Infinite script kill

Chapter 284: Bi Luotian

Chapter 284: Bi Luotian

After giving Xu Tong the Bi Luo Pill, the master took out three sticks of yellow incense from his sleeve, put one in Xu Tong's mouth, and stuck the two sticks between Xu Tong's fingers.

"Watch it, don't let the incense break."

The master turned to look behind the door and said, Gao Zhuo ran out quickly after hearing the words, nodded, glanced at Xu Tong and couldn't help pursing his lips, this guy doesn't have any good flesh on him, thanks to that guy Ci Min. Dan] Hold on, otherwise I would have gone to see Hades long ago.

With a flick of the master's finger, the three yellow incense sticks were instantly lit up.

Seeing the misty green smoke rising slowly, the master finally breathed a sigh of relief, stood up unhurriedly, looked at Qianshou and the others with his head tilted: "Everyone, we should settle our score."

"Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain, and there was an old monk in the temple..."

The sun shone on Xu Tong's face, and there were bursts of reading aloud in his ears. Xu Tong opened his eyelids to take a look, but the sun almost blinded his eyes.

He quickly stretched out his hand to cover his face, and it took a while to get used to the sunlight.

"What is this place??"

Sitting up slowly, looking around, the clouds and mist are shrouded, and the mountains in front of you stand tall in the sea of ​​clouds, and the clouds in the sun actually give people a golden feeling.

He looked back, and there was a very big banyan tree behind him. On the banyan tree were seven three- and four-year-old dolls. These dolls were barefoot, wearing bellybands, and their hair was tied in pigtails. They all looked very cute.

Well... the premise is to ignore their size that is about to catch up with elephants.

Standing in front of the seven of them as an adult, it was like looking at a giant.

Xu Tong looked around and tried to summon the item book, but he couldn't summon it. He could only raise his head and look at the seven dolls on the tree.

"Hey, where is this?"

"Hey, he's awake!" Seeing the little man wake up, the seven dolls jumped down from the tree.

Good guy, this is on the ground like seven big mountains, and the wind that rolls up almost blows Xu Tong away.

The seven dolls looked like elephants, squatting on the ground, looking at Xu Tong curiously, and said in unison: "Shangqiongbiluoxiahuangquan, this is the first day of Taoism in the East, Biluotian, how do you came in."

"Bi Luotian??"

Xu Tong scratched his head, thinking how did he get here? ?Could it be that he did too many good deeds and went to heaven after death? ?
Well, Xu Tong quickly gave up this unrealistic idea.

But when he thought about it again, his heart skipped a beat. He thought of Huangquan Biluodan, and recalled it carefully. When he dropped the last mountain worship button, he vaguely heard the voice of the master in his ears.

Now that he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember the details for a while.

It's just that even if I took the elixir, why did I appear in this place? ?

In doubt, the seven dolls continued: "You are a foreign guest, tell us what the world of mortals and Zimo are like."

What does Red Dust Purple Mo mean?

For someone who doesn't like reading, he will really be asked. Xu Tong happened to study hard under the influence of his master Song Lao, so he happened to know the meaning of these four words.

it's actually really easy.

The so-called red dust, the red dust is rolling, the red dust girl, the red dust hotel... Huh!Wrong, wrong, sorry to do it all over again.

The so-called world of mortals refers to the human world, the Buddha sees all kinds of dramas in the world of mortals, joys and sorrows, love and hatred.

So Hong Chen's meaning is easy for everyone to understand, what about Zi Mo?
This originally referred to Chang'an Avenue, but later became a metaphor for vanity and prosperity in the mouths of literati.

These seven dolls are also fun, they were born in the sky, they are not ordinary people, um...except for the children of the fairy family, no one can raise their dolls to be as big as an elephant.

Don't look at the image of a doll, there is a famous name here, called Qishan Boy.

Water has the seven virtues, and the seven wisdoms of human beings lead to success. This sentence comes from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. The goodness of the seven good boys represents the seven virtues.

Anyway, you can tell by the names that these seven dolls are not bad people.

If it was some kind of monster, Xu Tong would probably have blamed him when he didn't wake up just now.

These seven dolls are in the sky every day. No matter how beautiful the sky is, I am tired of looking at it. When I saw Xu Tong, an outsider from the world, I had to ask what happened.and many more.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes, and was not in a hurry to tell them. He just looked around at the seven dolls and said, "I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat here? Let's talk while we eat."

"Good job!"

Dawa stood up kindly, turned around and jumped onto the big banyan tree behind him, picked a fruit and jumped down.

Put the fruit in front of Xu Tong, the fruit is not big, the golden color is like the skin of a persimmon, and it looks like an apple, with a sweet fragrance, but... this thing is two circles bigger than a pumpkin, I can't even finish eating myself.

But for the fruit delivered to your door, don’t care whether you are really hungry or fake hungry now, if you don’t eat it for nothing, just wipe it a few times and try to eat it.


After one bite, the taste was even better than he had imagined. It tasted sweet and soft, and the taste was a bit like plums.

While eating, I talked, anyway, talk about the mountains, talk about the world of the script, talk about the reality, there is a feeling of knowing 100 years before and knowing 100 years later.

The seven dolls were taken aback for a while.

I don't know how long it took to talk, we were almost done eating, and all that needed to be said was said. Xu Tong stood up, looked around the sea of ​​clouds, and asked them if there was any place where they could go for a walk. ?It's rare to come here once, no matter what you gain, you always have to go and see more.

Erwa Shanyuan pointed to the mountain in front of him: "If you have the courage, please help us, walk along the road to that mountain, and when you get to the top of the mountain, give this fruit basket to Fairy Bixia on the mountain and say We asked you to send it, and she must give you a favor."

I saw that the fruit basket in Shanyuan's hand was as big as a cart, but when Shanyuan gave it to Xu Tong, the fruit basket suddenly became smaller, and finally it really became so small that Xu Tong could lift it up.

He opened the fruit basket and saw that it was full of golden fruits. Seeing this, Xu Tong pointed to the unfinished one: "Can this one be made smaller? I'm afraid I'll be hungry on the way, so I can eat it if I take it out."

This fruit is two circles larger than a large pumpkin, and Xu Tong only ate it a little bit, the degree is the same as an apple with a worm eye. Anyway, I ate it myself, and I believe these seven dolls will never eat it again. If you eat it, you might as well take it away for yourself.


Lao Liushan was able to pat it with his hand, and the fruit immediately became smaller, and finally it was only a circle bigger than an apple. Xu Tong picked it up and kicked it in his arms. He picked up the fruit basket and walked up the mountain.

Seeing Xu Tong wandering away, the Seventh Brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

Lao Qishan frowned and asked kindly to his eldest brother: "Brother, this is not good, what if Grandma Bixia gets angry??"

"Oh, it's fine when the fruit arrives. Why don't you get angry? Besides, you can't get angry with the guests. I heard that the Wufan Conference is being held on the first day of Wufan. Why don't we join in the fun?"

As soon as the boss opened his mouth, the other six brothers nodded immediately: "That's a very kind word!"

The seven brothers jumped onto the fruit tree behind them, and the fruit tree rose from the ground. The thick roots were entangled with each other and turned into two big feet. They ran away with the seven brothers, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye. .

The seven of them ran away, but Xu Tong didn't know that the road was so far away and the mountain was very close, but he didn't know how long he had been walking, and he still hadn't reached the foot of the mountain.

I thought to myself, these seven dolls could not be cheating on me.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a young boy walking from a distance with a firewood on his back. The boy glanced at Xu Tong with a surprised look on his face, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have no intention of paying attention to him. step is about to leave.

Seeing this, Xu Tong hurried over to stop him, and asked with a smile, "Brother, how long do I have to go to go up that mountain?"


The little boy squinted at him, and shook his head with a half-smile: "Not far away, put up three fingers."

"three hours??"

Xu Tong murmured in his heart, and looked at the top of the mountain. It took about three hours.

Unexpectedly, the little boy curled his lips: "300 years! Based on your foot strength, I estimate that it will take you 300 years to reach the foot of the mountain, and after another 300 years, you should be able to climb the mountain."

Xu Tong stared blankly, turned to look at the direction behind him, and thought: "Okay, Qishan boy, don't let me meet you next time."

Seeing that his expression was not good, Xiao Tong smiled and said: "You must have been deceived, but there is a quick way, I will take you a shortcut."

Up to now, Xu Tong had no choice but to nod his head in thanks. Xiao Tong even said that he was welcome, and led him to change direction and go west.

While walking and chatting, I found out after asking, even though he is young, he is already thousands of years old. If you want to be serious, calling grandpa is adding to your own generation.

"After so many years, you are the first one here. The sloppy Taoist priest who came last time was hundreds of years ago." The boy said and patted his forehead: "By the way, what did he say his name is Zhang Sanfeng?" coming."

Xu Tong was startled: "Zhang Sanfeng??"

"That's right, this old man is very bad, treacherous and bad, is he very famous down there?"

Xu Tong frowned when he heard this, and when he looked at the little boy again with lowered eyelids, his heart suddenly became alert, and his expression remained unchanged: "No, I haven't heard of such a person at all."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Xiao Tong began to criticize this guy named Zhang Sanfeng even more confidently, and complained all the time, as if this person was really a heinous sinner.

Xu Tong stood aside and nodded repeatedly, but his heart became more alert.

While talking, the two of them walked to a pool, and saw that the pool was of unknown size, surrounded by clouds and mist, and there were two floating islands on it, and a steady stream of water poured down from above, forming two waterfalls like silver dragons. It is truly spectacular.

"Here we are. This is called Shenglian Pond. Have you seen the lotus on the surface of the water? Pick one and give it to me. I will conjure a boat for you and fly you to the Golden Summit of Bixia."

Xu Tong nodded, walked to the pool, put the fruit basket aside casually, squinted at the pool, and saw that the water was clear and transparent, and a few lotus flowers stood in the center of the lake in the distance. Xu Tong smelled a fragrance.

"Hurry up, we're in a hurry."

The little boy urged behind him.

Xu Tong pretended to take off his clothes, rolled his eyes, and said suddenly: "Oh, why is there someone in the water?"

The little boy was taken aback, frowned and said, "Impossible."

Xu Tong ignored him, squatted down and crawled by the lake, as if he was pulling something hard.

Seeing this, the little boy had a strange expression on his face, but he couldn't bear his curiosity, so he walked up to Xu Tong's side, and tiptoed into the water to have a look, only to find that he just leaned out half of his body.

Xu Tong, who was lying on the ground, hooked his legs fiercely and kicked the boy's butt: "Go down!"

(End of this chapter)

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