Infinite script kill

Chapter 281 Don't move, keep watching!

Chapter 281 Don't move, keep watching!


A fountain of blood gushed out from his chest, and the pain split along the chest cavity like a spider web.

Li Xiren stood there, and the moonlight would become his spotlight.In his indifferent eyes, there is an aura of indifference to all living beings and everything, as if the gods on the altar are watching the world with cold eyes for a hundred years, life and death!
That kind of aura like a human god made everyone tremble, and it penetrated into the bones of people.

This kind of powerful aura cannot be cultivated overnight.

Maybe you can be high and powerful, maybe you have a wealth of wealth, or you are an extremely talented person, but what are you in front of the years? ?

Li Xi looked at Xu Tong, he had seen too many geniuses like him in his life, some of them could be named, some could not be named, and some of them had long been forgotten by him.

Even if it is such a top hero like Shu Yuqing or Xue Gui in the Dharma-ending era, in his long century of time, he has seen more masters who master the door of mystery.

For example, Fu Anning, the supervisor of the Qin Tianjian, was the supervisor of the Qin Tianjian. Although the official status of the fifth rank is not big, it is now at least a department-level cadre.

Oh, it is still at the level of the Beijing government, so one can imagine how many secrets it has mastered.

Such a character, in the end, can only abandon his family and children, and flee overseas alone in order to survive.

From the beginning to the end, Li Xi played the role of a cold-eyed bystander, watching the rise and fall of dynasties and the change of eras. Only after such long years and adventures can he develop such an aura of indifference to the world.

"Grand Master!!"

Finally, someone in the crowd shouted, it was still the same place, and the same voice, but it brought the completely opposite mood to many different people.

If Xue Gui's "Great Master" sounded like a basin of cold water was poured on everyone's heads, it completely extinguished the fire in everyone's heart.

Then Li Xi's appearance was like a stimulant, making everyone's blood boil.

Xu Tong clutched his chest, the injury was serious, a single finger of an ordinary person would kill him.

But he has a dark physique, and after eating [Ling Rou Huoxue Pill], he obtained two special bonuses of warming Qi and nourishing vitality, and blood Qi like a furnace.

The wound healed quickly.

Seeing this, Li Xi frowned slightly, looked up and down to look at Xu Tong again, and then shook his head: "Go now, I will spare your life."

"Coincidentally, that's what I wanted to say!" Xu Tong puffed out his chest and raised his hands violently, which was exactly the master's trick of worshiping the mountain buckle.

In an instant, the world in front of Li Xi's eyes turned gray, and strands of dark air flow flashed around him, and these air currents gathered together seemed to tear a gap leading to hell out of nothingness.

Li Xi looked into the gap in surprise, and when he saw the sneaky figure looming in the overlapping buildings, his cold face let out an "oh" with great interest.

It's just an oh, because Xu Tong's mountain worship button just tore a crack, which is almost painless to him.

"It's really enviable to be able to understand the mystery between reality and reality at such a young age!"

Li Xi's voice was very soft, but there was a murderous look in every word. When he changed his voice, his voice seemed to have cooled down to an ice cellar: "But your master probably never told you that this move of yours must never be used. On someone whose Fate is stronger than you."

As soon as the words were finished, a black tiger suddenly shot out from above Li Xi's head. The black tiger's huge body was as huge as a mountain. When it was slapped with a sharp claw, the nothingness in front of him instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xi flicked his fingers lightly, and an invisible force actually caused the surrounding branches to float up. With a hook, the branches galloped through the void like flying swords, and silently surrounded him like eight vicious snakes in the night. It circled back and forth and bit towards Xu Tong!

The mountain worship buckle was broken, and Xu Tong was instantly struck by lightning, his head became dizzy as if he had been hit by something with a hammer.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack..." The beating sound was fast and urgent.

Even though it was just a branch, under the blessing of Li Xi's special strength, pulling it down with a stick immediately caused his flesh and blood to splatter, and his skin was ripped open.

"Imperial Art?"

Everyone was shocked. It is said that the art of imperial objects originated in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and it is said that it has the ability of imperial objects in the air.

Later, I heard that there was a Jiangyang thief in the northwest, relying on this art of imperialism, he succeeded many times, at first he robbed the rich and helped the poor, and later he simply became a robber.

Until he was captured by an expert from the government and chopped off his head, the art of imperial object was lost.

Unexpectedly, it would reappear in the world in Li Xi's hands today.

Li Xi's movements were as he wished, like a hunter chasing prey that had fallen into a trap at will. He was no longer just hunting, but teasing like a cat and a mouse.

Blood splashed in the air, and the branches were already stained red with blood, and there was even flesh hanging from them.

The pain of skinning and bone scraping made Xu Tong's body bloody in an instant.

It made everyone present feel terrified, isn't this incomparable to Ling Chi?

Li Xi's strength is truly extraordinary, these eight trees flew halfway, suddenly collided with each other, changed directions, and completed a terrifying encirclement from left to right, top to bottom, it was really unavoidable , hard to guard against!A violent attack suddenly landed on Xu Tong's body, cutting Xu Tong's body for a moment with bloody wounds.

But from the beginning to the end, everyone always felt that something was wrong, as if something was missing...

What is missing? ?
Everyone couldn't tell, but at this moment, Li Xi waved his hand suddenly, and the eight branches suddenly changed direction, and the fragile branches burst out with murderous intent, like arrows piercing Xu Tong's body.


Finally, when the scream came out from Xu Tong's mouth, everyone felt at ease. That's right, what was missing was the scream.

"You are very resistant, I thought you were dumb!"

Hearing the belated scream, Li Xi's face softened a lot, obviously this scream made him feel a lot more at ease.

Xu Tong raised his head, there was no good skin on his face, but he was still smiling, with a ferocious smile on his blood-stained face: "Fortunately, it's much quieter than when you entered the palace as a eunuch, little girl!" Xizi, have you got that thing back? It’s not still in my arms, is it?”

Li Xi's pupils tightened, Xu Tong's words undoubtedly hit his weakness hard.

After he betrayed the Maoshan sect, he was hunted down all the way. In the end, he really had nowhere to run. He gritted his teeth and chose to enter the palace as an eunuch. Even if the Maoshan sect had great abilities, he would not dare to enter the palace to kill people. He was given a chance to escape by chance.

This matter has always been a pain in his heart. After all, even if he has unrivaled power, he cannot change his status as a eunuch.

This matter was exposed by Xu Tong in public, Li Xi squinted at the crowd, and sure enough, he saw many people discussing in low voices.

Qian Shou immediately reprimanded Xu Tong angrily: "You dare to splash dirty water when you are about to die."

However, his defense is obviously a little weak, after all, the beggars can hear the things, and I believe that many people present have also vaguely heard similar news.

It's just that no one has evidence, let alone dare to offend Li Xi.

"Hehehe, don't believe me, you want him to take off his pants to show everyone how the operation is going, oh, I'm familiar with this, or I'll give you a set of micro-plastic surgery, the skills are definitely better than those in the palace .”

Xu Tong looked at Li Xi's crotch with both eyes. Although his face was covered with blood, the look in those eyes was intriguing.

Li Xi's face was as usual, but there was already anger in his eyes, after all, no one would be able to stand being poked at their scars and scolded.

Although it is said that elephants can ignore the provocations of ants, the problem is that Li Xi is not an elephant, and Xu Tong is not an ant.

Immediately, the figure flashed, and the person had already come in front of Xu Tong, and when he raised his hand, thunder light appeared in the palm of his hand, the secret method of Maoshan sect, thunder in the palm of his hand.

Seeing the thunder light falling on his head, Xu Tong's eyes flashed, and he raised his hand brazenly to grab it.

"court death!!"

Seeing that Xu Tong dared to meet Li Xi's palm thunder, Qianshou couldn't help laughing and shouting, that is the authentic thunder method of Maoshan, and it is said that it can compete with Zhengyang Lei of Longhushan, ordinary people dare to fight recklessly , This is not what courting death is.

Sure enough, before Xu Tong's palm touched Li Xi's, the silver lightning had already torn his flesh apart. He had a dark physique, so facing such a force as thunder and lightning, the damage would naturally be doubled.

But Xu Tong didn't care, looked straight at Li Xi, and silently said three words: "Dark Lord!"

The three words that seemed to have infinite magic power changed Li Xi's face greatly. In his eyes, Xu Tong was like an ant that could be easily crushed to death, but at this moment, the ant suddenly turned into a deadly poisonous snake.

The dark red magic flame was in his palm, and Li Xi was shocked by the terrible high temperature for an instant. He stepped back quickly, and his figure was already more than ten meters away.

"What's going on here!!" Everyone's jaws almost dropped in shock. They never imagined that Li Xi, who is a grand master, would be forced to retreat by a rising star like Zhao Jian.

Li Xi flew back with his front feet, and Xu Tong followed up with his back feet. He was surrounded by thick black mist, and even his entire face was surrounded by a dull dark light, giving people The feeling seems to be black in front of one's eyes!
The activation of the Dark Lord, coupled with the addition of the Dark Physique, and the addition of the Corrosion Fire, this moment is destined to become the most terrifying explosive power since he became a player.

Wherever it passed, billowing black mist surged, and the terrifying temperature distorted the air.

"No, please help!!"

Seeing Xu Tong bursting out with such terrifying power, Qianshou panicked and shouted for everyone to go up together.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo, who was hiding behind the gate of the Shangqing Palace watching the battle, his eyes were red, and he cursed loudly: "Bah, you old bastards are shameless, I will fight with you!"

Speaking of Gao Zhuo, he was about to jump out, but just as he stood up, a hand came out from behind and pressed it on his shoulder: "Don't move, keep watching!"

"Look at you..." Gao Zhuo was also in a hurry. He raised his arms and was about to open the hands on his shoulders, but when he turned his head, his eyes suddenly widened: "Fuck, old... woo woo woo!!"

Covering Gao Zhuo's mouth with a generous hand, he saw that the old man Xue Gui who was lying on the ground stood behind him at some point, covering Gao Zhuo's mouth with one hand, his eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn't take his eyes off Staring at Xu Tong's body, the other hand unexpectedly held a handful of melon seeds to his mouth and began to nibble.

(End of this chapter)

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