Chapter 285

"help me!!"

The little boy was standing on tiptoes, and his center of gravity was unstable. After gesturing with his hands in the air for a long time, he was about to maintain his center of gravity. Xu Tong had already stood up, looking at the plump buttocks of the little boy, his eyes narrowed into a line, and he raised his hand A slap shot up.


This slap was crisp and loud, and it directly slapped the child into the water.

"Plop!" With a sound of water splashing, the boy fell into the water and immediately started tossing in the water, but at this moment a strange thing happened, as soon as the boy touched the water, the surface of the water turned into frost.

The cold air rose, and Xu Tong couldn't help shivering, and after a while, he actually froze the lower half of the child's body on the water.

"Hey, I know you have no good intentions." Xu Tong straightened up and saw that the water surface turned into solid ice in the blink of an eye. He probably understood what the boy meant, and even the waterfalls on both sides were frozen together. stand up.

This water has an effect similar to that of pure water in all likelihood, and the entire surface of the water will be frozen when it comes into contact with foreign objects.

This guy probably wanted to go down by himself, and after the lake was frozen, he went to pick the lotus in the center of the lake.

In fact, Xu Tong didn't think much about it at first, but when he talked about Zhang Sanfeng, he felt something was wrong.

What's wrong?

There are still many descriptions of Zhang Sanfeng in history, even familiar, but the problem is that even though there are many records, they are all very positive characters, but their behavior may be a bit weird.

For example, he often talks to himself and says something different, and it is said that he is sloppy and speaks the same language as a beast, etc.

But it is undeniable that the originator of Wudang Taoism, how bad can it be? ?
As a result, they became heinous villains in the mouth of the little boy, and they complained all the way as if they had a deep hatred for each other.

Speaking of which, the two met by chance, and I am not familiar with Zhang Sanfeng at all, but he has the records of the Eight Classics and Historic Records, and his achievements in pioneering the school. Comparing the two, Xu Tong thinks that the old man Zhang Sanfeng is more convincing a little.

Thinking about this little boy again, it is most likely because of Zhang Sanfeng's loss that he hated him so much, and he himself said that it has happened for hundreds of years, and he can still bear hatred for such a long time. It's not a good thing.

Therefore, Xu Tong has been wary of this guy since he started here, and now it seems that he is right.

"Hey, there are bad people in the fairy world too."

Xu Tong pursed his lips, ignored the little boy's pleading, and stepped on the ice to the center of the lake. There were three lotus flowers in the lake, one of which had already bloomed, and the other two hadn't bloomed yet.

Taking a closer look, the golden light in the lotus flower was dazzling, as if something was being conceived, and the lotus flower had a special fragrance. Xu Tong took a sip and immediately felt light and indescribably comfortable all over his body.

"Good stuff, take it away!"

Thinking of this, Xu Tong stretched out his hand and picked off the blooming lotus. As for the remaining two, he didn't touch them. After all, they haven't bloomed yet. What a pity to pick them.

Keep a line of life, don't be so greedy.

As soon as the lotus was in his hands, Xu Tong felt his palm sink, and then he saw that the lotus turned into a jade wishful in his hand.

"Oh, it can transform!"

This is fun, although I don't know what it is for, but it must be a treasure.

He took Ruyi and walked to the edge of the pool, and saw that the boy was frozen there, unable to move his upper body, and looked at Xu Tong beseechingly with two eyeballs, blinking constantly, if he didn't know that this boy was very bad, if he just passed by, he would say Maybe it will soften my heart.

Xu Tong squatted down and stared at him with a smile on his face: "Tell me about you, if you are bad, you can be bad. Why are you pretending to be a good person? If you are old, you are a thousand years old. Why are you not as good as those old guys who are over a hundred years old?" I can play."

The little boy blinked and blinked, feeling very wronged in his heart.

What Xu Tong said was unfair. Living here for thousands of years and living for hundreds of years in the world are completely different concepts.

In this ghostly place where the birds don't shit, you often don't see a single person for a hundred years, and seeing and speaking three sentences is too much.

If you think about the world again, if you walk around the train station, you will encounter all kinds of scams, abductions and thieves. If you don't pay attention, you may be sold before you leave the train station.

Xu Tong was about to leave after speaking, and Xiao Tong blinked frantically when he saw that he was about to leave.

"What, what else do you want to say?"

Seeing this, Xu Tong squatted down, picked up Yu Ruyi in his hand and knocked on his cold forehead, with a light knock, a strange thing happened, only to see Yu Ruyi's light touch, immediately causing the boy's head to swell. Most of the solid ice melted away, exposing the boy's head from the ice shell.

It seems that this Ruyi is not just as simple as looking good.

"Help me, save me... I... I'm cold!!"

With his head exposed, the boy tremblingly asked Xu Tong for help. It seemed that he was really frozen.

Xu Tong shook his head, this guy was uneasy and kind, if he rescued him himself, he might be a farmer and a snake, after all, he was a person from the sky. If this guy knows some supernatural powers, I might not be able to beat him.

Seeing Xu Tong's refusal, the boy hurriedly said: "I'll take you there, don't go, don't go, I'll take you up, and you can reach Bixia Peak in half an hour."

"But what if you lie to me? I'm a very timid person. I've been deceived a lot since I was a child. You run away as soon as you come out. I can't catch up with you."

Xu Tong touched his small mouth, and his face was more wronged than him, which made the boy scold his mother in his heart.

This guy is worse than that bad old man.

But it is bound to be strong, and few people pass by on this first day. If I freeze here, I might be frozen for hundreds of years.

After thinking about it, the boy gritted his teeth: "Put your hand on top of my head, and I will mortgage something to your hand."

"Say something first, I can't see what's on your head!"

After Xu Tonghua finished speaking, the boy turned into a white deer with a pair of golden antlers growing out of his head.

The antlers are inlaid with precious stones and pearls, which are very beautiful.

"It's this pair of antlers. All my belongings are on them. Can I give you these?"

Seeing that the boy didn't seem to be telling a lie this time, Xu Tong took off the antlers with an expression of trusting you, and it didn't take much effort. He just picked it lightly, and the pair of antlers were taken off. It changes into a shape about the size of a palm.

"Look, wouldn't it be good if you were like this earlier, why do you have to go around such a big circle?"

Xu Tong shook his head and sighed, but he didn't know that Xiao Tong had already greeted him thousands of times in his heart, wondering why the people who came down here were so treacherous?One is worse than the other.

But he only dared to think so, but he didn't dare to say it, begging Xu Tong to rescue him quickly, he was almost frozen to death.

Xu Tong picked up Yu Ruyi and knocked it around the boy, the ice melted quickly, and the boy jumped out of the water with a push of his hind legs.

Shaking the hair on his body, the water splashed everywhere, not to mention that the boy turned into his original form, he looked not bad, there were some silver patterns on his white hair, which shone in the sun, but it was a pity that there were no antlers at this time, otherwise he would look It should look better.

"Come on, I'll fly you there, just hold on to me."

The boy turned around, bent down reluctantly, and beckoned Xu Tong to sit up.

Xu Tong wanted to go forward, but when he turned his eyes, he didn't know what he saw. He raised his eyebrows, turned around and walked under a big tree, and stretched out his hand to pull down two vines.

Tie the tree vines with a knot and put it on the boy: "Hey, don't say I don't believe you, the main reason is that I'm afraid of heights, and I'm afraid you will fly up and throw me off."

A puff of hot air came out of the boy's nostrils. Although he was upset, he didn't refuse. After all, his baby was still in the boy's hands.

After he sits on it, regardless of whether he sits firmly or not, he jumps into the clouds with a single leap.


The sound of the wind penetrated into his ears, and Xu Tong felt a blur in front of his eyes. He grasped the fruit basket with one hand and the vines with the other, squinted his eyes and saw a stream of light in front of him, but he couldn't see anything clearly.

Only after the boy rushed up to the sky, a faint light barrier formed around him to isolate the strong wind, Xu Tong could sit up straight, and with a glance, the mountains and rivers flashed by quickly, and in a short while, the Zixia Peak in front of him was approaching. within easy reach.

"You have the ability, why don't you pick the lotus by yourself."

Xu Tong shook Yu Ruyi in his hand and asked: "And what is this thing? Is it very precious?"

"There are some places where you can't fly around. You can't fly within five feet of the pool. As for the Ruyi in your hand, it's called Bibo Golden Lotus Jade Ruyi. It has the ability to transform plants, but you can't take it with you."

"Can you take it with you?"

Xu Tong didn't believe it, and wondered if the boy was lying to him. If such a treasure couldn't be taken away by himself, it would be a blood loss.

"The things of the fairy family are invisible and have no substance. You can hold them now because you are just a wisp of soul. I saw a yellow rope pulling you behind you. I guess you still have to go back. When the time comes, this thing You can't take it away."

While the two were talking, the boy gradually slowed down and said to Xu Tong, "Here we are, just ahead."

Xu Tong looked up, and sure enough, he saw a small Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, and a woman was sitting under the tree of the Taoist temple. Xu Tonghe took a closer look, and his face couldn't help becoming weird: "Why is this bitch so shameless?"

 Hey, I wanted to add an update today, but the keyboard is broken. I took a piece of junk from the computer, and I almost vomited after typing a few times. There are only two updates today. Please ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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