Infinite script kill

Chapter 283 Part 6: Compared to No Head, Fierce

Chapter 283 Part [-]: Compared to being headless, fierce

Seeing Xu Tong fell to the ground, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jing Shoucheng's complexion softened slightly, and his tightly clenched fists were slowly let go, with a little regret in his eyes.

Xu Tong struggled a few times to get up reluctantly, let Fa Cai transform into a long stick, and stood against his lower back before barely standing upright.

Taking a look at the wound on his chest, a hole the size of a thumb, just a few centimeters away from his heart could kill him.

He relied on his dark physique and [Lingzhi Huoxue Pill] to survive until now, but it is also an exaggeration to describe him as exhausted.

When I moved a little, I felt pain like my bones were about to split, as if there were countless ants clinging to my bones and gnawing on them.

"Teacher, don't hold on, you can't beat him."

Da Ya stood in front of the hall and shouted. Looking up, she saw that the huge shadow behind Xu Tong had already started to disappear. As long as Xu Tong nodded, she could immediately cast the secret technique, even if it cost her two tails. , can also take Xu Tong out of here quickly.

Xu Tong ignored Da Ya, and stared at the silver streamer on Li Xi's body in front of him.

The flowing light seemed real and illusory, like the old man's mountain worship buttons, neither real nor false, no wonder my magic flame didn't even burn the hem of his clothes.

"I can see it!" Li Xi saw that his eyes were fixed on the streamer on his body, and he deliberately opened his hands, as if showing off the clothes on his body, and turned around in front of Xu Tong.

"This body-protecting streamer is one of the best skills in the university. I bought it for 3 taels of silver back then. It's a good deal."

In the era of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, when martial arts were banned in the early stage, the people searched and did not know how many secret books of unique learning were stored in the Ouchi arsenal, let alone 3 taels, and 30 taels could not be bought.

However, in the late Qing Dynasty, the court had been corrupted to the root. Facing the guns of foreigners, they actually started to advocate martial arts for all, and martial arts halls bloomed everywhere.

Even the unique skills in the arsenal were taken out by the eunuchs for public sale.

It's a pity that the arsenal was burnt down by a big fire later, and I don't know how many unique skills in the world have disappeared since then. It's a pity to think about it.

"Even if you spend 300 million, you won't be able to buy back your lifeblood!" Xu Tong's mouth was still bitter.

"Death is imminent, you are really stubborn!"

Thousands of people gradually gathered around Xu Tong, looking at him with unfriendly eyes, like a group of jackals surrounding a lonely lion.

Just waiting for an opportunity to swarm up and chop the lion into pieces.

"Then let's die together!" Xu Tong said, very calm.

Life and death are indifferent, and he will do it if he is indifferent. He scorned everyone: "Whoever wants to come, let's come up and try!"

"Dare to be fierce at the end of the crossbow!"

Qianshou shouted happily, but everyone present quickly backed away. There was no way, the last time there was a big explosion at the freight station, but it killed many strangers.

Even a top-notch master, as long as he has not become a great master, he will be a mortal body after all, and no one will be afraid of the explosion.

"Trash!" Looking at the group of different people who retreated, Xu Tong raised his middle finger towards them, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, he was so mad that he couldn't stop.

"I'll give you another ten years, no! Five years, maybe you really have the capital to shout the world, but unfortunately next year today will be the day of your death. Xue Gui has you as his disciple, so you will not be lonely on the road to hell."

Li Xi raised his foot and walked towards Xu Tong. He didn't like to do this kind of obliteration of geniuses in the cradle. On the contrary, he liked to watch these geniuses reach their peak and then grow old step by step, and finally turned into dust. .

As the saying goes, there are no more young people in Japan when flowers bloom again, young people sing loudly, and heroes are late. This is much more interesting than watching a play, but it's a pity that I can't see the play on the young man in front of me.

Xu Tong struggled to raise his arms and clasped his hands, knowing that the god of death was in front of him, but his mood was surprisingly calm.

"It's useless, if you really have a master, let him seek revenge on me!"

After Li Xi finished speaking, he walked up to his waist, and the person came in an instant, and when he raised his palm, a trace of thunder flashed.

Seeing Li Xi's slap, Xu Tong closed his eyes and bowed hard forward with both hands.

The moment he bowed his hands down, a hot current suddenly rushed into his body from his back, and Fuzhi pushed his arms forward in a heartfelt way.

This inconspicuous change caused the void in front of him to suddenly collapse, and the wind surged.

A crack tore out of thin air.

Li Xi didn't take it seriously at first, this was the second time he had seen such a scene, but it was just an illusion, not enough to support it.

But in the next second, Li Xi's face suddenly changed: "No!"

I saw the cracks in front of my eyes bursting open, and many buildings rose from the ground, and the roar of thousands of troops and horses rang in my ears.

An iron cavalry rushed out of the abyss, the banner was unfurled, and thousands of horses were galloping.


A killing sound came, and the terrifying murderous aura enveloped Li Xi's whole body, which made him, the great master, freeze as if he was in a quagmire.

"court death!!"

Seeing the drastic change in the situation, Li Xi was both startled and angry inside. It's impossible to see what's happening, isn't it?Without taking a single step, how could he have such extraordinary abilities.

But right now Li Xi couldn't think too much, and dropped his hand, wanting to kill Xu Tong as soon as possible.

But this slap was taken in vain, it was clearly close at hand, but it seemed to be far away.

Once the blow was missed, thousands of cavalry rushed down like a torrent. Li Xi was not afraid when he saw this, and a huge black tiger figure appeared out of thin air behind him.

Having lived for such a long time, his fate has already been raised to a high degree, the black tiger let out a terrifying roar, and slapped him with a slap, wanting to shatter the reality and reality in front of him.

Just at this moment, someone jumped out from behind Xu Tong.

"It's you! Old guy, are you not poisoned?" Li Xi's eyes widened, his heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition suddenly came to his mind.

I saw Master Xue Gui caressing Xu Tong's back with one hand, and his black and white eyes were shining brightly: "Eunuch Li, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, let's see you on your way."

"The first bow hurts people's lives, the second bow invites ghosts and gods, and the third bow knocks on the gate of Hades."

The whispers from the master's mouth reached Xu Tong's ears, Xu Tong's eyes flickered brightly, as if using all his strength, following the master's other hand, he bowed down to Li Xi in front of him.

White paper flowers bloom out of thin air, and tens of thousands of paper figurines with blurred faces are holding white sails and mourning sticks, standing neatly in two rows. The sound of suona, gongs and drums can be heard from among them, and a stage piled up of white paper can be seen in the distance. On the stage, a group of paper figurines in costumes sang a Henan opera "Cut Wei Yan" in a melodious voice.

Looking to the other side, there is a paper figurine on the street, holding a white sail in one hand, and holding copper coins in the other. Its stiff body slowly sprinkled the copper coins, and the copper coins rolled and fell all over the ground.

The paper figurine fiddled with it a few times and arranged the copper coins in a row.

Li Xi used to be a eunuch in Qin Tianjian, so of course he could tell at a glance that this was six-line divination, but when he looked at the hexagrams again, his face suddenly turned pale:

"Shangliu: It's more fierce than having no head!!" Seeing the hexagram, Li Xi's eyes flickered, as if someone had stabbed him in the heart, his chest was about to explode, and he couldn't even breathe.


The iron cavalry galloped down, sweeping down with a rolling murderous aura, Li Xi hurriedly aroused the streamer of body protection, but this cavalry ignored his streamer of body protection, and went straight through his body.

Every time he passed through an iron cavalry, the black tiger above Li Xi's head let out a burst of wailing. He jumped up and wanted to jump up, but just as he jumped up, a mountain of white bones hit the top of the black tiger's head, smashing the black tiger into a cloud of black mist Torn apart.


Li Xi's eyes were darkened, and he stood swaying on the spot, as if he was about to fall down at any moment. His eyes blankly scanned the paper figurines in front of him, and then looked at Xue Gui who was standing beside Xu Tong.

He actually laughed, and his face suddenly became ferocious while smiling, and he no longer hid his shrill voice: "Good trick, I admire you, our family is waiting for you on Huangquan Road, and we will have a good chat then!"

"Don't bother, Eunuch Li is fine."

With a blank expression on his face, Xue Gui raised his hand to send Li Xi on the road, only to see a paper flower slipping from Li Xi's throat, and a huge human head rolling to the ground.

Seeing Li Xi's headless corpse, Xue Gui couldn't help sighing, the two of them were not strangers at all, the eunuch Qin Tianjian issued an edict ordering the world's paper craftsmen to come to Beijing to deliver letters to him was Li Xi.

Later, when they were making paper in the capital, the two also met once.

Although there is no intersection, being able to meet an old person in this era is also a kind of fate in itself, but this fate is a predestined fate.


As the cold body fell to the ground, the whole world seemed to quiet down.

In their eyes, the whole process only takes a short second.

Li Xi strode up to Zhao Kuangsheng, and was about to end this madman, but in the next second, the style of painting changed, and it was not Zhao Jian who fell on the ground, but Li Xi.

This is not only an unacceptable result, but also an incomprehensible process. It’s like when you read a comic and a page is missing at a critical moment, the content of the next page can’t be connected. mad.

When they looked up again, Xu Tong dropped his hands, and he was already limp. If it wasn't for the support of Fa Cai behind him, he would have been lying down a long time ago.

But what made everyone desperate was that Kuangmo Zhao fell, followed by another mountain of despair.

"You!! You are you poisoned?"

Seeing Xue Guiqing laying down slowly on the ground with Xu Tong supported, Qian Shou and the others were dumbfounded.

"Who is that, who is that, Cimin... Cimin... where is this beast??"

Qianshou seemed to realize something, turned his head and began to look for Cimin's figure, but after looking around, he didn't find the boy's shadow at all. It turned out that Cimin had slipped away early in the morning.

Nonsense, the task is completed, if you don’t run quickly, why are you still here to finish with you dead people? ?
Xue Gui saw the cold iron gourd hanging on Xu Tong's neck from the corner of his eyes, stretched out his hand and gently opened the stopper of the gourd, gently tipped it over, and a pill fell out of his hand. Stuff it into Xu Tong's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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