Infinite script kill

Chapter 280 Li Xi's Shot

Chapter 280 Li Xi's Shot
Dressed in a black robe, he is active without wind, and the direction of the blade is full of arrogance.

Taking one person as an enemy against the entire alien world, in the eyes of everyone, is like a mantis trying to kill himself.

But when they saw Xu Tong standing in front of him with double blades in his hands, many strangers showed fear and even took two steps back involuntarily.

There is no other, just because the name of Zhao Kuangsheng is so impressive.

In Jianghu, junior disciples always add a sentence in front of their self-reported family background. When everyone hears it, oh, it turns out that you are so-and-so's apprentice.

This is not only to tell the history and reveal the identity, but also an invisible sign.

For example, if you say that you are the great-great-great-grandson of Dao Wang Wu, people don’t care who you are, but they will know who you are immediately after hearing about Da Dao Wang Wu.

The signboards are shown, and it is also to borrow the momentum of the teacher to come out, so the juniors who walk the rivers and lakes are not strong and not famous, this is the textbook-like appearance plan.

After the strength and reputation have been played out, there is no need for this set.

This is the case with Zhao Kuangsheng in front of him. There was a big explosion at the freight station, which killed so many strangers. Who knows that this kid is a desperate Saburo, and he is really desperate to play.

Immediately following the ghost market, at the risk of offending other people in the world, it burned the sky lanterns, causing chaos in the ghost market. Not to mention, this kid actually invited Qiye and Baye, two great gods, to guard the market.

Regardless of the rules, he established himself in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

In any case, the word "crazy" hangs in his head is not empty at all.

Furthermore, looking at the charred corpse on the ground, who can say that he has no mad capital? ?
This guy is going to risk his life. It would be a lie to say that no one of these aliens is afraid.

But when I saw many old seniors present, and even the master Li Xi also came, the timidity in my heart disappeared immediately.

"I'll kill you!"

Hun Jianglong stepped forward with a stick in his hand. Although he dodged Xu Tong's deadly palm just now, he actually lost half of the move. How could he, who is arrogant, be so perfunctory? He must find it again. place.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tong glanced at him and said with a contemptuous sneer, "You are not worthy!"

After finishing speaking, his eyes searched for something in the crowd, until he saw Jing Shoucheng in the corner and said: "It's almost the same with you."

Everyone heard the words and looked around, only to see Jing Shoucheng standing in the most inconspicuous place.

After being named by Xu Tong in public, Jing Shoucheng frowned slightly, but he didn't seem to intend to respond to Xu Tong. After all, his target was not him, but...

Jing Shoucheng looked at the gate of Shangqing Palace, and the things inside were his ultimate goal.

Everyone looked at Jingshou City, their eyes could not help but look forward to it. After all, no one knows how strong this young man is. They only know that the other party once shook an old senior back with a motionless palm. A record of shots.

However, Li Xi once told Qian Shou in private that this young junior is no less powerful than a top first-class expert, and may even be stronger.

"Why, I asked the two of you to come together, don't you dare to come?" Xu Tong continued to provoke: "It seems that you are just a piece of trash!"

Hearing Xu Tong's provocative voice, everyone raised their brows, looking forward to a fierce battle.

However, to their disappointment, in the face of Xu Tong's provocation, Jing Shoucheng seemed to be blind and ignored it at all. After a while, he smiled calmly and said: "Why do I come to kill you? Brother Long alone is enough!" carry on."

Although these words were beautiful, it inevitably attracted a burst of booing among the aliens, and some young aliens who had never seen Jingshoucheng even whispered.

"I thought this guy had superpowers, and he didn't dare to make a move after being provoked like this. I'm afraid he's not an idiot."

"That's not true. If you really have the ability, you should make a name for yourself at this time. You should step on Zhao Kuangsheng's head and go up. There is no reason to retreat."

Strangers in the rivers and lakes compete for fame and fortune, fighting for their lives, earning fame, and winning profits. How can anyone shrink back when they encounter an opportunity to stand out?
In their eyes, this is a great opportunity. If it weren't for the younger generation who thought they were not strong enough and dared not rush forward, I'm afraid they would have been impatient to rush up to compete, even if they couldn't kill Zhao Kuangsheng. As long as he walks a dozen or so rounds under his command, he can also win a reputation in the Jianghu.

At least when it comes to people in the future, everyone knows that there is such a person who once fought against the famous and vicious Zhao Kuangsheng, and retreated unscathed.

Naturally, everyone's discussions could not escape the eyes and ears of Jing Shoucheng, but he turned a deaf ear to them and didn't care about these discussions at all. He looked at Xu Tong with a half-smile, as if he had seen through his performance.

"Old Fox!"

Seeing that Jing Shoucheng was not fooled at all, Xu Tong glanced back at the direction of Shangqing Palace from the corner of his eye, and frowned for a moment. This guy was far more calm than himself.

This guy made an exception and came to this script world for the so-called fairy treasure.

As for other tasks, he doesn't care at all. This kind of character, who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles, will feel like a tiger eating a turtle and can't eat it.

Now I can only hope that this guy Gao Zhuo can guard his master well, and that the corpses he refined recently can come in handy.

Now that things have happened, I have no way out, I can only take one step at a time, even if it is a hard kill, I have to lead my master to fight a bloody way out.

"Long'er, let's make a quick decision. We still have plenty of time, but it's not worth wasting on him!"

Qian Shou said that he was about to come out, as if he wanted to work with Hun Jianglong to solve the stumbling block in front of him by himself.

When he made this move, many old seniors couldn't help but secretly scolded Qianshou, an old ghost, how shameless he was.

But Qianshou doesn't care so much, at this age, he already has a deep understanding of the words "the winner is king", so what's the shame? ?If you want face, go home and eat milk, what kind of world are you messing around with? ?

It's just that Qianshou was about to walk forward, but one hand was slowly pressing on his shoulder, and when he turned around, he found that it was actually Li Xi.

"I'll still come."

The short five words, clear and clear, like pearls falling to the ground, echoed in everyone's ears, everyone was surprised now.

Even Qian Shou himself was shocked. Taking action against Xu Tong in his capacity had raised Xu Tong to a higher level. If Xu Tong survived this catastrophe, I am afraid that no one in the world will really know the king from now on. .

But now it was Li Xi who made the move in person, and even the guards in the capital couldn't help but look sideways with surprise in their eyes.

"This..." Qianshou hesitated for a few seconds, and opened his mouth to persuade him again.

But Li Xi just waved his hand: "It's okay, after losing for so long, it's time to boost everyone's morale."

As he spoke, he walked towards Xu Tong slowly, no, to be precise, he walked towards the line that Xue Gui left on the ground step by step.


Looking at the figure that came out, Da Ya stood upright with cold hair all over her body, screamed, stomped her feet anxiously, and looked up, only to see a chaotic light above Li Xi's head, like a tiger falling from the sky, giving out a deafening roar The sound is like swallowing the whole world.

"Official black tiger!"

Da Ya's heart was flustered, as a great fairy, of course she knew that this was a rare fate.

The so-called partial officials, two yangs restrain each other, and two yins restrain each other, because they are of the same sex, such as Renshui's destiny, with Wutu as the sign of seven kills, and the master of the black tiger, it is even more evil. It is destined to cause chaos in the world.

Fate is difficult to say, but it is extremely important, and the fate of Heihu Tunyue, who is in charge of the Seven Kills, is born with a rebellious back.

Just like the skin on Xu Tong's body, it belongs to someone who is not familiar with it.

Often people with this kind of fate will never live beyond the age of 20. They will either die from accidents or die prematurely.

But it just happened to be such a coincidence that Li Xi was so lucky that he was born in a farmer's family and met a Taoist from Maoshan. The Taoist saw Li Xi's fate and wanted to kill him, but Li Xi was very serious. Bring him a bowl of water.

Now the Taoist was moved with compassion, so he simply used secret methods to cover up Li Xi's fate, and brought Maoshan to teach him well.

Little did he know that this moment planted a great calamity, and even set a catastrophe for Taoist priests in the future.

Time flies, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye, the young Heihu has grown old and mature, walking towards Xu Tong with exactly the same steps as Li Xi.

Glancing at the line that was only a foot away from his feet, a sinister smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Teacher, run!"

Da Ya was screaming frantically, but Xu Tong had no intention of retreating at all.

Seeing Li Xi stepping forward, stepping towards the line in front of him, he frowned, raised the large knife in his hand, and slashed at it.

"That's not how knives are used. You should go back and learn from your teacher for a few more years. Oh, no, you can't go back today."

Li Xi looked at the attacking blade, and finally raised his palm slowly under the eyes of everyone.

As soon as he raised his hand, he didn't see any further movement from him. Blood sprayed on Xu Tong's body suddenly. After a moment, Li Xi appeared in front of him.

With a flash in front of Xu Tong's eyes, he resolutely gave up the two sabers, turned into a pair of tiger claws clasped in his hands, and leaned forward.

With his hands behind his back, Li Xi flew leisurely, his toes pointing, and his body tilted backwards as if ignoring gravity.Xu Tong's offensive continued unabated, and the magic power in his hands was activated again, and the dark blue flames flickered in his palms.

Li Xi's face moved, and between his brows, he seemed to see the figure of Huo Wuji on Xu Tong's body. He couldn't help but pause, and was grabbed by Xu Tong's lightning-like body.

"Be careful!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that Zhao Kuangsheng's evil fire was extremely domineering, and they were afraid that Li Xi would suffer if he was careless.

But the strange thing is that Li Xi didn't intend to fight back at all. He let Xu Tong grab it with his big hand and shouted. The fire of corrosion was also activated at the same time, and the two kinds of dark fires exploded at the same time. Once loose, Li Xi can be turned into a torch.

But in the subtlest moment, he suddenly saw a sarcastic smile flashing in the eyes of Li Xi in front of him!
It would be like the expression of a confident hunter looking at the prey that fell into his trap!
"There is a fraud!"

Xu Tong was startled, and immediately realized that the feeling of weightlessness was coming from his hand, and what he caught was just a phantom!
"Young man, too much anger will hurt your body!" A faint teasing voice came from behind his ears.

Under the light of the moonlight, it fell gracefully and clearly, and the large black gown blended with the bright light, but it gave people a strange illusion of the end of the world, as if the vast black snow was falling in the sky , is constantly falling down.

But Li Xi's body was standing behind Xu Tong at this time, a finger seemed to pass through time, and when he stretched out his hand, a bloody hole exploded in Xu Tong's chest...

(End of this chapter)

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