Chapter 282 Hole cards in and out (this chapter is not counted today, it was updated yesterday)


In the black mist, two red lights flickered, and the source of the two red lights was Xu Tong's eyes, and the two red lights danced like flames in the eyes.

The speed and talent are completely different, and what is even more frightening is the dark red fire, which makes people have the illusion that even the soul will be swallowed up just by looking at it.

There are no moves, just scratching and dancing wildly, relying on the powerful lethality of the magic flame and the corrosive fire, a wave of the hand will make the fire blaze, and it will be disabled when it touches it, and it will die if it touches it. No other moves are effective.

Li Xi's figure kept retreating, even the great master had to choose to avoid his edge.

Li Xi was surprised by Xu Tong's sudden increase in strength, but he didn't pay attention to the strange fire he attacked. What really shocked him was the blurry outline behind Xu Tong.

"what is that??"

It was not only Li Xi who noticed something strange about Xu Tong, but also Da Ya and Ji Xiang.

As soon as the two guys raised their heads, a huge black shadow crawled on top of Xu Tong's head, as if it was about to press on the entrance of the hall. The black shadow could only see the outline, but could not see the lineup clearly. He kept biting Xu Tong's body, as if enjoying his flesh and blood.

"Is this fate??" Da Ya has been enshrined in the Hu family for so many years, and she has never seen any strange fate, but the fate taught by her own family makes her elusive.

At this moment, it felt as if some foreign fate was forcibly crawling on Xu Tong's body.

This powerful fate blessing undoubtedly increased the power of the head teacher out of thin air, but this fate is too big, to the point that ordinary people can't bear it.

That's why there is such a state of backlash against its master.

If there is someone who has eyes and supernatural powers here at this moment, he must be able to see that the black tiger behind Li Xi at this moment has started to be passive and sabotage, just like Li Xi, lying on the ground, lying on his ears With its sharp claws, it looked ferocious, but it had been squeezed back by the huge monster on the head teacher.

Xu Tong didn't know the fate that Daya saw. This was the second time he activated the Dark Lord. At the moment he became the Dark Lord, Xu Tong felt as if his whole body was about to be set on fire.

He knew very well in his heart that this was the price of activating the Dark Lord, and it was an equivalent exchange for flesh and blood sacrifices.

The stronger the power, the more astonishing the price to bear. The moment the Dark Lord turned on, he felt like he was about to shed a layer of skin.

The pain in this is hard for outsiders to understand.

In Xu Tong's mind, even that flirty gentleman was dancing in the sea of ​​flowers, enjoying the taste of his own flesh and blood.

Fortunately, with Ci Min refining [Lingzhi Huoxue Pill] and the rapid recovery of the dark physique, Xu Tong was not at all worried about whether he would suddenly die suddenly.

This is the reason why he dared to be an enemy of all the different people in front of him.

"kill him!!"

Qianshou and others also rushed up,
Although these strangers didn't know what happened to Xu Tong, they all knew one thing at this moment, and they must not let this guy survive.

Otherwise, everyone will never want to live in peace in the future.

Black smoke billowed around Xu Tong, and wherever he passed, the ground would be burnt to scorched earth.

Qian Shou and the others naturally didn't dare to step forward easily, but they were good at attacking the underhand and making cold arrows.

A sorcerer holding a command talisman made a move, intending to curse and kill Xu Tong.

However, as soon as he made a move, he found that Xu Tong had only broken a few hairs, and he couldn't even stop him.

Cast the wrong spell, or read the formula wrong? ?

The warlock was still wondering, but the two old men on the side were already yelling. They were the same as himself, and they were far away from Xu Tong and released the secret technique of lore.

The result is no response at all.The two of them looked at each other face to face for a while, and the scene suddenly became a little awkward.

Those who know their identities are fine, but those who don't know will start swearing. What are you doing at the critical moment? ?
But soon, more and more people discovered that their spells didn't work anymore? ?
Whether it was the killing curses, or the weakening and controlling spells, they all fell on Xu Tong's body without even a wave coming out.

Even the old Voldemort, who has learned a lot, Qianshou, was horrified to realize that even if he was a top-notch master, he would become dull all over, but the guy who fell on Xu Tong's body was only slightly stunned. No effect at all.

Just when people were puzzled, an old lady with a whisk in her hand screamed and fell to the ground. Everyone stepped forward to see that the teacher was already unconscious.

Everyone was frightened by this, and there were not a few cases of casting a killing curse on others to kill themselves.

Maoshan sect's head nailing technique, or the lowering of the head in Southeast Asia, all have such risks.

But the premise is that the spells cast by oneself are forcibly broken by others.

But in front of him, Xu Tong was like a mad lion, chasing Li Xi alone without hesitation, and he didn't break their spell at all. On the contrary, the spell they cast seemed to be out of order.

It's no wonder they're hard to understand.

Level LV4 dark physique, when receiving dark damage such as poison, black spells, and curses, it will be reduced by 50%.

Coupled with [Ling Rou Huoxue Pill] special blessing effect [Blood Qi Like Furnace]

It lasts for 3 hours, during which the eater's body is full of blood and energy, and is immune to various magical damage by 40%.

Now that Xu Tong is in the state of the Dark Lord, his physical strength has been further strengthened, and the remaining 10% is nothing to him, what a trivial matter.

As for the unlucky teacher, it's none of my business, she was unlucky enough to try to attack Xu Tong with her soul.

It just so happened that Xu Tong got a treasure in the ghost market not long ago.

Stereoscopic mirror.

This mirror has two passive effects: sedation and mirror reflection. The former reduces soul damage by 40%, and the latter will reflect 40% of soul damage.

40% of the rebound damage is not high, but the problem is that this kind of evil spells are most taboo to be interrupted during the cast, and 40% of the damage bounces back immediately. The teacher was not prepared at all, and was interrupted immediately During the process of performing the spell, coupled with the damage from backlash, the teacher was too stunned to kill himself.

Xu Tong didn't notice this process at all.

Sometimes luck is such a thing, no one can say for sure. In today's battle, none of the strangers who came came from a serious background, and all of them possess unique skills, but they are all the kind who can't see the light.

Meeting Xu Tong is like meeting a nemesis.

Of course, looking at things the other way around, if all the people who came today were decent people, Xu Tong probably would have been beaten to ashes this time.

Li Xi kept dodging in order to see clearly how many secrets Xu Tong was hiding. Seeing that it would be more unfavorable to keep entangled with this kid, the patience in his heart was completely wiped out.

"Forget it, let's see you on your way!"

After a long sigh, Xu Tong immediately became alert. After Li Xi sighed, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and all the light around him seemed to be completely absorbed.

The left hand appeared to have thick joints and swollen muscles, as if all the strength had been poured into this arm.The right hand, however, quickly withered and thinned at a speed visible to the naked eye. The black and slender nails shone with a cold light under the night sky, which was comparable to a zombie.

The left hand makes a fist, although it seems slow and clumsy, but it gives people an artistic conception of ingenuity and incompetence, while the right hand is light and ethereal, and the five fingers on the hand dance wildly and tremble like rain falling on a lute.

The first time Xu Tong saw it, he subconsciously shouted: "Have you had an epileptic seizure?"

He yelled so loudly that Li Xi's nose almost crooked in anger. He dared to talk so fast even when he was about to die, and he was about to kill this kid immediately.

However, at the same time as he made the move, Xu Tong finally took out his trump card, a mirror and a gourd.

The mirror is a fixed space mirror, and the gourd is a cold iron gourd.


The space-fixing mirror aimed at Li Xi, and Li Xi's spirit flickered, but the powerful effect of the space-fixing mirror only made his hand pause in midair for about a second.

The skill Ding Kong, which can only be activated with 50 script points, is actually only available for such a short time, which is naturally due to the large gap between the two.

But for himself, just one second is enough, because in this second, he has pulled out the plug of the cold iron gourd, and pointed the mouth of the gourd at Li Xi who is close in front of him.

Hair spit knife!

A cold current spewed out violently from the mouth of the gourd, like a sudden blizzard, bringing countless ice blades and hitting Li Xi, but this was not the end, but the beginning. The fire of corrosion is also sent to the mouth of the gourd.

This time, the two kinds of evil fires were mixed together. The fire took advantage of the wind, and in the blizzard, it was like a rapidly inflated balloon. The blizzard turned into a fire dragon in a blink of an eye.

Li Xi was caught off guard by this change, but he is a great master after all, seeing the situation in crisis, he put his arms around his arms, and took a step forward without the slightest hesitation.

"Amazing! To be able to do this at such a young age, you are the strongest among the younger generation in the world!"

Accompanied by the praise, Xu Tong suddenly felt a huge pain in his chest, and saw a slender fingernail actually piercing through his own wall of fire and piercing through his chest.

When the flames dissipated, Li Xi was completely unscathed in the sea of ​​flames, and his body was protected by a layer of mysterious silver light.

Before he could recover, his fingernails snapped and threw him flying, falling heavily to the ground.

"Hmph! It's boring. If I knew it earlier, it would be better for me to do it."

There was an unpleasant sound of complaints in the forest, and I saw Shu Yuqing and a monk in cassock hiding on a hill in Beimang and watching from a distance. This monk was not the one from Baima Temple, but Zhi Wang from Mount Wutai zen master.

Hearing Shu Yuqing's words, Zen Master Zhiwang put his palms together with a smile on his face and said meaningfully: "Amitabha! I'm afraid I will never see such a grand sight again from now on."

"Master means..."

Shu Yuqing frowned, and was about to ask more questions, but the monk touched his head: "I'm afraid I will kill you next time, so the poor monk will take his leave."

After finishing speaking, he leaped and jumped down the six or seven meter high hillside in front of him, and just as he landed, he said, "Oops!!" Shu Qingqing was taken aback, and he hurriedly looked down, wondering if the bald man had twisted his head. feet.

"How is the master!"

I only heard Zhi Wang's voice coming from the dense forest below: "It's okay, I don't know who is careless and shit here!"


In the grave, Zhang San sneezed and cursed, "Who the hell is cursing me!" After speaking, he continued to direct everyone to dig down.

(Note: I was too sleepy to type the wrong chapter name, it is exhausted, this cannot be modified, sorry!)

 I'm sorry, I asked the little boy to finish the homework last night, but I was so mad that I didn't slow down for a long time, which made me update a lot later, but I agreed to add the update, even if I stayed up late, I would add the update .

(End of this chapter)

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