min stared blankly at Di An who had been burned into charcoal, his face was blue, and he kicked back unconsciously. Suddenly, he felt his shoulders sink. When he turned around, he saw that Qian Shou and the others had no idea what to do. Time stood behind him.

Seeing that everyone from Qianshou came, Cimin breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly hugged Qianshou's thigh: "I succeeded, I succeeded, Xue Gui has already been poisoned by my Qianji cold poison, and he can't die. Far!"

The group of people behind Qianshou was also hurriedly summoned by him. As soon as they arrived here, they saw Ci Min who rushed out from inside, and Xu Tong who was chasing after him.

Just when they were still shocked by the astonishing power of Zhao Kuangsheng's terrifying magic flame, they suddenly froze in place when they heard Ci Min's words.

Immediately, several old people closed their eyes and watched, looking through the eyes of their hearts, passing through the gate of the Shangqing Palace, they saw Xue Gui, whose face was like gold paper, lying on the ground vomiting blood.

In the darkness, Li Xi also came out, looked sideways, and found that the last ray of destiny on Xue Gui's body was beginning to dim and was about to go out.

"Hahaha, the sky is about to change! The days are coming to an end, and no one can stop us from waiting!" Seeing that the light of destiny was about to go out, Li Xi laughed wildly, and immediately cast affirmative glances at Ci Min.

"Very good, you have done a very good job, after we open the Yin-Yang Dao, your merits will be indispensable!"

Even though Li Xi deliberately lowered his voice, the uncontrollable joy made his voice tremble.

Ci Min nodded frantically, but he kept hiding behind. He knew too well how desperate Xu Tong was when he became crazy. If he really wanted to take revenge on him regardless, he might not escape death.

Besides, his mission has already been completed, staying here to watch the excitement will only increase the number of variables, it is better to hide as far away as possible, and it is better to come out by himself when all the dust settles.

Xu Tong looked at Ci Min's figure with cold eyes, and didn't chase him any further. Instead, he walked to Di An's corpse in a leisurely manner, and reached out to grab the item book floating on the corpse.

In terms of Di An's strength, the item cards in his item book must contain a lot of valuable top-quality item cards, but Xu Tong didn't even take a look at them, and decisively chose to draw all his item points.

A well-known Assassin player, Dean follows all the old Assassin's creeds, including the desire for riches.

That's why he actually accumulated a large amount of script points in his item book, a total of 980 points.

This is still a part of his consumption in entering the world of this script, otherwise he would probably have thousands of script points.

With such a huge amount of wealth, Dian is of course paving the way for himself to be promoted to a certified player, but he didn't expect that he would die so miserably.

Xu Tong accepted the script, but there was no joy on his face.

He looked coldly at Qianshou, Li Xi and his group and stepped forward to meet them.

Until he stopped in front of the line mark drawn by the master last time, he was the one who harmed the master, so this fate should be carried on by himself.

He took out the [Ling Rou Huoxue Pill] and put it in his mouth, raised his eyebrows, called out from the hall behind him, stretched out his hand, Fa Cai flew out of the hall, turned into two large golden knives, and was held by Xu Tong .

Daofeng pointed at the crowd in front of him: "Those who jump the line... Kill without mercy!"

(Note: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Last time I owed you two updates. I will send the little boy to school tomorrow, and I will add more updates when I come back. This wave of climax is destined to be vigorous. After writing this wave of climax, this volume It's coming to an end.)
(End of this chapter)

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